Swiss army knife for verifying MCP cluster health
* Verify offline minions
* Verify time diff on your minions
* Produce JSON output for ntpq command
* Verify NTP peers state on your minions
* Verify contrail nodes contrail-status output
* Verify galera cluster status
* Verify rabbitmq cluster status
* Produce JSON output for rabbitmqctl commands
* Verify haproxy upstream status
* Produce haproxy JSON stats output
* Verify disk space usage
* Verify disk inodes usage
* Verify load average
* Verify ifaces rx/tx drops on the interfaces
* Verify memory usage
Related-Prod: PROD-29236
Change-Id: Id7423665e8d45baee4b96751d9df29112dfa10e5
diff --git a/_modules/ b/_modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c321149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+import subprocess
+import socket
+import salt.utils
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import json
+__author__ = "Dzmitry Stremkouski"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2019, Mirantis Inc."
+__license__ = "Apache 2.0"
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+stream = logging.StreamHandler()
+def _failed_minions(out, agent, failed_minions):
+ ''' Verify failed minions '''
+ if len(failed_minions) > 0:
+ logger.error("%s check FAILED" % agent)
+ logger.error("Some minions returned non-zero exit code or empty data")
+ logger.error("Failed minions:" + str(failed_minions))
+ for minion in failed_minions:
+ logger.error(minion)
+ logger.debug(str(out[minion]['ret']))
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ return True
+def _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead, ignore_empty=False):
+ ''' Verify minions output and exit code '''
+ if not out:
+ logger.error("%s check FAILED" % agent)
+ logger.error("No response from master cmd")
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ if not ignore_dead:
+ jid = out.itervalues().next()['jid']
+ job_stats = __salt__['saltutil.runner']( 'jobs.print_job', arg=[jid] ) or None
+ if not job_stats:
+ logger.error("%s check FAILED" % agent)
+ logger.error("No response from master runner")
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ job_result = job_stats[jid]['Result']
+ job_minions = job_stats[jid]['Minions']
+ if len(job_minions) != len(job_result):
+ logger.error("%s check FAILED" % agent)
+ logger.error("Some minions are offline")
+ logger.error(list(set(job_minions) - set(job_result.keys())))
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ failed_minions = []
+ for minion in out:
+ if 'retcode' in out[minion]:
+ if out[minion]['retcode'] == 0:
+ if not ignore_empty:
+ if isinstance(out[minion]['ret'], bool):
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ elif len(out[minion]['ret']) == 0:
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ else:
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ else:
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if not _failed_minions(out, agent, failed_minions):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ return True
+def minions_check(wait_timeout=1, gather_job_wait_timeout=1, target='*', target_type='glob', ignore_dead=False):
+ ''' Verify minions are online '''
+ agent = "Minions"
+ out = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']( tgt=target,
+ tgt_type=target_type,
+ fun='',
+ timeout=wait_timeout,
+ gather_job_timeout=gather_job_wait_timeout
+ ) or None
+ return _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead, ignore_empty=True)
+def time_diff_check(time_diff=1, target='*', target_type='glob', ignore_dead=False, **kwargs):
+ ''' Verify time diff on servers '''
+ agent = "Time diff"
+ out = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']( tgt=target,
+ tgt_type=target_type,
+ fun='status.time',
+ arg=['%s'],
+ timeout=3
+ ) or None
+ if not _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ minions_times = {}
+ env_times = []
+ verified_minions = []
+ for minion in out:
+ verified_minions.append(minion)
+ if out[minion]['retcode'] == 0:
+ minion_time = int(out[minion]['ret'])
+ if str(minion_time) not in minions_times:
+ minions_times[str(minion_time)] = []
+ minions_times[str(minion_time)].append(minion)
+ env_times.append(minion_time)
+ env_times.sort()
+ diff = env_times[-1] - env_times[0]
+ if diff > time_diff:
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ if kwargs.get("debug", False):
+ return False, minions_times
+ else:
+ return False
+ if kwargs.get("debug", False):
+ return True
+def contrail_check(target='I@contrail:control or I@contrail:collector or I@opencontrail:compute or I@opencontrail:client', target_type='compound', ignore_dead=False, **kwargs):
+ ''' Verify contrail status returns nothing critical '''
+ agent = "Contrail status"
+ out = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']( tgt=target,
+ tgt_type=target_type,
+ fun='',
+ arg=['contrail-status'],
+ timeout=5
+ ) or None
+ if not _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ failed_minions = []
+ pattern = '^(==|$|\S+\s+(active|backup|inactive\s\(disabled\son\sboot\)))'
+ prog = re.compile(pattern)
+ validated = []
+ for minion in out:
+ for line in out[minion]['ret'].split('\n'):
+ if not prog.match(line) and minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ validated.append(minion)
+ if not _failed_minions(out, agent, failed_minions):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ if kwargs.get("debug", False):
+ return True
+def galera_check(cluster_size=3, target='I@galera:master or I@galera:slave', target_type='compound', ignore_dead=False, **kwargs):
+ ''' Verify galera cluster size and state '''
+ agent = "Galera status"
+ out = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']( tgt=target,
+ tgt_type=target_type,
+ fun='mysql.status',
+ timeout=3
+ ) or None
+ if not _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ failed_minions = []
+ validated = []
+ for minion in out:
+ if int(out[minion]['ret']['wsrep_cluster_size']) != int(cluster_size) and minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if out[minion]['ret']['wsrep_evs_state'] != 'OPERATIONAL' and minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ validated.append(minion)
+ if not _failed_minions(out, agent, failed_minions):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ if kwargs.get("debug", False):
+"Cluster size: " + str(out[validated[0]]['ret']['wsrep_cluster_size']))
+"Cluster state: " + str(out[validated[0]]['ret']['wsrep_evs_state']))
+ return True
+def _quote_str(s, l=False, r=False):
+ ''' Quting rabbitmq erl objects for json import '''
+ if len(s) > 0:
+ if l:
+ s = s.lstrip()
+ if r:
+ s = s.rstrip()
+ if (s[0] == "'") and (s[-1] != "'") and r and not l:
+ s += "'"
+ if (s[0] == '"') and (s[-1] != '"') and r and not l:
+ s += '"'
+ if (s[-1] == "'") and (s[0] != "'") and l and not r:
+ s = "'" + s
+ if (s[-1] == '"') and (s[0] != '"') and l and not r:
+ s = '"' + s
+ if (s[-1] != "'") and (s[-1] != '"') and (s[0] != "'") and (s[0] != '"'):
+ s = '"' + s.replace('"', '\\\"') + '"'
+ else:
+ if (not l) and (not r) and s[0] != '"' and not s[-1] != '"':
+ s= s.replace('"', '\\\"')
+ return s.replace("'", '"')
+ else:
+ return s
+def _sanitize_rmqctl_output(string):
+ ''' Sanitizing rabbitmq erl objects for json import '''
+ rabbitctl_json = ""
+ for line in string.split(','):
+ copy = line
+ left = ""
+ right = ""
+ mid = copy
+ lpar = False
+ rpar = False
+ if'([\[\{\s]+)(.*)', copy):
+ mid = re.sub('^([\[\{\s]+)','', copy)
+ left = copy[:-len(mid)]
+ copy = mid
+ lpar = True
+ if'(.*)([\]\}\s]+)$', copy):
+ mid = re.sub('([\]\}\s]+)$','', copy)
+ right = copy[len(mid):]
+ copy = mid
+ rpar = True
+ result = left + _quote_str(mid, l=lpar, r=rpar) + right
+ if (not rpar) and lpar and (len(left.strip()) > 0) and (left.strip()[-1] == '{'):
+ result += ":"
+ else:
+ result += ","
+ rabbitctl_json += result
+ rabbitctl_json = rabbitctl_json[:-1]
+ new_rabbitctl_json = rabbitctl_json
+ for s in re.findall('"[^:\[{\]}]+"\s*:\s*("[^\[{\]}]+")', rabbitctl_json):
+ if '"' in s[1:][:-1]:
+ orig = s
+ changed = '"' + s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\\"') + '"'
+ new_rabbitctl_json = new_rabbitctl_json.replace(orig, changed)
+ return new_rabbitctl_json
+def rabbitmq_cmd(cmd):
+ ''' JSON formatted RabbitMQ command output '''
+ supported_commands = ['status', 'cluster_status', 'list_hashes', 'list_ciphers']
+ if cmd not in supported_commands:
+ logger.error("Command is not supported yet, sorry")
+ logger.error("Supported commands are: " + str(supported_commands))
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(['rabbitmqctl', cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
+ rabbitmqctl_cutoff = stdout[int(stdout.find('[')):int(stdout.rfind(']'))+1].replace('\n','')
+ return json.loads(_sanitize_rmqctl_output(rabbitmqctl_cutoff))
+def rabbitmq_check(target='I@rabbitmq:server', target_type='compound', ignore_dead=False, **kwargs):
+ ''' Verify rabbit cluster and it's alarms '''
+ agent = "RabbitMQ status"
+ out = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']( tgt=target,
+ tgt_type=target_type,
+ fun='health_checks.rabbitmq_cmd',
+ arg=['cluster_status'],
+ timeout=3
+ ) or None
+ if not _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ failed_minions = []
+ for minion in out:
+ rabbitmqctl_json = out[minion]['ret']
+ running_nodes = []
+ available_nodes = []
+ alarms = []
+ for el in rabbitmqctl_json:
+ if 'alarms' in el:
+ alarms = el['alarms']
+ if 'nodes' in el:
+ available_nodes = el['nodes'][0]['disc']
+ if 'running_nodes' in el:
+ running_nodes = el['running_nodes']
+ if running_nodes.sort() == available_nodes.sort():
+ nodes_alarms = []
+ for node in running_nodes:
+ for el in alarms:
+ if node in el:
+ if len(el[node]) > 0:
+ nodes_alarms.append(el[node])
+ if len(nodes_alarms) > 0:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ else:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if not _failed_minions(out, agent, failed_minions):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ if kwargs.get("debug", False):
+ return True
+def haproxy_status(socket_path='/run/haproxy/admin.sock', buff_size = 8192, encoding = 'UTF-8', stats_filter=[]):
+ ''' JSON formatted haproxy status '''
+ stat_cmd = 'show stat\n'
+ if not os.path.exists(socket_path):
+ logger.error('Socket %s does not exist or haproxy not running' % socket_path)
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ client = socket.socket( socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ client.connect(socket_path)
+ stat_cmd = 'show stat\n'
+ client.send(bytearray(stat_cmd, encoding))
+ output = client.recv(buff_size)
+ res = ""
+ while output:
+ res += output.decode(encoding)
+ output = client.recv(buff_size)
+ client.close()
+ haproxy_stats = {}
+ res_list = res.split('\n')
+ fields = res_list[0][2:].split(',')
+ stats_list = []
+ for line in res_list[1:]:
+ if len(line.strip()) > 0:
+ stats_list.append(line)
+ for i in range(len(stats_list)):
+ element = {}
+ for n in fields:
+ element[n] = stats_list[i].split(',')[fields.index(n)]
+ server_name = element.pop('pxname')
+ server_type = element.pop('svname')
+ if stats_filter:
+ filtered_element = element.copy()
+ for el in element:
+ if el not in stats_filter:
+ filtered_element.pop(el)
+ element = filtered_element
+ if server_name not in haproxy_stats:
+ haproxy_stats[server_name] = {}
+ if server_type == "FRONTEND" or server_type == "BACKEND":
+ haproxy_stats[server_name][server_type] = element
+ else:
+ if 'UPSTREAM' not in haproxy_stats[server_name]:
+ haproxy_stats[server_name]['UPSTREAM'] = {}
+ haproxy_stats[server_name]['UPSTREAM'][server_type] = element
+ return haproxy_stats
+def haproxy_check(target='I@haproxy:proxy', target_type='compound', ignore_dead=False, ignore_services=[], ignore_upstreams=[], ignore_no_upstream=False, **kwargs):
+ ''' Verify haproxy backends status '''
+ agent = "haproxy status"
+ out = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']( tgt=target,
+ tgt_type=target_type,
+ fun='health_checks.haproxy_status',
+ arg=["stats_filter=['status']"],
+ timeout=3
+ ) or None
+ if not _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ failed_minions = []
+ verified_minions = []
+ for minion in out:
+ verified_minions.append(minion)
+ haproxy_json = out[minion]['ret']
+ for service in haproxy_json:
+ if service not in ignore_services:
+ if haproxy_json[service]['FRONTEND']['status'] != 'OPEN':
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if haproxy_json[service]['BACKEND']['status'] != 'UP':
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if 'UPSTREAM' in haproxy_json[service]:
+ for upstream in haproxy_json[service]['UPSTREAM']:
+ if upstream not in ignore_upstreams:
+ if haproxy_json[service]['UPSTREAM'][upstream]['status'] != 'UP':
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ else:
+ if not ignore_no_upstream:
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if not _failed_minions(out, agent, failed_minions):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ if kwargs.get("debug", False):
+ return True
+def df_check(target='*', target_type='glob', verify='space', space_limit=80, inode_limit=80, ignore_dead=False, ignore_partitions=[], **kwargs):
+ ''' Verify storage space/inodes status '''
+ supported_options = ['space', 'inodes']
+ if verify not in supported_options:
+ logger.error('Unsupported "verify" option.')
+ logger.error('Supported options are: %s' % str(supported_options))
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ if verify == 'space':
+ fun_cmd = 'disk.usage'
+ json_arg = 'capacity'
+ limit = space_limit
+ elif verify == 'inodes':
+ fun_cmd = 'disk.inodeusage'
+ json_arg = 'use'
+ limit = inode_limit
+ agent = "df status"
+ out = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']( tgt=target,
+ tgt_type=target_type,
+ fun=fun_cmd,
+ timeout=3
+ ) or None
+ if not _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ failed_minions = []
+ verified_minions = []
+ for minion in out:
+ verified_minions.append(minion)
+ df_json = out[minion]['ret']
+ for disk in df_json:
+ if disk not in ignore_partitions:
+ if int(df_json[disk][json_arg][:-1]) > int(limit):
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if not _failed_minions(out, agent, failed_minions):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ if kwargs.get("debug", False):
+ return True
+def load_check(target='*', target_type='glob', la1=3, la5=3, la15=3, ignore_dead=False, **kwargs):
+ ''' Verify load average status '''
+ agent = "load average status"
+ out = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']( tgt=target,
+ tgt_type=target_type,
+ fun='status.loadavg',
+ timeout=3
+ ) or None
+ if not _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ failed_minions = []
+ verified_minions = []
+ for minion in out:
+ verified_minions.append(minion)
+ la_json = out[minion]['ret']
+ if float(la_json['1-min']) > float(la1):
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if float(la_json['5-min']) > float(la5):
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if float(la_json['15-min']) > float(la15):
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if not _failed_minions(out, agent, failed_minions):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ if kwargs.get("debug", False):
+ return True
+def netdev_check(target='*', target_type='glob', rx_drop_limit=0, tx_drop_limit=0, ignore_devices=[], ignore_dead=False, **kwargs):
+ ''' Verify netdev rx/tx drop status '''
+ agent = "netdev rx/tx status"
+ out = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']( tgt=target,
+ tgt_type=target_type,
+ fun='status.netdev',
+ timeout=3
+ ) or None
+ if not _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ failed_minions = []
+ verified_minions = []
+ for minion in out:
+ verified_minions.append(minion)
+ dev_json = out[minion]['ret']
+ for netdev in dev_json:
+ if netdev not in ignore_devices:
+ if int(dev_json[netdev]['rx_drop']) > int(rx_drop_limit):
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if int(dev_json[netdev]['tx_drop']) > int(tx_drop_limit):
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if not _failed_minions(out, agent, failed_minions):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ if kwargs.get("debug", False):
+ return True
+def mem_check(target='*', target_type='glob', used_limit=80, ignore_dead=False, **kwargs):
+ ''' Verify available memory status '''
+ agent = "available memory status"
+ out = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']( tgt=target,
+ tgt_type=target_type,
+ fun='status.meminfo',
+ timeout=3
+ ) or None
+ if not _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ failed_minions = []
+ verified_minions = []
+ for minion in out:
+ mem_avail = int(out[minion]['ret']['MemAvailable']['value'])
+ mem_total = int(out[minion]['ret']['MemTotal']['value'])
+ used_pct = float((mem_total - mem_avail) * 100 / mem_total)
+ if used_pct > float(used_limit):
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ else:
+ verified_minions.append( { minion : str(used_pct) + '%' } )
+ if not _failed_minions(out, agent, failed_minions):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ if kwargs.get("debug", False):
+ return True
+def ntp_status(params = ['-4', '-p', '-n']):
+ ''' JSON formatted ntpq command output '''
+ ntp_states = [
+ { 'indicator': '#', 'comment': 'source selected, distance exceeds maximum value' },
+ { 'indicator': 'o', 'comment': 'source selected, Pulse Per Second (PPS) used' },
+ { 'indicator': '+', 'comment': 'source selected, included in final set' },
+ { 'indicator': 'x', 'comment': 'source false ticker' },
+ { 'indicator': '.', 'comment': 'source selected from end of candidate list' },
+ { 'indicator': '-', 'comment': 'source discarded by cluster algorithm' },
+ { 'indicator': '*', 'comment': 'current time source' },
+ { 'indicator': ' ', 'comment': 'source discarded high stratum, failed sanity' }
+ ]
+ ntp_state_indicators = []
+ for state in ntp_states:
+ ntp_state_indicators.append(state['indicator'])
+ source_types = {}
+ source_types['l'] = "local (such as a GPS, WWVB)"
+ source_types['u'] = "unicast (most common)"
+ source_types['m'] = "multicast"
+ source_types['b'] = "broadcast"
+ source_types['-'] = "netaddr"
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(['ntpq'] + params, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
+ ntp_lines = stdout.split('\n')
+ fields = re.sub("\s+", " ", ntp_lines[0]).split()
+ fields[fields.index('st')] = 'stratum'
+ fields[fields.index('t')] = 'source_type'
+ ntp_peers = {}
+ for line in ntp_lines[2:]:
+ if len(line.strip()) > 0:
+ element = {}
+ values = re.sub("\s+", " ", line).split()
+ for i in range(len(values)):
+ if fields[i] == 'source_type':
+ element[fields[i]] = { 'indicator': values[i], 'comment': source_types[values[i]] }
+ elif fields[i] in ['stratum', 'when', 'poll', 'reach']:
+ if values[i] == '-':
+ element[fields[i]] = int(-1)
+ else:
+ element[fields[i]] = int(values[i])
+ elif fields[i] in ['delay', 'offset', 'jitter']:
+ element[fields[i]] = float(values[i])
+ else:
+ element[fields[i]] = values[i]
+ peer = element.pop('remote')
+ peer_state = peer[0]
+ if peer_state in ntp_state_indicators:
+ peer = peer[1:]
+ else:
+ peer_state = 'f'
+ element['current'] = False
+ if peer_state == '*':
+ element['current'] = True
+ for state in ntp_states:
+ if state['indicator'] == peer_state:
+ element['state'] = state.copy()
+ if peer_state == 'f' and state['indicator'] == ' ':
+ fail_state = state.copy()
+ fail_state.pop('indicator')
+ fail_state['indicator'] = 'f'
+ element['state'] = fail_state
+ ntp_peers[peer] = element
+ return ntp_peers
+def ntp_check(min_peers=1, max_stratum=3, target='*', target_type='glob', ignore_dead=False, **kwargs):
+ ''' Verify NTP peers status '''
+ agent = "ntpd peers status"
+ out = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']( tgt=target,
+ tgt_type=target_type,
+ fun='health_checks.ntp_status',
+ timeout=3
+ ) or None
+ if not _minions_output(out, agent, ignore_dead):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ failed_minions = []
+ verified_minions = []
+ for minion in out:
+ ntp_json = out[minion]['ret']
+ good_peers = []
+ for peer in ntp_json:
+ if ntp_json[peer]['stratum'] < int(max_stratum) + 1:
+ good_peers.append(peer)
+ if len(good_peers) > int(min_peers) - 1:
+ if minion not in verified_minions:
+ verified_minions.append(minion)
+ else:
+ if minion not in failed_minions:
+ failed_minions.append(minion)
+ if not _failed_minions(out, agent, failed_minions):
+ __context__['retcode'] = 2
+ return False
+ if kwargs.get("debug", False):
+ return True