Allow getting CA key from a mine

In cases  when a service whants to generate and sign a certificate
it requires a CA key along with a CA cert itself.
For example, Octavia needs it for signing a certificate it generates
for a newly spawned amphora.

This change add sending a CA key to the mine from where it can be
extracted in the cert.sls state.
Also allow managing permissions for a CA cert and key retrieved
from the mine.

Related PROD: PROD-11933

Change-Id: I911effb4a63ae048e348ed04b7aca33998e359aa
diff --git a/salt/minion/ca.sls b/salt/minion/ca.sls
index f2b3e22..bdf96c4 100644
--- a/salt/minion/ca.sls
+++ b/salt/minion/ca.sls
@@ -55,6 +55,16 @@
   - require:
     - x509: /etc/pki/ca/{{ ca_name }}/ca.crt
+salt_system_ca_mine_send_ca_key_{{ ca_name }}:
+  - name: mine.send
+  - func: x509_get_private_key
+  - kwargs:
+      mine_function: x509.get_pem_entries
+      glob_path: /etc/pki/ca/{{ ca_name }}/ca.key
+  - require:
+    - x509: /etc/pki/ca/{{ ca_name }}/ca.key
 {%- endfor %}
 {%- endif %}
diff --git a/salt/minion/cert.sls b/salt/minion/cert.sls
index 416c036..017c115 100644
--- a/salt/minion/cert.sls
+++ b/salt/minion/cert.sls
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 {%- if minion.cert is defined %}
 {%- set created_ca_files = [] %}
+{%- set created_ca_key_files = [] %}
 {%- for cert_name,cert in minion.get('cert', {}).iteritems() %}
 {%- set rowloop = loop %}
@@ -18,9 +19,11 @@
 {%- set key_file  = cert.get('key_file', '/etc/ssl/private/' + cert.common_name + '.key') %}
 {%- set cert_file = cert.get('cert_file', '/etc/ssl/certs/' + cert.common_name + '.crt') %}
 {%- set ca_file = cert.get('ca_file', '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-' + cert.authority + '.crt') %}
+{%- set ca_key_file = cert.get('ca_key_file', '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-' + cert.authority + '.key') %}
 {%- set key_dir = salt['file.dirname'](key_file) %}
 {%- set cert_dir = salt['file.dirname'](cert_file) %}
 {%- set ca_dir = salt['file.dirname'](ca_file) %}
+{%- set ca_key_dir = salt['file.dirname'](ca_key_file) %}
 {# Only ensure directories exists, don't touch permissions, etc. #}
 salt_minion_cert_{{ cert_name }}_dirs:
@@ -29,6 +32,7 @@
       - {{ key_dir }}
       - {{ cert_dir }}
       - {{ ca_dir }}
+      - {{ ca_key_dir }}
     - makedirs: true
     - replace: false
@@ -125,15 +129,54 @@
     - name: {{ ca_file }}
     - mode: 0644
+    {%- if salt[''](cert.get("user", "root")) %}
+    - user: {{ cert.get("user", "root") }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if salt[''](cert.get("group", "root")) %}
+    - group: {{ cert.get("group", "root") }}
+    {%- endif %}
     - watch:
       - x509: {{ ca_file }}
 {%- endif %}
 {%- endfor %}
 {%- do created_ca_files.append(ca_file) %}
 {%- endif %}
+{%- if is defined and ca_key_file not in created_ca_key_files %}
+{%- for ca_key_path,ca_key in salt['mine.get'](, 'x509_get_private_key').get(, {}).iteritems() %}
+{%- if '/etc/pki/ca/'+cert.authority in ca_key_path %}
+{{ ca_key_file }}:
+  x509.pem_managed:
+    - name: {{ ca_key_file }}
+    - text: {{ ca_key|replace('\n', '') }}
+    - watch:
+      - x509: {{ cert_file }}
+{{ ca_key_file }}_cert_permissions:
+  file.managed:
+    - name: {{ ca_key_file }}
+    - mode: 0644
+    {%- if salt[''](cert.get("user", "root")) %}
+    - user: {{ cert.get("user", "root") }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if salt[''](cert.get("group", "root")) %}
+    - group: {{ cert.get("group", "root") }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    - watch:
+      - x509: {{ ca_key_file }}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- do created_ca_key_files.append(ca_key_file) %}
+{%- endif %}
 {%- if cert.all_file is defined %}
 salt_minion_cert_{{ cert_name }}_all: