Merge "Remove jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/deploy jobs. It was moved into infra model"
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/deploy.yml b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/deploy.yml
index 7e419f6..a713427 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/deploy.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/deploy.yml
@@ -1,222 +1,2 @@
-  _param:
-    jenkins_deploy_jobs: []
-    heat_stack_zone_job_param:
-      type: string
-      default: "mcp-mk"
-    openstack_api_projects_job_param:
-      type: string
-      default: "mcp-mk"
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job_template:
-        deploy_template:
-          name: deploy-{{stack_type}}-{{stack_name}}
-          jobs: ${_param:jenkins_deploy_jobs}
-          template:
-            type: workflow-scm
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 100
-            concurrent: true
-            display_name: "Deploy - {{stack_name}} {{stack_type}}"
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-              branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              script: cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
-            trigger:
-              timer:
-                spec: "{{job_timer}}"
-            param:
-              # general parameters
-              ASK_ON_ERROR:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-              SLAVE_NODE:
-                type: string
-                default: 'python'
-              # deployments
-              STACK_NAME:
-                type: string
-                description: Heat stack name. Will be generated if missing.
-              STACK_TYPE:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_type}}"
-              STACK_INSTALL:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_install}}"
-              STACK_TEST:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_test}}"
-              STACK_REUSE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-              STACK_DELETE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: "Don't enable it if you need to use the lab after"
-              STACK_COMPUTE_COUNT:
-                type: string
-                default: '2'
-              STACK_CLUSTER_NAME:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: "Cluster name to use from reclass"
-              STACK_TEMPLATE:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_name}}"
-              STACK_TEMPLATE_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/heat-templates"
-                type: string
-                default: "gerrit"
-                type: string
-                default: "master"
-              STACK_CLEANUP_JOB:
-                type: string
-                default: 'deploy-stack-cleanup'
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-              STACK_RECLASS_BRANCH:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-              # salt
-              EXTRA_TARGET:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: "Salt extra target for edge clouds deployment"
-                type: string
-                default: "salt-qa-credentials"
-              SALT_MASTER_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-              SALT_OVERRIDES:
-                type: text
-                default: ""
-                description: "YAML with overrides for Salt deployment"
-              SALT_VERSION:
-                type: text
-                default: "stable 2017.7"
-                description: "Version of Salt which is going to be installed i.e. 'stable 2016.3' or 'stable 2017.7' etc. Warning: This value doesn't override salt_version parameter set in the pillar."
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: "Defines a list of extra repos with parameters, format: repo 1, repo priority 1, repo pin 1; repo 2, repo priority 2, repo pin 2"
-              FORMULA_PKG_REVISION:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: "Formulas revision to install on Salt Master bootstrap stage"
-              STATIC_MGMT_NETWORK:
-                  type: boolean
-                  default: 'false'
-                  description: "Check if model contains static IP address definitions for all nodes"
-              # aws api
-              AWS_STACK_REGION:
-                type: string
-                default: "eu-central-1"
-              AWS_API_CREDENTIALS:
-                type: string
-                default: "aws-credentials"
-              AWS_SSH_KEY:
-                type: string
-                default: "jenkins-mk"
-              # heat
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_env}}"
-              HEAT_STACK_ZONE: ${_param:heat_stack_zone_job_param}
-              HEAT_STACK_PUBLIC_NET:
-                type: string
-                default: "public"
-              # openstack api
-              OPENSTACK_API_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "openstack-devcloud-credentials"
-              OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT: ${_param:openstack_api_projects_job_param}
-                type: string
-                default: "default"
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "default"
-              OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "3"
-              # test
-              TEST_K8S_API_SERVER:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-              TEST_TEMPEST_IMAGE:
-                type: string
-                description: "Tempest docker image"
-                default: "${_param:mcp_docker_registry}/mirantis/oscore/rally-tempest"
-              TEST_TEMPEST_TARGET:
-                type: string
-                description: "Node to run tests"
-                default: ""
-              TEST_DOCKER_INSTALL:
-                type: boolean
-                description: "Install docker on the target if true"
-                default: "true"
-              TEST_TEMPEST_PATTERN:
-                type: string
-                description: "Run tests matched to pattern only"
-                default: ""
-              # TestRail vars
-              TESTRAIL_REPORT:
-                type: boolean
-                description: "Report test results to TestRail if true"
-                default: "false"
-                type: string
-                description: "Testrail reporter docker image"
-                default: "alrem/xunit2testrail"
-                type: string
-                description: "Credentials for results upload to testrail"
-                default: "oscore-qa-credentials"
-              TESTRAIL_MILESTONE:
-                type: string
-                description: "TestRail milestone"
-                default: "MCP1.1"
-              TESTRAIL_PLAN:
-                type: string
-                description: "TestRail test plan name. Will be generated if missing."
-                default: ""
-              TESTRAIL_GROUP:
-                type: string
-                description: "TestRail test group name."
-                default: "{{stack_name}}"
-              TESTRAIL_SUITE:
-                type: string
-                description: "TestRail test suite name"
-                default: "Tempest 16.0.0 with designate tests"
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
\ No newline at end of file