Initial commit
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ac0ead0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# generate and validate reclass-salt-model
+# expected to be executed in isolated environment, ie: docker
+if [[ $DEBUG =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+    set -x
+    SALT_LOG_LEVEL="--state-verbose=true -ldebug"
+## Env Options
+options() {
+    export LC_ALL=C
+    SALT_LOG_LEVEL="--state-verbose=false -lerror"
+    SALT_OPTS="${SALT_OPTS:- --timeout=120 --state-output=changes --retcode-passthrough --force-color $SALT_LOG_LEVEL }"
+    RECLASS_ROOT=${RECLASS_ROOT:-/srv/salt/reclass}
+    # try to source local environment & configuration
+    # shopt -u dotglob
+    find / -maxdepth 1 -name '*.env' | xargs -0 -n1 --no-run-if-empty
+    find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.env' | xargs -0 -n1 --no-run-if-empty
+    find /tmp/kitchen -maxdepth 1 -name '*.env' 2> /dev/null | xargs -0 -n1 --no-run-if-empty
+    export MAGENTA='\033[0;95m'
+    export YELLOW='\033[1;33m'
+    export BLUE='\033[0;35m'
+    export CYAN='\033[0;96m'
+    export RED='\033[0;31m'
+    export NC='\033[0m' # No Color'
+## Functions
+log_info() {
+    echo -e "${YELLOW}[INFO] $* ${NC}"
+log_warn() {
+    echo -e "${MAGENTA}[WARN] $* ${NC}"
+log_err() {
+    echo -e "${RED}[ERROR] $* ${NC}" >&2
+_atexit() {
+    RETVAL=$?
+    trap true INT TERM EXIT
+    if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
+        log_err "Execution failed"
+    else
+        log_info "Execution successful"
+    fi
+    return $RETVAL
+retry() {
+    local tries
+    if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+        tries=$1; shift
+    else
+        tries=3
+    fi
+    for i in $(seq 1 $tries); do
+        "$@" && return 0 || sleep $i
+    done
+    return 1
+## Main
+system_config() {
+    log_info "System configuration"
+    # salt-formulas custom modules dependencies, etc:
+    $SUDO apt install -qqq -y iproute2 curl sudo apt-transport-https python-psutil python-apt python-m2crypto python-oauth python-pip &>/dev/null
+    $SUDO mkdir -p $RECLASS_ROOT/classes/service
+    $SUDO mkdir -p /root/.ssh
+    echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" | $SUDO tee ~/.ssh/config >/dev/null
+    echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" | $SUDO tee /root/.ssh/config >/dev/null
+    echo "  salt" | $SUDO tee -a /etc/hosts >/dev/null
+    if [[ $BOOTSTRAP_SALTSTACK =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+        curl -L | $SUDO sh -s -- -M ${BOOTSTRAP_SALTSTACK_OPTS} &>/dev/null || true
+    fi
+    which reclass || $SUDO apt install -qqq -y reclass
+    which reclass-salt || {
+      test -e /usr/share/reclass/reclass-salt && {
+        ln -fs /usr/share/reclass/reclass-salt /usr/bin
+      }
+    }
+saltmaster_bootstrap() {
+    log_info "Salt master, minion setup ("
+    test -n "$MASTER_HOSTNAME" || exit 1
+    pgrep salt-master | sed /$$/d | xargs --no-run-if-empty -i{} $SUDO kill -9 {}
+    pkill -9 salt-minion
+    SCRIPTS=$(dirname $0)
+    test -e ${SCRIPTS}/ || \
+        curl -sL "" |$SUDO tee ${SCRIPTS}/ > /dev/null;
+        $SUDO chmod +x *.sh;
+    test -e ${SCRIPTS}/ || {
+        export SALT_MASTER=localhost
+        export MINION_ID=${MASTER_HOSTNAME}
+        if ! [[ $DEBUG =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+          SALT_MASTER_SETUP_OUTPUT='/dev/stdout'
+        fi
+        #if ! $SUDO ${SCRIPTS}/ master &> ${SALT_MASTER_SETUP_OUTPUT:-/tmp/salt-master-setup.log}; then
+        if ! $SUDO ${SCRIPTS}/ master; then
+          #cat /tmp/salt-master-setup.log
+          log_err " failed."
+          exit 1
+        else
+          $SUDO touch ${SCRIPTS}/
+        fi
+    }
+    log_info "Clean up generated"
+    $SUDO rm -rf $RECLASS_ROOT/nodes/_generated/*
+    log_info "Re/starting salt services"
+    pgrep salt-master | sed /$$/d | xargs --no-run-if-empty -i{} $SUDO kill -9 {}
+    pkill -9 salt-minion
+    sleep 1
+    $SUDO service salt-master restart
+    $SUDO service salt-minion restart
+    sleep 10
+# Init salt master
+saltmaster_init() {
+    log_info "Runing saltmaster states"
+    test -n "$MASTER_HOSTNAME" || exit 1
+    set -e
+    $SUDO salt-call saltutil.sync_all >/dev/null
+    # TODO: Placeholder update saltmaster spec (nodes/FQDN.yml) to be able to bootstrap with minimal configuration
+    # (ie: with linux, git, salt formulas)
+    #log_info "Verify SaltMaster, before salt-master is fully initialized"
+    #if ! $SUDO reclass-salt -p ${MASTER_HOSTNAME} &> /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.pillar;then
+    #   log_warn "Node verification before initialization failed."; cat /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.pillar;
+    #fi
+    log_info "State: salt.master.env"
+    if ! $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} -linfo state.apply salt.master.env; then
+      log_err "State salt.master.env failed, keep your eyes wide open."
+    fi
+    log_info "State: salt.master.pillar"
+    retry ${SALT_STATE_RETRY} $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply salt.master.pillar pillar='{"reclass":{"storage":{"data_source":{"engine":"local"}}}}'
+    # Note: sikp reclass data dir states
+    #       in order to avoid pull from configured repo/branch
+    # Revert temporary SaltMaster minimal configuration, if any
+    pushd $RECLASS_ROOT
+    if [ $(git diff --name-only nodes | sort | uniq | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; then
+      git status || true
+      log_warn "Locally modified $RECLASS_ROOT/nodes found. (Possibly salt-master minimized setup from call)"
+      log_info "Checkout HEAD state of $RECLASS_ROOT/nodes/*."
+      git checkout -- $RECLASS_ROOT/nodes || true
+      log_info "Re-Run states: salt.master.env and salt.master.pillar according the HEAD state."
+      log_info "State: salt.master.env"
+      if ! $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} -linfo state.apply salt.master.env; then
+        log_err "State salt.master.env failed, keep your eyes wide open."
+      fi
+      log_info "State: salt.master.pillar"
+      retry ${SALT_STATE_RETRY} $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply salt.master.pillar pillar='{"reclass":{"storage":{"data_source":{"engine":"local"}}}}'
+    fi
+    popd
+    log_info "State:"
+    set +e
+    $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply
+    ret=$?
+    set -e
+    if [[ $ret -eq 2 ]]; then
+        log_err "State failed with exit code 2 but continuing."
+    elif [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then
+        log_err "State failed with exit code $ret"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    log_info "Re/starting salt services"
+    $SUDO sed -i 's/^master:.*/master: localhost/' /etc/salt/minion.d/minion.conf
+    $SUDO service salt-minion restart >/dev/null
+    $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} saltutil.sync_all >/dev/null
+    verify_salt_master
+    set +e
+function verify_salt_master() {
+    set -e
+    log_info "Verify Salt master"
+    test -n "$MASTER_HOSTNAME" || exit 1
+    if [[ $VERIFY_SALT_CALL =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+      $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} --id=${MASTER_HOSTNAME} grains.item roles > /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.grains.item.roles
+      $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} --id=${MASTER_HOSTNAME} state.show_lowstate > /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.state.show_state
+      $SUDO salt-call --no-color grains.items
+      $SUDO salt-call --no-color
+    fi
+    if ! $SUDO reclass --nodeinfo ${MASTER_HOSTNAME} > /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.reclass.nodeinfo; then
+        log_err "For more details see full log /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.reclass.nodeinfo"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+function verify_salt_minion() {
+  set -e
+  node=$1
+  log_info "Verifying ${node}"
+  if [[ $VERIFY_SALT_CALL =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+    $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} --id=${node} grains.item roles > /tmp/${node}.grains.item.roles
+    $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} --id=${node} state.show_lowstate > /tmp/${node}.state.show_lowstate
+  fi
+  if ! $SUDO reclass --nodeinfo ${node} > /tmp/${node}.reclass.nodeinfo; then
+      log_err "For more details see full log /tmp/${node}.reclass.nodeinfo"
+      if [[ ${BREAK_ON_VERIFICATION_ERROR:-yes} =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+        exit 1
+      fi
+  fi
+function verify_salt_minions() {
+    #set -e
+    NODES=$(find $RECLASS_ROOT/nodes/ -name "*.yml" | grep -v "cfg")
+    log_info "Verifying minions: $(echo ${NODES}|xargs)"
+    # Parallel
+    #echo $NODES | parallel --no-notice -j 2 --halt 2 "verify_salt_minion \$(basename {} .yml) > {}.pillar_verify"
+    #ls -lrta *.pillar_verify | tail -n 1 | xargs -n1 tail -n30
+    function filterFails() {
+        grep -v '/grains' | tee -a $1 | tail -n20
+    }
+    log_info "Verify nodes"
+    passed=0
+    for node in ${NODES}; do
+        node=$(basename $node .yml)
+        # filter first in cluster.. ctl-01, mon-01, etc..
+        if [[ "${node//.*}" =~ 01 || "${node//.*}" =~ 02  ]] ;then
+            verify_salt_minion ${node} || continue
+        else
+            echo Skipped $node.
+        fi
+        passed=$(($passed+1))
+    done
+    # fail on failures
+    total=$(echo $NODES | xargs --no-run-if-empty -n1 echo |wc -l)
+    test ! $passed -lt $total || log_err "Results: $passed of $total passed."
+    test ! $passed -lt $total || {
+      tail -n50 /tmp/*.pillar_verify
+      return 1
+    }
+# detect if file is being sourced
+[[ "$0" != "$BASH_SOURCE"  ]] || {
+    log_info "Bootstrap & verification of SaltMaster and configured minions."
+    trap _atexit INT TERM EXIT
+    system_config
+    saltmaster_bootstrap &&\
+    saltmaster_init &&\
+    verify_salt_minions