Merge "Add virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic model"
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/infra/config.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/infra/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f740414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/infra/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+- service.git.client
+- system.linux.system.single
+- system.linux.system.repo.mcp.salt
+- system.openssh.client.lab
+- system.salt.master.api
+- system.salt.master.pkg
+- system.salt.master.formula.pkg.baremetal
+- system.salt.minion.cert.proxy
+- system.sphinx.server.doc.reclass
+- system.keystone.client.single
+- system.keystone.client.service.ceilometer
+- system.keystone.client.service.nova21
+- system.keystone.client.service.glare
+- system.keystone.client.service.cinder3
+- system.keystone.client.service.ironic
+- system.keystone.client.service.nova-placement
+- system.mysql.client.single
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.openstack.proxy
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.stacklight.proxy
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic
+ _param:
+ reclass_data_repository:
+ reclass_data_revision: master
+ salt_master_environment_repository: ""
+ salt_master_environment_revision: master
+ reclass_config_master:
+ single_address:
+ salt_master_host:
+ salt_master_base_environment: prd
+ salt_minion_ca_host: ${linux:network:fqdn}
+ salt_api_password_hash: "$6$sGnRlxGf$al5jMCetLP.vfI/fTl3Z0N7Za1aeiexL487jAtyRABVfT3NlwZxQGVhO7S1N8OwS/34VHYwZQA8lkXwKMN/GS1"
+ linux:
+ network:
+ interface:
+ ens4:
+ enabled: true
+ type: eth
+ proto: static
+ address: ${_param:single_address}
+ netmask:
+ nginx:
+ server:
+ site:
+ nginx_proxy_openstack_web:
+ proxy:
+ host: prx
+ nginx_proxy_openstack_api_heat_cfn:
+ enabled: false
+ reclass:
+ storage:
+ node:
+ openstack_control_node01:
+ classes:
+ - service.galera.master.cluster
+ params:
+ mysql_cluster_role: master
+ linux_system_codename: xenial
+ openstack_control_node02:
+ classes:
+ - service.galera.slave.cluster
+ params:
+ mysql_cluster_role: slave
+ linux_system_codename: xenial
+ openstack_control_node03:
+ classes:
+ - service.galera.slave.cluster
+ params:
+ mysql_cluster_role: slave
+ linux_system_codename: xenial
+ openstack_compute_node01:
+ params:
+ single_address:
+ tenant_address:
+ external_address:
+ openstack_compute_node02:
+ params:
+ single_address:
+ tenant_address:
+ external_address:
+ openstack_proxy_node01:
+ classes:
+ - cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.openstack.proxy
+ params:
+ linux_system_codename: xenial
+ stacklight_server_node01:
+ classes:
+ - system.influxdb.server.single
+ - system.influxdb.database.stacklight
+ openstack_baremetal_node01:
+ params:
+ single_baremetal_address: ${_param:openstack_baremetal_node01_baremetal_address}
+ keepalived_openstack_baremetal_vip_priority: 100
+ ironic_api_type: 'deploy'
+ tenant_address:
+ external_address:
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/infra/init.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/infra/init.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9140bd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/infra/init.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ linux:
+ network:
+ host:
+ cfg01:
+ address: ${_param:infra_config_address}
+ names:
+ - cfg01
+ - cfg01.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ cfg:
+ address: ${_param:infra_config_address}
+ names:
+ - cfg
+ - cfg.${_param:cluster_domain}
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/init.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/init.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f77f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/init.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+- system.linux.system.single
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.infra
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.openstack
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.stacklight
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.stacklight.client
+ _param:
+ cluster_domain: virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.local
+ cluster_name: virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic
+ # infra service addresses
+ infra_config_address:
+ # openstack service addresses
+ openstack_proxy_address:
+ openstack_proxy_node01_address:
+ openstack_control_address:
+ openstack_control_node01_address:
+ openstack_control_node02_address:
+ openstack_control_node03_address:
+ openstack_database_address: ${_param:openstack_control_address}
+ openstack_message_queue_address: ${_param:openstack_control_address}
+ openstack_message_queue_node01_address: ${_param:openstack_control_node01_address}
+ openstack_message_queue_node02_address: ${_param:openstack_control_node02_address}
+ openstack_message_queue_node03_address: ${_param:openstack_control_node03_address}
+ # stacklight service addresses
+ stacklight_monitor_address:
+ stacklight_monitor_node01_address:
+ stacklight_monitor_node02_address:
+ stacklight_monitor_node03_address:
+ stacklight_telemetry_node01_address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_node01_address}
+ stacklight_log_address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_address}
+ openstack_gateway_address:
+ stacklight_telemetry_address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_address}
+ openstack_baremetal_node01_address:
+ openstack_baremetal_address:
+ openstack_baremetal_node01_baremetal_address:
+ openstack_baremeta_neutron_subnet_cidr:
+ openstack_baremeta_neutron_subnet_allocation_start:
+ openstack_baremeta_neutron_subnet_allocation_end:
+ openstack_baremetal_node01_hostname: bmt01
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/baremetal.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/baremetal.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7120c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/baremetal.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+- system.linux.system.repo.mcp.openstack
+- system.linux.system.repo.mcp.extra
+- system.linux.system.repo.saltstack.xenial
+- system.ironic.api.cluster # deploy only api (heartbeat and lookup endpoints are open)
+- system.ironic.conductor.cluster
+- system.ironic.tftpd_hpa
+- system.nova.compute_ironic.cluster
+- system.apache.server.single
+- system.keystone.client.core
+- system.neutron.gateway.cluster
+- system.neutron.gateway.ironic
+- system.neutron.client.service.ironic
+- service.baremetal_simulator.simulator
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic
+ _param:
+ primary_interface: ens4
+ tenant_interface: ens5
+ external_interface: ens6
+ baremetal_interface: ens7
+ linux_system_codename: xenial
+ interface_mtu: 1450
+ cluster_vip_address: ${_param:openstack_control_address}
+ cluster_baremetal_vip_address: ${_param:single_baremetal_address}
+ cluster_baremetal_local_address: ${_param:single_baremetal_address}
+ linux_system_codename: xenial
+ linux:
+ network:
+ concat_iface_files:
+ - src: '/etc/network/interfaces.d/50-cloud-init.cfg'
+ dst: '/etc/network/interfaces'
+ bridge: openvswitch
+ interface:
+ dhcp_int:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ens3
+ proto: dhcp
+ type: eth
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ primary_interface:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ${_param:primary_interface}
+ proto: static
+ address: ${_param:single_address}
+ netmask:
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ type: eth
+ tenant_interface:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ${_param:tenant_interface}
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ proto: manual
+ type: eth
+ external_interface:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ${_param:external_interface}
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ proto: manual
+ type: eth
+ baremetal_interface:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ${_param:baremetal_interface}
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ proto: manual
+ type: eth
+ br-baremetal:
+ enabled: true
+ type: ovs_bridge
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ phy-baremetal:
+ enabled: true
+ type: ovs_port
+ bridge: br-baremetal
+ proto: static
+ address: ${_param:cluster_baremetal_local_address}
+ netmask:
+ br-floating:
+ enabled: true
+ type: ovs_bridge
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ br-mesh:
+ enabled: true
+ type: bridge
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ proto: static
+ address: ${_param:tenant_address}
+ netmask:
+ use_interfaces:
+ - ${_param:tenant_interface}
+ float-to-ex:
+ enabled: true
+ type: ovs_port
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ bridge: br-floating
+ br-ex:
+ enabled: true
+ type: bridge
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ address: ${_param:external_address}
+ netmask:
+ use_interfaces:
+ - ${_param:external_interface}
+ use_ovs_ports:
+ - float-to-ex
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/compute.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/compute.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cc8860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/compute.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+- system.linux.system.repo.mcp.openstack
+- system.linux.system.repo.mcp.extra
+- system.linux.system.repo.saltstack.xenial
+- system.nova.compute.cluster
+- system.neutron.compute.cluster
+- system.heka.alarm.openstack_compute
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic
+ _param:
+ primary_interface: ens4
+ tenant_interface: ens5
+ external_interface: ens6
+ interface_mtu: 9000
+ linux_system_codename: xenial
+ nova:
+ compute:
+ vncproxy_url: http://${_param:cluster_vip_address}:6080
+ notification:
+ driver: messagingv2
+ topics: "notifications,${_param:stacklight_notification_topic}"
+ notify_on:
+ state_change: vm_and_task_state
+ message_queue:
+ members:
+ - host: ${_param:openstack_control_node01_address}
+ - host: ${_param:openstack_control_node02_address}
+ - host: ${_param:openstack_control_node03_address}
+ linux:
+ network:
+ bridge: openvswitch
+ interface:
+ dhcp_int:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ens3
+ proto: dhcp
+ type: eth
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ primary_interface:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ${_param:primary_interface}
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ proto: manual
+ type: eth
+ tenant_interface:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ${_param:tenant_interface}
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ proto: manual
+ type: eth
+ br-mgmt:
+ enabled: true
+ type: bridge
+ proto: static
+ address: ${_param:single_address}
+ netmask:
+ use_interfaces:
+ - ${_param:primary_interface}
+ br-mesh:
+ enabled: true
+ type: bridge
+ proto: static
+ address: ${_param:tenant_address}
+ netmask:
+ use_interfaces:
+ - ${_param:tenant_interface}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/control.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/control.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c614b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/control.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+- system.linux.system.lowmem
+- system.linux.system.repo.glusterfs
+- system.linux.system.repo.mcp.openstack
+- system.linux.system.repo.mcp.extra
+- system.linux.system.repo.saltstack.xenial
+- system.memcached.server.single
+- system.rabbitmq.server.cluster
+- system.rabbitmq.server.vhost.openstack
+- system.keystone.server.wsgi
+- system.keystone.server.cluster
+- system.glusterfs.client.cluster
+- system.glusterfs.client.volume.glance
+- system.glusterfs.client.volume.keystone
+- system.glusterfs.server.volume.glance
+- system.glusterfs.server.volume.keystone
+- system.glusterfs.server.cluster
+- system.glance.control.cluster
+- system.heka.alarm.openstack_control
+- system.nova.control.cluster
+- system.neutron.control.openvswitch.cluster
+- system.cinder.control.cluster
+- system.haproxy.proxy.listen.openstack.ironic
+- system.haproxy.proxy.listen.openstack.nova-placement
+- system.heat.server.cluster
+- system.galera.server.cluster
+- system.galera.server.database.ceilometer
+- system.galera.server.database.cinder
+- system.galera.server.database.glance
+- system.galera.server.database.grafana
+- system.galera.server.database.heat
+- system.galera.server.database.keystone
+- system.galera.server.database.nova
+- system.galera.server.database.ironic
+- service.ironic.client
+- system.ironic.api.cluster
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic
+ _param:
+ keepalived_vip_interface: ens4
+ keepalived_openstack_telemetry_vip_interface: ens4
+ linux:
+ system:
+ package:
+ python-msgpack:
+ version: latest
+ network:
+ interface:
+ ens4:
+ enabled: true
+ type: eth
+ proto: static
+ address: ${_param:single_address}
+ netmask:
+ keepalived:
+ cluster:
+ instance:
+ VIP:
+ virtual_router_id: 150
+ keystone:
+ server:
+ admin_email: ${_param:admin_email}
+ notification:
+ driver: messagingv2
+ topics: "notifications,${_param:stacklight_notification_topic}"
+ glance:
+ server:
+ storage:
+ engine: file
+ images: []
+ workers: 1
+ notification:
+ driver: messagingv2
+ topics: "notifications,${_param:stacklight_notification_topic}"
+ heat:
+ server:
+ notification:
+ driver: messagingv2
+ topics: "notifications,${_param:stacklight_notification_topic}"
+ neutron:
+ server:
+ notification:
+ driver: messagingv2
+ topics: "notifications,${_param:stacklight_notification_topic}"
+ nova:
+ controller:
+ networking: dvr
+ cpu_allocation: 54
+ metadata:
+ password: ${_param:metadata_password}
+ bind:
+ private_address: ${_param:cluster_local_address}
+ public_address: ${_param:cluster_vip_address}
+ novncproxy_port: 6080
+ vncproxy_url: http://${_param:cluster_vip_address}:6080
+ workers: 1
+ notification:
+ driver: messagingv2
+ topics: "notifications,${_param:stacklight_notification_topic}"
+ cinder:
+ volume:
+ notification:
+ driver: messagingv2
+ topics: "notifications,${_param:stacklight_notification_topic}"
+ controller:
+ notification:
+ driver: messagingv2
+ topics: "notifications,${_param:stacklight_notification_topic}"
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/dashboard.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/dashboard.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dafb1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/dashboard.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+- system.linux.system.repo.ubuntu
+- system.linux.system.repo.mcp.openstack
+- system.linux.system.repo.mcp.extra
+- system.linux.system.repo.saltstack.xenial
+- system.horizon.server.single
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic
+ _param:
+ horizon_site_branding: OpenStack Dashboard
+ linux:
+ network:
+ interface:
+ ens4:
+ enabled: true
+ type: eth
+ proto: static
+ address: ${_param:single_address}
+ netmask:
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/gateway.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/gateway.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06bf43b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/gateway.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+- system.linux.system.repo.mcp.openstack
+- system.linux.system.repo.mcp.extra
+- system.linux.system.repo.saltstack.xenial
+- system.neutron.gateway.cluster
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic
+ _param:
+ primary_interface: ens4
+ tenant_interface: ens5
+ external_interface: ens6
+ interface_mtu: 9000
+ linux_system_codename: xenial
+ linux:
+ network:
+ bridge: openvswitch
+ interface:
+ dhcp_int:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ens3
+ proto: dhcp
+ type: eth
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ primary_interface:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ${_param:primary_interface}
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ proto: manual
+ type: eth
+ tenant_interface:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ${_param:tenant_interface}
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ proto: manual
+ type: eth
+ external_interface:
+ enabled: true
+ name: ${_param:external_interface}
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ proto: manual
+ type: eth
+ br-floating:
+ enabled: true
+ type: ovs_bridge
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ br-mgmt:
+ enabled: true
+ type: bridge
+ proto: static
+ address: ${_param:single_address}
+ netmask:
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ use_interfaces:
+ - ${_param:primary_interface}
+ br-mesh:
+ enabled: true
+ type: bridge
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ proto: static
+ address: ${_param:tenant_address}
+ netmask:
+ use_interfaces:
+ - ${_param:tenant_interface}
+ float-to-ex:
+ enabled: true
+ type: ovs_port
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ bridge: br-floating
+ br-ex:
+ enabled: true
+ type: bridge
+ mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
+ address: ${_param:external_address}
+ netmask:
+ use_interfaces:
+ - ${_param:external_interface}
+ use_ovs_ports:
+ - float-to-ex
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/init.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/init.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdc0ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/init.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ _param:
+ openstack_version: ocata
+ apt_mk_version: nightly
+ mcp_repo_version: 1.1
+ openstack_region: RegionOne
+ admin_email: root@localhost
+ cluster_public_protocol: http
+ cluster_public_host:
+ neutron_public_protocol: http
+ neutron_control_dvr: False
+ neutron_tenant_network_types: "flat,vxlan"
+ neutron_l3_ha: False
+ neutron_global_physnet_mtu: 1500
+ neutron_external_mtu: 1500
+ neutron_gateway_dvr: False
+ neutron_gateway_agent_mode: legacy
+ neutron_compute_dvr: False
+ neutron_compute_agent_mode: legacy
+ neutron_compute_external_access: False
+ galera_server_cluster_name: openstack_cluster
+ galera_server_maintenance_password: workshop
+ galera_server_admin_password: workshop
+ cluster_vip_address:
+ cluster_local_address: ${_param:single_address}
+ cluster_node01_hostname: ctl01
+ cluster_node01_address:
+ cluster_node02_hostname: ctl02
+ cluster_node02_address:
+ cluster_node03_hostname: ctl03
+ cluster_node03_address:
+ rabbitmq_secret_key: workshop
+ rabbitmq_admin_password: workshop
+ rabbitmq_openstack_password: workshop
+ rabbitmq_cold_password: workshop
+ glance_version: ${_param:openstack_version}
+ glance_service_host: ${_param:cluster_vip_address}
+ keystone_version: ${_param:openstack_version}
+ keystone_service_host: ${_param:cluster_vip_address}
+ heat_version: ${_param:openstack_version}
+ heat_service_host: ${_param:cluster_vip_address}
+ heat_domain_admin_password: workshop
+ ceilometer_version: ${_param:openstack_version}
+ ceilometer_service_host:
+ cinder_version: ${_param:openstack_version}
+ cinder_service_host: ${_param:cluster_vip_address}
+ ceilometer_graphite_publisher_host:
+ ceilometer_graphite_publisher_port: 2013
+ nova_version: ${_param:openstack_version}
+ nova_service_host: ${_param:cluster_vip_address}
+ nova_vncproxy_url: http://${_param:cluster_vip_address}:8060
+ neutron_version: ${_param:openstack_version}
+ neutron_service_host: ${_param:cluster_vip_address}
+ glusterfs_service_host: ${_param:cluster_vip_address}
+ ironic_version: ${_param:openstack_version}
+ ironic_api_type: 'public'
+ ironic_service_host: ${_param:cluster_vip_address}
+ cluster_baremetal_local_address: ${_param:cluster_local_address}
+ metadata_password: password
+ mysql_admin_user: root
+ mysql_admin_password: workshop
+ mysql_cinder_password: workshop
+ mysql_ceilometer_password: workshop
+ mysql_glance_password: workshop
+ mysql_grafana_password: workshop
+ mysql_heat_password: workshop
+ mysql_keystone_password: workshop
+ mysql_neutron_password: workshop
+ mysql_nova_password: workshop
+ mysql_aodh_password: workshop
+ mysql_ironic_password: workshop
+ keystone_service_token: workshop
+ keystone_admin_password: workshop
+ keystone_ceilometer_password: workshop
+ keystone_cinder_password: workshop
+ keystone_glance_password: workshop
+ keystone_heat_password: workshop
+ keystone_keystone_password: workshop
+ keystone_neutron_password: workshop
+ keystone_nova_password: workshop
+ keystone_ironic_password: workshop
+ ceilometer_secret_key: workshop
+ metadata_password: workshop
+ horizon_version: ${_param:openstack_version}
+ horizon_secret_key: opaesee8Que2yahJoh9fo0eefo1Aeyo6ahyei8zeiboh3aeth5loth7ieNa5xi5e
+ horizon_identity_host: ${_param:cluster_vip_address}
+ horizon_identity_encryption: none
+ horizon_identity_version: 2
+ mongodb_server_replica_set: ceilometer
+ mongodb_ceilometer_password: cloudlab
+ mongodb_admin_password: cloudlab
+ mongodb_shared_key: eoTh1AwahlahqueingeejooLughah4tei9feing0eeVaephooDi2li1TaeV1ooth
+ linux:
+ network:
+ host:
+ prx:
+ address: ${_param:openstack_proxy_address}
+ names:
+ - prx
+ - prx.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ prx01:
+ address: ${_param:openstack_proxy_node01_address}
+ names:
+ - prx01
+ - prx01.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ ctl:
+ address: ${_param:openstack_control_address}
+ names:
+ - ctl
+ - ctl.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ ctl01:
+ address: ${_param:openstack_control_node01_address}
+ names:
+ - ctl01
+ - ctl01.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ ctl02:
+ address: ${_param:openstack_control_node02_address}
+ names:
+ - ctl02
+ - ctl02.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ ctl03:
+ address: ${_param:openstack_control_node03_address}
+ names:
+ - ctl03
+ - ctl03.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ cmp01:
+ address:
+ names:
+ - cmp01
+ - cmp01.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ cmp02:
+ address:
+ names:
+ - cmp02
+ - cmp02.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ bmt01:
+ address: ${_param:openstack_baremetal_node01_address}
+ names:
+ - bmt01
+ - bmt01.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ system:
+ user:
+ root:
+ name: root
+ password: false
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/proxy.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/proxy.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff2a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/openstack/proxy.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+- system.nginx.server.single
+- system.nginx.server.proxy.openstack_api
+- system.nginx.server.proxy.openstack_vnc
+- system.nginx.server.proxy.openstack_web
+- system.salt.minion.cert.proxy
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic
+ _param:
+ nginx_proxy_ssl:
+ enabled: true
+ authority: ${_param:salt_minion_ca_authority}
+ engine: salt
+ mode: secure
+ salt_minion_ca_host: cfg01.${_param:cluster_domain}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/client.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/client.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69c32fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/client.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- system.collectd.client.output.heka
+- system.heka.log_collector.single
+- system.heka.metric_collector.single
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.stacklight
+- service.grafana.collector
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/init.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/init.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48bffdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/init.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ _param:
+ heka_elasticsearch_host: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_address}
+ heka_influxdb_host: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_node01_address}
+ heka_aggregator_host: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_address}
+ aggregator_port: 5565
+ grafana_user: admin
+ grafana_password: password
+ grafana_influxdb_host: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_node01_address}
+ elasticsearch_port: 9200
+ influxdb_stacklight_password: lmapass
+ influxdb_admin_password: password
+ influxdb_port: 8086
+ influxdb_database: lma
+ influxdb_user: lma
+ influxdb_password: lmapass
+ nagios_host: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_address}
+ nagios_status_port: 8001
+ nagios_username: nagiosadmin
+ nagios_password: secret
+ nagios_notification_smtp_server:
+ nagios_notification_from: 'nagios@localhost'
+ nagios_notification_email: 'root@localhost'
+ stacklight_environment: ${_param:cluster_domain}
+ stacklight_notification_topic: stacklight_notifications
+ linux:
+ network:
+ host:
+ mon:
+ address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_address}
+ names:
+ - mon
+ - mon.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ mon01:
+ address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_node01_address}
+ names:
+ - mon01
+ - mon01.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ mon02:
+ address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_node02_address}
+ names:
+ - mon02
+ - mon02.${_param:cluster_domain}
+ mon03:
+ address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_node03_address}
+ names:
+ - mon03
+ - mon03.${_param:cluster_domain}
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/proxy.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/proxy.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed66da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/proxy.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+- system.nginx.server.single
+- system.nginx.server.proxy.grafana_web
+- system.nginx.server.proxy.kibana_web
+- system.nginx.server.proxy.nagios_web
+- system.salt.minion.cert.proxy
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic
+ _param:
+ nginx_proxy_ssl:
+ enabled: true
+ authority: ${_param:salt_minion_ca_authority}
+ engine: salt
+ mode: secure
+ salt_minion_ca_host: cfg01.${_param:cluster_domain}
diff --git a/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/server.yml b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/server.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e8bc6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cluster/virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic/stacklight/server.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+- system.collectd.remote_client.cluster
+- system.heka.remote_collector.cluster
+- system.linux.system.repo.influxdb
+- system.heka.remote_collector.input.amqp
+- system.heka.aggregator.cluster
+- system.linux.system.repo.tcp_elastic
+- system.elasticsearch.server.cluster
+- system.elasticsearch.server.curator
+- system.kibana.server.single
+- system.grafana.server.single
+- system.nagios.server.cluster
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic
+- system.haproxy.proxy.listen.stacklight.elasticsearch
+- system.haproxy.proxy.listen.stacklight.kibana
+- system.haproxy.proxy.listen.stacklight.grafana
+- service.haproxy.proxy.single
+- system.keepalived.cluster.instance.stacklight_monitor_vip
+ _param:
+ collectd_remote_collector_host: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_address}
+ heka_amqp_host: ${_param:openstack_control_address}
+ kibana_elasticsearch_host: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_address}
+ keepalived_stacklight_monitor_vip_address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_address}
+ keepalived_stacklight_monitor_vip_password: 'password'
+ keepalived_stacklight_monitor_vip_interface: ens4
+ cluster_vip_address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_address}
+ cluster_elasticsearch_port: 9200
+ cluster_kibana_port: 5601
+ cluster_grafana_port: 3000
+ cluster_node01_name: mon01
+ cluster_node01_address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_node01_address}
+ cluster_node02_name: mon02
+ cluster_node02_address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_node02_address}
+ cluster_node03_name: mon03
+ cluster_node03_address: ${_param:stacklight_monitor_node03_address}
+ linux:
+ network:
+ interface:
+ ens4:
+ enabled: true
+ type: eth
+ proto: static
+ address: ${_param:single_address}
+ netmask:
diff --git a/nodes/cfg01.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.local.yml b/nodes/cfg01.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.local.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..584adae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nodes/cfg01.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.local.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+- cluster.virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.infra.config
+ _param:
+ linux_system_codename: xenial
+ reclass_data_revision: master
+ linux:
+ system:
+ domain: virtual-mcp11-ovs-ironic.local
+ name: cfg01
+ salt:
+ master:
+ environment:
+ prd:
+ formula:
+ baremetal_simulator:
+ name: salt-formula-baremetal-simulator
+ source: pkg
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1030f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+import yaml
+def _merge_items(a, b, path=None):
+ """Merge b into a"""
+ if path is None: path = []
+ for key in b:
+ if key in a:
+ if isinstance(a[key], dict) and isinstance(b[key], dict):
+ _merge_items(a[key], b[key], path + [str(key)])
+ elif a[key] == b[key]:
+ pass # same leaf value
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Conflict at %s' % '.'.join(path + [str(key)]))
+ else:
+ a[key] = b[key]
+ return a
+def repo_add(content, name, source, pin_priority=None):
+ """Adds repo dict to provided content"""
+ t = {}
+ r = {name: {'architectures': 'amd64',
+ 'source': source}}
+ if pin_priority:
+ r[name]['pin'] = [{'package': '*',
+ 'priority': pin_priority,
+ 'pin': 'release o=Ubuntu'}]
+ t['parameters'] = {'linux': {'system': {'repo': r}}}
+ _merge_items(content, t)
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update reclass model for specific node')
+ parser.add_argument('--node',
+ type=str,
+ help='FQDN of the node to update.')
+ parser.add_argument('--node-path',
+ type=str,
+ default='/srv/salt/reclass/nodes/_generated',
+ help='Path to directory with the nodes.')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
+ # create the parser for the "add" command
+ parser_add = subparsers.add_parser('repo_add', help='Add a new repo.')
+ parser_add.set_defaults(command='repo_add')
+ parser_add.add_argument('--repo-name',
+ type=str,
+ required=True,
+ help='The name of the repo to add.')
+ parser_add.add_argument('--source',
+ type=str,
+ required=True,
+ help='The source link of the repo. For example: '
+ 'deb ocata main')
+ parser_add.add_argument('--priority',
+ type=int,
+ help='The pin priority of the repo.')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.node:
+ node_files = ['%s/%s.yml' % (args.node_path, args.node)]
+ else:
+ node_files = ['%s/%s' % (args.node_path, f) for f in os.listdir(args.node_path) if f.endswith('.yml')]
+ # check we can read the file
+ for node_file in node_files:
+ node_name = os.path.basename(node_file)[:-4]
+ if not os.access(node_file, os.W_OK):
+ print("Can not write to nodes file %s" % node_file, file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ content = {}
+ with open(node_file) as f:
+ content = yaml.load(f)
+ if args.command == 'repo_add':
+ print("Adding repo to the node: %s" % node_name)
+ repo_add(content, args.repo_name, args.source, args.priority)
+ with open(node_file, "w") as f:
+ yaml.dump(content, f, default_flow_style=False)
+ print("Node: %s has been updated successfully." % node_name)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e, file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()