Update Gemfile and Makefile configuration
- One Gemfile for all formulas tests
- Update Makefile for OpenStack tests
Fixes: PROD-24408 (PROD:24408)
Change-Id: I747ffe1bfff4221244894173f16a3bda0aeaa9d5
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 6f2d5b3..f6a190b 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -9,15 +9,9 @@
- pip install PyYAML
- pip install virtualenv
- |
- test -e Gemfile || cat <<EOF > Gemfile
- source 'https://rubygems.org'
- gem 'rake'
- gem 'test-kitchen'
- gem 'kitchen-docker'
- gem 'kitchen-inspec'
- gem 'inspec', '<3.0.0'
- #Version was frozen, because of issues in the version of inspec >3.0.0 -- see https://mirantis.jira.com/browse/PROD-24324 for more info, '<3.0.0'
- gem 'kitchen-salt' #, :git => 'https://github.com/salt-formulas/kitchen-salt.git'
+ if [ ! -e Gemfile ]; then
+ curl -s -o ./Gemfile 'https://gerrit.mcp.mirantis.com/gitweb?p=salt-formulas/salt-formulas-scripts.git;a=blob_plain;f=Gemfile;hb=refs/heads/master'
+ fi
- bundle install