Do not delete failed stacks for oscore team

mcp-oscore-ci is used by CI and we need to left failed stacks
to analyze why they were failed actually and fix problems.

mcp-oscore tenant we managing failed stacks by ourown.

Change-Id: Id4212e110cad3c6176fc1cff2ddfddf719ca5ff6
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cleanup.yml b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cleanup.yml
index 871bf70..286d091 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cleanup.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cleanup.yml
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
               default: "openstack-devcloud-credentials"
               type: string
-              default: "mcp-k8s, mcp-maintenance, mcp-mk, mcp-networking, mcp-opencontrail, mcp-oscore, mcp-oscore-ci, mcp-oss, mcp-platform, mcp-scale, mcp-stacklight, mcp-support"
+              default: "mcp-k8s, mcp-maintenance, mcp-mk, mcp-networking, mcp-opencontrail, mcp-oss, mcp-platform, mcp-scale, mcp-stacklight, mcp-support"
               type: string
               default: ""