Adding a new job for OSCORE CI
The patch creates the job for salt-formula OSCORE CI performs the below:
* creates snapshot of xenial/nightly repo
* executes jenkins job with defined OpenStack releases each job for one
release in parallel mode against stable formula revision;
* if ALL test passed then notify/promote the snapshot further
Change-Id: I71ef9b6a196244ecc17bfa0725e106c503c82a9a
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/tests.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/tests.yml
index ae7d44d..89ebd7d 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/tests.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/tests.yml
@@ -373,3 +373,56 @@
type: string
description: Environment salt model
default: "{{model}}"
+ oscore-oscc-ci-template:
+ name: "{{job_prefix}}-oscc-ci"
+ template:
+ discard:
+ build:
+ keep_num: 30
+ artifact:
+ keep_num: 30
+ type: workflow-scm
+ concurrent: true
+ scm:
+ type: git
+ url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
+ credentials: "gerrit"
+ branch: 'master'
+ script: oscc-ci-pipeline.groovy
+ param:
+ # general
+ type: string
+ description: "Job name tp deploy envs are going to be tested"
+ default: "{{job_prefix}}-{{deployJobPrefix}}"
+ type: string
+ default: "{{distribution}}"
+ description: "Distribution for the published repo"
+ type: string
+ default: "{{components}}"
+ description: "Components for repo"
+ type: string
+ default: "{{tmp_repo_node_name}}"
+ description: "Node name where temp repo will be published"
+ type: string
+ default: "{{stack_reclass_address}}"
+ type: string
+ default: "{{openstack_releases}}"
+ description: "OpenStack releases with comma delimeter which have to be testes. For example: pike,ocata"
+ type: string
+ description: "Name of the repo where packages are stored"
+ default: "{{source_repo_name}}"
+ type: string
+ description: URL for the aptly API
+ default: "${_param:jenkins_aptly_url}"
+ type: boolean
+ default: "{{stack_delete}}"
+ description: Do not enable it if you need to use the lab after