Add apache formula into os-ha-contrail EXTRA_FORMULAS

As os-ha-contrail cluster is going to use horizon on infra node,
we need to add apache formula in a set of initial extra formulas.

Change-Id: I3d5fc8aec6ffdbd583237b318778ac893f49f8d7
diff --git a/classes/cluster/os-ha-contrail/.env b/classes/cluster/os-ha-contrail/.env
index ffe5d4d..f231f5d 100644
--- a/classes/cluster/os-ha-contrail/.env
+++ b/classes/cluster/os-ha-contrail/.env
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 EXTRA_FORMULAS="barbican linux salt reclass maas memcached openssh ntp sphinx \
         grafana libvirt rsyslog glusterfs postfix xtrabackup freeipa prometheus telegraf \
         elasticsearch kibana rundeck devops-portal rsync docker keepalived aptly jenkins \
-        gerrit artifactory influxdb horizon nginx collectd heka mysql nova opencontrail logrotate"
+        gerrit artifactory influxdb horizon nginx collectd heka mysql nova opencontrail logrotate apache"