Initial commit
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..257d21c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+Deploy scripts
+This ``deploy/scripts`` serve as shared common place to link any deployment tools.
+Salt bootstrap scripts. Local copy of upstream ``_.
+Script to install and configure salt *minion* but mostly *salt master* with *salt-formulas* common prerequisites in mind.
+Configuration driven by environment variables, see source for more details...
+.. code-block:: bash
+  # reclass
+  export RECLASS_ADDRESS=<repo url>   ## if not already cloned in /srv/salt/reclass >
+  # formula
+  export FORMULAS_BRANCH=master
+  export FORMULAS_SOURCE=git
+  # system / host / salt master minion id
+  export HOSTNAME=cfg01
+  export
+  #export MINION_ID
+  # salt
+  export BOOTSTRAP_SALTSTACK_OPTS=" -dX stable 2016.3"
+  export EXTRA_FORMULAS="prometeus"
+  # environment
+Script to bootstrap *salt master* and verify the model. To install salt master uses ````.
+Configuration driven by environment variables.
+.. code-block:: bash
+  cd /srv/salt/scripts
+ ./
+.. note:
+  Creates /srv/salt/scripts/ if succesfully passed the "setup script" 
+  with the aim to avoid subsequent run's.
+Script to install formulas with dependencies.
+Simple script to invoking highstate on whole infrastructure with ``test=true``. Json output is aggregated with `jq`
+(Failed/Success/Changes/Errors) and compared with previous run.
+Bootstrap the Salt Master node
+(expects salt-formulas reclass model repo)
+.. code-block:: bash
+  apt-get update
+  apt-get install git curl subversion
+  svn export --force \
+  /srv/salt/scripts
+  git clone <model-repository> /srv/salt/reclass
+  git submodule update --init --recursive
+  # or
+  # (if system level is not add yet)
+  git submodule add \
+    /srv/salt/reclass/classes/system/
+  cd /srv/salt/scripts
+ ./
diff --git a/bootstrap-salt.ps1 b/bootstrap-salt.ps1
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2f51d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap-salt.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+    A simple Powershell script to download and install a salt minion on windows.
+    The script will download the official salt package from saltstack. It will
+    install a specific package version and accept parameters for the master and
+    minion ids. Finally, it can stop and set the windows service to "manual" for
+    local testing.
+    ./bootstrap-salt.ps1
+    Runs without any parameters. Uses all the default values/settings.
+    ./bootstrap-salt.ps1 -version 2015.4.1-3
+    Specifies a particular version of the installer.
+    ./bootstrap-salt.ps1 -runservice false
+    Specifies the salt-minion service to stop and be set to manual. Useful for
+    testing locally from the command line with the --local switch
+    ./bootstrap-salt.ps1 -minion minion-box -master master-box
+    Specifies the minion and master ids in the minion config. Defaults to the
+    installer values of host name for the minion id and "salt" for the master.
+    ./bootstrap-salt.ps1 -minion minion-box -master master-box -version 2015.5.2 -runservice false
+    Specifies all the optional parameters in no particular order.
+.PARAMETER version
+    Default version defined in this script.
+.PARAMETER runservice
+    Boolean flag to start or stop the minion service. True will start the minion
+    service. False will stop the minion service and set it to "manual". The
+    installer starts it by default.
+.PARAMETER minion
+    Name of the minion being installed on this host. Installer defaults to the
+    host name.
+.PARAMETER master
+    Name or IP of the master server. Installer defaults to "salt".
+.PARAMETER repourl
+    URL to the windows packages. Default is ""
+    All of the parameters are optional. The default should be the latest
+    version. The architecture is dynamically determined by the script.
+    Bootstrap GitHub Project (script home) -
+    Original Vagrant Provisioner Project -
+    Vagrant Project (utilizes this script) -
+    SaltStack Download Location -
+# Commandlet Binding
+    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+    # Doesn't support versions prior to "YYYY.M.R-B"
+    [ValidatePattern('^201\d\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}(\-\d{1})?|(rc\d)$')]
+    [string]$version = '',
+    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+    [ValidateSet("true","false")]
+    [string]$runservice = "true",
+    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+    [string]$minion = "not-specified",
+    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+    [string]$master = "not-specified",
+    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+    [string]$repourl= ""
+# Script Functions
+function Get-IsAdministrator
+    $Identity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
+    $Principal = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($Identity)
+    $Principal.IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
+function Get-IsUacEnabled
+    (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System).EnableLua -ne 0
+# Check for Elevated Privileges
+If (!(Get-IsAdministrator)) {
+    If (Get-IsUacEnabled) {
+        # We are not running "as Administrator" - so relaunch as administrator
+        # Create a new process object that starts PowerShell
+        $newProcess = new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo "PowerShell";
+        # Specify the current script path and name as a parameter`
+        $parameters = ""
+        If($minion -ne "not-specified") {$parameters = "-minion $minion"}
+        If($master -ne "not-specified") {$parameters = "$parameters -master $master"}
+        If($runservice -eq $false) {$parameters = "$parameters -runservice false"}
+        If($version -ne '') {$parameters = "$parameters -version $version"}
+        $newProcess.Arguments = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition, $parameters
+        # Specify the current working directory
+        $newProcess.WorkingDirectory = "$script_path"
+        # Indicate that the process should be elevated
+        $newProcess.Verb = "runas";
+        # Start the new process
+        [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($newProcess);
+        # Exit from the current, unelevated, process
+        Exit
+    }
+    Else {
+        Throw "You must be administrator to run this script"
+    }
+# Verify Parameters
+Write-Verbose "Parameters passed in:"
+Write-Verbose "version: $version"
+Write-Verbose "runservice: $runservice"
+Write-Verbose "master: $master"
+Write-Verbose "minion: $minion"
+Write-Verbose "repourl: $repourl"
+If ($runservice.ToLower() -eq "true") {
+    Write-Verbose "Windows service will be set to run"
+    [bool]$runservice = $True
+ElseIf ($runservice.ToLower() -eq "false") {
+    Write-Verbose "Windows service will be stopped and set to manual"
+    [bool]$runservice = $False
+Else {
+    # Param passed in wasn't clear so defaulting to true.
+    Write-Verbose "Windows service defaulting to run automatically"
+    [bool]$runservice = $True
+# Ensure Directories are present, copy Vagrant Configs if found
+# Create C:\tmp\
+New-Item C:\tmp\ -ItemType directory -Force | Out-Null
+# Copy Vagrant Files to their proper location. Vagrant files will be placed
+# in C:\tmp
+# Check if minion keys have been uploaded, copy to correct location
+If (Test-Path C:\tmp\minion.pem) {
+    New-Item C:\salt\conf\pki\minion\ -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
+    # Copy minion keys & config to correct location
+    cp C:\tmp\minion.pem C:\salt\conf\pki\minion\
+    cp C:\tmp\ C:\salt\conf\pki\minion\
+# Check if minion config has been uploaded
+# This should be done before the installer is run so that it can be updated with
+# id: and master: settings when the installer runs
+If (Test-Path C:\tmp\minion) {
+    New-Item C:\salt\conf\ -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
+    Copy-Item -Path C:\tmp\minion -Destination C:\salt\conf\ -Force | Out-Null
+# Detect architecture
+If ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 4) {
+    $arch = "x86"
+Else {
+    $arch = "AMD64"
+# Figure out the latest version if no version is passed
+# If version isn't supplied, use latest.
+If (!$version) {
+    # Find latest version of Salt Minion
+    $repo = Invoke-Restmethod "$repourl"
+    $regex = "<\s*a\s*[^>]*?href\s*=\s*[`"']*([^`"'>]+)[^>]*?>"
+    $returnMatches = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
+    $resultingMatches = [Regex]::Matches($repo, $regex, "IgnoreCase")
+    foreach($match in $resultingMatches) {
+        $cleanedMatch = $match.Groups[1].Value.Trim()
+        [void] $returnMatches.Add($cleanedMatch)
+    }
+    If ($arch -eq 'x86') {
+        $returnMatches = $returnMatches | Where {$_ -like "Salt-Minion*x86-Setup.exe"}
+    }
+    Else {
+        $returnMatches = $returnMatches | Where {$_ -like "Salt-Minion*AMD64-Setup.exe"}
+    }
+    $version = $(($returnMatches | Sort-Object -Descending)[0]).Split(("n-","-A","-x"),([System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries))[1]
+# Download minion setup file
+$saltExe = "Salt-Minion-$version-$arch-Setup.exe"
+Write-Output "Downloading Salt minion installer $saltExe"
+$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
+$url = "$repourl/$saltExe"
+$file = "C:\Windows\Temp\$saltExe"
+$webclient.DownloadFile($url, $file)
+# Set the parameters for the installer
+# Unless specified, use the installer defaults
+# - id: <hostname>
+# - master: salt
+# - Start the service
+$parameters = ""
+If($minion -ne "not-specified") {$parameters = "/minion-name=$minion"}
+If($master -ne "not-specified") {$parameters = "$parameters /master=$master"}
+If($runservice -eq $false) {$parameters = "$parameters /start-service=0"}
+# Install minion silently
+#Wait for process to exit before continuing.
+Write-Output "Installing Salt minion"
+Start-Process C:\Windows\Temp\$saltExe -ArgumentList "/S $parameters" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru | Out-Null
+# Configure the minion service
+# Wait for salt-minion service to be registered before trying to start it
+$service = Get-Service salt-minion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+While (!$service) {
+  Start-Sleep -s 2
+  $service = Get-Service salt-minion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+If($runservice) {
+    # Start service
+    Start-Service -Name "salt-minion" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+    # Check if service is started, otherwise retry starting the
+    # service 4 times.
+    $try = 0
+    While (($service.Status -ne "Running") -and ($try -ne 4)) {
+        Start-Service -Name "salt-minion" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+        $service = Get-Service salt-minion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+        Start-Sleep -s 2
+        $try += 1
+    }
+    # If the salt-minion service is still not running, something probably
+    # went wrong and user intervention is required - report failure.
+    If ($service.Status -eq "Stopped") {
+        Write-Output -NoNewline "Failed to start salt minion"
+        exit 1
+    }
+Else {
+    Write-Output -NoNewline "Stopping salt minion and setting it to 'Manual'"
+    Set-Service "salt-minion" -StartupType "Manual"
+    Stop-Service "salt-minion"
+# Script Complete
+Write-Output "Salt minion successfully installed"
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..22ba484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,6717 @@
+#!/bin/sh -
+# vim: softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab fenc=utf-8 spell spelllang=en cc=120
+#          FILE:
+#   DESCRIPTION: Bootstrap Salt installation for various systems/distributions
+#          BUGS:
+#     COPYRIGHT: (c) 2012-2017 by the SaltStack Team, see AUTHORS.rst for more
+#                details.
+#       LICENSE: Apache 2.0
+#  ORGANIZATION: SaltStack (
+#       CREATED: 10/15/2012 09:49:37 PM WEST
+set -o nounset                              # Treat unset variables as an error
+#  Environment variables taken into account.
+#   * BS_COLORS:                If 0 disables colour support
+#   * BS_PIP_ALLOWED:           If 1 enable pip based installations(if needed)
+#   * BS_PIP_ALL:               If 1 enable all python packages to be installed via pip instead of apt, requires setting virtualenv
+#   * BS_VIRTUALENV_DIR:        The virtualenv to install salt into (shouldn't exist yet)
+#   * BS_ECHO_DEBUG:            If 1 enable debug echo which can also be set by -D
+#   * BS_SALT_ETC_DIR:          Defaults to /etc/salt (Only tweak'able on git based installations)
+#   * BS_SALT_CACHE_DIR:        Defaults to /var/cache/salt (Only tweak'able on git based installations)
+#   * BS_KEEP_TEMP_FILES:       If 1, don't move temporary files, instead copy them
+#   * BS_FORCE_OVERWRITE:       Force overriding copied files(config, init.d, etc)
+#   * BS_UPGRADE_SYS:           If 1 and an option, upgrade system. Default 0.
+#   * BS_GENTOO_USE_BINHOST:    If 1 add `--getbinpkg` to gentoo's emerge
+#   * BS_SALT_MASTER_ADDRESS:   The IP or DNS name of the salt-master the minion should connect to
+#   * BS_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR: The directory where to clone Salt on git installations
+# Bootstrap script truth values
+# Default sleep time used when waiting for daemons to start, restart and checking for these running
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __detect_color_support
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Try to detect color support.
+_COLORS=${BS_COLORS:-$(tput colors 2>/dev/null || echo 0)}
+__detect_color_support() {
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ "$_COLORS" -gt 2 ]; then
+        RC="\033[1;31m"
+        GC="\033[1;32m"
+        BC="\033[1;34m"
+        YC="\033[1;33m"
+        EC="\033[0m"
+    else
+        RC=""
+        GC=""
+        BC=""
+        YC=""
+        EC=""
+    fi
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  echoerr
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Echo errors to stderr.
+echoerror() {
+    printf "${RC} * ERROR${EC}: %s\n" "$@" 1>&2;
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  echoinfo
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Echo information to stdout.
+echoinfo() {
+    printf "${GC} *  INFO${EC}: %s\n" "$@";
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  echowarn
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Echo warning informations to stdout.
+echowarn() {
+    printf "${YC} *  WARN${EC}: %s\n" "$@";
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  echodebug
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Echo debug information to stdout.
+echodebug() {
+    if [ "$_ECHO_DEBUG" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        printf "${BC} * DEBUG${EC}: %s\n" "$@";
+    fi
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __check_command_exists
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Check if a command exists.
+__check_command_exists() {
+    command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __check_pip_allowed
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Simple function to let the users know that -P needs to be
+#                 used.
+__check_pip_allowed() {
+    if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+    else
+        _PIP_ALLOWED_ERROR_MSG="pip based installations were not allowed. Retry using '-P'"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_PIP_ALLOWED" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        echoerror "$_PIP_ALLOWED_ERROR_MSG"
+        __usage
+        exit 1
+    fi
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#         NAME:  __check_config_dir
+#  DESCRIPTION:  Checks the config directory, retrieves URLs if provided.
+__check_config_dir() {
+    CC_DIR_NAME="$1"
+    CC_DIR_BASE=$(basename "${CC_DIR_NAME}")
+    case "$CC_DIR_NAME" in
+        http://*|https://*)
+            __fetch_url "/tmp/${CC_DIR_BASE}" "${CC_DIR_NAME}"
+            CC_DIR_NAME="/tmp/${CC_DIR_BASE}"
+            ;;
+        ftp://*)
+            __fetch_url "/tmp/${CC_DIR_BASE}" "${CC_DIR_NAME}"
+            CC_DIR_NAME="/tmp/${CC_DIR_BASE}"
+            ;;
+        *)
+            if [ ! -e "${CC_DIR_NAME}" ]; then
+                echo "null"
+                return 0
+            fi
+            ;;
+    esac
+    case "$CC_DIR_NAME" in
+        *.tgz|*.tar.gz)
+            tar -zxf "${CC_DIR_NAME}" -C /tmp
+            CC_DIR_BASE=$(basename "${CC_DIR_BASE}" ".tgz")
+            CC_DIR_BASE=$(basename "${CC_DIR_BASE}" ".tar.gz")
+            CC_DIR_NAME="/tmp/${CC_DIR_BASE}"
+            ;;
+        *.tbz|*.tar.bz2)
+            tar -xjf "${CC_DIR_NAME}" -C /tmp
+            CC_DIR_BASE=$(basename "${CC_DIR_BASE}" ".tbz")
+            CC_DIR_BASE=$(basename "${CC_DIR_BASE}" ".tar.bz2")
+            CC_DIR_NAME="/tmp/${CC_DIR_BASE}"
+            ;;
+        *.txz|*.tar.xz)
+            tar -xJf "${CC_DIR_NAME}" -C /tmp
+            CC_DIR_BASE=$(basename "${CC_DIR_BASE}" ".txz")
+            CC_DIR_BASE=$(basename "${CC_DIR_BASE}" ".tar.xz")
+            CC_DIR_NAME="/tmp/${CC_DIR_BASE}"
+            ;;
+    esac
+    echo "${CC_DIR_NAME}"
+#  Handle command line arguments
+# _SIMPLIFY_VERSION is mostly used in Solaris based distributions
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#         NAME:  __usage
+#  DESCRIPTION:  Display usage information.
+__usage() {
+    cat << EOT
+  Usage :  ${__ScriptName} [options] <install-type> [install-type-args]
+  Installation types:
+    - stable              Install latest stable release. This is the default
+                          install type
+    - stable [branch]     Install latest version on a branch. Only supported
+                          for packages available at
+    - stable [version]    Install a specific version. Only supported for
+                          packages available at
+    - daily               Ubuntu specific: configure SaltStack Daily PPA
+    - testing             RHEL-family specific: configure EPEL testing repo
+    - git                 Install from the head of the develop branch
+    - git [ref]           Install from any git ref (such as a branch, tag, or
+                          commit)
+  Examples:
+    - ${__ScriptName}
+    - ${__ScriptName} stable
+    - ${__ScriptName} stable 2016.3
+    - ${__ScriptName} stable 2016.3.1
+    - ${__ScriptName} daily
+    - ${__ScriptName} testing
+    - ${__ScriptName} git
+    - ${__ScriptName} git 2016.3
+    - ${__ScriptName} git v2016.3.1
+    - ${__ScriptName} git 06f249901a2e2f1ed310d58ea3921a129f214358
+  Options:
+    -h  Display this message
+    -v  Display script version
+    -n  No colours
+    -D  Show debug output
+    -c  Temporary configuration directory
+    -g  Salt Git repository URL. Default: ${_SALTSTACK_REPO_URL}
+    -w  Install packages from downstream package repository rather than
+        upstream, saltstack package repository. This is currently only
+        implemented for SUSE.
+    -k  Temporary directory holding the minion keys which will pre-seed
+        the master.
+    -s  Sleep time used when waiting for daemons to start, restart and when
+        checking for the services running. Default: ${__DEFAULT_SLEEP}
+    -L  Also install salt-cloud and required python-libcloud package
+    -M  Also install salt-master
+    -S  Also install salt-syndic
+    -N  Do not install salt-minion
+    -X  Do not start daemons after installation
+    -d  Disables checking if Salt services are enabled to start on system boot.
+        You can also do this by touching /tmp/disable_salt_checks on the target
+        host. Default: \${BS_FALSE}
+    -P  Allow pip based installations. On some distributions the required salt
+        packages or its dependencies are not available as a package for that
+        distribution. Using this flag allows the script to use pip as a last
+        resort method. NOTE: This only works for functions which actually
+        implement pip based installations.
+    -U  If set, fully upgrade the system prior to bootstrapping Salt
+    -I  If set, allow insecure connections while downloading any files. For
+        example, pass '--no-check-certificate' to 'wget' or '--insecure' to
+        'curl'. On Debian and Ubuntu, using this option with -U allows to obtain
+        GnuPG archive keys insecurely if distro has changed release signatures.
+    -F  Allow copied files to overwrite existing (config, init.d, etc)
+    -K  If set, keep the temporary files in the temporary directories specified
+        with -c and -k
+    -C  Only run the configuration function. Implies -F (forced overwrite).
+        To overwrite Master or Syndic configs, -M or -S, respectively, must
+        also be specified. Salt installation will be ommitted, but some of the
+        dependencies could be installed to write configuration with -j or -J.
+    -A  Pass the salt-master DNS name or IP. This will be stored under
+        \${BS_SALT_ETC_DIR}/minion.d/99-master-address.conf
+    -i  Pass the salt-minion id. This will be stored under
+        \${BS_SALT_ETC_DIR}/minion_id
+    -p  Extra-package to install while installing Salt dependencies. One package
+        per -p flag. You're responsible for providing the proper package name.
+    -H  Use the specified HTTP proxy for all download URLs (including https://).
+        For example:
+    -Z  Enable additional package repository for newer ZeroMQ
+        (only available for RHEL/CentOS/Fedora/Ubuntu based distributions)
+    -b  Assume that dependencies are already installed and software sources are
+        set up. If git is selected, git tree is still checked out as dependency
+        step.
+    -f  Force shallow cloning for git installations.
+        This may result in an "n/a" in the version number.
+    -l  Disable ssl checks. When passed, switches "https" calls to "http" where
+        possible.
+    -V  Install Salt into virtualenv
+        (only available for Ubuntu based distributions)
+    -a  Pip install all Python pkg dependencies for Salt. Requires -V to install
+        all pip pkgs into the virtualenv.
+        (Only available for Ubuntu based distributions)
+    -r  Disable all repository configuration performed by this script. This
+        option assumes all necessary repository configuration is already present
+        on the system.
+    -R  Specify a custom repository URL. Assumes the custom repository URL
+        points to a repository that mirrors Salt packages located at
+ The option passed with -R replaces the
+        "". If -R is passed, -r is also set. Currently only
+        works on CentOS/RHEL based distributions.
+    -J  Replace the Master config file with data passed in as a JSON string. If
+        a Master config file is found, a reasonable effort will be made to save
+        the file with a ".bak" extension. If used in conjunction with -C or -F,
+        no ".bak" file will be created as either of those options will force
+        a complete overwrite of the file.
+    -j  Replace the Minion config file with data passed in as a JSON string. If
+        a Minion config file is found, a reasonable effort will be made to save
+        the file with a ".bak" extension. If used in conjunction with -C or -F,
+        no ".bak" file will be created as either of those options will force
+        a complete overwrite of the file.
+    -q  Quiet salt installation from git ( install -q)
+}   # ----------  end of function __usage  ----------
+while getopts ':hvnDc:g:Gwk:s:MSNXCPFUKIA:i:Lp:dH:ZbflV:J:j:rR:aq' opt
+  case "${opt}" in
+    h )  __usage; exit 0                                ;;
+    v )  echo "$0 -- Version $__ScriptVersion"; exit 0  ;;
+    n )  _COLORS=0; __detect_color_support              ;;
+    D )  _ECHO_DEBUG=$BS_TRUE                           ;;
+    c )  _TEMP_CONFIG_DIR=$(__check_config_dir "$OPTARG")
+         # If the configuration directory does not exist, error out
+         if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+             echoerror "Unsupported URI scheme for $OPTARG"
+             exit 1
+         fi
+         if [ ! -d "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" ]; then
+             echoerror "The configuration directory ${_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR} does not exist."
+             exit 1
+         fi
+         ;;
+    g )  _SALT_REPO_URL=$OPTARG                         ;;
+    G )  echowarn "The '-G' option is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future stable release!"
+         echowarn "Bootstrap will always use 'https' protocol to clone from SaltStack GitHub repo."
+         echowarn "No need to provide this option anymore, now it is a default behavior."
+         ;;
+    w )  _DOWNSTREAM_PKG_REPO=$BS_TRUE                  ;;
+    k )  _TEMP_KEYS_DIR="$OPTARG"
+         # If the configuration directory does not exist, error out
+         if [ ! -d "$_TEMP_KEYS_DIR" ]; then
+             echoerror "The pre-seed keys directory ${_TEMP_KEYS_DIR} does not exist."
+             exit 1
+         fi
+         ;;
+    s )  _SLEEP=$OPTARG                                 ;;
+    M )  _INSTALL_MASTER=$BS_TRUE                       ;;
+    S )  _INSTALL_SYNDIC=$BS_TRUE                       ;;
+    N )  _INSTALL_MINION=$BS_FALSE                      ;;
+    X )  _START_DAEMONS=$BS_FALSE                       ;;
+    C )  _CONFIG_ONLY=$BS_TRUE                          ;;
+    P )  _PIP_ALLOWED=$BS_TRUE                          ;;
+    F )  _FORCE_OVERWRITE=$BS_TRUE                      ;;
+    U )  _UPGRADE_SYS=$BS_TRUE                          ;;
+    K )  _KEEP_TEMP_FILES=$BS_TRUE                      ;;
+    I )  _INSECURE_DL=$BS_TRUE                          ;;
+    A )  _SALT_MASTER_ADDRESS=$OPTARG                   ;;
+    i )  _SALT_MINION_ID=$OPTARG                        ;;
+    L )  _INSTALL_CLOUD=$BS_TRUE                        ;;
+    d )  _DISABLE_SALT_CHECKS=$BS_TRUE                  ;;
+    H )  _HTTP_PROXY="$OPTARG"                          ;;
+    Z )  _ENABLE_EXTERNAL_ZMQ_REPOS=$BS_TRUE            ;;
+    b )  _NO_DEPS=$BS_TRUE                              ;;
+    f )  _FORCE_SHALLOW_CLONE=$BS_TRUE                  ;;
+    l )  _DISABLE_SSL=$BS_TRUE                          ;;
+    V )  _VIRTUALENV_DIR="$OPTARG"                      ;;
+    a )  _PIP_ALL=$BS_TRUE                              ;;
+    r )  _DISABLE_REPOS=$BS_TRUE                        ;;
+    R )  _CUSTOM_REPO_URL=$OPTARG                       ;;
+    J )  _CUSTOM_MASTER_CONFIG=$OPTARG                  ;;
+    j )  _CUSTOM_MINION_CONFIG=$OPTARG                  ;;
+    q )  _QUIET_GIT_INSTALLATION=$BS_TRUE               ;;
+    \?)  echo
+         echoerror "Option does not exist : $OPTARG"
+         __usage
+         exit 1
+         ;;
+  esac    # --- end of case ---
+shift $((OPTIND-1))
+__check_unparsed_options() {
+    shellopts="$1"
+    # grep alternative for SunOS
+    if [ -f /usr/xpg4/bin/grep ]; then
+        grep='/usr/xpg4/bin/grep'
+    else
+        grep='grep'
+    fi
+    unparsed_options=$( echo "$shellopts" | ${grep} -E '(^|[[:space:]])[-]+[[:alnum:]]' )
+    if [ "$unparsed_options" != "" ]; then
+        __usage
+        echo
+        echoerror "options are only allowed before install arguments"
+        echo
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Check that we're actually installing one of minion/master/syndic
+if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+    echowarn "Nothing to install or configure"
+    exit 0
+# Check that we're installing a minion if we're being passed a master address
+if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "$_SALT_MASTER_ADDRESS" != "null" ]; then
+    echoerror "Don't pass a master address (-A) if no minion is going to be bootstrapped."
+    exit 1
+# Check that we're installing a minion if we're being passed a minion id
+if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "$_SALT_MINION_ID" != "null" ]; then
+    echoerror "Don't pass a minion id (-i) if no minion is going to be bootstrapped."
+    exit 1
+# Check that we're installing or configuring a master if we're being passed a master config json dict
+if [ "$_CUSTOM_MASTER_CONFIG" != "null" ]; then
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        echoerror "Don't pass a master config JSON dict (-J) if no master is going to be bootstrapped or configured."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Check that we're installing or configuring a minion if we're being passed a minion config json dict
+if [ "$_CUSTOM_MINION_CONFIG" != "null" ]; then
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        echoerror "Don't pass a minion config JSON dict (-j) if no minion is going to be bootstrapped or configured."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Define installation type
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ];then
+    ITYPE="stable"
+    __check_unparsed_options "$*"
+    ITYPE=$1
+    shift
+# Check installation type
+if [ "$(echo "$ITYPE" | egrep '(stable|testing|daily|git)')" = "" ]; then
+    echoerror "Installation type \"$ITYPE\" is not known..."
+    exit 1
+# If doing a git install, check what branch/tag/sha will be checked out
+if [ "$ITYPE" = "git" ]; then
+    if [ "$#" -eq 0 ];then
+        GIT_REV="develop"
+    else
+        __check_unparsed_options "$*"
+        GIT_REV="$1"
+        shift
+    fi
+    # Disable shell warning about unbound variable during git install
+    STABLE_REV="latest"
+# If doing stable install, check if version specified
+elif [ "$ITYPE" = "stable" ]; then
+    if [ "$#" -eq 0 ];then
+        STABLE_REV="latest"
+    else
+        __check_unparsed_options "$*"
+        if [ "$(echo "$1" | egrep '^(latest|1\.6|1\.7|2014\.1|2014\.7|2015\.5|2015\.8|2016\.3|2016\.11)$')" != "" ]; then
+            STABLE_REV="$1"
+            shift
+        elif [ "$(echo "$1" | egrep '^([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)$')" != "" ]; then
+            STABLE_REV="archive/$1"
+            shift
+        else
+            echo "Unknown stable version: $1 (valid: 1.6, 1.7, 2014.1, 2014.7, 2015.5, 2015.8, 2016.3, 2016.11, latest, \$MAJOR.\$MINOR.\$PATCH)"
+            exit 1
+        fi
+    fi
+# -a and -V only work from git
+if [ "$ITYPE" != "git" ]; then
+    if [ $_PIP_ALL -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        echoerror "Pip installing all python packages with -a is only possible when installing Salt via git"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$_VIRTUALENV_DIR" != "null" ]; then
+        echoerror "Virtualenv installs via -V is only possible when installing Salt via git"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Check for -r if -R is being passed. Set -r with a warning.
+if [ "$_CUSTOM_REPO_URL" != "null" ] && [ "$_DISABLE_REPOS" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+    echowarn "Detected -R option. No other repositories will be configured when -R is used. Setting -r option to True."
+# Check for any unparsed arguments. Should be an error.
+if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
+    __check_unparsed_options "$*"
+    __usage
+    echo
+    echoerror "Too many arguments."
+    exit 1
+# Check the _DISABLE_SSL value and set HTTP or HTTPS.
+if [ "$_DISABLE_SSL" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+    HTTP_VAL="http"
+    HTTP_VAL="https"
+if [ "$_QUIET_GIT_INSTALLATION" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+# whoami alternative for SunOS
+if [ -f /usr/xpg4/bin/id ]; then
+    whoami='/usr/xpg4/bin/id -un'
+    whoami='whoami'
+# Root permissions are required to run this script
+if [ "$($whoami)" != "root" ]; then
+    echoerror "Salt requires root privileges to install. Please re-run this script as root."
+    exit 1
+# Export the http_proxy configuration to our current environment
+if [ "${_HTTP_PROXY}" != "" ]; then
+    export http_proxy="$_HTTP_PROXY"
+    export https_proxy="$_HTTP_PROXY"
+# Let's discover how we're being called
+# shellcheck disable=SC2009
+CALLER=$(ps -a -o pid,args | grep $$ | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3)
+if [ "${CALLER}x" = "${0}x" ]; then
+    CALLER="shell pipe"
+# Work around for 'Docker + salt-bootstrap failure'
+if [ "${_DISABLE_SALT_CHECKS}" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ -f /tmp/disable_salt_checks ]; then
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+    echowarn 'Found file: /tmp/disable_salt_checks, setting _DISABLE_SALT_CHECKS=$BS_TRUE'
+# Because -a can only be installed into virtualenv
+if [ "${_PIP_ALL}" -eq $BS_TRUE ] && [ "${_VIRTUALENV_DIR}" = "null" ]; then
+    usage
+    # Could possibly set up a default virtualenv location when -a flag is passed
+    echoerror "Using -a requires -V because pip pkgs should be siloed from python system pkgs"
+    exit 1
+# Make sure virtualenv directory does not already exist
+if [ -d "${_VIRTUALENV_DIR}" ]; then
+    echoerror "The directory ${_VIRTUALENV_DIR} for virtualenv already exists"
+    exit 1
+echoinfo "Running version: ${__ScriptVersion}"
+echoinfo "Executed by: ${CALLER}"
+echoinfo "Command line: '${__ScriptFullName} ${__ScriptArgs}'"
+echowarn "Running the unstable version of ${__ScriptName}"
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __exit_cleanup
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Cleanup any leftovers after script has ended
+#               Signal Number   Signal Name
+#               1               SIGHUP
+#               2               SIGINT
+#               3               SIGQUIT
+#               6               SIGABRT
+#               9               SIGKILL
+#              14               SIGALRM
+#              15               SIGTERM
+__exit_cleanup() {
+    EXIT_CODE=$?
+    if [ "$ITYPE" = "git" ] && [ -d "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}" ]; then
+        if [ $_KEEP_TEMP_FILES -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+            # Clean up the checked out repository
+            echodebug "Cleaning up the Salt Temporary Git Repository"
+            # shellcheck disable=SC2164
+            cd "${__SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_PARENT_DIR}"
+            rm -rf "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}"
+        else
+            echowarn "Not cleaning up the Salt Temporary git repository on request"
+            echowarn "Note that if you intend to re-run this script using the git approach, you might encounter some issues"
+        fi
+    fi
+    # Remove the logging pipe when the script exits
+    echodebug "Removing the logging pipe $LOGPIPE"
+    rm -f "$LOGPIPE"
+    # Kill tee when exiting, CentOS, at least requires this
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2009
+    TEE_PID=$(ps ax | grep tee | grep "$LOGFILE" | awk '{print $1}')
+    [ "$TEE_PID" = "" ] && exit $EXIT_CODE
+    echodebug "Killing logging pipe tee's with pid(s): $TEE_PID"
+    # We need to trap errors since killing tee will cause a 127 errno
+    # We also do this as late as possible so we don't "mis-catch" other errors
+    __trap_errors() {
+        echoinfo "Errors Trapped: $EXIT_CODE"
+        # Exit with the "original" exit code, not the trapped code
+        exit $EXIT_CODE
+    }
+    trap "__trap_errors" INT ABRT QUIT TERM
+    # Now we're "good" to kill tee
+    kill -s TERM "$TEE_PID"
+    # In case the 127 errno is not triggered, exit with the "original" exit code
+    exit $EXIT_CODE
+trap "__exit_cleanup" EXIT INT
+# Define our logging file and pipe paths
+LOGFILE="/tmp/$( echo "$__ScriptName" | sed s/.sh/.log/g )"
+LOGPIPE="/tmp/$( echo "$__ScriptName" | sed s/.sh/.logpipe/g )"
+# Create our logging pipe
+# On FreeBSD we have to use mkfifo instead of mknod
+mknod "$LOGPIPE" p >/dev/null 2>&1 || mkfifo "$LOGPIPE" >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+    echoerror "Failed to create the named pipe required to log"
+    exit 1
+# What ever is written to the logpipe gets written to the logfile
+tee < "$LOGPIPE" "$LOGFILE" &
+# Close STDOUT, reopen it directing it to the logpipe
+exec 1>&-
+exec 1>"$LOGPIPE"
+# Close STDERR, reopen it directing it to the logpipe
+exec 2>&-
+exec 2>"$LOGPIPE"
+# Handle the insecure flags
+if [ "$_INSECURE_DL" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+    _CURL_ARGS="${_CURL_ARGS} --insecure"
+    _FETCH_ARGS="${_FETCH_ARGS} --no-verify-peer"
+    _GPG_ARGS="${_GPG_ARGS} --keyserver-options no-check-cert"
+    _WGET_ARGS="${_WGET_ARGS} --no-check-certificate"
+    _GPG_ARGS="${_GPG_ARGS} --keyserver-options ca-cert-file=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#         NAME:  __fetch_url
+#  DESCRIPTION:  Retrieves a URL and writes it to a given path
+__fetch_url() {
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    curl $_CURL_ARGS -L -s -o "$1" "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1        ||
+        wget $_WGET_ARGS -q -O "$1" "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1       ||
+            fetch $_FETCH_ARGS -q -o "$1" "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||  # FreeBSD
+                fetch -q -o "$1" "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1          ||  # Pre FreeBSD 10
+                    ftp -o "$1" "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1               # OpenBSD
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#         NAME:  __fetch_verify
+#  DESCRIPTION:  Retrieves a URL, verifies its content and writes it to standard output
+__fetch_verify() {
+    fetch_verify_url="$1"
+    fetch_verify_sum="$2"
+    fetch_verify_size="$3"
+    fetch_verify_tmpf=$(mktemp) && \
+    __fetch_url "$fetch_verify_tmpf" "$fetch_verify_url" && \
+    test "$(stat --format=%s "$fetch_verify_tmpf")" -eq "$fetch_verify_size" && \
+    test "$(md5sum "$fetch_verify_tmpf" | awk '{ print $1 }')" = "$fetch_verify_sum" && \
+    cat "$fetch_verify_tmpf" && \
+    rm -f "$fetch_verify_tmpf"
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    echo "Failed verification of $fetch_verify_url"
+    return 1
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __gather_hardware_info
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Discover hardware information
+__gather_hardware_info() {
+    if [ -f /proc/cpuinfo ]; then
+        CPU_VENDOR_ID=$(awk '/vendor_id|Processor/ {sub(/-.*$/,"",$3); print $3; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo )
+    elif [ -f /usr/bin/kstat ]; then
+        # SmartOS.
+        # Solaris!?
+        # This has only been tested for a GenuineIntel CPU
+        CPU_VENDOR_ID=$(/usr/bin/kstat -p cpu_info:0:cpu_info0:vendor_id | awk '{print $2}')
+    else
+        CPU_VENDOR_ID=$( sysctl -n hw.model )
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+    CPU_VENDOR_ID_L=$( echo "$CPU_VENDOR_ID" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )
+    CPU_ARCH=$(uname -m 2>/dev/null || uname -p 2>/dev/null || echo "unknown")
+    CPU_ARCH_L=$( echo "$CPU_ARCH" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __gather_os_info
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Discover operating system information
+__gather_os_info() {
+    OS_NAME=$(uname -s 2>/dev/null)
+    OS_NAME_L=$( echo "$OS_NAME" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )
+    OS_VERSION=$(uname -r)
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+    OS_VERSION_L=$( echo "$OS_VERSION" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __parse_version_string
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Parse version strings ignoring the revision.
+#                 MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION becomes MAJOR.MINOR
+__parse_version_string() {
+        echo "$VERSION_STRING" |
+        sed -e 's/^/#/' \
+            -e 's/^#[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\)\(\.[0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/' \
+            -e 's/^#[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/' \
+            -e 's/^#[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/' \
+            -e 's/^#.*$//'
+    )
+    echo "$PARSED_VERSION"
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __derive_debian_numeric_version
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Derive the numeric version from a Debian version string.
+__derive_debian_numeric_version() {
+    if echo "$INPUT_VERSION" | grep -q '^[0-9]'; then
+    elif [ -z "$INPUT_VERSION" ] && [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then
+        INPUT_VERSION="$(cat /etc/debian_version)"
+    fi
+    if [ -z "$NUMERIC_VERSION" ]; then
+        if [ "$INPUT_VERSION" = "wheezy/sid" ]; then
+            # I've found an EC2 wheezy image which did not tell its version
+            NUMERIC_VERSION=$(__parse_version_string "7.0")
+        elif [ "$INPUT_VERSION" = "jessie/sid" ]; then
+            NUMERIC_VERSION=$(__parse_version_string "8.0")
+        elif [ "$INPUT_VERSION" = "stretch/sid" ]; then
+            # Let's start detecting the upcoming Debian 9 (Stretch)
+            NUMERIC_VERSION=$(__parse_version_string "9.0")
+        else
+            echowarn "Unable to parse the Debian Version (codename: '$INPUT_VERSION')"
+        fi
+    fi
+    echo "$NUMERIC_VERSION"
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __unquote_string
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Strip single or double quotes from the provided string.
+__unquote_string() {
+    echo "$*" | sed -e "s/^\([\"\']\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g"
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __camelcase_split
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Convert 'CamelCased' strings to 'Camel Cased'
+__camelcase_split() {
+    echo "$*" | sed -e 's/\([^[:upper:][:punct:]]\)\([[:upper:]]\)/\1 \2/g'
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __strip_duplicates
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Strip duplicate strings
+__strip_duplicates() {
+    echo "$*" | tr -s '[:space:]' '\n' | awk '!x[$0]++'
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __sort_release_files
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Custom sort function. Alphabetical or numerical sort is not
+#                 enough.
+__sort_release_files() {
+    KNOWN_RELEASE_FILES=$(echo "(arch|alpine|centos|debian|ubuntu|fedora|redhat|suse|\
+        mandrake|mandriva|gentoo|slackware|turbolinux|unitedlinux|lsb|system|\
+        oracle|os)(-|_)(release|version)" | sed -r 's:[[:space:]]::g')
+    primary_release_files=""
+    secondary_release_files=""
+    # Sort know VS un-known files first
+    for release_file in $(echo "${@}" | sed -r 's:[[:space:]]:\n:g' | sort -f | uniq); do
+        match=$(echo "$release_file" | egrep -i "${KNOWN_RELEASE_FILES}")
+        if [ "${match}" != "" ]; then
+            primary_release_files="${primary_release_files} ${release_file}"
+        else
+            secondary_release_files="${secondary_release_files} ${release_file}"
+        fi
+    done
+    # Now let's sort by know files importance, max important goes last in the max_prio list
+    max_prio="redhat-release centos-release oracle-release"
+    for entry in $max_prio; do
+        if [ "$(echo "${primary_release_files}" | grep "$entry")" != "" ]; then
+            primary_release_files=$(echo "${primary_release_files}" | sed -e "s:\(.*\)\($entry\)\(.*\):\2 \1 \3:g")
+        fi
+    done
+    # Now, least important goes last in the min_prio list
+    min_prio="lsb-release"
+    for entry in $min_prio; do
+        if [ "$(echo "${primary_release_files}" | grep "$entry")" != "" ]; then
+            primary_release_files=$(echo "${primary_release_files}" | sed -e "s:\(.*\)\($entry\)\(.*\):\1 \3 \2:g")
+        fi
+    done
+    # Echo the results collapsing multiple white-space into a single white-space
+    echo "${primary_release_files} ${secondary_release_files}" | sed -r 's:[[:space:]]+:\n:g'
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __gather_linux_system_info
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Discover Linux system information
+__gather_linux_system_info() {
+    # Let's test if the lsb_release binary is available
+    rv=$(lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1)
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        DISTRO_NAME=$(lsb_release -si)
+        if [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "Scientific" ]; then
+            DISTRO_NAME="Scientific Linux"
+        elif [ "$(echo "$DISTRO_NAME" | grep ^CloudLinux)" != "" ]; then
+            DISTRO_NAME="Cloud Linux"
+        elif [ "$(echo "$DISTRO_NAME" | grep ^RedHat)" != "" ]; then
+            # Let's convert 'CamelCased' to 'Camel Cased'
+            n=$(__camelcase_split "$DISTRO_NAME")
+            # Skip setting DISTRO_NAME this time, splitting CamelCase has failed.
+            # See
+            [ "$n" = "$DISTRO_NAME" ] && DISTRO_NAME="" || DISTRO_NAME="$n"
+        elif [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "openSUSE project" ]; then
+            # lsb_release -si returns "openSUSE project" on openSUSE 12.3
+            DISTRO_NAME="opensuse"
+        elif [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "SUSE LINUX" ]; then
+            if [ "$(lsb_release -sd | grep -i opensuse)" != "" ]; then
+                # openSUSE 12.2 reports SUSE LINUX on lsb_release -si
+                DISTRO_NAME="opensuse"
+            else
+                # lsb_release -si returns "SUSE LINUX" on SLES 11 SP3
+                DISTRO_NAME="suse"
+            fi
+        elif [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "EnterpriseEnterpriseServer" ]; then
+            # This the Oracle Linux Enterprise ID before ORACLE LINUX 5 UPDATE 3
+            DISTRO_NAME="Oracle Linux"
+        elif [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "OracleServer" ]; then
+            # This the Oracle Linux Server 6.5
+            DISTRO_NAME="Oracle Linux"
+        elif [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "AmazonAMI" ]; then
+            DISTRO_NAME="Amazon Linux AMI"
+        elif [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "Arch" ]; then
+            DISTRO_NAME="Arch Linux"
+            return
+        elif [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "Raspbian" ]; then
+           DISTRO_NAME="Debian"
+        elif [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "Cumulus Linux" ]; then
+            DISTRO_NAME="Debian"
+        fi
+        rv=$(lsb_release -sr)
+        [ "${rv}" != "" ] && DISTRO_VERSION=$(__parse_version_string "$rv")
+    elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then
+        # We don't have the lsb_release binary, though, we do have the file it parses
+        DISTRO_NAME=$(grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release | sed -e 's/.*=//')
+        rv=$(grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release | sed -e 's/.*=//')
+        [ "${rv}" != "" ] && DISTRO_VERSION=$(__parse_version_string "$rv")
+    fi
+    if [ "$DISTRO_NAME" != "" ] && [ "$DISTRO_VERSION" != "" ]; then
+        # We already have the distribution name and version
+        return
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2035,SC2086
+    for rsource in $(__sort_release_files "$(
+            cd /etc && /bin/ls *[_-]release *[_-]version 2>/dev/null | env -i sort | \
+            sed -e '/^redhat-release$/d' -e '/^lsb-release$/d'; \
+            echo redhat-release lsb-release
+            )"); do
+        [ -L "/etc/${rsource}" ] && continue        # Don't follow symlinks
+        [ ! -f "/etc/${rsource}" ] && continue      # Does not exist
+        n=$(echo "${rsource}" | sed -e 's/[_-]release$//' -e 's/[_-]version$//')
+        shortname=$(echo "${n}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+        if [ "$shortname" = "debian" ]; then
+            rv=$(__derive_debian_numeric_version "$(cat /etc/${rsource})")
+        else
+            rv=$( (grep VERSION "/etc/${rsource}"; cat "/etc/${rsource}") | grep '[0-9]' | sed -e 'q' )
+        fi
+        [ "${rv}" = "" ] && [ "$shortname" != "arch" ] && continue  # There's no version information. Continue to next rsource
+        v=$(__parse_version_string "$rv")
+        case $shortname in
+            redhat             )
+                if [ "$(egrep 'CentOS' /etc/${rsource})" != "" ]; then
+                    n="CentOS"
+                elif [ "$(egrep 'Scientific' /etc/${rsource})" != "" ]; then
+                    n="Scientific Linux"
+                elif [ "$(egrep 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux' /etc/${rsource})" != "" ]; then
+                    n="<R>ed <H>at <E>nterprise <L>inux"
+                else
+                    n="<R>ed <H>at <L>inux"
+                fi
+                ;;
+            arch               ) n="Arch Linux"     ;;
+            alpine             ) n="Alpine Linux"   ;;
+            centos             ) n="CentOS"         ;;
+            debian             ) n="Debian"         ;;
+            ubuntu             ) n="Ubuntu"         ;;
+            fedora             ) n="Fedora"         ;;
+            suse               ) n="SUSE"           ;;
+            mandrake*|mandriva ) n="Mandriva"       ;;
+            gentoo             ) n="Gentoo"         ;;
+            slackware          ) n="Slackware"      ;;
+            turbolinux         ) n="TurboLinux"     ;;
+            unitedlinux        ) n="UnitedLinux"    ;;
+            oracle             ) n="Oracle Linux"   ;;
+            system             )
+                while read -r line; do
+                    [ "${n}x" != "systemx" ] && break
+                    case "$line" in
+                        *Amazon*Linux*AMI*)
+                            n="Amazon Linux AMI"
+                            break
+                    esac
+                done < "/etc/${rsource}"
+                ;;
+            os                 )
+                nn="$(__unquote_string "$(grep '^ID=' /etc/os-release | sed -e 's/^ID=\(.*\)$/\1/g')")"
+                rv="$(__unquote_string "$(grep '^VERSION_ID=' /etc/os-release | sed -e 's/^VERSION_ID=\(.*\)$/\1/g')")"
+                [ "${rv}" != "" ] && v=$(__parse_version_string "$rv") || v=""
+                case $(echo "${nn}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') in
+                    alpine      )
+                        n="Alpine Linux"
+                        v="${rv}"
+                        ;;
+                    amzn        )
+                        # Amazon AMI's after 2014.09 match here
+                        n="Amazon Linux AMI"
+                        ;;
+                    arch        )
+                        n="Arch Linux"
+                        v=""  # Arch Linux does not provide a version.
+                        ;;
+                    cloudlinux  )
+                        n="Cloud Linux"
+                        ;;
+                    debian      )
+                        n="Debian"
+                        v=$(__derive_debian_numeric_version "$v")
+                        ;;
+                    sles        )
+                        n="SUSE"
+                        v="${rv}"
+                        ;;
+                    *           )
+                        n=${nn}
+                        ;;
+                esac
+                ;;
+            *                  ) n="${n}"           ;
+        esac
+        DISTRO_NAME=$n
+        DISTRO_VERSION=$v
+        break
+    done
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __gather_sunos_system_info
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Discover SunOS system info
+__gather_sunos_system_info() {
+    if [ -f /sbin/uname ]; then
+        DISTRO_VERSION=$(/sbin/uname -X | awk '/[kK][eE][rR][nN][eE][lL][iI][dD]/ { print $3 }')
+    fi
+    if [ -f /etc/release ]; then
+        while read -r line; do
+            [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" != "" ] && break
+            case "$line" in
+                *OpenIndiana*oi_[0-9]*)
+                    DISTRO_NAME="OpenIndiana"
+                    DISTRO_VERSION=$(echo "$line" | sed -nr "s/OpenIndiana(.*)oi_([[:digit:]]+)(.*)/\2/p")
+                    break
+                    ;;
+                *OpenSolaris*snv_[0-9]*)
+                    DISTRO_NAME="OpenSolaris"
+                    DISTRO_VERSION=$(echo "$line" | sed -nr "s/OpenSolaris(.*)snv_([[:digit:]]+)(.*)/\2/p")
+                    break
+                    ;;
+                *Oracle*Solaris*[0-9]*)
+                    DISTRO_NAME="Oracle Solaris"
+                    DISTRO_VERSION=$(echo "$line" | sed -nr "s/(Oracle Solaris) ([[:digit:]]+)(.*)/\2/p")
+                    break
+                    ;;
+                *Solaris*)
+                    DISTRO_NAME="Solaris"
+                    # Let's make sure we not actually on a Joyent's SmartOS VM since some releases
+                    # don't have SmartOS in `/etc/release`, only `Solaris`
+                    uname -v | grep joyent >/dev/null 2>&1
+                    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+                        DISTRO_NAME="SmartOS"
+                    fi
+                    break
+                    ;;
+                *NexentaCore*)
+                    DISTRO_NAME="Nexenta Core"
+                    break
+                    ;;
+                *SmartOS*)
+                    DISTRO_NAME="SmartOS"
+                    break
+                    ;;
+                *OmniOS*)
+                    DISTRO_NAME="OmniOS"
+                    DISTRO_VERSION=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $3}')
+                    _SIMPLIFY_VERSION=$BS_FALSE
+                    break
+                    ;;
+            esac
+        done < /etc/release
+    fi
+    if [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "" ]; then
+        DISTRO_NAME="Solaris"
+        DISTRO_VERSION=$(
+            echo "${OS_VERSION}" |
+            sed -e 's;^4\.;1.;' \
+                -e 's;^5\.\([0-6]\)[^0-9]*$;2.\1;' \
+                -e 's;^5\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*;\1;'
+        )
+    fi
+    if [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "SmartOS" ]; then
+        VIRTUAL_TYPE="smartmachine"
+        if [ "$(zonename)" = "global" ]; then
+            VIRTUAL_TYPE="global"
+        fi
+    fi
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __gather_bsd_system_info
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Discover OpenBSD, NetBSD and FreeBSD systems information
+__gather_bsd_system_info() {
+    DISTRO_VERSION=$(echo "${OS_VERSION}" | sed -e 's;[()];;' -e 's/-.*$//')
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __gather_system_info
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Discover which system and distribution we are running.
+__gather_system_info() {
+    case ${OS_NAME_L} in
+        linux )
+            __gather_linux_system_info
+            ;;
+        sunos )
+            __gather_sunos_system_info
+            ;;
+        openbsd|freebsd|netbsd )
+            __gather_bsd_system_info
+            ;;
+        * )
+            echoerror "${OS_NAME} not supported.";
+            exit 1
+            ;;
+    esac
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __get_dpkg_architecture
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Determine primary architecture for packages to install on Debian and derivatives
+__get_dpkg_architecture() {
+    if __check_command_exists dpkg; then
+        DPKG_ARCHITECTURE="$(dpkg --print-architecture)"
+    else
+        echoerror "dpkg: command not found."
+        return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __ubuntu_derivatives_translation
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Map Ubuntu derivatives to their Ubuntu base versions.
+#                 If distro has a known Ubuntu base version, use those install
+#                 functions by pretending to be Ubuntu (i.e. change global vars)
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+__ubuntu_derivatives_translation() {
+    UBUNTU_DERIVATIVES="(trisquel|linuxmint|linaro|elementary_os)"
+    # Mappings
+    trisquel_6_ubuntu_base="12.04"
+    linuxmint_13_ubuntu_base="12.04"
+    linuxmint_17_ubuntu_base="14.04"
+    linuxmint_18_ubuntu_base="16.04"
+    linaro_12_ubuntu_base="12.04"
+    elementary_os_02_ubuntu_base="12.04"
+    # Translate Ubuntu derivatives to their base Ubuntu version
+    match=$(echo "$DISTRO_NAME_L" | egrep ${UBUNTU_DERIVATIVES})
+    if [ "${match}" != "" ]; then
+        case $match in
+            "elementary_os")
+                _major=$(echo "$DISTRO_VERSION" | sed 's/\.//g')
+                ;;
+            "linuxmint")
+                export LSB_ETC_LSB_RELEASE=/etc/upstream-release/lsb-release
+                _major=$(echo "$DISTRO_VERSION" | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g')
+                ;;
+            *)
+                _major=$(echo "$DISTRO_VERSION" | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g')
+                ;;
+        esac
+        _ubuntu_version=$(eval echo "\$${match}_${_major}_ubuntu_base")
+        if [ "$_ubuntu_version" != "" ]; then
+            echodebug "Detected Ubuntu $_ubuntu_version derivative"
+            DISTRO_NAME_L="ubuntu"
+            DISTRO_VERSION="$_ubuntu_version"
+        fi
+    fi
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __ubuntu_codename_translation
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Map Ubuntu major versions to their corresponding codenames
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+__ubuntu_codename_translation() {
+        "04")
+            _april="yes"
+            ;;
+        "10")
+            _april=""
+            ;;
+        *)
+            _april="yes"
+            ;;
+    esac
+        "12")
+            DISTRO_CODENAME="precise"
+            ;;
+        "14")
+            DISTRO_CODENAME="trusty"
+            ;;
+        "16")
+            if [ "$_april" ]; then
+                DISTRO_CODENAME="xenial"
+            else
+                DISTRO_CODENAME="yakkety"
+            fi
+            ;;
+        *)
+            DISTRO_CODENAME="trusty"
+            ;;
+    esac
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __debian_derivatives_translation
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Map Debian derivatives to their Debian base versions.
+#                 If distro has a known Debian base version, use those install
+#                 functions by pretending to be Debian (i.e. change global vars)
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+__debian_derivatives_translation() {
+    # If the file does not exist, return
+    [ ! -f /etc/os-release ] && return
+    DEBIAN_DERIVATIVES="(kali|linuxmint|cumulus-linux)"
+    # Mappings
+    kali_1_debian_base="7.0"
+    linuxmint_1_debian_base="8.0"
+    cumulus_2_debian_base="7.0"
+    cumulus_3_debian_base="8.0"
+    # Detect derivates, Cumulus Linux, Kali and LinuxMint *only* for now
+    rv=$(grep ^ID= /etc/os-release | sed -e 's/.*=//')
+    # Translate Debian derivatives to their base Debian version
+    match=$(echo "$rv" | egrep ${DEBIAN_DERIVATIVES})
+    if [ "${match}" != "" ]; then
+        case $match in
+            kali)
+                _major=$(echo "$DISTRO_VERSION" | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g')
+                _debian_derivative="kali"
+                ;;
+            linuxmint)
+                _major=$(echo "$DISTRO_VERSION" | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g')
+                _debian_derivative="linuxmint"
+                ;;
+            cumulus-linux)
+                _major=$(echo "$DISTRO_VERSION" | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g')
+                _debian_derivative="cumulus"
+                ;;
+        esac
+        _debian_version=$(eval echo "\$${_debian_derivative}_${_major}_debian_base")
+        if [ "$_debian_version" != "" ]; then
+            echodebug "Detected Debian $_debian_version derivative"
+            DISTRO_NAME_L="debian"
+            DISTRO_VERSION="$_debian_version"
+        fi
+    fi
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __check_and_refresh_suse_pkg_repo
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Check if zypper knows about systemsmanagement_saltstack repo yet.
+#                 If it doesn't, add the repo and refresh with the SUSE_PKG_URL.
+__check_and_refresh_suse_pkg_repo() {
+    # Check to see if systemsmanagement_saltstack exists
+    __zypper repos | grep systemsmanagement_saltstack >/dev/null 2>&1
+    if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
+        # zypper does not yet know anything about systemsmanagement_saltstack
+        __zypper addrepo --refresh "${SUSE_PKG_URL}" || return 1
+    fi
+echoinfo "System Information:"
+echoinfo "  CPU:          ${CPU_VENDOR_ID}"
+echoinfo "  CPU Arch:     ${CPU_ARCH}"
+echoinfo "  OS Name:      ${OS_NAME}"
+echoinfo "  OS Version:   ${OS_VERSION}"
+echoinfo "  Distribution: ${DISTRO_NAME} ${DISTRO_VERSION}"
+echodebug "Binaries will be searched using the following \$PATH: ${PATH}"
+# Let users know that we'll use a proxy
+if [ "${_HTTP_PROXY}" != "" ]; then
+    echoinfo "Using http proxy $_HTTP_PROXY"
+# Let users know what's going to be installed/configured
+if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+    if [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing minion"
+    else
+        echoinfo "Configuring minion"
+    fi
+if [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+    if [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing master"
+    else
+        echoinfo "Configuring master"
+    fi
+if [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+    if [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing syndic"
+    else
+        echoinfo "Configuring syndic"
+    fi
+if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ] && [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+    echoinfo "Installing salt-cloud and required python-libcloud package"
+if [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+    echoinfo "Daemons will not be started"
+# Simplify distro name naming on functions
+DISTRO_NAME_L=$(echo "$DISTRO_NAME" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ ]//g' | sed -re 's/([[:space:]])+/_/g')
+# For Ubuntu derivatives, pretend to be their Ubuntu base version
+# For Debian derivates, pretend to be their Debian base version
+# Simplify version naming on functions
+if [ "$DISTRO_VERSION" = "" ] || [ ${_SIMPLIFY_VERSION} -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+    DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION=$(echo "$DISTRO_VERSION" | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g')
+    DISTRO_MINOR_VERSION=$(echo "$DISTRO_VERSION" | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).\([0-9]*\).*/\2/g')
+    if [ "${PREFIXED_DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}" = "_" ]; then
+    fi
+    if [ "${PREFIXED_DISTRO_MINOR_VERSION}" = "_" ]; then
+    fi
+# For ubuntu versions, obtain the codename from the release version
+# Only Ubuntu has daily packages, let's let users know about that
+if ([ "${DISTRO_NAME_L}" != "ubuntu" ] && [ "$ITYPE" = "daily" ]); then
+    echoerror "${DISTRO_NAME} does not have daily packages support"
+    exit 1
+elif ([ "$(echo "${DISTRO_NAME_L}" | egrep '(debian|ubuntu|centos|red_hat|oracle|scientific)')" = "" ] && [ "$ITYPE" = "stable" ] && [ "$STABLE_REV" != "latest" ]); then
+    echoerror "${DISTRO_NAME} does not have major version pegged packages support"
+    exit 1
+# Only RedHat based distros have testing support
+if [ "${ITYPE}" = "testing" ]; then
+    if [ "$(echo "${DISTRO_NAME_L}" | egrep '(centos|red_hat|amazon|oracle)')" = "" ]; then
+        echoerror "${DISTRO_NAME} does not have testing packages support"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    _EPEL_REPO="epel-testing"
+# Only Ubuntu has support for installing to virtualenvs
+if ([ "${DISTRO_NAME_L}" != "ubuntu" ] && [ "$_VIRTUALENV_DIR" != "null" ]); then
+    echoerror "${DISTRO_NAME} does not have -V support"
+    exit 1
+# Only Ubuntu has support for pip installing all packages
+if ([ "${DISTRO_NAME_L}" != "ubuntu" ] && [ $_PIP_ALL -eq $BS_TRUE ]);then
+    echoerror "${DISTRO_NAME} does not have -a support"
+    exit 1
+# Starting from Ubuntu 16.10, gnupg-curl has been renamed to gnupg1-curl.
+if ([ "${DISTRO_NAME_L}" = "ubuntu" ] && [ "${DISTRO_VERSION}" = "16.10" ]); then
+    GNUPG_CURL="gnupg1-curl"
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __function_defined
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Checks if a function is defined within this scripts scope
+#    PARAMETERS:  function name
+#       RETURNS:  0 or 1 as in defined or not defined
+__function_defined() {
+    FUNC_NAME=$1
+    if [ "$(command -v "$FUNC_NAME")" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Found function $FUNC_NAME"
+        return 0
+    fi
+    echodebug "$FUNC_NAME not found...."
+    return 1
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __apt_get_install_noinput
+#   DESCRIPTION:  (DRY) apt-get install with noinput options
+#    PARAMETERS:  packages
+__apt_get_install_noinput() {
+    apt-get install -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold "${@}"; return $?
+}   # ----------  end of function __apt_get_install_noinput  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __apt_get_upgrade_noinput
+#   DESCRIPTION:  (DRY) apt-get upgrade with noinput options
+__apt_get_upgrade_noinput() {
+    apt-get upgrade -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold; return $?
+}   # ----------  end of function __apt_get_upgrade_noinput  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __apt_key_fetch
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Download and import GPG public key for "apt-secure"
+#    PARAMETERS:  url
+__apt_key_fetch() {
+    url=$1
+    __apt_get_install_noinput ${GNUPG_CURL} || return 1
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    apt-key adv ${_GPG_ARGS} --fetch-keys "$url"; return $?
+}   # ----------  end of function __apt_key_fetch  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __rpm_import_gpg
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Download and import GPG public key to rpm database
+#    PARAMETERS:  url
+__rpm_import_gpg() {
+    url=$1
+    if __check_command_exists mktemp; then
+        tempfile="$(mktemp /tmp/ 2>/dev/null)"
+        if [ -z "$tempfile" ]; then
+            echoerror "Failed to create temporary file in /tmp"
+            return 1
+        fi
+    else
+        tempfile="/tmp/salt-gpg-$$.pub"
+    fi
+    __fetch_url "$tempfile" "$url" || return 1
+    rpm --import "$tempfile" || return 1
+    rm -f "$tempfile"
+    return 0
+}   # ----------  end of function __rpm_import_gpg  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __yum_install_noinput
+#   DESCRIPTION:  (DRY) yum install with noinput options
+__yum_install_noinput() {
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        ENABLE_EPEL_CMD="--enablerepo=${_EPEL_REPO}"
+    fi
+    if [ "$DISTRO_NAME_L" = "oracle_linux" ]; then
+        # We need to install one package at a time because --enablerepo=X disables ALL OTHER REPOS!!!!
+        for package in "${@}"; do
+            yum -y install "${package}" || yum -y install "${package}" ${ENABLE_EPEL_CMD} || return $?
+        done
+    else
+        yum -y install "${@}" ${ENABLE_EPEL_CMD} || return $?
+    fi
+}   # ----------  end of function __yum_install_noinput  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __git_clone_and_checkout
+#   DESCRIPTION:  (DRY) Helper function to clone and checkout salt to a
+#                 specific revision.
+__git_clone_and_checkout() {
+    echodebug "Installed git version: $(git --version | awk '{ print $3 }')"
+    # Turn off SSL verification if -I flag was set for insecure downloads
+    if [ "$_INSECURE_DL" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1
+    fi
+    __SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_PARENT_DIR=$(dirname "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}" 2>/dev/null)
+    __SALT_CHECKOUT_REPONAME="$(basename "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}" 2>/dev/null)"
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2164
+    if [ -d "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}" ]; then
+        echodebug "Found a checked out Salt repository"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2164
+        cd "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}"
+        echodebug "Fetching git changes"
+        git fetch || return 1
+        # Tags are needed because of salt's versioning, also fetch that
+        echodebug "Fetching git tags"
+        git fetch --tags || return 1
+        # If we have the SaltStack remote set as upstream, we also need to fetch the tags from there
+        if [ "$(git remote -v | grep $_SALTSTACK_REPO_URL)" != "" ]; then
+            echodebug "Fetching upstream(SaltStack's Salt repository) git tags"
+            git fetch --tags upstream
+        else
+            echoinfo "Adding SaltStack's Salt repository as a remote"
+            git remote add upstream "$_SALTSTACK_REPO_URL"
+            echodebug "Fetching upstream(SaltStack's Salt repository) git tags"
+            git fetch --tags upstream
+        fi
+        echodebug "Hard reseting the cloned repository to ${GIT_REV}"
+        git reset --hard "$GIT_REV" || return 1
+        # Just calling `git reset --hard $GIT_REV` on a branch name that has
+        # already been checked out will not update that branch to the upstream
+        # HEAD; instead it will simply reset to itself.  Check the ref to see
+        # if it is a branch name, check out the branch, and pull in the
+        # changes.
+        git branch -a | grep -q "${GIT_REV}"
+        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+            echodebug "Rebasing the cloned repository branch"
+            git pull --rebase || return 1
+        fi
+    else
+        if [ "$_FORCE_SHALLOW_CLONE" -eq "${BS_TRUE}" ]; then
+            echoinfo "Forced shallow cloning of git repository."
+            __SHALLOW_CLONE=$BS_TRUE
+        elif [ "$(echo "$GIT_REV" | sed 's/^.*\(v\?[[:digit:]]\{1,4\}\.[[:digit:]]\{1,2\}\)\(\.[[:digit:]]\{1,2\}\)\?.*$/MATCH/')" = "MATCH" ]; then
+            echoinfo "Git revision matches a Salt version tag, shallow cloning enabled."
+            __SHALLOW_CLONE=$BS_TRUE
+        else
+            echowarn "The git revision being installed does not match a Salt version tag. Shallow cloning disabled"
+            __SHALLOW_CLONE=$BS_FALSE
+        fi
+        if [ "$__SHALLOW_CLONE" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            # Let's try shallow cloning to speed up.
+            # Test for "--single-branch" option introduced in git 1.7.10, the minimal version of git where the shallow
+            # cloning we need actually works
+            if [ "$(git clone 2>&1 | grep 'single-branch')" != "" ]; then
+                # The "--single-branch" option is supported, attempt shallow cloning
+                echoinfo "Attempting to shallow clone $GIT_REV from Salt's repository ${_SALT_REPO_URL}"
+                git clone --depth 1 --branch "$GIT_REV" "$_SALT_REPO_URL" "$__SALT_CHECKOUT_REPONAME"
+                if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+                    # shellcheck disable=SC2164
+                    cd "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}"
+                    __SHALLOW_CLONE=$BS_TRUE
+                else
+                    # Shallow clone above failed(missing upstream tags???), let's resume the old behaviour.
+                    echowarn "Failed to shallow clone."
+                    echoinfo "Resuming regular git clone and remote SaltStack repository addition procedure"
+                    __SHALLOW_CLONE=$BS_FALSE
+                fi
+            else
+                echodebug "Shallow cloning not possible. Required git version not met."
+                __SHALLOW_CLONE=$BS_FALSE
+            fi
+        fi
+        if [ "$__SHALLOW_CLONE" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+            git clone "$_SALT_REPO_URL" "$__SALT_CHECKOUT_REPONAME" || return 1
+            # shellcheck disable=SC2164
+            cd "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}"
+            if ! echo "$_SALT_REPO_URL" | grep -q -F -w "${_SALTSTACK_REPO_URL#*://}"; then
+                # We need to add the saltstack repository as a remote and fetch tags for proper versioning
+                echoinfo "Adding SaltStack's Salt repository as a remote"
+                git remote add upstream "$_SALTSTACK_REPO_URL" || return 1
+                echodebug "Fetching upstream (SaltStack's Salt repository) git tags"
+                git fetch --tags upstream || return 1
+                # Check if GIT_REV is a remote branch or just a commit hash
+                if git branch -r | grep -q -F -w "origin/$GIT_REV"; then
+                    GIT_REV="origin/$GIT_REV"
+                fi
+            fi
+            echodebug "Checking out $GIT_REV"
+            git checkout "$GIT_REV" || return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    echoinfo "Cloning Salt's git repository succeeded"
+    return 0
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __check_end_of_life_versions
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Check for end of life distribution versions
+__check_end_of_life_versions() {
+    case "${DISTRO_NAME_L}" in
+        debian)
+            # Debian versions bellow 6 are not supported
+            if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 7 ]; then
+                echoerror "End of life distributions are not supported."
+                echoerror "Please consider upgrading to the next stable. See:"
+                echoerror ""
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        ubuntu)
+            # Ubuntu versions not supported
+            #
+            #  < 12.04
+            #  13.x, 15.x
+            #  12.10, 14.10
+            if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 12 ] || \
+               [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 13 ] || \
+               [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 15 ] || \
+               ([ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 16 ] && [ "$DISTRO_MINOR_VERSION" -eq 10 ]); then
+                echoerror "End of life distributions are not supported."
+                echoerror "Please consider upgrading to the next stable. See:"
+                echoerror ""
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        opensuse)
+            # openSUSE versions not supported
+            #
+            #  <= 12.1
+            if ([ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 12 ] && [ "$DISTRO_MINOR_VERSION" -eq 1 ]) || [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 12 ]; then
+                echoerror "End of life distributions are not supported."
+                echoerror "Please consider upgrading to the next stable. See:"
+                echoerror ""
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        suse)
+            # SuSE versions not supported
+            #
+            # < 11 SP2
+            SUSE_PATCHLEVEL=$(awk '/PATCHLEVEL/ {print $3}' /etc/SuSE-release )
+            if [ "${SUSE_PATCHLEVEL}" = "" ]; then
+                SUSE_PATCHLEVEL="00"
+            fi
+            if ([ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 11 ] && [ "$SUSE_PATCHLEVEL" -lt 02 ]) || [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 11 ]; then
+                echoerror "Versions lower than SuSE 11 SP2 are not supported."
+                echoerror "Please consider upgrading to the next stable"
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        fedora)
+            # Fedora lower than 18 are no longer supported
+            if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 23 ]; then
+                echoerror "End of life distributions are not supported."
+                echoerror "Please consider upgrading to the next stable. See:"
+                echoerror ""
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        centos)
+            # CentOS versions lower than 5 are no longer supported
+            if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 5 ]; then
+                echoerror "End of life distributions are not supported."
+                echoerror "Please consider upgrading to the next stable. See:"
+                echoerror ""
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        red_hat*linux)
+            # Red Hat (Enterprise) Linux versions lower than 5 are no longer supported
+            if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 5 ]; then
+                echoerror "End of life distributions are not supported."
+                echoerror "Please consider upgrading to the next stable. See:"
+                echoerror ""
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        amazon*linux*ami)
+            # Amazon Linux versions lower than 2012.0X no longer supported
+            if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 2012 ]; then
+                echoerror "End of life distributions are not supported."
+                echoerror "Please consider upgrading to the next stable. See:"
+                echoerror ""
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        freebsd)
+            # FreeBSD versions lower than 9.1 are not supported.
+            if ([ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 9 ] && [ "$DISTRO_MINOR_VERSION" -lt 01 ]) || [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 9 ]; then
+                echoerror "Versions lower than FreeBSD 9.1 are not supported."
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        *)
+            ;;
+    esac
+# Fail soon for end of life versions
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __copyfile
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Simple function to copy files. Overrides if asked.
+__copyfile() {
+    overwrite=$_FORCE_OVERWRITE
+    if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+        sfile=$1
+        dfile=$2
+    elif [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
+        sfile=$1
+        dfile=$2
+        overwrite=$3
+    else
+        echoerror "Wrong number of arguments for __copyfile()"
+        echoinfo "USAGE: __copyfile <source> <dest>  OR  __copyfile <source> <dest> <overwrite>"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    # Does the source file exist?
+    if [ ! -f "$sfile" ]; then
+        echowarn "$sfile does not exist!"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    # If the destination is a directory, let's make it a full path so the logic
+    # below works as expected
+    if [ -d "$dfile" ]; then
+        echodebug "The passed destination ($dfile) is a directory"
+        dfile="${dfile}/$(basename "$sfile")"
+        echodebug "Full destination path is now: $dfile"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f "$dfile" ]; then
+        # The destination file does not exist, copy
+        echodebug "Copying $sfile to $dfile"
+        cp "$sfile" "$dfile" || return 1
+    elif [ -f "$dfile" ] && [ "$overwrite" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # The destination exist and we're overwriting
+        echodebug "Overwriting $dfile with $sfile"
+        cp -f "$sfile" "$dfile" || return 1
+    elif [ -f "$dfile" ] && [ "$overwrite" -ne $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        echodebug "Not overwriting $dfile with $sfile"
+    fi
+    return 0
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __movefile
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Simple function to move files. Overrides if asked.
+__movefile() {
+    overwrite=$_FORCE_OVERWRITE
+    if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+        sfile=$1
+        dfile=$2
+    elif [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
+        sfile=$1
+        dfile=$2
+        overwrite=$3
+    else
+        echoerror "Wrong number of arguments for __movefile()"
+        echoinfo "USAGE: __movefile <source> <dest>  OR  __movefile <source> <dest> <overwrite>"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    if [ $_KEEP_TEMP_FILES -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # We're being told not to move files, instead copy them so we can keep
+        # them around
+        echodebug "Since BS_KEEP_TEMP_FILES=1 we're copying files instead of moving them"
+        __copyfile "$sfile" "$dfile" "$overwrite"
+        return $?
+    fi
+    # Does the source file exist?
+    if [ ! -f "$sfile" ]; then
+        echowarn "$sfile does not exist!"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    # If the destination is a directory, let's make it a full path so the logic
+    # below works as expected
+    if [ -d "$dfile" ]; then
+        echodebug "The passed destination($dfile) is a directory"
+        dfile="${dfile}/$(basename "$sfile")"
+        echodebug "Full destination path is now: $dfile"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f "$dfile" ]; then
+        # The destination file does not exist, move
+        echodebug "Moving $sfile to $dfile"
+        mv "$sfile" "$dfile" || return 1
+    elif [ -f "$dfile" ] && [ "$overwrite" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # The destination exist and we're overwriting
+        echodebug "Overriding $dfile with $sfile"
+        mv -f "$sfile" "$dfile" || return 1
+    elif [ -f "$dfile" ] && [ "$overwrite" -ne $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        echodebug "Not overriding $dfile with $sfile"
+    fi
+    return 0
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __linkfile
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Simple function to create symlinks. Overrides if asked. Accepts globs.
+__linkfile() {
+    overwrite=$_FORCE_OVERWRITE
+    if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+        target=$1
+        linkname=$2
+    elif [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
+        target=$1
+        linkname=$2
+        overwrite=$3
+    else
+        echoerror "Wrong number of arguments for __linkfile()"
+        echoinfo "USAGE: __linkfile <target> <link>  OR  __linkfile <tagret> <link> <overwrite>"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    for sfile in $target; do
+        # Does the source file exist?
+        if [ ! -f "$sfile" ]; then
+            echowarn "$sfile does not exist!"
+            return 1
+        fi
+        # If the destination is a directory, let's make it a full path so the logic
+        # below works as expected
+        if [ -d "$linkname" ]; then
+            echodebug "The passed link name ($linkname) is a directory"
+            linkname="${linkname}/$(basename "$sfile")"
+            echodebug "Full destination path is now: $linkname"
+        fi
+        if [ ! -e "$linkname" ]; then
+            # The destination file does not exist, create link
+            echodebug "Creating $linkname symlink pointing to $sfile"
+            ln -s "$sfile" "$linkname" || return 1
+        elif [ -e "$linkname" ] && [ "$overwrite" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            # The destination exist and we're overwriting
+            echodebug "Overwriting $linkname symlink to point on $sfile"
+            ln -sf "$sfile" "$linkname" || return 1
+        elif [ -e "$linkname" ] && [ "$overwrite" -ne $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            echodebug "Not overwriting $linkname symlink to point on $sfile"
+        fi
+    done
+    return 0
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __overwriteconfig()
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Simple function to overwrite master or minion config files.
+__overwriteconfig() {
+    if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+        target=$1
+        json=$2
+    else
+        echoerror "Wrong number of arguments for __convert_json_to_yaml_str()"
+        echoinfo "USAGE: __convert_json_to_yaml_str <configfile> <jsonstring>"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    # Make a tempfile to dump any python errors into.
+    if __check_command_exists mktemp; then
+        tempfile="$(mktemp /tmp/salt-config-XXXXXXXX 2>/dev/null)"
+        if [ -z "$tempfile" ]; then
+            echoerror "Failed to create temporary file in /tmp"
+            return 1
+        fi
+    else
+        tempfile="/tmp/salt-config-$$"
+    fi
+    # If python does not have yaml installed we're on Arch and should use python2
+    if python -c "import yaml" 2> /dev/null; then
+        good_python=python
+    else
+        good_python=python2
+    fi
+    # Convert json string to a yaml string and write it to config file. Output is dumped into tempfile.
+    $good_python -c "import json; import yaml; jsn=json.loads('$json'); yml=yaml.safe_dump(jsn, line_break='\n', default_flow_style=False); config_file=open('$target', 'w'); config_file.write(yml); config_file.close();" 2>$tempfile
+    # No python errors output to the tempfile
+    if [ ! -s "$tempfile" ]; then
+        rm -f "$tempfile"
+        return 0
+    fi
+    # Errors are present in the tempfile - let's expose them to the user.
+    fullerror=$(cat "$tempfile")
+    echodebug "$fullerror"
+    echoerror "Python error encountered. This is likely due to passing in a malformed JSON string. Please use -D to see stacktrace."
+    rm -f "$tempfile"
+    return 1
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __check_services_systemd
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Return 0 or 1 in case the service is enabled or not
+#    PARAMETERS:  servicename
+__check_services_systemd() {
+    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check!"
+        exit 1
+    elif [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check as the single argument to the function"
+    fi
+    servicename=$1
+    echodebug "Checking if service ${servicename} is enabled"
+    if [ "$(systemctl is-enabled "${servicename}")" = "enabled" ]; then
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is enabled"
+        return 0
+    else
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is NOT enabled"
+        return 1
+    fi
+}   # ----------  end of function __check_services_systemd  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __check_services_upstart
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Return 0 or 1 in case the service is enabled or not
+#    PARAMETERS:  servicename
+__check_services_upstart() {
+    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check!"
+        exit 1
+    elif [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check as the single argument to the function"
+    fi
+    servicename=$1
+    echodebug "Checking if service ${servicename} is enabled"
+    # Check if service is enabled to start at boot
+    initctl list | grep "${servicename}" > /dev/null 2>&1
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is enabled"
+        return 0
+    else
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is NOT enabled"
+        return 1
+    fi
+}   # ----------  end of function __check_services_upstart  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __check_services_sysvinit
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Return 0 or 1 in case the service is enabled or not
+#    PARAMETERS:  servicename
+__check_services_sysvinit() {
+    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check!"
+        exit 1
+    elif [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check as the single argument to the function"
+    fi
+    servicename=$1
+    echodebug "Checking if service ${servicename} is enabled"
+    if [ "$(LC_ALL=C /sbin/chkconfig --list | grep "\<${servicename}\>" | grep '[2-5]:on')" != "" ]; then
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is enabled"
+        return 0
+    else
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is NOT enabled"
+        return 1
+    fi
+}   # ----------  end of function __check_services_sysvinit  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __check_services_debian
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Return 0 or 1 in case the service is enabled or not
+#    PARAMETERS:  servicename
+__check_services_debian() {
+    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check!"
+        exit 1
+    elif [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check as the single argument to the function"
+    fi
+    servicename=$1
+    echodebug "Checking if service ${servicename} is enabled"
+    # Check if the service is going to be started at any runlevel, fixes bootstrap in container (Docker, LXC)
+    if ls /etc/rc?.d/S*"${servicename}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is enabled"
+        return 0
+    else
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is NOT enabled"
+        return 1
+    fi
+}   # ----------  end of function __check_services_debian  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __check_services_openbsd
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Return 0 or 1 in case the service is enabled or not
+#    PARAMETERS:  servicename
+__check_services_openbsd() {
+    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check!"
+        exit 1
+    elif [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check as the single argument to the function"
+    fi
+    servicename=$1
+    echodebug "Checking if service ${servicename} is enabled"
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2046,SC2144
+    if rcctl get ${servicename} status; then
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is enabled"
+        return 0
+    else
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is NOT enabled"
+        return 1
+    fi
+}   # ----------  end of function __check_services_openbsd  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __check_services_alpine
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Return 0 or 1 in case the service is enabled or not
+#    PARAMETERS:  servicename
+__check_services_alpine() {
+    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check!"
+        exit 1
+    elif [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+        echoerror "You need to pass a service name to check as the single argument to the function"
+    fi
+    servicename=$1
+    echodebug "Checking if service ${servicename} is enabled"
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2046,SC2144
+    if rc-service ${servicename} status; then
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is enabled"
+        return 0
+    else
+        echodebug "Service ${servicename} is NOT enabled"
+        return 1
+    fi
+}   # ----------  end of function __check_services_openbsd  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __create_virtualenv
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Return 0 or 1 depending on successful creation of virtualenv
+__create_virtualenv() {
+    if [ ! -d "$_VIRTUALENV_DIR" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Creating virtualenv ${_VIRTUALENV_DIR}"
+        if [ $_PIP_ALL -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            virtualenv --no-site-packages "${_VIRTUALENV_DIR}" || return 1
+        else
+            virtualenv --system-site-packages "${_VIRTUALENV_DIR}" || return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    return 0
+}   # ----------  end of function __create_virtualenv  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __activate_virtualenv
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Return 0 or 1 depending on successful activation of virtualenv
+__activate_virtualenv() {
+    set +o nounset
+    # Is virtualenv empty
+    if [ -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; then
+        __create_virtualenv || return 1
+        # shellcheck source=/dev/null
+        . "${_VIRTUALENV_DIR}/bin/activate" || return 1
+        echoinfo "Activated virtualenv ${_VIRTUALENV_DIR}"
+    fi
+    set -o nounset
+    return 0
+}   # ----------  end of function __activate_virtualenv  ----------
+#---  FUNCTION  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#          NAME:  __install_pip_deps
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Return 0 or 1 if successfully able to install pip packages via requirements file
+#    PARAMETERS:  requirements_file
+__install_pip_deps() {
+    # Install virtualenv to system pip before activating virtualenv if thats going to be used
+    # We assume pip pkg is installed since that is distro specific
+    if [ "$_VIRTUALENV_DIR" != "null" ]; then
+        if ! __check_command_exists pip; then
+            echoerror "Pip not installed: required for -a installs"
+            exit 1
+        fi
+        pip install -U virtualenv
+        __activate_virtualenv || return 1
+    else
+        echoerror "Must have virtualenv dir specified for -a installs"
+    fi
+    requirements_file=$1
+    if [ ! -f "${requirements_file}" ]; then
+        echoerror "Requirements file: ${requirements_file} cannot be found, needed for -a (pip pkg) installs"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    __PIP_PACKAGES=''
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2089
+        __PIP_PACKAGES="${__PIP_PACKAGES} 'apache-libcloud>=$_LIBCLOUD_MIN_VERSION'"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2090
+    pip install -U -r ${requirements_file} ${__PIP_PACKAGES}
+}   # ----------  end of function __install_pip_deps  ----------
+#   Distribution install functions
+#   In order to install salt for a distribution you need to define:
+#   To Install Dependencies, which is required, one of:
+#       1. install_<distro>_<major_version>_<install_type>_deps
+#       2. install_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_<install_type>_deps
+#       3. install_<distro>_<major_version>_deps
+#       4  install_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_deps
+#       5. install_<distro>_<install_type>_deps
+#       6. install_<distro>_deps
+#   Optionally, define a salt configuration function, which will be called if
+#   the -c (config-dir) option is passed. One of:
+#       1. config_<distro>_<major_version>_<install_type>_salt
+#       2. config_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_<install_type>_salt
+#       3. config_<distro>_<major_version>_salt
+#       4  config_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_salt
+#       5. config_<distro>_<install_type>_salt
+#       6. config_<distro>_salt
+#   Optionally, define a salt master pre-seed function, which will be called if
+#   the -k (pre-seed master keys) option is passed. One of:
+#       1. preseed_<distro>_<major_version>_<install_type>_master
+#       2. preseed_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_<install_type>_master
+#       3. preseed_<distro>_<major_version>_master
+#       4  preseed_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_master
+#       5. preseed_<distro>_<install_type>_master
+#       6. preseed_<distro>_master
+#       7. preseed_master [THIS ONE IS ALREADY DEFINED AS THE DEFAULT]
+#   To install salt, which, of course, is required, one of:
+#       1. install_<distro>_<major_version>_<install_type>
+#       2. install_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_<install_type>
+#       3. install_<distro>_<install_type>
+#   Optionally, define a post install function, one of:
+#       1. install_<distro>_<major_version>_<install_type>_post
+#       2. install_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_<install_type>_post
+#       3. install_<distro>_<major_version>_post
+#       4  install_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_post
+#       5. install_<distro>_<install_type>_post
+#       6. install_<distro>_post
+#   Optionally, define a start daemons function, one of:
+#       1. install_<distro>_<major_version>_<install_type>_restart_daemons
+#       2. install_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_<install_type>_restart_daemons
+#       3. install_<distro>_<major_version>_restart_daemons
+#       4  install_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_restart_daemons
+#       5. install_<distro>_<install_type>_restart_daemons
+#       6. install_<distro>_restart_daemons
+#       NOTE: The start daemons function should be able to restart any daemons
+#             which are running, or start if they're not running.
+#   Optionally, define a daemons running function, one of:
+#       1. daemons_running_<distro>_<major_version>_<install_type>
+#       2. daemons_running_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_<install_type>
+#       3. daemons_running_<distro>_<major_version>
+#       4  daemons_running_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>
+#       5. daemons_running_<distro>_<install_type>
+#       6. daemons_running_<distro>
+#       7. daemons_running  [THIS ONE IS ALREADY DEFINED AS THE DEFAULT]
+#   Optionally, check enabled Services:
+#       1. install_<distro>_<major_version>_<install_type>_check_services
+#       2. install_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_<install_type>_check_services
+#       3. install_<distro>_<major_version>_check_services
+#       4  install_<distro>_<major_version>_<minor_version>_check_services
+#       5. install_<distro>_<install_type>_check_services
+#       6. install_<distro>_check_services
+#   Ubuntu Install Functions
+__enable_universe_repository() {
+    if [ "$(grep -R universe /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | grep -v '#')" != "" ]; then
+        # The universe repository is already enabled
+        return 0
+    fi
+    echodebug "Enabling the universe repository"
+    add-apt-repository -y "deb $(lsb_release -sc) universe" || return 1
+    return 0
+install_ubuntu_deps() {
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -gt 12 ]; then
+        # Above Ubuntu 12.04 add-apt-repository is in a different package
+        __apt_get_install_noinput software-properties-common || return 1
+    else
+        __apt_get_install_noinput python-software-properties || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        __enable_universe_repository || return 1
+        # Versions starting with 2015.5.6 and 2015.8.1 are hosted at
+        if [ "$(echo "$STABLE_REV" | egrep '^(2015\.5|2015\.8|2016\.3|2016\.11|latest|archive\/)')" = "" ]; then
+            if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 14 ]; then
+                echoinfo "Installing Python Requests/Chardet from Chris Lea's PPA repository"
+                add-apt-repository -y "ppa:chris-lea/python-requests" || return 1
+                add-apt-repository -y "ppa:chris-lea/python-chardet" || return 1
+                add-apt-repository -y "ppa:chris-lea/python-urllib3" || return 1
+                add-apt-repository -y "ppa:chris-lea/python-crypto" || return 1
+            fi
+        fi
+        apt-get update
+    fi
+    # Minimal systems might not have upstart installed, install it
+    __PACKAGES="upstart"
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -ge 16 ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python2.7"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_VIRTUALENV_DIR" != "null" ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-virtualenv"
+    fi
+    # Need python-apt for managing packages via Salt
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-apt"
+    # requests is still used by many salt modules
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-requests"
+    # YAML module is used for generating custom master/minion configs
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-yaml"
+    # Additionally install procps and pciutils which allows for Docker bootstraps. See 366#issuecomment-39666813
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} procps pciutils"
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2090
+    __apt_get_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        __apt_get_install_noinput ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_ubuntu_stable_deps() {
+    if [ "${_SLEEP}" -eq "${__DEFAULT_SLEEP}" ] && [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 16 ]; then
+        # The user did not pass a custom sleep value as an argument, let's increase the default value
+        echodebug "On Ubuntu systems we increase the default sleep value to 10."
+        echodebug "See for more info."
+        _SLEEP=10
+    fi
+    if [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        echowarn "Not starting daemons on Debian based distributions is not working mostly because starting them is the default behaviour."
+    fi
+    # No user interaction, libc6 restart services for example
+    export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+    apt-get update
+    if [ "${_UPGRADE_SYS}" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        if [ "${_INSECURE_DL}" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            __apt_get_install_noinput --allow-unauthenticated debian-archive-keyring &&
+                apt-key update && apt-get update
+        fi
+        __apt_get_upgrade_noinput || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ ${_DISABLE_REPOS} -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+         __get_dpkg_architecture || return 1
+        if [ "$DPKG_ARCHITECTURE" = "i386" ]; then
+            echoerror " likely doesn't have all required 32-bit packages for Ubuntu $DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION (yet?)."
+            # amd64 is just a part of repository URI, 32-bit pkgs are hosted under the same location
+            __REPO_ARCH="amd64"
+        elif [ "$DPKG_ARCHITECTURE" != "amd64" ]; then
+            echoerror " doesn't have packages for your system architecture: $DPKG_ARCHITECTURE."
+            if [ "$ITYPE" != "git" ]; then
+                echoerror "You can try git installation mode, i.e.: sh ${__ScriptName} git v2016.3.1"
+                exit 1
+            fi
+        fi
+        # Versions starting with 2015.5.6, 2015.8.1 and 2016.3.0 are hosted at
+        if [ "$(echo "$STABLE_REV" | egrep '^(2015\.5|2015\.8|2016\.3|2016\.11|latest|archive\/)')" != "" ]; then
+            # Workaround for latest non-LTS ubuntu
+            if [ "$DISTRO_VERSION" = "16.10" ]; then
+                echowarn "Non-LTS Ubuntu detected, but stable packages requested. Trying packages from latest LTS release. You may experience problems."
+                UBUNTU_VERSION=16.04
+                UBUNTU_CODENAME=xenial
+            else
+            fi
+            # SaltStack's stable Ubuntu repository:
+            echo "deb $SALTSTACK_UBUNTU_URL $UBUNTU_CODENAME main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list
+            # Make sure https transport is available
+            if [ "$HTTP_VAL" = "https" ] ; then
+                __apt_get_install_noinput apt-transport-https ca-certificates || return 1
+            fi
+            __apt_key_fetch "$SALTSTACK_UBUNTU_URL/" || return 1
+        else
+            # Alternate PPAs: salt16, salt17, salt2014-1, salt2014-7
+            if [ ! "$(echo "$STABLE_REV" | egrep '^(1\.6|1\.7)$')" = "" ]; then
+              STABLE_PPA="saltstack/salt$(echo "$STABLE_REV" | tr -d .)"
+            elif [ ! "$(echo "$STABLE_REV" | egrep '^(2014\.1|2014\.7)$')" = "" ]; then
+              STABLE_PPA="saltstack/salt$(echo "$STABLE_REV" | tr . -)"
+            else
+              STABLE_PPA="saltstack/salt"
+            fi
+            add-apt-repository -y "ppa:$STABLE_PPA" || return 1
+        fi
+        apt-get update
+    fi
+    install_ubuntu_deps || return 1
+install_ubuntu_daily_deps() {
+    install_ubuntu_stable_deps || return 1
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -gt 12 ]; then
+        __apt_get_install_noinput software-properties-common || return 1
+    else
+        # Ubuntu 12.04 needs python-software-properties to get add-apt-repository binary
+        __apt_get_install_noinput python-software-properties || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        __enable_universe_repository || return 1
+        add-apt-repository -y ppa:saltstack/salt-daily || return 1
+        apt-get update
+    fi
+    if [ "$_UPGRADE_SYS" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __apt_get_upgrade_noinput || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_ubuntu_git_deps() {
+    apt-get update
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        __apt_get_install_noinput git-core || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSECURE_DL" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "${_SALT_REPO_URL%%://*}" = "https" ]; then
+        __apt_get_install_noinput ca-certificates
+    fi
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    __PACKAGES=""
+    # See how we are installing packages
+    if [ "${_PIP_ALL}" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-dev swig libssl-dev libzmq3 libzmq3-dev"
+        if ! __check_command_exists pip; then
+            __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-setuptools python-pip"
+        fi
+        # Get just the apt packages that are required to build all the pythons
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        __apt_get_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+        # Install the pythons from requirements (only zmq for now)
+        __install_pip_deps "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/zeromq.txt" || return 1
+    else
+        install_ubuntu_stable_deps || return 1
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-crypto python-jinja2 python-msgpack python-requests"
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-tornado python-yaml python-zmq"
+        if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            # Install python-libcloud if asked to
+            __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-libcloud"
+        fi
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        __apt_get_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_ubuntu_stable() {
+    __PACKAGES=""
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ];then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-cloud"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-master"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-minion"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-syndic"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __apt_get_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    return 0
+install_ubuntu_daily() {
+    install_ubuntu_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_ubuntu_git() {
+    # Activate virtualenv before install
+    if [ "${_VIRTUALENV_DIR}" != "null" ]; then
+        __activate_virtualenv || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/salt/" ]; then
+        python --salt-config-dir="$_SALT_ETC_DIR" --salt-cache-dir="${_SALT_CACHE_DIR}" ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install --install-layout=deb || return 1
+    else
+        python ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install --install-layout=deb || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_ubuntu_stable_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+            # Using systemd
+            /bin/systemctl is-enabled salt-$fname.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || (
+                /bin/systemctl preset salt-$fname.service > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
+                /bin/systemctl enable salt-$fname.service > /dev/null 2>&1
+            )
+            sleep 0.1
+            /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
+        elif [ -f /etc/init.d/salt-$fname ]; then
+            update-rc.d salt-$fname defaults
+        fi
+    done
+install_ubuntu_git_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+            ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ] && [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -ge 16 ]; then
+            __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/deb/salt-${fname}.service" "/lib/systemd/system/salt-${fname}.service"
+            # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+            [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+            systemctl is-enabled salt-$fname.service || (systemctl preset salt-$fname.service && systemctl enable salt-$fname.service)
+            sleep 0.1
+            systemctl daemon-reload
+        elif [ -f /sbin/initctl ]; then
+            _upstart_conf="/etc/init/salt-$fname.conf"
+            # We have upstart support
+            echodebug "There's upstart support"
+            if [ ! -f $_upstart_conf ]; then
+                # upstart does not know about our service, let's copy the proper file
+                echowarn "Upstart does not appear to know about salt-$fname"
+                echodebug "Copying ${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/salt-$fname.upstart to $_upstart_conf"
+                __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/salt-${fname}.upstart" "$_upstart_conf"
+                # Set service to know about virtualenv
+                if [ "${_VIRTUALENV_DIR}" != "null" ]; then
+                    echo "SALT_USE_VIRTUALENV=${_VIRTUALENV_DIR}" > /etc/default/salt-${fname}
+                fi
+                /sbin/initctl reload-configuration || return 1
+            fi
+        # No upstart support in Ubuntu!?
+        elif [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/debian/salt-${fname}.init" ]; then
+            echodebug "There's NO upstart support!?"
+            echodebug "Copying ${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/debian/salt-${fname}.init to /etc/init.d/salt-$fname"
+            __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/debian/salt-${fname}.init" "/etc/init.d/salt-$fname"
+            chmod +x /etc/init.d/salt-$fname
+            # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+            [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+            update-rc.d salt-$fname defaults
+        else
+            echoerror "Neither upstart nor init.d was setup for salt-$fname"
+        fi
+    done
+install_ubuntu_restart_daemons() {
+    [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return
+    # Ensure upstart configs / systemd units are loaded
+    if [ -f /bin/systemctl ] && [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -ge 16 ]; then
+        systemctl daemon-reload
+    elif [ -f /sbin/initctl ]; then
+        /sbin/initctl reload-configuration
+    fi
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ] && [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -ge 16 ]; then
+            echodebug "There's systemd support while checking salt-$fname"
+            systemctl stop salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+            systemctl start salt-$fname.service
+            [ $? -eq 0 ] && continue
+            # We failed to start the service, let's test the SysV code below
+            echodebug "Failed to start salt-$fname using systemd"
+        fi
+        if [ -f /sbin/initctl ]; then
+            echodebug "There's upstart support while checking salt-$fname"
+            status salt-$fname 2>/dev/null | grep -q running
+            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+                stop salt-$fname || (echodebug "Failed to stop salt-$fname" && return 1)
+            fi
+            start salt-$fname
+            [ $? -eq 0 ] && continue
+            # We failed to start the service, let's test the SysV code below
+            echodebug "Failed to start salt-$fname using Upstart"
+        fi
+        if [ ! -f /etc/init.d/salt-$fname ]; then
+            echoerror "No init.d support for salt-$fname was found"
+            return 1
+        fi
+        /etc/init.d/salt-$fname stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+        /etc/init.d/salt-$fname start
+    done
+    return 0
+install_ubuntu_check_services() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ] && [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -ge 16 ]; then
+            __check_services_systemd salt-$fname || return 1
+        elif [ -f /sbin/initctl ] && [ -f /etc/init/salt-${fname}.conf ]; then
+            __check_services_upstart salt-$fname || return 1
+        elif [ -f /etc/init.d/salt-$fname ]; then
+            __check_services_debian salt-$fname || return 1
+        fi
+    done
+    return 0
+#   End of Ubuntu Install Functions
+#   Debian Install Functions
+install_debian_deps() {
+    if [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        echowarn "Not starting daemons on Debian based distributions is not working mostly because starting them is the default behaviour."
+    fi
+    # No user interaction, libc6 restart services for example
+    export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+    apt-get update
+    if [ "${_UPGRADE_SYS}" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # Try to update GPG keys first if allowed
+        if [ "${_INSECURE_DL}" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            __apt_get_install_noinput --allow-unauthenticated debian-archive-keyring &&
+                apt-key update && apt-get update
+        fi
+        __apt_get_upgrade_noinput || return 1
+    fi
+    # Install procps and pciutils which allows for Docker bootstraps. See #366#issuecomment-39666813
+    __PACKAGES="procps pciutils"
+    __PIP_PACKAGES=""
+    # YAML module is used for generating custom master/minion configs
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-yaml"
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __apt_get_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        __apt_get_install_noinput ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2089
+        __PIP_PACKAGES="${__PIP_PACKAGES} 'apache-libcloud>=$_LIBCLOUD_MIN_VERSION'"
+    fi
+    if [ "${__PIP_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2090
+        pip install -U ${__PIP_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_debian_7_deps() {
+    if [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        echowarn "Not starting daemons on Debian based distributions is not working mostly because starting them is the default behaviour."
+    fi
+    # No user interaction, libc6 restart services for example
+    export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+    apt-get update
+    if [ "${_UPGRADE_SYS}" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # Try to update GPG keys first if allowed
+        if [ "${_INSECURE_DL}" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            __apt_get_install_noinput --allow-unauthenticated debian-archive-keyring &&
+                apt-key update && apt-get update
+        fi
+        __apt_get_upgrade_noinput || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "${_DISABLE_REPOS}" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+         __get_dpkg_architecture || return 1
+        if [ "$DPKG_ARCHITECTURE" = "i386" ]; then
+            echoerror " likely doesn't have all required 32-bit packages for Debian $DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION (yet?)."
+            if [ "$ITYPE" != "git" ]; then
+                echoerror "You can try git installation mode, i.e.: sh ${__ScriptName} git v2016.3.1"
+            fi
+            # amd64 is just a part of repository URI, 32-bit pkgs are hosted under the same location
+            __REPO_ARCH="amd64"
+        elif [ "$DPKG_ARCHITECTURE" != "amd64" ]; then
+            echoerror " doesn't have packages for your system architecture: $DPKG_ARCHITECTURE."
+            exit 1
+        fi
+        # Versions starting with 2015.8.7 and 2016.3.0 are hosted at
+        if [ "$(echo "$STABLE_REV" | egrep '^(2015\.8|2016\.3|2016\.11|latest|archive\/201[5-6]\.)')" != "" ]; then
+            # amd64 is just a part of repository URI, 32-bit pkgs are hosted under the same location
+            echo "deb $SALTSTACK_DEBIAN_URL wheezy main" > "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list"
+            if [ "$HTTP_VAL" = "https" ] ; then
+                __apt_get_install_noinput apt-transport-https ca-certificates || return 1
+            fi
+            __apt_key_fetch "$SALTSTACK_DEBIAN_URL/" || return 1
+        elif [ -n "$STABLE_REV" ]; then
+            echoerror "Installation of Salt ${STABLE_REV#*/} packages not supported by ${__ScriptName} ${__ScriptVersion} on Debian $DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION."
+            return 1
+        fi
+        apt-get update
+    else
+        echowarn "Packages from are required to install Salt version 2015.8 or higher on Debian $DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION."
+    fi
+    # Additionally install procps and pciutils which allows for Docker bootstraps. See 366#issuecomment-39666813
+    __PACKAGES='procps pciutils'
+    # YAML module is used for generating custom master/minion configs
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-yaml"
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __apt_get_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        __apt_get_install_noinput ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_debian_8_deps() {
+    if [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        echowarn "Not starting daemons on Debian based distributions is not working mostly because starting them is the default behaviour."
+    fi
+    # No user interaction, libc6 restart services for example
+    export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+    apt-get update
+    if [ "${_UPGRADE_SYS}" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # Try to update GPG keys first if allowed
+        if [ "${_INSECURE_DL}" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            __apt_get_install_noinput --allow-unauthenticated debian-archive-keyring &&
+                apt-key update && apt-get update
+        fi
+        __apt_get_upgrade_noinput || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ ${_DISABLE_REPOS} -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+         __get_dpkg_architecture || return 1
+        if [ "$DPKG_ARCHITECTURE" = "i386" ]; then
+            echoerror " likely doesn't have all required 32-bit packages for Debian $DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION (yet?)."
+            if [ "$ITYPE" != "git" ]; then
+                echoerror "You can try git installation mode, i.e.: sh ${__ScriptName} git v2016.3.1"
+            fi
+            # amd64 is just a part of repository URI, 32-bit pkgs are hosted under the same location
+            __REPO_ARCH="amd64"
+        elif [ "$DPKG_ARCHITECTURE" != "amd64" ] && [ "$DPKG_ARCHITECTURE" != "armhf" ]; then
+            echoerror " doesn't have packages for your system architecture: $DPKG_ARCHITECTURE."
+            echoerror "Try git installation mode with pip and disable SaltStack apt repository, for example:"
+            echoerror "    sh ${__ScriptName} -r -P git v2016.3.1"
+            exit 1
+        fi
+        # Versions starting with 2015.5.6, 2015.8.1 and 2016.3.0 are hosted at
+        if [ "$(echo "$STABLE_REV" | egrep '^(2015\.5|2015\.8|2016\.3|2016\.11|latest|archive\/201[5-6]\.)')" != "" ]; then
+            echo "deb $SALTSTACK_DEBIAN_URL jessie main" > "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list"
+            if [ "$HTTP_VAL" = "https" ] ; then
+                __apt_get_install_noinput apt-transport-https ca-certificates || return 1
+            fi
+            __apt_key_fetch "$SALTSTACK_DEBIAN_URL/" || return 1
+        elif [ -n "$STABLE_REV" ]; then
+            echoerror "Installation of Salt ${STABLE_REV#*/} packages not supported by ${__ScriptName} ${__ScriptVersion} on Debian $DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION."
+            return 1
+        fi
+        apt-get update
+    fi
+    # Additionally install procps and pciutils which allows for Docker bootstraps. See 366#issuecomment-39666813
+    __PACKAGES='procps pciutils'
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __apt_get_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    # YAML module is used for generating custom master/minion configs
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-yaml"
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        __apt_get_install_noinput ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_debian_git_deps() {
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        __apt_get_install_noinput git || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSECURE_DL" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "${_SALT_REPO_URL%%://*}" = "https" ]; then
+        __apt_get_install_noinput ca-certificates
+    fi
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    __PACKAGES="libzmq3 libzmq3-dev lsb-release python-apt python-backports.ssl-match-hostname python-crypto"
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-jinja2 python-msgpack python-requests"
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-tornado python-yaml python-zmq"
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # Install python-libcloud if asked to
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-libcloud"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __apt_get_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_debian_7_git_deps() {
+    install_debian_7_deps || return 1
+    install_debian_git_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_debian_8_git_deps() {
+    install_debian_8_deps || return 1
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        __apt_get_install_noinput git || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSECURE_DL" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "${_SALT_REPO_URL%%://*}" = "https" ]; then
+        __apt_get_install_noinput ca-certificates
+    fi
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    __PACKAGES="libzmq3 libzmq3-dev lsb-release python-apt python-crypto python-jinja2 python-msgpack"
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-requests python-systemd python-yaml python-zmq"
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # Install python-libcloud if asked to
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-libcloud"
+    fi
+    __PIP_PACKAGES=''
+    if (__check_pip_allowed >/dev/null 2>&1); then
+        __PIP_PACKAGES='tornado'
+        # Install development environment for building tornado Python module
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} build-essential python-dev"
+        if ! __check_command_exists pip; then
+            __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-pip"
+        fi
+    # Attempt to configure backports repo on non-x86_64 system
+    elif [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "$DPKG_ARCHITECTURE" != "amd64" ]; then
+        # Check if Debian Backports repo already configured
+        if ! apt-cache policy | grep -q 'Debian Backports'; then
+            echo 'deb jessie-backports main' > \
+                /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
+        fi
+        apt-get update || return 1
+        # python-tornado package should be installed from backports repo
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-backports.ssl-match-hostname python-tornado/jessie-backports"
+    else
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-backports.ssl-match-hostname python-tornado"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __apt_get_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    if [ "${__PIP_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2090
+        pip install -U ${__PIP_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_debian_stable() {
+    __PACKAGES=""
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ];then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-cloud"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-master"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-minion"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-syndic"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __apt_get_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    return 0
+install_debian_7_stable() {
+    install_debian_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_debian_8_stable() {
+    install_debian_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_debian_git() {
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/salt/" ]; then
+      python --salt-config-dir="$_SALT_ETC_DIR" --salt-cache-dir="${_SALT_CACHE_DIR}" ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install --install-layout=deb || return 1
+    else
+        python ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install --install-layout=deb || return 1
+    fi
+install_debian_7_git() {
+    install_debian_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_debian_8_git() {
+    install_debian_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_debian_git_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ "$fname" = "api" ] && \
+            ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+        [ "$fname" = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ "$fname" = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ "$fname" = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        # Configure SystemD for Debian 8 "Jessie" and later
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+            if [ ! -f /lib/systemd/system/salt-${fname}.service ] || \
+                ([ -f /lib/systemd/system/salt-${fname}.service ] && [ $_FORCE_OVERWRITE -eq $BS_TRUE ]); then
+                if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/deb/salt-${fname}.service" ]; then
+                    __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/deb/salt-${fname}.service" /lib/systemd/system
+                    __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/deb/salt-${fname}.environment" "/etc/default/salt-${fname}"
+                else
+                    # workaround before adding Debian-specific unit files to the Salt main repo
+                    __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/salt-${fname}.service" /lib/systemd/system
+                    sed -i -e '/^Type/ s/notify/simple/' /lib/systemd/system/salt-${fname}.service
+                fi
+            fi
+            # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+            [ "$fname" = "api" ] && continue
+            /bin/systemctl enable "salt-${fname}.service"
+        # Install initscripts for Debian 7 "Wheezy"
+        elif [ ! -f "/etc/init.d/salt-$fname" ] || \
+            ([ -f "/etc/init.d/salt-$fname" ] && [ "$_FORCE_OVERWRITE" -eq $BS_TRUE ]); then
+            if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/deb/salt-$fname.init" ]; then
+                __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/deb/salt-${fname}.init" "/etc/init.d/salt-${fname}"
+                __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/deb/salt-${fname}.environment" "/etc/default/salt-${fname}"
+            else
+                # Make sure wget is available
+                __check_command_exists wget || __apt_get_install_noinput wget || return 1
+                __fetch_url "/etc/init.d/salt-${fname}" "${HTTP_VAL}://${fname}.init"
+            fi
+            if [ ! -f "/etc/init.d/salt-${fname}" ]; then
+                echowarn "The init script for salt-${fname} was not found, skipping it..."
+                continue
+            fi
+            chmod +x "/etc/init.d/salt-${fname}"
+            # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+            [ "$fname" = "api" ] && continue
+            update-rc.d "salt-${fname}" defaults
+        fi
+    done
+install_debian_restart_daemons() {
+    [ "$_START_DAEMONS" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return 0
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+            # Debian 8 uses systemd
+            /bin/systemctl stop salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+            /bin/systemctl start salt-$fname.service
+        elif [ -f /etc/init.d/salt-$fname ]; then
+            # Still in SysV init
+            /etc/init.d/salt-$fname stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+            /etc/init.d/salt-$fname start
+        fi
+    done
+install_debian_check_services() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+            __check_services_systemd salt-$fname || return 1
+        elif [ -f /etc/init.d/salt-$fname ]; then
+            __check_services_debian salt-$fname || return 1
+        fi
+    done
+    return 0
+#   Ended Debian Install Functions
+#   Fedora Install Functions
+install_fedora_deps() {
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        if [ "$_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_ZMQ_REPOS" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            __install_saltstack_copr_zeromq_repository || return 1
+        fi
+        __install_saltstack_copr_salt_repository || return 1
+    fi
+    __PACKAGES="yum-utils PyYAML libyaml python-crypto python-jinja2 python-zmq python2-msgpack python2-requests"
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    dnf install -y ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    if [ "$_UPGRADE_SYS" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        dnf -y update || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        dnf install -y ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_fedora_stable() {
+    __PACKAGES=""
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ];then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-cloud"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-master"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-minion"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-syndic"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    dnf install -y ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    return 0
+install_fedora_stable_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        systemctl is-enabled salt-$fname.service || (systemctl preset salt-$fname.service && systemctl enable salt-$fname.service)
+        sleep 0.1
+        systemctl daemon-reload
+    done
+install_fedora_git_deps() {
+    if [ "$_INSECURE_DL" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "${_SALT_REPO_URL%%://*}" = "https" ]; then
+        dnf install -y ca-certificates || return 1
+    fi
+    install_fedora_deps || return 1
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        dnf install -y git || return 1
+    fi
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    __PACKAGES="systemd-python"
+    __PIP_PACKAGES=""
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt" ]; then
+        # We're on the develop branch, install whichever tornado is on the requirements file
+        __REQUIRED_TORNADO="$(grep tornado "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt")"
+        if [ "${__REQUIRED_TORNADO}" != "" ]; then
+            __check_pip_allowed "You need to allow pip based installations (-P) in order to install tornado"
+            # Install pip and pip dependencies
+            if ! __check_command_exists pip; then
+                __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-setuptools python-pip gcc python-devel"
+            fi
+            __PIP_PACKAGES="${__PIP_PACKAGES} tornado"
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-libcloud python-netaddr"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    dnf install -y ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    if [ "${__PIP_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2090
+        pip install -U ${__PIP_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_fedora_git() {
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/salt/" ]; then
+        python --salt-config-dir="$_SALT_ETC_DIR" --salt-cache-dir="${_SALT_CACHE_DIR}" ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install || return 1
+    else
+        python ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_fedora_git_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+            ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/rpm/salt-${fname}.service" "/lib/systemd/system/salt-${fname}.service"
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        systemctl is-enabled salt-$fname.service || (systemctl preset salt-$fname.service && systemctl enable salt-$fname.service)
+        sleep 0.1
+        systemctl daemon-reload
+    done
+install_fedora_restart_daemons() {
+    [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        systemctl stop salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+        systemctl start salt-$fname.service
+    done
+install_fedora_check_services() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        __check_services_systemd salt-$fname || return 1
+    done
+    return 0
+#   Ended Fedora Install Functions
+#   CentOS Install Functions
+__install_epel_repository() {
+    if [ ${_EPEL_REPOS_INSTALLED} -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    # Check if epel repo is already enabled and flag it accordingly
+    yum repolist | grep -q "^[!]\?${_EPEL_REPO}/"
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    # Check if epel-release is already installed and flag it accordingly
+    rpm --nodigest --nosignature -q epel-release > /dev/null 2>&1
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    # Download latest 'epel-release' package for the distro version directly
+    epel_repo_url="${HTTP_VAL}://${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}.noarch.rpm"
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 5 ]; then
+        __fetch_url /tmp/epel-release.rpm "$epel_repo_url" || return 1
+        rpm -Uvh --force /tmp/epel-release.rpm || return 1
+        rm -f /tmp/epel-release.rpm
+    elif [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -ge 6 ]; then
+        rpm -Uvh --force "$epel_repo_url" || return 1
+    else
+        echoerror "Failed add EPEL repository support."
+        return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+__install_saltstack_copr_zeromq_repository() {
+    echoinfo "Installing Zeromq >=4 and PyZMQ>=14 from SaltStack's COPR repository"
+    if [ ! -s /etc/yum.repos.d/saltstack-zeromq4.repo ]; then
+        if [ "${DISTRO_NAME_L}" = "fedora" ]; then
+            __REPOTYPE="${DISTRO_NAME_L}"
+        else
+            __REPOTYPE="epel"
+        fi
+        __fetch_url /etc/yum.repos.d/saltstack-zeromq4.repo \
+            "${HTTP_VAL}://${__REPOTYPE}-${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}/saltstack-zeromq4-${__REPOTYPE}-${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}.repo" || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+__install_saltstack_rhel_repository() {
+    if [ "$ITYPE" = "stable" ]; then
+        repo_rev="$STABLE_REV"
+    else
+        repo_rev="latest"
+    fi
+    # Check if a custom repo URL was passed with -R. If not, use
+    if [ "$_CUSTOM_REPO_URL" != "null" ]; then
+        repo_url="$_CUSTOM_REPO_URL"
+    else
+        repo_url=""
+    fi
+    # Cloud Linux $releasever = 7.x, which doesn't exist in, we need this to be "7"
+    if [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "Cloud Linux" ] && [ "${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}" = "7" ]; then
+        base_url="${HTTP_VAL}://${repo_url}/yum/redhat/${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}/\$basearch/${repo_rev}/"
+    else
+        base_url="${HTTP_VAL}://${repo_url}/yum/redhat/\$releasever/\$basearch/${repo_rev}/"
+    fi
+    fetch_url="${HTTP_VAL}://${repo_url}/yum/redhat/${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}/${CPU_ARCH_L}/${repo_rev}/"
+    if [ "${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}" -eq 5 ]; then
+        gpg_key=""
+    else
+        gpg_key=""
+    fi
+    repo_file="/etc/yum.repos.d/saltstack.repo"
+    if [ ! -s "$repo_file" ]; then
+        cat <<_eof > "$repo_file"
+name=SaltStack ${repo_rev} Release Channel for RHEL/CentOS \$releasever
+        __rpm_import_gpg "${fetch_url}${gpg_key}" || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 7 ] && ([ "$repo_rev" = "latest" ] || [ "$repo_rev" = "2015.8" ]); then
+        # Import CentOS 7 GPG key on RHEL for installing base dependencies from
+        # Salt corporate repository
+        rpm -qa gpg-pubkey\* --qf "%{name}-%{version}\n" | grep -q ^gpg-pubkey-f4a80eb5$ || \
+            __rpm_import_gpg "${HTTP_VAL}://${repo_url}/yum/redhat/7/x86_64/${repo_rev}/base/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7" || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+__install_saltstack_copr_salt_repository() {
+    echoinfo "Adding SaltStack's COPR repository"
+    if [ "${DISTRO_NAME_L}" = "fedora" ]; then
+        [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -ge 22 ] && return 0
+        __REPOTYPE="${DISTRO_NAME_L}"
+    else
+        __REPOTYPE="epel"
+    fi
+    __REPO_FILENAME="saltstack-salt-${__REPOTYPE}-${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}.repo"
+    if [ ! -s "/etc/yum.repos.d/${__REPO_FILENAME}" ]; then
+        __fetch_url "/etc/yum.repos.d/${__REPO_FILENAME}" \
+            "${HTTP_VAL}://${__REPOTYPE}-${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}/${__REPO_FILENAME}" || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_centos_stable_deps() {
+    if [ "$_UPGRADE_SYS" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        yum -y update || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 5 ]; then
+        # Install curl which is not included in @core CentOS 5 installation
+        __check_command_exists curl || yum -y install "curl.${CPU_ARCH_L}" || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        __install_epel_repository || return 1
+        __install_saltstack_rhel_repository || return 1
+    fi
+    # If -R was passed, we need to configure custom repo url with rsync-ed packages
+    # Which is still handled in __install_saltstack_rhel_repository. This call has
+    # its own check in case -r was passed without -R.
+    if [ "$_CUSTOM_REPO_URL" != "null" ]; then
+        __install_saltstack_rhel_repository || return 1
+    fi
+    __PACKAGES="yum-utils chkconfig"
+    # YAML module is used for generating custom master/minion configs
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 5 ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python26-PyYAML"
+    else
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} PyYAML"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __yum_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        __yum_install_noinput ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_centos_stable() {
+    __PACKAGES=""
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ];then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-cloud"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_TRUE ];then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-master"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-minion"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_TRUE ];then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-syndic"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __yum_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    return 0
+install_centos_stable_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+            /bin/systemctl is-enabled salt-${fname}.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || (
+                /bin/systemctl preset salt-${fname}.service > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
+                /bin/systemctl enable salt-${fname}.service > /dev/null 2>&1
+            )
+        elif [ -f "/etc/init.d/salt-${fname}" ]; then
+            /sbin/chkconfig salt-${fname} on
+        fi
+    done
+    if [ "$SYSTEMD_RELOAD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_centos_git_deps() {
+    if [ "$_INSECURE_DL" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "${_SALT_REPO_URL%%://*}" = "https" ]; then
+        if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -gt 5 ]; then
+            __yum_install_noinput ca-certificates || return 1
+        else
+            __yum_install_noinput "openssl.${CPU_ARCH_L}" || return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    install_centos_stable_deps || return 1
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        __yum_install_noinput git || return 1
+    fi
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    __PACKAGES=""
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 5 ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python26 python26-crypto python26-jinja2 python26-msgpack python26-requests"
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python26-tornado python26-zmq"
+    else
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-crypto python-futures python-msgpack python-zmq python-jinja2"
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-requests python-tornado"
+    fi
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -ge 7 ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} systemd-python"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-libcloud"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __yum_install_noinput ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_centos_git() {
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 5 ]; then
+        _PYEXE=python2.6
+    else
+        _PYEXE=python2
+    fi
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/salt/" ]; then
+        $_PYEXE --salt-config-dir="$_SALT_ETC_DIR" --salt-cache-dir="${_SALT_CACHE_DIR}" ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install --prefix=/usr || return 1
+    else
+        $_PYEXE ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install --prefix=/usr || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_centos_git_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+            ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+            if [ ! -f "/usr/lib/systemd/system/salt-${fname}.service" ] || \
+                ([ -f "/usr/lib/systemd/system/salt-${fname}.service" ] && [ "$_FORCE_OVERWRITE" -eq $BS_TRUE ]); then
+                __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/rpm/salt-${fname}.service" /usr/lib/systemd/system
+            fi
+        elif [ ! -f "/etc/init.d/salt-$fname" ] || \
+            ([ -f "/etc/init.d/salt-$fname" ] && [ "$_FORCE_OVERWRITE" -eq $BS_TRUE ]); then
+            __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/rpm/salt-${fname}" /etc/init.d
+            chmod +x /etc/init.d/salt-${fname}
+        fi
+    done
+    if [ "$SYSTEMD_RELOAD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
+    fi
+    install_centos_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_centos_restart_daemons() {
+    [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /sbin/initctl ] && [ -f /etc/init/salt-${fname}.conf ]; then
+            # We have upstart support and upstart knows about our service
+            /sbin/initctl status salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+            if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+                # Everything is in place and upstart gave us an error code? Fail!
+                return 1
+            fi
+            # upstart knows about this service.
+            # Let's try to stop it, and then start it
+            /sbin/initctl stop salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+            /sbin/initctl start salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+            # Restart service
+            if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+                # Failed the restart?!
+                return 1
+            fi
+        elif [ -f /etc/init.d/salt-$fname ]; then
+            # Disable stdin to fix shell session hang on killing tee pipe
+            service salt-$fname stop < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1
+            service salt-$fname start < /dev/null
+        elif [ -f /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then
+            # CentOS 7 uses systemd
+            /usr/bin/systemctl stop salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+            /usr/bin/systemctl start salt-$fname.service
+        fi
+    done
+install_centos_testing_deps() {
+    install_centos_stable_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_centos_testing() {
+    install_centos_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_centos_testing_post() {
+    install_centos_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_centos_check_services() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /sbin/initctl ] && [ -f /etc/init/salt-${fname}.conf ]; then
+            __check_services_upstart salt-$fname || return 1
+        elif [ -f /etc/init.d/salt-$fname ]; then
+            __check_services_sysvinit salt-$fname || return 1
+        elif [ -f /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then
+            __check_services_systemd salt-$fname || return 1
+        fi
+    done
+    return 0
+#   Ended CentOS Install Functions
+#   RedHat Install Functions
+install_red_hat_linux_stable_deps() {
+    install_centos_stable_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_linux_git_deps() {
+    install_centos_git_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_stable_deps() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_stable_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_git_deps() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_git_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_server_stable_deps() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_stable_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_server_git_deps() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_git_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_workstation_stable_deps() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_stable_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_workstation_git_deps() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_git_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_linux_stable() {
+    install_centos_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_linux_git() {
+    install_centos_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_stable() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_git() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_server_stable() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_server_git() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_workstation_stable() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_workstation_git() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_linux_stable_post() {
+    install_centos_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_linux_restart_daemons() {
+    install_centos_restart_daemons || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_linux_git_post() {
+    install_centos_git_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_stable_post() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_restart_daemons() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_restart_daemons || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_git_post() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_git_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_server_stable_post() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_server_restart_daemons() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_restart_daemons || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_server_git_post() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_git_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_workstation_stable_post() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_workstation_restart_daemons() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_restart_daemons || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_workstation_git_post() {
+    install_red_hat_linux_git_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_linux_testing_deps() {
+    install_centos_testing_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_linux_testing() {
+    install_centos_testing || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_linux_testing_post() {
+    install_centos_testing_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_server_testing_deps() {
+    install_centos_testing_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_server_testing() {
+    install_centos_testing || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_server_testing_post() {
+    install_centos_testing_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_workstation_testing_deps() {
+    install_centos_testing_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_workstation_testing() {
+    install_centos_testing || return 1
+    return 0
+install_red_hat_enterprise_workstation_testing_post() {
+    install_centos_testing_post || return 1
+    return 0
+#   Ended RedHat Install Functions
+#   Oracle Linux Install Functions
+install_oracle_linux_stable_deps() {
+    install_centos_stable_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_oracle_linux_git_deps() {
+    install_centos_git_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_oracle_linux_testing_deps() {
+    install_centos_testing_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_oracle_linux_stable() {
+    install_centos_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_oracle_linux_git() {
+    install_centos_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_oracle_linux_testing() {
+    install_centos_testing || return 1
+    return 0
+install_oracle_linux_stable_post() {
+    install_centos_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_oracle_linux_git_post() {
+    install_centos_git_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_oracle_linux_testing_post() {
+    install_centos_testing_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_oracle_linux_restart_daemons() {
+    install_centos_restart_daemons || return 1
+    return 0
+install_oracle_linux_check_services() {
+    install_centos_check_services || return 1
+    return 0
+#   Ended Oracle Linux Install Functions
+#   Scientific Linux Install Functions
+install_scientific_linux_stable_deps() {
+    install_centos_stable_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_scientific_linux_git_deps() {
+    install_centos_git_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_scientific_linux_testing_deps() {
+    install_centos_testing_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_scientific_linux_stable() {
+    install_centos_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_scientific_linux_git() {
+    install_centos_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_scientific_linux_testing() {
+    install_centos_testing || return 1
+    return 0
+install_scientific_linux_stable_post() {
+    install_centos_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_scientific_linux_git_post() {
+    install_centos_git_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_scientific_linux_testing_post() {
+    install_centos_testing_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_scientific_linux_restart_daemons() {
+    install_centos_restart_daemons || return 1
+    return 0
+install_scientific_linux_check_services() {
+    install_centos_check_services || return 1
+    return 0
+#   Ended Scientific Linux Install Functions
+#   CloudLinux Install Functions
+install_cloud_linux_stable_deps() {
+    install_centos_stable_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_cloud_linux_git_deps() {
+    install_centos_git_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_cloud_linux_testing_deps() {
+    install_centos_testing_deps || return 1
+    return 0
+install_cloud_linux_stable() {
+    install_centos_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_cloud_linux_git() {
+    install_centos_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_cloud_linux_testing() {
+    install_centos_testing || return 1
+    return 0
+install_cloud_linux_stable_post() {
+    install_centos_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_cloud_linux_git_post() {
+    install_centos_git_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_cloud_linux_testing_post() {
+    install_centos_testing_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_cloud_linux_restart_daemons() {
+    install_centos_restart_daemons || return 1
+    return 0
+install_cloud_linux_check_services() {
+    install_centos_check_services || return 1
+    return 0
+#   End of CloudLinux Install Functions
+#   Alpine Linux Install Functions
+install_alpine_linux_stable_deps() {
+    __COMUNITY_REPO_ENABLED="$(grep '^$' /etc/apk/repositories)"
+    if [ "${__COMUNITY_REPO_ENABLED}" != "" ]; then
+        apk update
+    else
+        echo '' >> /etc/apk/repositories
+        apk update
+    fi
+install_alpine_linux_git_deps() {
+    apk -U add python2 py-virtualenv py2-crypto py2-setuptools \
+        py2-jinja2 py2-yaml py2-markupsafe py2-msgpack py2-psutil \
+        py2-zmq zeromq py2-requests || return 1
+    # Don't fail if un-installing python2-distribute threw an error
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        apk -U add git  || return 1
+    fi
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt" ]; then
+        # We're on the develop branch, install whichever tornado is on the requirements file
+        __REQUIRED_TORNADO="$(grep tornado "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt")"
+        if [ "${__REQUIRED_TORNADO}" != "" ]; then
+            apk -U add py2-tornado
+        fi
+    fi
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_alpine_linux_stable() {
+    __PACKAGES="salt"
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ];then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-cloud"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-master"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-minion"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-syndic"
+    fi
+    apk -U add "${__PACKAGES}" || return 1
+    return 0
+install_alpine_linux_git() {
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/salt/" ]; then
+        python2 --salt-config-dir="$_SALT_ETC_DIR" --salt-cache-dir="${_SALT_CACHE_DIR}" ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install || return 1
+    else
+        python2 ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_alpine_linux_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+            ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip salt-syndic as there is no service for it on Alpine Linux
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && continue
+        if [ -f /sbin/rc-update ]; then
+            /sbin/rc-update add salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+            continue
+        fi
+    done
+install_alpine_linux_git_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+            ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip salt-syndic as there is no service for it on Alpine Linux
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && continue
+        if [ -f /sbin/rc-update ]; then
+            /sbin/rc-update add salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+            continue
+        fi
+    done
+install_alpine_linux_restart_daemons() {
+    [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip salt-syndic as there is no service for it on Alpine Linux
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        /sbin/rc-service salt-$fname stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+        /sbin/rc-service salt-$fname start
+    done
+install_alpine_linux_check_services() {
+    if [ ! -f /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then
+        # Not running systemd!? Don't check!
+        return 0
+    fi
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip salt-syndic as there is no service for it on Alpine Linux
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        __check_services_alpine salt-$fname || return 1
+    done
+    return 0
+daemons_running_alpine_linux() {
+    [ "$_START_DAEMONS" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return 0
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip salt-syndic as there is no service for it on Alpine Linux
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2009
+        if [ "$(ps wwwaux | grep -v grep | grep salt-$fname)" = "" ]; then
+            echoerror "salt-$fname was not found running"
+        fi
+    done
+    return $FAILED_DAEMONS
+#   Ended Alpine Linux Install Functions
+#   Amazon Linux AMI Install Functions
+install_amazon_linux_ami_deps() {
+    # We need to install yum-utils before doing anything else when installing on
+    # Amazon Linux ECS-optimized images. See issue #974.
+    yum -y install yum-utils
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        ENABLE_EPEL_CMD="--enablerepo=${_EPEL_REPO}"
+    fi
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        # enable the EPEL repo
+        /usr/bin/yum-config-manager --enable epel || return 1
+        # exclude Salt and ZeroMQ packages from EPEL
+        /usr/bin/yum-config-manager epel --setopt "epel.exclude=zeromq* salt* python-zmq*" --save || return 1
+        __REPO_FILENAME="saltstack-repo.repo"
+        if [ ! -s "/etc/yum.repos.d/${__REPO_FILENAME}" ]; then
+          cat <<_eof > "/etc/yum.repos.d/${__REPO_FILENAME}"
+name=SaltStack repo for RHEL/CentOS 6
+humanname=SaltStack repo for RHEL/CentOS 6
+        fi
+        if [ "$_UPGRADE_SYS" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            yum -y update || return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    __PACKAGES="PyYAML python-crypto python-msgpack python-zmq python26-ordereddict python-jinja2 python-requests"
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    yum -y install ${__PACKAGES} ${ENABLE_EPEL_CMD} || return 1
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        yum install -y ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} ${ENABLE_EPEL_CMD} || return 1
+    fi
+install_amazon_linux_ami_git_deps() {
+    if [ "$_INSECURE_DL" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "${_SALT_REPO_URL%%://*}" = "https" ]; then
+        yum -y install ca-certificates || return 1
+    fi
+    install_amazon_linux_ami_deps || return 1
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        ENABLE_EPEL_CMD="--enablerepo=${_EPEL_REPO}"
+    fi
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        yum -y install git ${ENABLE_EPEL_CMD} || return 1
+    fi
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    __PACKAGES=""
+    __PIP_PACKAGES=""
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __check_pip_allowed "You need to allow pip based installations (-P) in order to install apache-libcloud"
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-pip"
+        __PIP_PACKAGES="${__PIP_PACKAGES} apache-libcloud>=$_LIBCLOUD_MIN_VERSION"
+    fi
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt" ]; then
+        # We're on the develop branch, install whichever tornado is on the requirements file
+        __REQUIRED_TORNADO="$(grep tornado "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt")"
+        if [ "${__REQUIRED_TORNADO}" != "" ]; then
+            __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-tornado"
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "${__PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        yum -y install ${__PACKAGES} ${ENABLE_EPEL_CMD} || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "${__PIP_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        pip-python install ${__PIP_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_amazon_linux_ami_stable() {
+    install_centos_stable || return 1
+    return 0
+install_amazon_linux_ami_stable_post() {
+    install_centos_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_amazon_linux_ami_restart_daemons() {
+    install_centos_restart_daemons || return 1
+    return 0
+install_amazon_linux_ami_git() {
+    install_centos_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_amazon_linux_ami_git_post() {
+    install_centos_git_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_amazon_linux_ami_testing() {
+    install_centos_testing || return 1
+    return 0
+install_amazon_linux_ami_testing_post() {
+    install_centos_testing_post || return 1
+    return 0
+#   Ended Amazon Linux AMI Install Functions
+#   Arch Install Functions
+install_arch_linux_stable_deps() {
+    if [ ! -f /etc/pacman.d/gnupg ]; then
+        pacman-key --init && pacman-key --populate archlinux || return 1
+    fi
+    pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed archlinux-keyring || return 1
+    pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed pacman || return 1
+    if __check_command_exists pacman-db-upgrade; then
+        pacman-db-upgrade || return 1
+    fi
+    # YAML module is used for generating custom master/minion configs
+    pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed python2-yaml
+    if [ "$_UPGRADE_SYS" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed apache-libcloud || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+install_arch_linux_git_deps() {
+    install_arch_linux_stable_deps
+    # Don't fail if un-installing python2-distribute threw an error
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed git  || return 1
+    fi
+    pacman -R --noconfirm python2-distribute
+    pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed python2-crypto python2-setuptools python2-jinja \
+        python2-markupsafe python2-msgpack python2-psutil \
+        python2-pyzmq zeromq python2-requests python2-systemd || return 1
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt" ]; then
+        # We're on the develop branch, install whichever tornado is on the requirements file
+        __REQUIRED_TORNADO="$(grep tornado "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt")"
+        if [ "${__REQUIRED_TORNADO}" != "" ]; then
+            pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed python2-tornado
+        fi
+    fi
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_arch_linux_stable() {
+    pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed pacman || return 1
+    # See
+    # to know why we're ignoring below.
+    pacman -Syu --noconfirm --ignore filesystem,bash || return 1
+    pacman -S --noconfirm --needed bash || return 1
+    pacman -Su --noconfirm || return 1
+    # We can now resume regular salt update
+    pacman -Syu --noconfirm salt || return 1
+    return 0
+install_arch_linux_git() {
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/salt/" ]; then
+        python2 --salt-config-dir="$_SALT_ETC_DIR" --salt-cache-dir="${_SALT_CACHE_DIR}" ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install || return 1
+    else
+        python2 ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_arch_linux_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+            ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        # Since Arch's pacman renames configuration files
+        if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" != "null" ] && [ -f "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/$fname.pacorig" ]; then
+            # Since a configuration directory was provided, it also means that any
+            # configuration file copied was renamed by Arch, see:
+            #
+            __copyfile "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/$fname.pacorig" "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/$fname" $BS_TRUE
+        fi
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        if [ -f /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then
+            # Using systemd
+            /usr/bin/systemctl is-enabled salt-$fname.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || (
+                /usr/bin/systemctl preset salt-$fname.service > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
+                /usr/bin/systemctl enable salt-$fname.service > /dev/null 2>&1
+            )
+            sleep 0.1
+            /usr/bin/systemctl daemon-reload
+            continue
+        fi
+        # XXX: How do we enable old Arch init.d scripts?
+    done
+install_arch_linux_git_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+            ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then
+            __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/rpm/salt-${fname}.service" "/lib/systemd/system/salt-${fname}.service"
+            # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+            [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+            /usr/bin/systemctl is-enabled salt-${fname}.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || (
+                /usr/bin/systemctl preset salt-${fname}.service > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
+                /usr/bin/systemctl enable salt-${fname}.service > /dev/null 2>&1
+            )
+            sleep 0.1
+            /usr/bin/systemctl daemon-reload
+            continue
+        fi
+        # SysV init!?
+        __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/rpm/salt-$fname" "/etc/rc.d/init.d/salt-$fname"
+        chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/salt-$fname
+    done
+install_arch_linux_restart_daemons() {
+    [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then
+            /usr/bin/systemctl stop salt-$fname.service > /dev/null 2>&1
+            /usr/bin/systemctl start salt-$fname.service
+            continue
+        fi
+        /etc/rc.d/salt-$fname stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+        /etc/rc.d/salt-$fname start
+    done
+install_arch_check_services() {
+    if [ ! -f /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then
+        # Not running systemd!? Don't check!
+        return 0
+    fi
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        __check_services_systemd salt-$fname || return 1
+    done
+    return 0
+#   Ended Arch Install Functions
+#   FreeBSD Install Functions
+__freebsd_get_packagesite() {
+    if [ "$CPU_ARCH_L" = "amd64" ]; then
+        BSD_ARCH="x86:64"
+    elif [ "$CPU_ARCH_L" = "x86_64" ]; then
+        BSD_ARCH="x86:64"
+    elif [ "$CPU_ARCH_L" = "i386" ]; then
+        BSD_ARCH="x86:32"
+    elif [ "$CPU_ARCH_L" = "i686" ]; then
+        BSD_ARCH="x86:32"
+    fi
+    # Since the variable might not be set, don't, momentarily treat it as a
+    # failure
+    set +o nounset
+    # ABI is a std format for identifying release / architecture combos
+    _PACKAGESITE="${ABI}/latest"
+    # Awkwardly, we want the `${ABI}` to be in conf file without escaping
+    PKGCONFURL="pkg+\${ABI}/latest"
+    # Treat unset variables as errors once more
+    set -o nounset
+# Using a separate conf step to head for idempotent install...
+__configure_freebsd_pkg_details() {
+    ## pkg.conf is deprecated.
+    ## We use conf files in /usr/local or /etc instead
+    mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/
+    mkdir -p /etc/pkg/
+    ## Use new JSON-like format for pkg repo configs
+    ## check if /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf is already in place
+    if [ ! -f /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf ]; then
+      conf_file=/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/freebsd.conf
+      {
+          echo "FreeBSD:{"
+          echo "    url: \"${PKGCONFURL}\","
+          echo "    mirror_type: \"srv\","
+          echo "    signature_type: \"fingerprints\","
+          echo "    fingerprints: \"/usr/share/keys/pkg\","
+          echo "    enabled: true"
+          echo "}"
+      } > $conf_file
+      __copyfile $conf_file /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf
+    fi
+    FROM_FREEBSD="-r FreeBSD"
+    ## add saltstack freebsd repo
+    salt_conf_file=/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/saltstack.conf
+    {
+        echo "SaltStack:{"
+        echo "    url: \"${SALTPKGCONFURL}\","
+        echo "    mirror_type: \"http\","
+        echo "    enabled: true"
+        echo "    priority: 10"
+        echo "}"
+    } > $salt_conf_file
+    FROM_SALTSTACK="-r SaltStack"
+    ## ensure future ports builds use pkgng
+    echo "WITH_PKGNG=   yes" >> /etc/make.conf
+install_freebsd_9_stable_deps() {
+    _SALT_ETC_DIR=${BS_SALT_ETC_DIR:-/usr/local/etc/salt}
+    _PKI_DIR=${_SALT_ETC_DIR}/pki
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        #make variables available even if pkg already installed
+        __freebsd_get_packagesite
+        if [ ! -x /usr/local/sbin/pkg ]; then
+            # install new `pkg` code from its own tarball.
+            fetch "${_PACKAGESITE}/Latest/pkg.txz" || return 1
+            tar xf ./pkg.txz -s ",/.*/,,g" "*/pkg-static" || return 1
+            ./pkg-static add ./pkg.txz || return 1
+            /usr/local/sbin/pkg2ng || return 1
+        fi
+        # Configure the pkg repository using new approach
+        __configure_freebsd_pkg_details || return 1
+    fi
+    # Now install swig
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    /usr/local/sbin/pkg install ${FROM_FREEBSD} -y swig || return 1
+    # YAML module is used for generating custom master/minion configs
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    /usr/local/sbin/pkg install ${FROM_FREEBSD} -y py27-yaml || return 1
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        /usr/local/sbin/pkg install ${FROM_FREEBSD} -y ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$_UPGRADE_SYS" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        pkg upgrade -y || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_freebsd_10_stable_deps() {
+    install_freebsd_9_stable_deps
+install_freebsd_11_stable_deps() {
+    install_freebsd_9_stable_deps
+install_freebsd_git_deps() {
+    install_freebsd_9_stable_deps || return 1
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        /usr/local/sbin/pkg install -y git || return 1
+    fi
+    /usr/local/sbin/pkg install -y www/py-requests || return 1
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt" ]; then
+        # We're on the develop branch, install whichever tornado is on the requirements file
+        __REQUIRED_TORNADO="$(grep tornado "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt")"
+        if [ "${__REQUIRED_TORNADO}" != "" ]; then
+             /usr/local/sbin/pkg install -y www/py-tornado || return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    echodebug "Adapting paths to FreeBSD"
+    # The list of files was taken from Salt's BSD port Makefile
+    for file in doc/man/salt-key.1 doc/man/salt-cp.1 doc/man/salt-minion.1 \
+                doc/man/salt-syndic.1 doc/man/salt-master.1 doc/man/salt-run.1 \
+                doc/man/salt.7 doc/man/salt.1 doc/man/salt-call.1; do
+        [ ! -f $file ] && continue
+        echodebug "Patching ${file}"
+        sed -in -e "s|/etc/salt|${_SALT_ETC_DIR}|" \
+                -e "s|/srv/salt|${_SALT_ETC_DIR}/states|" \
+                -e "s|/srv/pillar|${_SALT_ETC_DIR}/pillar|" ${file}
+    done
+    if [ ! -f salt/ ]; then
+        # We still can't provide the system paths, salt 0.16.x
+        # Let's patch salt's source and adapt paths to what's expected on FreeBSD
+        echodebug "Replacing occurrences of '/etc/salt' with \'${_SALT_ETC_DIR}\'"
+        # The list of files was taken from Salt's BSD port Makefile
+        for file in conf/minion conf/master salt/ salt/ \
+                    salt/modules/ salt/utils/ salt/modules/ \
+                    salt/modules/ salt/utils/; do
+            [ ! -f $file ] && continue
+            echodebug "Patching ${file}"
+            sed -in -e "s|/etc/salt|${_SALT_ETC_DIR}|" \
+                    -e "s|/srv/salt|${_SALT_ETC_DIR}/states|" \
+                    -e "s|/srv/pillar|${_SALT_ETC_DIR}/pillar|" ${file}
+        done
+    fi
+    echodebug "Finished patching"
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_freebsd_9_stable() {
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    /usr/local/sbin/pkg install ${FROM_SALTSTACK} -y sysutils/py-salt || return 1
+    return 0
+install_freebsd_10_stable() {
+    install_freebsd_9_stable
+install_freebsd_11_stable() {
+# installing latest version of salt from FreeBSD CURRENT ports repo
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    /usr/local/sbin/pkg install ${FROM_FREEBSD} -y sysutils/py-salt || return 1
+    return 0
+install_freebsd_git() {
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    /usr/local/sbin/pkg install ${FROM_SALTSTACK} -y sysutils/py-salt || return 1
+    # Let's keep the rc.d files before deleting the package
+    mkdir /tmp/rc-scripts || return 1
+    cp /usr/local/etc/rc.d/salt* /tmp/rc-scripts || return 1
+    # Let's delete the package
+    /usr/local/sbin/pkg delete -y sysutils/py-salt || return 1
+    # Install from git
+    if [ ! -f salt/ ]; then
+        # We still can't provide the system paths, salt 0.16.x
+        /usr/local/bin/python2 ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install || return 1
+    else
+        /usr/local/bin/python2 \
+            --salt-root-dir=/usr/local \
+            --salt-config-dir="${_SALT_ETC_DIR}" \
+            --salt-cache-dir="${_SALT_CACHE_DIR}" \
+            --salt-sock-dir=/var/run/salt \
+            --salt-srv-root-dir=/srv \
+            --salt-base-file-roots-dir="${_SALT_ETC_DIR}/states" \
+            --salt-base-pillar-roots-dir="${_SALT_ETC_DIR}/pillar" \
+            --salt-base-master-roots-dir="${_SALT_ETC_DIR}/salt-master" \
+            --salt-logs-dir=/var/log/salt \
+            --salt-pidfile-dir=/var/run ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install \
+            || return 1
+    fi
+    # Restore the rc.d scripts
+    cp /tmp/rc-scripts/salt* /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ || return 1
+    # Delete our temporary scripts directory
+    rm -rf /tmp/rc-scripts || return 1
+    # And we're good to go
+    return 0
+install_freebsd_9_stable_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        enable_string="salt_${fname}_enable=\"YES\""
+        grep "$enable_string" /etc/rc.conf >/dev/null 2>&1
+        [ $? -eq 1 ] && echo "$enable_string" >> /etc/rc.conf
+        if [ $fname = "minion" ] ; then
+            grep "salt_minion_paths" /etc/rc.conf >/dev/null 2>&1
+            [ $? -eq 1 ] && echo "salt_minion_paths=\"/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin\"" >> /etc/rc.conf
+        fi
+    done
+install_freebsd_10_stable_post() {
+    install_freebsd_9_stable_post
+install_freebsd_11_stable_post() {
+    install_freebsd_9_stable_post
+install_freebsd_git_post() {
+    install_freebsd_9_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_freebsd_restart_daemons() {
+    [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        service salt_$fname stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+        service salt_$fname start
+    done
+#   Ended FreeBSD Install Functions
+#   OpenBSD Install Functions
+__choose_openbsd_mirror() {
+    MINTIME=''
+    MIRROR_LIST=$(awk -F= '/installpath = / {print $2}' /etc/examples/pkg.conf)
+    for MIRROR in $MIRROR_LIST; do
+        MIRROR_HOST=$(echo "$MIRROR" | sed -e 's|.*//||' -e 's|+*/.*$||')
+        TIME=$(ping -c 1 -w 1 -q "$MIRROR_HOST" | awk -F/ '/round-trip/ { print $5 }')
+        [ -z "$TIME" ] && continue
+        echodebug "ping time for $MIRROR_HOST is $TIME"
+        if [ -z "$MINTIME" ]; then
+            FASTER_MIRROR=1
+        else
+            FASTER_MIRROR=$(echo "$TIME < $MINTIME" | bc)
+        fi
+        if [ "$FASTER_MIRROR" -eq 1 ]; then
+            MINTIME=$TIME
+            OPENBSD_REPO="$MIRROR"
+        fi
+    done
+install_openbsd_deps() {
+    __choose_openbsd_mirror || return 1
+    echoinfo "setting package repository to $OPENBSD_REPO with ping time of $MINTIME"
+    [ -n "$OPENBSD_REPO" ] || return 1
+    echo "installpath += ${OPENBSD_REPO}" >>/etc/pkg.conf || return 1
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        pkg_add -I -v ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_openbsd_git_deps() {
+    install_openbsd_deps || return 1
+    pkg_add -I -v git || return 1
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    #
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    #
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_openbsd_git() {
+    #
+    # Install from git
+    #
+    if [ ! -f salt/ ]; then
+        # We still can't provide the system paths, salt 0.16.x
+        /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_openbsd_stable() {
+    pkg_add -r -I -v salt || return 1
+    return 0
+install_openbsd_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        rcctl enable salt_$fname
+    done
+    return 0
+install_openbsd_check_services() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && continue
+        if [ -f /etc/rc.d/salt_${fname} ]; then
+            __check_services_openbsd salt_${fname} || return 1
+        fi
+    done
+    return 0
+install_openbsd_restart_daemons() {
+    [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        rcctl restart salt_${fname}
+    done
+    return 0
+#   Ended OpenBSD Install Functions
+#   SmartOS Install Functions
+install_smartos_deps() {
+    pkgin -y install zeromq py27-crypto py27-msgpack py27-yaml py27-jinja2 py27-zmq py27-requests || return 1
+    # Set _SALT_ETC_DIR to SmartOS default if they didn't specify
+    _SALT_ETC_DIR=${BS_SALT_ETC_DIR:-/opt/local/etc/salt}
+    # We also need to redefine the PKI directory
+    _PKI_DIR=${_SALT_ETC_DIR}/pki
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        # Let's set the configuration directory to /tmp
+        _TEMP_CONFIG_DIR="/tmp"
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+        # Let's download, since they were not provided, the default configuration files
+        if [ ! -f "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/minion" ] && [ ! -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/minion" ]; then
+            # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+            curl $_CURL_ARGS -s -o "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/minion" -L \
+       || return 1
+        fi
+        if [ ! -f "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/master" ] && [ ! -f $_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/master ]; then
+            # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+            curl $_CURL_ARGS -s -o "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/master" -L \
+       || return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE  ]; then
+        pkgin -y install py27-apache-libcloud || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        pkgin -y install ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_smartos_git_deps() {
+    install_smartos_deps || return 1
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        pkgin -y install git || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt" ]; then
+        # Install whichever tornado is in the requirements file
+        __REQUIRED_TORNADO="$(grep tornado "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt")"
+        __check_pip_allowed "You need to allow pip based installations (-P) in order to install the python package '${__REQUIRED_TORNADO}'"
+        # Install whichever futures is in the requirements file
+        __REQUIRED_FUTURES="$(grep futures "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt")"
+        __check_pip_allowed "You need to allow pip based installations (-P) in order to install the python package '${__REQUIRED_FUTURES}'"
+        if [ "${__REQUIRED_TORNADO}" != "" ]; then
+            if ! __check_command_exists pip; then
+                pkgin -y install py27-pip
+            fi
+            pip install -U "${__REQUIRED_TORNADO}"
+        fi
+        if [ "${__REQUIRED_FUTURES}" != "" ]; then
+            if ! __check_command_exists pip; then
+                pkgin -y install py27-pip
+            fi
+            pip install -U "${__REQUIRED_FUTURES}"
+        fi
+    fi
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_smartos_stable() {
+    pkgin -y install salt || return 1
+    return 0
+install_smartos_git() {
+    # Use setuptools in order to also install dependencies
+    # lets force our config path on the setup for now, since salt/ only  got fixed in 2015.5.0
+    USE_SETUPTOOLS=1 /opt/local/bin/python --salt-config-dir="$_SALT_ETC_DIR" --salt-cache-dir="${_SALT_CACHE_DIR}" ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install || return 1
+    return 0
+install_smartos_post() {
+    smf_dir="/opt/custom/smf"
+    # Install manifest files if needed.
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+            ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        svcs network/salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+        if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
+            if [ ! -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/salt-$fname.xml" ]; then
+                # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+                curl $_CURL_ARGS -s -o "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/salt-$fname.xml" -L \
+                    "$fname.xml"
+            fi
+            svccfg import "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/salt-$fname.xml"
+            if [ "${VIRTUAL_TYPE}" = "global" ]; then
+                if [ ! -d "$smf_dir" ]; then
+                    mkdir -p "$smf_dir" || return 1
+                fi
+                if [ ! -f "$smf_dir/salt-$fname.xml" ]; then
+                    __copyfile "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/salt-$fname.xml" "$smf_dir/" || return 1
+                fi
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
+    return 0
+install_smartos_git_post() {
+    smf_dir="/opt/custom/smf"
+    # Install manifest files if needed.
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+            ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        svcs "network/salt-$fname" > /dev/null 2>&1
+        if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
+            svccfg import "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/smartos/salt-$fname.xml"
+            if [ "${VIRTUAL_TYPE}" = "global" ]; then
+                if [ ! -d $smf_dir ]; then
+                    mkdir -p "$smf_dir"
+                fi
+                if [ ! -f "$smf_dir/salt-$fname.xml" ]; then
+                    __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/smartos/salt-$fname.xml" "$smf_dir/"
+                fi
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
+    return 0
+install_smartos_restart_daemons() {
+    [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        # Stop if running && Start service
+        svcadm disable salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+        svcadm enable salt-$fname
+    done
+    return 0
+#   Ended SmartOS Install Functions
+#    openSUSE Install Functions.
+__set_suse_pkg_repo() {
+    suse_pkg_url_path="${DISTRO_REPO}/systemsmanagement:saltstack.repo"
+    if [ "$_DOWNSTREAM_PKG_REPO" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        suse_pkg_url_base=""
+    else
+        suse_pkg_url_base="${HTTP_VAL}://"
+    fi
+    SUSE_PKG_URL="$suse_pkg_url_base/$suse_pkg_url_path"
+__version_lte() {
+    if ! __check_command_exists python; then
+        zypper zypper --non-interactive install --replacefiles --auto-agree-with-licenses python || \
+             zypper zypper --non-interactive install --auto-agree-with-licenses python || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$(python -c 'import sys; V1=tuple([int(i) for i in sys.argv[1].split(".")]); V2=tuple([int(i) for i in sys.argv[2].split(".")]); print V1<=V2' "$1" "$2")" = "True" ]; then
+    else
+    fi
+__zypper() {
+    zypper --non-interactive "${@}"; return $?
+__zypper_install() {
+    if [ "${__ZYPPER_REQUIRES_REPLACE_FILES}" = "-1" ]; then
+        __version_lte "1.10.4" "$(zypper --version | awk '{ print $2 }')"
+    fi
+    if [ "${__ZYPPER_REQUIRES_REPLACE_FILES}" = "${BS_TRUE}" ]; then
+        # In case of file conflicts replace old files.
+        # Option present in zypper 1.10.4 and newer:
+        #
+        __zypper install --auto-agree-with-licenses --replacefiles "${@}"; return $?
+    else
+        __zypper install --auto-agree-with-licenses "${@}"; return $?
+    fi
+install_opensuse_stable_deps() {
+    if [ "${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}" -gt 2015 ]; then
+        DISTRO_REPO="openSUSE_Tumbleweed"
+    elif [ "${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}" -ge 42 ]; then
+    elif [ "${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}" -lt 42 ]; then
+    fi
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        # Is the repository already known
+        __set_suse_pkg_repo
+        # Check zypper repos and refresh if necessary
+        __check_and_refresh_suse_pkg_repo
+    fi
+    __zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ $? -ne 4 ]; then
+        # If the exit code is not 0, and it's not 4 (failed to update a
+        # repository) return a failure. Otherwise continue.
+        return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 12 ] && [ "$DISTRO_MINOR_VERSION" -eq 3 ]; then
+        # Because patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts conflicts with python, lets remove the first one
+        __zypper remove patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts
+    fi
+    if [ "$_UPGRADE_SYS" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys update || return 1
+    fi
+    # Salt needs python-zypp installed in order to use the zypper module
+    __PACKAGES="python-zypp"
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python python-Jinja2 python-M2Crypto python-PyYAML python-requests"
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-msgpack-python python-pycrypto python-pyzmq python-xml"
+    if [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt 13 ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} libzmq3"
+    elif [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 13 ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} libzmq3"
+    elif [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -gt 13 ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} libzmq5"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __zypper_install ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    # Fix for OpenSUSE 13.2 and 2015.8 - gcc should not be required. Work around until package is fixed by SuSE
+    _EXTRA_PACKAGES="${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} gcc python-devel libgit2-devel"
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        __zypper_install ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_opensuse_git_deps() {
+    if [ "$_INSECURE_DL" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && [ "${_SALT_REPO_URL%%://*}" = "https" ]; then
+        __zypper_install ca-certificates || return 1
+    fi
+    install_opensuse_stable_deps || return 1
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        __zypper_install git  || return 1
+    fi
+    __zypper_install patch || return 1
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    __PACKAGES=""
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt" ]; then
+        # We're on the develop branch, install whichever tornado is on the requirements file
+        __REQUIRED_TORNADO="$(grep tornado "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt")"
+        if [ "${__REQUIRED_TORNADO}" != "" ]; then
+            __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-tornado"
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-apache-libcloud"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __zypper_install ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_opensuse_stable() {
+    __PACKAGES=""
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ];then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-cloud"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-master"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-minion"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} salt-syndic"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __zypper_install $__PACKAGES || return 1
+    return 0
+install_opensuse_git() {
+    python ${SETUP_PY_INSTALL_ARGS} install --prefix=/usr || return 1
+    return 0
+install_opensuse_stable_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+            systemctl is-enabled salt-$fname.service || (systemctl preset salt-$fname.service && systemctl enable salt-$fname.service)
+            sleep 0.1
+            systemctl daemon-reload
+            continue
+        fi
+        /sbin/chkconfig --add salt-$fname
+        /sbin/chkconfig salt-$fname on
+    done
+    return 0
+install_opensuse_git_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+            ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+            use_usr_lib=$BS_FALSE
+            if [ "${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}" -gt 13 ] || ([ "${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}" -eq 13 ] && [ "${DISTRO_MINOR_VERSION}" -ge 2 ]); then
+                use_usr_lib=$BS_TRUE
+            fi
+            if [ "${DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION}" -eq 12 ] && [ -d "/usr/lib/systemd/" ]; then
+                use_usr_lib=$BS_TRUE
+            fi
+            if [ "${use_usr_lib}" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+                __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/salt-${fname}.service" "/usr/lib/systemd/system/salt-${fname}.service"
+            else
+                __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/salt-${fname}.service" "/lib/systemd/system/salt-${fname}.service"
+            fi
+            continue
+        fi
+        __copyfile "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/pkg/rpm/salt-$fname" "/etc/init.d/salt-$fname"
+        chmod +x /etc/init.d/salt-$fname
+    done
+    install_opensuse_stable_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_opensuse_restart_daemons() {
+    [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+            systemctl stop salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+            systemctl start salt-$fname.service
+            continue
+        fi
+        service salt-$fname stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+        service salt-$fname start
+    done
+install_opensuse_check_services() {
+    if [ ! -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+        # Not running systemd!? Don't check!
+        return 0
+    fi
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        __check_services_systemd salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1 || __check_services_systemd salt-$fname.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || return 1
+    done
+    return 0
+#   End of openSUSE Install Functions.
+#   SUSE Enterprise 12
+install_suse_12_stable_deps() {
+    SUSE_PATCHLEVEL=$(awk '/PATCHLEVEL/ {print $3}' /etc/SuSE-release )
+    if [ "${SUSE_PATCHLEVEL}" != "" ]; then
+    fi
+    # SLES 12 repo name does not use a patch level so PATCHLEVEL will need to be updated with SP1
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        # Is the repository already known
+        __set_suse_pkg_repo
+        # Check zypper repos and refresh if necessary
+        __check_and_refresh_suse_pkg_repo
+    fi
+    __zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh || return 1
+    if [ "$_UPGRADE_SYS" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys update || return 1
+    fi
+    # Salt needs python-zypp installed in order to use the zypper module
+    __PACKAGES="python-zypp"
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2089
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} libzmq5 python python-Jinja2 python-msgpack-python"
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-pycrypto python-pyzmq python-pip python-xml python-requests"
+    if [ "$SUSE_PATCHLEVEL" -eq 1 ]; then
+        __check_pip_allowed
+        echowarn "PyYaml will be installed using pip"
+    else
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-PyYAML"
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-apache-libcloud"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2090
+    __zypper_install ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    if [ "$SUSE_PATCHLEVEL" -eq 1 ]; then
+        # There's no python-PyYaml in SP1, let's install it using pip
+        pip install PyYaml || return 1
+    fi
+    # PIP based installs need to copy configuration files "by hand".
+    if [ "$SUSE_PATCHLEVEL" -eq 1 ]; then
+        # Let's trigger config_salt()
+        if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+            # Let's set the configuration directory to /tmp
+            _TEMP_CONFIG_DIR="/tmp"
+            CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+            for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+                # Skip salt-api since there is no example config for it in the Salt git repo
+                [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+                # Skip if not meant to be installed
+                [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+                [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+                [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+                # Syndic uses the same configuration file as the master
+                [ $fname = "syndic" ] && fname=master
+                # Let's download, since they were not provided, the default configuration files
+                if [ ! -f "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/$fname" ] && [ ! -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/$fname" ]; then
+                    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+                    curl $_CURL_ARGS -s -o "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/$fname" -L \
+                        "$fname" || return 1
+                fi
+            done
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        __zypper_install ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_suse_12_git_deps() {
+    install_suse_12_stable_deps || return 1
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        __zypper_install git  || return 1
+    fi
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    __PACKAGES=""
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt" ]; then
+        # We're on the develop branch, install whichever tornado is on the requirements file
+        __REQUIRED_TORNADO="$(grep tornado "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt")"
+        if [ "${__REQUIRED_TORNADO}" != "" ]; then
+            __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-tornado"
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-apache-libcloud"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __zypper_install ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_suse_12_stable() {
+    if [ "$SUSE_PATCHLEVEL" -gt 1 ]; then
+        install_opensuse_stable || return 1
+    else
+        # USE_SETUPTOOLS=1 To work around
+        # error: option --single-version-externally-managed not recognized
+        USE_SETUPTOOLS=1 pip install salt || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_suse_12_git() {
+    install_opensuse_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_suse_12_stable_post() {
+    if [ "$SUSE_PATCHLEVEL" -gt 1 ]; then
+        install_opensuse_stable_post || return 1
+    else
+        for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+            # Skip if not meant to be installed
+            [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+                ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+            [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+            [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+            [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+            if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+                # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+                curl $_CURL_ARGS -L "$fname.service" \
+                    -o "/usr/lib/systemd/system/salt-$fname.service" || return 1
+                continue
+            fi
+            # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+            [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+            if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+                systemctl is-enabled salt-$fname.service || (systemctl preset salt-$fname.service && systemctl enable salt-$fname.service)
+                sleep 0.1
+                systemctl daemon-reload
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_suse_12_git_post() {
+    install_opensuse_git_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_suse_12_restart_daemons() {
+    install_opensuse_restart_daemons || return 1
+    return 0
+#   End of SUSE Enterprise 12
+#   SUSE Enterprise 11
+install_suse_11_stable_deps() {
+    SUSE_PATCHLEVEL=$(awk '/PATCHLEVEL/ {print $3}' /etc/SuSE-release )
+    if [ "${SUSE_PATCHLEVEL}" != "" ]; then
+        if [ "${SUSE_PATCHLEVEL}" != "4" ]; then
+            echowarn "Salt packages for SLE 11 are only build for SP4."
+            echowarn "Attempting to install SP4 packages on SP${SUSE_PATCHLEVEL}."
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ $_DISABLE_REPOS -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        # Is the repository already known
+        __set_suse_pkg_repo
+        # Check zypper repos and refresh if necessary
+        __check_and_refresh_suse_pkg_repo
+    fi
+    __zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh || return 1
+    if [ "$_UPGRADE_SYS" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys update || return 1
+    fi
+    # Salt needs python-zypp installed in order to use the zypper module
+    __PACKAGES="python-zypp"
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2089
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} libzmq5 python python-Jinja2 python-msgpack-python"
+    __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-pycrypto python-pyzmq python-pip python-xml python-requests"
+    if [ "$SUSE_PATCHLEVEL" -eq 1 ]; then
+        __check_pip_allowed
+        echowarn "PyYaml will be installed using pip"
+    else
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-PyYAML"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2090
+    __zypper_install ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    if [ "$SUSE_PATCHLEVEL" -eq 1 ]; then
+        # There's no python-PyYaml in SP1, let's install it using pip
+        pip install PyYaml || return 1
+    fi
+    # PIP based installs need to copy configuration files "by hand".
+    if [ "$SUSE_PATCHLEVEL" -eq 1 ]; then
+        # Let's trigger config_salt()
+        if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+            # Let's set the configuration directory to /tmp
+            _TEMP_CONFIG_DIR="/tmp"
+            CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+            for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+                # Skip salt-api since there is no example config for it in the Salt git repo
+                [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+                # Skip if not meant to be installed
+                [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+                [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+                [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+                # Syndic uses the same configuration file as the master
+                [ $fname = "syndic" ] && fname=master
+                # Let's download, since they were not provided, the default configuration files
+                if [ ! -f "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/$fname" ] && [ ! -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/$fname" ]; then
+                    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+                    curl $_CURL_ARGS -s -o "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/$fname" -L \
+                        "$fname" || return 1
+                fi
+            done
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        __zypper_install ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_suse_11_git_deps() {
+    install_suse_11_stable_deps || return 1
+    if ! __check_command_exists git; then
+        __zypper_install git  || return 1
+    fi
+    __git_clone_and_checkout || return 1
+    __PACKAGES=""
+    if [ -f "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt" ]; then
+        # We're on the develop branch, install whichever tornado is on the requirements file
+        __REQUIRED_TORNADO="$(grep tornado "${_SALT_GIT_CHECKOUT_DIR}/requirements/base.txt")"
+        if [ "${__REQUIRED_TORNADO}" != "" ]; then
+            __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-tornado"
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __PACKAGES="${__PACKAGES} python-apache-libcloud"
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    __zypper_install ${__PACKAGES} || return 1
+    # Let's trigger config_salt()
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+        CONFIG_SALT_FUNC="config_salt"
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_suse_11_stable() {
+    if [ "$SUSE_PATCHLEVEL" -gt 1 ]; then
+        install_opensuse_stable || return 1
+    else
+        # USE_SETUPTOOLS=1 To work around
+        # error: option --single-version-externally-managed not recognized
+        USE_SETUPTOOLS=1 pip install salt || return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_suse_11_git() {
+    install_opensuse_git || return 1
+    return 0
+install_suse_11_stable_post() {
+    if [ "$SUSE_PATCHLEVEL" -gt 1 ]; then
+        install_opensuse_stable_post || return 1
+    else
+        for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+            # Skip if not meant to be installed
+            [ $fname = "api" ] && \
+                ([ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] || ! __check_command_exists "salt-${fname}") && continue
+            [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+            [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+            [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+            if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+                # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+                curl $_CURL_ARGS -L "$fname.service" \
+                    -o "/lib/systemd/system/salt-$fname.service" || return 1
+                continue
+            fi
+            # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+            curl $_CURL_ARGS -L "$fname" \
+                -o "/etc/init.d/salt-$fname" || return 1
+            chmod +x "/etc/init.d/salt-$fname"
+        done
+    fi
+    return 0
+install_suse_11_git_post() {
+    install_opensuse_git_post || return 1
+    return 0
+install_suse_11_restart_daemons() {
+    install_opensuse_restart_daemons || return 1
+    return 0
+#   End of SUSE Enterprise 11
+# SUSE Enterprise General Functions
+# Used for both SLE 11 and 12
+install_suse_check_services() {
+    if [ ! -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
+        # Not running systemd!? Don't check!
+        return 0
+    fi
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        __check_services_systemd salt-$fname || return 1
+    done
+    return 0
+# SUSE Enterprise General Functions
+#    Gentoo Install Functions.
+__emerge() {
+    if [ "$_GENTOO_USE_BINHOST" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        emerge --autounmask-write --getbinpkg "${@}"; return $?
+    fi
+    emerge --autounmask-write "${@}"; return $?
+__gentoo_config_protection() {
+    # usually it's a good thing to have config files protected by portage, but
+    # in this case this would require to interrupt the bootstrapping script at
+    # this point, manually merge the changes using etc-update/dispatch-conf/
+    # cfg-update and then restart the bootstrapping script, so instead we allow
+    # at this point to modify certain config files directly
+    export CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="${CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK:-} /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords /etc/portage/package.keywords /etc/portage/package.license /etc/portage/package.unmask /etc/portage/package.use"
+__gentoo_pre_dep() {
+    if [ "$_ECHO_DEBUG" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        if __check_command_exists eix; then
+            eix-sync
+        else
+            emerge --sync
+        fi
+    else
+        if __check_command_exists eix; then
+            eix-sync -q
+        else
+            emerge --sync --quiet
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ ! -d /etc/portage ]; then
+        mkdir /etc/portage
+    fi
+__gentoo_post_dep() {
+    # ensures dev-lib/crypto++ compiles happily
+    __emerge --oneshot 'sys-devel/libtool'
+    # the -o option asks it to emerge the deps but not the package.
+    __gentoo_config_protection
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        __emerge -v 'dev-python/libcloud'
+    fi
+    __emerge -vo 'dev-python/requests'
+    __emerge -vo 'app-admin/salt'
+    if [ "${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+        echoinfo "Installing the following extra packages as requested: ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES}"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+        __emerge -v ${_EXTRA_PACKAGES} || return 1
+    fi
+install_gentoo_deps() {
+    __gentoo_pre_dep || return 1
+    __gentoo_post_dep || return 1
+install_gentoo_git_deps() {
+    __gentoo_pre_dep || return 1
+    __gentoo_post_dep || return 1
+install_gentoo_stable() {
+    __gentoo_config_protection
+    __emerge -v 'app-admin/salt' || return 1
+install_gentoo_git() {
+    __gentoo_config_protection
+    __emerge -v '=app-admin/salt-9999' || return 1
+install_gentoo_post() {
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -d "/run/systemd/system" ]; then
+            systemctl enable salt-$fname.service
+            systemctl start salt-$fname.service
+        else
+            rc-update add salt-$fname default
+            /etc/init.d/salt-$fname start
+        fi
+    done
+install_gentoo_restart_daemons() {
+    [ $_START_DAEMONS -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        if [ -d "/run/systemd/system" ]; then
+            systemctl stop salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
+            systemctl start salt-$fname.service
+        else
+            /etc/init.d/salt-$fname stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+            /etc/init.d/salt-$fname start
+        fi
+    done
+install_gentoo_check_services() {
+    if [ ! -d "/run/systemd/system" ]; then
+        # Not running systemd!? Don't check!
+        return 0
+    fi
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        __check_services_systemd salt-$fname || return 1
+    done
+    return 0
+#   End of Gentoo Install Functions.
+#   Default minion configuration function. Matches ANY distribution as long as
+#   the -c options is passed.
+config_salt() {
+    # If the configuration directory is not passed, return
+    [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ] && return
+    if [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        echowarn "Passing -C (config only) option implies -F (forced overwrite)."
+        if [ "$_FORCE_OVERWRITE" -ne $BS_TRUE ]; then
+            echowarn "Overwriting configs in 11 seconds!"
+            sleep 11
+        fi
+    fi
+    # Let's create the necessary directories
+    [ -d "$_SALT_ETC_DIR" ] || mkdir "$_SALT_ETC_DIR" || return 1
+    [ -d "$_PKI_DIR" ] || (mkdir -p "$_PKI_DIR" && chmod 700 "$_PKI_DIR") || return 1
+    # If -C or -F was passed, we don't need a .bak file for the config we're updating
+    # This is used in the custom master/minion config file checks below
+    if [ "$_FORCE_OVERWRITE" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+    fi
+    # Copy the grains file if found
+    if [ -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/grains" ]; then
+        echodebug "Moving provided grains file from $_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/grains to $_SALT_ETC_DIR/grains"
+        __movefile "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/grains" "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/grains" || return 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_TRUE ] || \
+        [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_TRUE ] || [ "$_CUSTOM_MINION_CONFIG" != "null" ]; then
+        # Create the PKI directory
+        [ -d "$_PKI_DIR/minion" ] || (mkdir -p "$_PKI_DIR/minion" && chmod 700 "$_PKI_DIR/minion") || return 1
+        # Check to see if a custom minion config json dict was provided
+        if [ "$_CUSTOM_MINION_CONFIG" != "null" ]; then
+            # Check if a minion config file already exists and move to .bak if needed
+            if [ -f "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/minion" ] && [ "$CREATE_BAK" -eq "$BS_TRUE" ]; then
+                __movefile "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/minion" "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/minion.bak" $BS_TRUE || return 1
+            fi
+            # Overwrite/create the config file with the yaml string
+            __overwriteconfig "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/minion" "$_CUSTOM_MINION_CONFIG" || return 1
+        # Copy the minions configuration if found
+        # Explicitly check for custom master config to avoid moving the minion config
+        elif [ -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/minion" ] && [ "$_CUSTOM_MASTER_CONFIG" = "null" ]; then
+            __movefile "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/minion" "$_SALT_ETC_DIR" "$_FORCE_OVERWRITE" || return 1
+        fi
+        # Copy the minion's keys if found
+        if [ -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/minion.pem" ]; then
+            __movefile "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/minion.pem" "$_PKI_DIR/minion/" "$_CONFIG_ONLY" || return 1
+            chmod 400 "$_PKI_DIR/minion/minion.pem" || return 1
+        fi
+        if [ -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/" ]; then
+            __movefile "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/" "$_PKI_DIR/minion/" "$_CONFIG_ONLY" || return 1
+            chmod 664 "$_PKI_DIR/minion/" || return 1
+        fi
+        # For multi-master-pki, copy the master_sign public key if found
+        if [ -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/" ]; then
+            __movefile "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/" "$_PKI_DIR/minion/" || return 1
+            chmod 664 "$_PKI_DIR/minion/" || return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    # only (re)place master or syndic configs if -M (install master) or -S
+    # (install syndic) specified
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_TRUE ] && [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_TRUE ] && [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_TRUE ] || [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_TRUE ] || [ "$OVERWRITE_MASTER_CONFIGS" -eq $BS_TRUE ] || [ "$_CUSTOM_MASTER_CONFIG" != "null" ]; then
+        # Create the PKI directory
+        [ -d "$_PKI_DIR/master" ] || (mkdir -p "$_PKI_DIR/master" && chmod 700 "$_PKI_DIR/master") || return 1
+        # Check to see if a custom master config json dict was provided
+        if [ "$_CUSTOM_MASTER_CONFIG" != "null" ]; then
+            # Check if a master config file already exists and move to .bak if needed
+            if [ -f "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/master" ] && [ "$CREATE_BAK" -eq "$BS_TRUE" ]; then
+                __movefile "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/master" "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/master.bak" $BS_TRUE || return 1
+            fi
+            # Overwrite/create the config file with the yaml string
+            __overwriteconfig "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/master" "$_CUSTOM_MASTER_CONFIG" || return 1
+        # Copy the masters configuration if found
+        elif [ -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/master" ]; then
+            __movefile "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/master" "$_SALT_ETC_DIR" || return 1
+        fi
+        # Copy the master's keys if found
+        if [ -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/master.pem" ]; then
+            __movefile "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/master.pem" "$_PKI_DIR/master/" || return 1
+            chmod 400 "$_PKI_DIR/master/master.pem" || return 1
+        fi
+        if [ -f "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/" ]; then
+            __movefile "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/" "$_PKI_DIR/master/" || return 1
+            chmod 664 "$_PKI_DIR/master/" || return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$_INSTALL_CLOUD" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # Recursively copy salt-cloud configs with overwriting if necessary
+        for file in "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR"/cloud*; do
+            if [ -f "$file" ]; then
+                __copyfile "$file" "$_SALT_ETC_DIR" || return 1
+            elif [ -d "$file" ]; then
+                subdir="$(basename "$file")"
+                mkdir -p "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/$subdir"
+                for file_d in "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR/$subdir"/*; do
+                    if [ -f "$file_d" ]; then
+                        __copyfile "$file_d" "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/$subdir" || return 1
+                    fi
+                done
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
+    if [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_TRUE ] && [ $CONFIGURED_ANYTHING -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+        echowarn "No configuration or keys were copied over. No configuration was done!"
+        exit 0
+    fi
+    return 0
+#  Ended Default Configuration function
+#   Default salt master minion keys pre-seed function. Matches ANY distribution
+#   as long as the -k option is passed.
+preseed_master() {
+    # Create the PKI directory
+    if [ "$(find "$_TEMP_KEYS_DIR" -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l)" -lt 1 ]; then
+        echoerror "No minion keys were uploaded. Unable to pre-seed master"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    SEED_DEST="$_PKI_DIR/master/minions"
+    [ -d "$SEED_DEST" ] || (mkdir -p "$SEED_DEST" && chmod 700 "$SEED_DEST") || return 1
+    for keyfile in $_TEMP_KEYS_DIR/*; do
+        keyfile=$(basename "${keyfile}")
+        src_keyfile="${_TEMP_KEYS_DIR}/${keyfile}"
+        dst_keyfile="${SEED_DEST}/${keyfile}"
+        # If it's not a file, skip to the next
+        [ ! -f "$src_keyfile" ] && continue
+        __movefile "$src_keyfile" "$dst_keyfile" || return 1
+        chmod 664 "$dst_keyfile" || return 1
+    done
+    return 0
+#  Ended Default Salt Master Pre-Seed minion keys function
+#   This function checks if all of the installed daemons are running or not.
+daemons_running() {
+    [ "$_START_DAEMONS" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && return 0
+    for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+        # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+        [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+        # Skip if not meant to be installed
+        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2009
+        if [ "${DISTRO_NAME}" = "SmartOS" ]; then
+            if [ "$(svcs -Ho STA salt-$fname)" != "ON" ]; then
+                echoerror "salt-$fname was not found running"
+                FAILED_DAEMONS=$((FAILED_DAEMONS + 1))
+            fi
+        elif [ "$(ps wwwaux | grep -v grep | grep salt-$fname)" = "" ]; then
+            echoerror "salt-$fname was not found running"
+        fi
+    done
+    return $FAILED_DAEMONS
+#  Ended daemons running check function
+# Let's get the dependencies install function
+if [ ${_NO_DEPS} -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+elif [ "${ITYPE}" = "git" ]; then
+    DEP_FUNC_NAMES="__git_clone_and_checkout"
+for FUNC_NAME in $(__strip_duplicates "$DEP_FUNC_NAMES"); do
+    if __function_defined "$FUNC_NAME"; then
+        break
+    fi
+# Let's get the Salt config function
+for FUNC_NAME in $(__strip_duplicates "$CONFIG_FUNC_NAMES"); do
+    if __function_defined "$FUNC_NAME"; then
+        break
+    fi
+# Let's get the pre-seed master function
+for FUNC_NAME in $(__strip_duplicates "$PRESEED_FUNC_NAMES"); do
+    if __function_defined "$FUNC_NAME"; then
+        break
+    fi
+# Let's get the install function
+for FUNC_NAME in $(__strip_duplicates "$INSTALL_FUNC_NAMES"); do
+    if __function_defined "$FUNC_NAME"; then
+        break
+    fi
+# Let's get the post install function
+for FUNC_NAME in $(__strip_duplicates "$POST_FUNC_NAMES"); do
+    if __function_defined "$FUNC_NAME"; then
+        break
+    fi
+# Let's get the start daemons install function
+for FUNC_NAME in $(__strip_duplicates "$STARTDAEMONS_FUNC_NAMES"); do
+    if __function_defined "$FUNC_NAME"; then
+        break
+    fi
+# Let's get the daemons running check function.
+for FUNC_NAME in $(__strip_duplicates "$DAEMONS_RUNNING_FUNC_NAMES"); do
+    if __function_defined "$FUNC_NAME"; then
+        break
+    fi
+# Let's get the check services function
+if [ ${_DISABLE_SALT_CHECKS} -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+for FUNC_NAME in $(__strip_duplicates "$CHECK_SERVICES_FUNC_NAMES"); do
+    if __function_defined "$FUNC_NAME"; then
+        break
+    fi
+if [ "$DEPS_INSTALL_FUNC" = "null" ]; then
+    echoerror "No dependencies installation function found. Exiting..."
+    exit 1
+if [ "$INSTALL_FUNC" = "null" ]; then
+    echoerror "No installation function found. Exiting..."
+    exit 1
+# Install dependencies
+if [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+    # Only execute function is not in config mode only
+    echoinfo "Running ${DEPS_INSTALL_FUNC}()"
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "Failed to run ${DEPS_INSTALL_FUNC}()!!!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Triggering config_salt() if overwriting master or minion configs
+if [ "$_CUSTOM_MASTER_CONFIG" != "null" ] || [ "$_CUSTOM_MINION_CONFIG" != "null" ]; then
+    if [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" = "null" ]; then
+    fi
+    if [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+        # Execute function to satisfy dependencies for configuration step
+        echoinfo "Running ${DEPS_INSTALL_FUNC}()"
+        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+            echoerror "Failed to run ${DEPS_INSTALL_FUNC}()!!!"
+            exit 1
+        fi
+    fi
+# Configure Salt
+if [ "$CONFIG_SALT_FUNC" != "null" ] && [ "$_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR" != "null" ]; then
+    echoinfo "Running ${CONFIG_SALT_FUNC}()"
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "Failed to run ${CONFIG_SALT_FUNC}()!!!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Drop the master address if passed
+if [ "$_SALT_MASTER_ADDRESS" != "null" ]; then
+    [ ! -d "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/minion.d" ] && mkdir -p "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/minion.d"
+    cat <<_eof > $_SALT_ETC_DIR/minion.d/99-master-address.conf
+# Drop the minion id if passed
+if [ "$_SALT_MINION_ID" != "null" ]; then
+    [ ! -d "$_SALT_ETC_DIR" ] && mkdir -p "$_SALT_ETC_DIR"
+    echo "$_SALT_MINION_ID" > "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/minion_id"
+# Pre-seed master keys
+if [ "$PRESEED_MASTER_FUNC" != "null" ] && [ "$_TEMP_KEYS_DIR" != "null" ]; then
+    echoinfo "Running ${PRESEED_MASTER_FUNC}()"
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "Failed to run ${PRESEED_MASTER_FUNC}()!!!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Install Salt
+if [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+    # Only execute function is not in config mode only
+    echoinfo "Running ${INSTALL_FUNC}()"
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "Failed to run ${INSTALL_FUNC}()!!!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Run any post install function. Only execute function if not in config mode only
+if [ "$POST_INSTALL_FUNC" != "null" ] && [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+    echoinfo "Running ${POST_INSTALL_FUNC}()"
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "Failed to run ${POST_INSTALL_FUNC}()!!!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Run any check services function, Only execute function if not in config mode only
+if [ "$CHECK_SERVICES_FUNC" != "null" ] && [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+    echoinfo "Running ${CHECK_SERVICES_FUNC}()"
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "Failed to run ${CHECK_SERVICES_FUNC}()!!!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Run any start daemons function
+if [ "$STARTDAEMONS_INSTALL_FUNC" != "null" ] && [ ${_START_DAEMONS} -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+    echoinfo "Running ${STARTDAEMONS_INSTALL_FUNC}()"
+    echodebug "Waiting ${_SLEEP} seconds for processes to settle before checking for them"
+    sleep ${_SLEEP}
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "Failed to run ${STARTDAEMONS_INSTALL_FUNC}()!!!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Check if the installed daemons are running or not
+if [ "$DAEMONS_RUNNING_FUNC" != "null" ] && [ ${_START_DAEMONS} -eq $BS_TRUE ]; then
+    echoinfo "Running ${DAEMONS_RUNNING_FUNC}()"
+    echodebug "Waiting ${_SLEEP} seconds for processes to settle before checking for them"
+    sleep ${_SLEEP}  # Sleep a little bit to let daemons start
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echoerror "Failed to run ${DAEMONS_RUNNING_FUNC}()!!!"
+        for fname in api master minion syndic; do
+            # Skip salt-api since the service should be opt-in and not necessarily started on boot
+            [ $fname = "api" ] && continue
+            # Skip if not meant to be installed
+            [ $fname = "master" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MASTER" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+            [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_MINION" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+            [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ "$_INSTALL_SYNDIC" -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
+            if [ "$_ECHO_DEBUG" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+                echoerror "salt-$fname was not found running. Pass '-D' to ${__ScriptName} when bootstrapping for additional debugging information..."
+                continue
+            fi
+            [ ! -f "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/$fname" ] && [ $fname != "syndic" ] && echodebug "$_SALT_ETC_DIR/$fname does not exist"
+            echodebug "Running salt-$fname by hand outputs: $(nohup salt-$fname -l debug)"
+            [ ! -f /var/log/salt/$fname ] && echodebug "/var/log/salt/$fname does not exist. Can't cat its contents!" && continue
+            echodebug "DAEMON LOGS for $fname:"
+            echodebug "$(cat /var/log/salt/$fname)"
+            echo
+        done
+        echodebug "Running Processes:"
+        echodebug "$(ps auxwww)"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Done!
+if [ "$_CONFIG_ONLY" -eq $BS_FALSE ]; then
+    echoinfo "Salt installed!"
+    echoinfo "Salt configured!"
+exit 0
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..03153d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Usage:
+#    ./ <Formula URL> <Name> <Branch>
+# Example:
+#    GIT_FORMULAS_PATH=.vendor/formulas ./
+#    --
+#    GIT_FORMULAS_PATH=/usr/share/salt-formulas/env/_formulas
+#    xargs -n1 ./ < dependencies.txt
+# Parse git dependencies from metadata.yml
+# $1 - path to <formula>/metadata.yml
+# sample to output:
+# git
+# salt
+function fetchDependencies() {
+    METADATA="$1";
+    grep -E "^dependencies:" "$METADATA" >/dev/null || return 0
+    (python - "$METADATA" | while read dep; do fetchGitFormula "$dep"; done) <<-DEPS
+		import sys,yaml
+		for dep in yaml.load(open(sys.argv[1], "ro"))["dependencies"]:
+		  print("{source} {name}").format(**dep)
+# Fetch formula from git repo
+# $1 - formula git repo url
+# $2 - formula name (optional)
+# $3 - branch (optional)
+function fetchGitFormula() {
+    test -n "${FETCHED}" || declare -a FETCHED=()
+    export GIT_FORMULAS_PATH=${GIT_FORMULAS_PATH:-/usr/share/salt-formulas/env/_formulas}
+    mkdir -p "$GIT_FORMULAS_PATH"
+    if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+        source="$1"
+        name="$2"
+        test -n "$name" || name="${source//*salt-formula-}"
+        test -z "$3" && branch=master || branch=$3
+        if ! [[ "${FETCHED[*]}" =~ $name ]]; then # dependency not yet fetched
+          echo "Fetching: $name"
+          if test -e "$GIT_FORMULAS_PATH/$name"; then
+              pushd "$GIT_FORMULAS_PATH/$name" &>/dev/null
+              test ! -e .git || git pull -r
+              popd &>/dev/null
+          else
+              echo "git clone $source $GIT_FORMULAS_PATH/$name -b $branch"
+              git clone "$source" "$GIT_FORMULAS_PATH/$name" -b "$branch"
+          fi
+          # install dependencies
+          FETCHED+=($name)
+          fetchDependencies "$GIT_FORMULAS_PATH/$name/metadata.yml"
+        fi
+    else
+        echo Usage: fetchGitFormula "<git repo>" "[local formula directory name]" "[branch]"
+    fi
+function linkFormulas() {
+  # OPTIONAL: Link formulas from git/pkg
+  SALT_ENV=${2:-/usr/share/salt-formulas/env}
+  # form git, development versions
+  find "$SALT_ENV"/_formulas -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print0| xargs -0 -n1 --no-run-if-empty basename | xargs -I{} --no-run-if-empty \
+    ln -fs "$SALT_ENV"/_formulas/{}/{} "$SALT_ROOT"/{};
+  # form pkgs
+  find "$SALT_ENV" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -path "*_formulas*" -prune -o -name "*" -type d -print0| xargs -0 -n1 --no-run-if-empty basename | xargs -I{} --no-run-if-empty \
+    ln -fs "$SALT_ENV"/{} "$SALT_ROOT"/{};
+# detect if file is being sourced
+[[ "$0" != "$BASH_SOURCE" ]] || {
+    # if executed, run implicit function
+    fetchGitFormula "${@}"
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ac0ead0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# generate and validate reclass-salt-model
+# expected to be executed in isolated environment, ie: docker
+if [[ $DEBUG =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+    set -x
+    SALT_LOG_LEVEL="--state-verbose=true -ldebug"
+## Env Options
+options() {
+    export LC_ALL=C
+    SALT_LOG_LEVEL="--state-verbose=false -lerror"
+    SALT_OPTS="${SALT_OPTS:- --timeout=120 --state-output=changes --retcode-passthrough --force-color $SALT_LOG_LEVEL }"
+    RECLASS_ROOT=${RECLASS_ROOT:-/srv/salt/reclass}
+    # try to source local environment & configuration
+    # shopt -u dotglob
+    find / -maxdepth 1 -name '*.env' | xargs -0 -n1 --no-run-if-empty
+    find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.env' | xargs -0 -n1 --no-run-if-empty
+    find /tmp/kitchen -maxdepth 1 -name '*.env' 2> /dev/null | xargs -0 -n1 --no-run-if-empty
+    export MAGENTA='\033[0;95m'
+    export YELLOW='\033[1;33m'
+    export BLUE='\033[0;35m'
+    export CYAN='\033[0;96m'
+    export RED='\033[0;31m'
+    export NC='\033[0m' # No Color'
+## Functions
+log_info() {
+    echo -e "${YELLOW}[INFO] $* ${NC}"
+log_warn() {
+    echo -e "${MAGENTA}[WARN] $* ${NC}"
+log_err() {
+    echo -e "${RED}[ERROR] $* ${NC}" >&2
+_atexit() {
+    RETVAL=$?
+    trap true INT TERM EXIT
+    if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
+        log_err "Execution failed"
+    else
+        log_info "Execution successful"
+    fi
+    return $RETVAL
+retry() {
+    local tries
+    if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+        tries=$1; shift
+    else
+        tries=3
+    fi
+    for i in $(seq 1 $tries); do
+        "$@" && return 0 || sleep $i
+    done
+    return 1
+## Main
+system_config() {
+    log_info "System configuration"
+    # salt-formulas custom modules dependencies, etc:
+    $SUDO apt install -qqq -y iproute2 curl sudo apt-transport-https python-psutil python-apt python-m2crypto python-oauth python-pip &>/dev/null
+    $SUDO mkdir -p $RECLASS_ROOT/classes/service
+    $SUDO mkdir -p /root/.ssh
+    echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" | $SUDO tee ~/.ssh/config >/dev/null
+    echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" | $SUDO tee /root/.ssh/config >/dev/null
+    echo "  salt" | $SUDO tee -a /etc/hosts >/dev/null
+    if [[ $BOOTSTRAP_SALTSTACK =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+        curl -L | $SUDO sh -s -- -M ${BOOTSTRAP_SALTSTACK_OPTS} &>/dev/null || true
+    fi
+    which reclass || $SUDO apt install -qqq -y reclass
+    which reclass-salt || {
+      test -e /usr/share/reclass/reclass-salt && {
+        ln -fs /usr/share/reclass/reclass-salt /usr/bin
+      }
+    }
+saltmaster_bootstrap() {
+    log_info "Salt master, minion setup ("
+    test -n "$MASTER_HOSTNAME" || exit 1
+    pgrep salt-master | sed /$$/d | xargs --no-run-if-empty -i{} $SUDO kill -9 {}
+    pkill -9 salt-minion
+    SCRIPTS=$(dirname $0)
+    test -e ${SCRIPTS}/ || \
+        curl -sL "" |$SUDO tee ${SCRIPTS}/ > /dev/null;
+        $SUDO chmod +x *.sh;
+    test -e ${SCRIPTS}/ || {
+        export SALT_MASTER=localhost
+        export MINION_ID=${MASTER_HOSTNAME}
+        if ! [[ $DEBUG =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+          SALT_MASTER_SETUP_OUTPUT='/dev/stdout'
+        fi
+        #if ! $SUDO ${SCRIPTS}/ master &> ${SALT_MASTER_SETUP_OUTPUT:-/tmp/salt-master-setup.log}; then
+        if ! $SUDO ${SCRIPTS}/ master; then
+          #cat /tmp/salt-master-setup.log
+          log_err " failed."
+          exit 1
+        else
+          $SUDO touch ${SCRIPTS}/
+        fi
+    }
+    log_info "Clean up generated"
+    $SUDO rm -rf $RECLASS_ROOT/nodes/_generated/*
+    log_info "Re/starting salt services"
+    pgrep salt-master | sed /$$/d | xargs --no-run-if-empty -i{} $SUDO kill -9 {}
+    pkill -9 salt-minion
+    sleep 1
+    $SUDO service salt-master restart
+    $SUDO service salt-minion restart
+    sleep 10
+# Init salt master
+saltmaster_init() {
+    log_info "Runing saltmaster states"
+    test -n "$MASTER_HOSTNAME" || exit 1
+    set -e
+    $SUDO salt-call saltutil.sync_all >/dev/null
+    # TODO: Placeholder update saltmaster spec (nodes/FQDN.yml) to be able to bootstrap with minimal configuration
+    # (ie: with linux, git, salt formulas)
+    #log_info "Verify SaltMaster, before salt-master is fully initialized"
+    #if ! $SUDO reclass-salt -p ${MASTER_HOSTNAME} &> /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.pillar;then
+    #   log_warn "Node verification before initialization failed."; cat /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.pillar;
+    #fi
+    log_info "State: salt.master.env"
+    if ! $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} -linfo state.apply salt.master.env; then
+      log_err "State salt.master.env failed, keep your eyes wide open."
+    fi
+    log_info "State: salt.master.pillar"
+    retry ${SALT_STATE_RETRY} $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply salt.master.pillar pillar='{"reclass":{"storage":{"data_source":{"engine":"local"}}}}'
+    # Note: sikp reclass data dir states
+    #       in order to avoid pull from configured repo/branch
+    # Revert temporary SaltMaster minimal configuration, if any
+    pushd $RECLASS_ROOT
+    if [ $(git diff --name-only nodes | sort | uniq | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; then
+      git status || true
+      log_warn "Locally modified $RECLASS_ROOT/nodes found. (Possibly salt-master minimized setup from call)"
+      log_info "Checkout HEAD state of $RECLASS_ROOT/nodes/*."
+      git checkout -- $RECLASS_ROOT/nodes || true
+      log_info "Re-Run states: salt.master.env and salt.master.pillar according the HEAD state."
+      log_info "State: salt.master.env"
+      if ! $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} -linfo state.apply salt.master.env; then
+        log_err "State salt.master.env failed, keep your eyes wide open."
+      fi
+      log_info "State: salt.master.pillar"
+      retry ${SALT_STATE_RETRY} $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply salt.master.pillar pillar='{"reclass":{"storage":{"data_source":{"engine":"local"}}}}'
+    fi
+    popd
+    log_info "State:"
+    set +e
+    $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply
+    ret=$?
+    set -e
+    if [[ $ret -eq 2 ]]; then
+        log_err "State failed with exit code 2 but continuing."
+    elif [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then
+        log_err "State failed with exit code $ret"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    log_info "Re/starting salt services"
+    $SUDO sed -i 's/^master:.*/master: localhost/' /etc/salt/minion.d/minion.conf
+    $SUDO service salt-minion restart >/dev/null
+    $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} saltutil.sync_all >/dev/null
+    verify_salt_master
+    set +e
+function verify_salt_master() {
+    set -e
+    log_info "Verify Salt master"
+    test -n "$MASTER_HOSTNAME" || exit 1
+    if [[ $VERIFY_SALT_CALL =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+      $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} --id=${MASTER_HOSTNAME} grains.item roles > /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.grains.item.roles
+      $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} --id=${MASTER_HOSTNAME} state.show_lowstate > /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.state.show_state
+      $SUDO salt-call --no-color grains.items
+      $SUDO salt-call --no-color
+    fi
+    if ! $SUDO reclass --nodeinfo ${MASTER_HOSTNAME} > /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.reclass.nodeinfo; then
+        log_err "For more details see full log /tmp/${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.reclass.nodeinfo"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+function verify_salt_minion() {
+  set -e
+  node=$1
+  log_info "Verifying ${node}"
+  if [[ $VERIFY_SALT_CALL =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+    $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} --id=${node} grains.item roles > /tmp/${node}.grains.item.roles
+    $SUDO salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} --id=${node} state.show_lowstate > /tmp/${node}.state.show_lowstate
+  fi
+  if ! $SUDO reclass --nodeinfo ${node} > /tmp/${node}.reclass.nodeinfo; then
+      log_err "For more details see full log /tmp/${node}.reclass.nodeinfo"
+      if [[ ${BREAK_ON_VERIFICATION_ERROR:-yes} =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ ]]; then
+        exit 1
+      fi
+  fi
+function verify_salt_minions() {
+    #set -e
+    NODES=$(find $RECLASS_ROOT/nodes/ -name "*.yml" | grep -v "cfg")
+    log_info "Verifying minions: $(echo ${NODES}|xargs)"
+    # Parallel
+    #echo $NODES | parallel --no-notice -j 2 --halt 2 "verify_salt_minion \$(basename {} .yml) > {}.pillar_verify"
+    #ls -lrta *.pillar_verify | tail -n 1 | xargs -n1 tail -n30
+    function filterFails() {
+        grep -v '/grains' | tee -a $1 | tail -n20
+    }
+    log_info "Verify nodes"
+    passed=0
+    for node in ${NODES}; do
+        node=$(basename $node .yml)
+        # filter first in cluster.. ctl-01, mon-01, etc..
+        if [[ "${node//.*}" =~ 01 || "${node//.*}" =~ 02  ]] ;then
+            verify_salt_minion ${node} || continue
+        else
+            echo Skipped $node.
+        fi
+        passed=$(($passed+1))
+    done
+    # fail on failures
+    total=$(echo $NODES | xargs --no-run-if-empty -n1 echo |wc -l)
+    test ! $passed -lt $total || log_err "Results: $passed of $total passed."
+    test ! $passed -lt $total || {
+      tail -n50 /tmp/*.pillar_verify
+      return 1
+    }
+# detect if file is being sourced
+[[ "$0" != "$BASH_SOURCE"  ]] || {
+    log_info "Bootstrap & verification of SaltMaster and configured minions."
+    trap _atexit INT TERM EXIT
+    system_config
+    saltmaster_bootstrap &&\
+    saltmaster_init &&\
+    verify_salt_minions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0054033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# Installs Salt and configure minimal SaltMaster or Minion to be used with:
+# -
+# - (salt.master sls)
+# TODO:
+# - use PPA repository as formula source
+# - support for spm/yum
+# salt apt repository
+test -e /etc/lsb-release && eval $(cat /etc/lsb-release)
+which lsb_release && DISTRIB_CODENAME=${DISTRIB_CODENAME:-$(lsb_release -cs)}
+export APT_REPOSITORY="deb [arch=amd64]${DISTRIB_CODENAME} ${DISTRIB_REVISION:-stable} salt"
+# reclass
+export RECLASS_ADDRESS=${RECLASS_ADDRESS:-} # https/git
+# formula
+export FORMULAS_PATH=${FORMULAS_PATH:-/usr/share/salt-formulas}
+export FORMULAS_SOURCE=${FORMULAS_SOURCE:-pkg} # pkg/git
+# essential set of formulas (known to by used on cfg01 node for most setups)
+FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER=${FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER:- $EXTRA_FORMULAS memcached openssh ntp nginx collectd sensu heka sphinx mysql grafana libvirt rsyslog glusterfs postfix xtrabackup freeipa prometheus telegraf elasticsearch kibana rundeck devops-portal}
+# minimal set of formulas for salt-master bootstrap
+declare -a FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER=(linux reclass salt git $(echo $FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER))
+# system / host
+export HOSTNAME=${HOSTNAME:-cfg01}
+export DOMAIN=${DOMAIN:-bootstrap.local}
+# salt
+export SALT_MASTER=${SALT_MASTER:-} # ip or fqdn
+# saltstack
+if [ "$FORMULAS_SOURCE" == "git" ]; then
+  SALT_ENV=${SALT_ENV:-dev}
+elif [ "$FORMULAS_SOURCE" == "pkg" ]; then
+  SALT_ENV=${SALT_ENV:-prd}
+eval $(cat /etc/*release 2> /dev/null)
+PLATFORM_FAMILY=$(echo ${ID_LIKE// */} | tr A-Z a-z)
+  debian )
+      PKGTOOL="$SUDO apt-get"
+      test ${VERSION_ID//\.*/} -ge 16 && {
+        SVCTOOL=service
+      } || { SVCTOOL=service
+      }
+    ;;
+  rhel )
+      PKGTOOL="$SUDO yum"
+      test ${VERSION_ID//\.*/} -ge 7 && {
+        SVCTOOL=systemctl
+      } || { SVCTOOL=service
+      }
+    ;;
+export PKGTOOL
+export SVCTOOL
+    case $PLATFORM_FAMILY in
+      debian)
+          if [ -n "$APT_REPOSITORY_PPA" ]; then
+            which add-apt-repository || $SUDO apt-get install -y software-properties-common
+            $SUDO add-apt-repository -y ppa:${APT_REPOSITORY_PPA}
+          else
+            echo -e  "$APT_REPOSITORY " | $SUDO tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bootstrap.list >/dev/null
+            curl -sL $APT_REPOSITORY_GPG | $SUDO apt-key add -
+          fi
+          $SUDO apt-get clean
+          $SUDO apt-get update
+        ;;
+      rhel)
+          $SUDO yum install -y${VERSION_ID}.noarch.rpm
+          $SUDO yum clean all
+        ;;
+    esac
+  echo "Configuring salt-master ..."
+  [ ! -d /etc/salt/master.d ] && mkdir -p /etc/salt/master.d
+  cat <<-EOF > /etc/salt/master.d/master.conf
+	file_roots:
+	  base:
+	  - /usr/share/salt-formulas/env
+	  prd:
+	  - /srv/salt/env/prd
+	  dev:
+	  - /srv/salt/env/dev
+	pillar_opts: False
+	open_mode: True
+	reclass: &reclass
+	  storage_type: yaml_fs
+	  inventory_base_uri: /srv/salt/reclass
+	ext_pillar:
+	  - reclass: *reclass
+	master_tops:
+	  reclass: *reclass
+  echo "Configuring reclass ..."
+  [ ! -d /etc/reclass ] && mkdir /etc/reclass
+  cat <<-EOF > /etc/reclass/reclass-config.yml
+	storage_type: yaml_fs
+	pretty_print: True
+	output: yaml
+	inventory_base_uri: /srv/salt/reclass
+  if [ ! -d /srv/salt/reclass ]; then
+    # No reclass at all, clone from given address
+    ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts || true
+    if echo ${RECLASS_BRANCH:-master} | egrep -q "^refs"; then
+        git clone ${RECLASS_ADDRESS} /srv/salt/reclass
+        cd /srv/salt/reclass
+        git fetch ${RECLASS_ADDRESS} ${RECLASS_BRANCH:-master} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
+        cd -
+    else
+        git clone -b ${RECLASS_BRANCH:-master} ${RECLASS_ADDRESS} /srv/salt/reclass
+    fi
+  fi;
+  # Source bootstrap_vars for specific cluster if specified.
+  for cluster in /srv/salt/reclass/classes/cluster/*/; do
+      if [[ -f "$cluster/bootstrap_vars" ]]; then
+          echo "Sourcing bootstrap_vars for cluster $cluster"
+          source $cluster/bootstrap_vars
+      fi
+  done
+  cd /srv/salt/reclass
+  if [ ! -d /srv/salt/reclass/classes/system/linux ]; then
+    # Possibly subrepo checkout needed
+    git submodule update --init --recursive
+  fi
+  #sed -ie "s#\(reclass_data_revision.\).*#\1 $RECLASS_BRANCH#" $(find nodes -name ${MASTER_HOSTNAME}.yml|tail -n1)
+  mkdir -vp /srv/salt/reclass/nodes
+  CONFIG=$(find /srv/salt/reclass/nodes -name ${MINION_ID}.yml| grep yml | tail -n1)
+  CONFIG=${CONFIG:-/srv/salt/reclass/nodes/${MINION_ID}.yml}
+  if [[ $SALT_MASTER_BOOTSTRAP_MINIMIZED =~ ^(True|true|1|yes)$ || ! -f "${CONFIG}" ]]; then
+  cat <<-EOF > ${CONFIG}
+	classes:
+	- service.git.client
+	- system.linux.system.single
+	- system.salt.master.single
+	- system.salt.master.$FORMULAS_SOURCE
+	-
+	parameters:
+	  _param:
+	    reclass_data_repository: "$RECLASS_ADDRESS"
+	    reclass_data_revision: ${RECLASS_BRANCH:-master}
+	    salt_formula_branch: ${SALT_FORMULAS_BRANCH:-master}
+	    reclass_config_master: $SALT_MASTER
+	    single_address: $SALT_MASTER
+	    salt_master_host: $SALT_MASTER
+	    salt_master_base_environment: $SALT_ENV
+           linux_system_codename: $DISTRIB_CODENAME
+	  linux:
+	    system:
+	      name: $MINION_ID
+	      domain: $DOMAIN
+	# ########
+    if [ "$SALT_VERSION" == "latest" ]; then
+      VERSION=""
+    else
+      VERSION="version: $SALT_VERSION"
+    fi
+    cat <<-EOF >> ${CONFIG}
+		  salt:
+		    master:
+		      accept_policy: open_mode
+		      source:
+		        engine: $SALT_SOURCE
+		        $VERSION
+		    minion:
+		      source:
+		        engine: $SALT_SOURCE
+		        $VERSION
+		# ########
+		# vim: ft=yaml sw=2 ts=2 sts=2
+  fi
+  [ ! -d /etc/salt/minion.d ] && mkdir -p /etc/salt/minion.d
+  cat <<-EOF > /etc/salt/minion.d/minion.conf
+	master: $SALT_MASTER
+	id: $MINION_ID
+    echo -e "\nPreparing base OS repository ...\n"
+    configure_pkg_repo
+    echo -e "\nInstalling salt master ...\n"
+    case $PLATFORM_FAMILY in
+      debian)
+          $SUDO apt-get install -y git
+	  which reclass || $SUDO apt install -qqq -y reclass
+          curl -L | $SUDO sh -s -- -M ${BOOTSTRAP_SALTSTACK_OPTS} &>/dev/null || true
+        ;;
+      rhel)
+          yum install -y git
+          which reclass || $SUDO yum install -y reclass
+          curl -L | $SUDO sh -s -- -M ${BOOTSTRAP_SALTSTACK_OPTS} &>/dev/null || true
+        ;;
+    esac
+    which reclass-salt || {
+      test -e /usr/share/reclass/reclass-salt && {
+        ln -fs /usr/share/reclass/reclass-salt /usr/bin
+      }
+    }
+    configure_salt_master
+    echo -e "\nRestarting services ...\n"
+    [ -f /etc/salt/pki/minion/ ] && rm -f /etc/salt/pki/minion/
+    $SVCTOOL salt-master restart
+    echo -e "\nPreparing base OS repository ...\n"
+    case $PLATFORM_FAMILY in
+      debian)
+          $SUDO apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev zlib1g-dev git
+	  which reclass || $SUDO apt-get install -y reclass
+        ;;
+      rhel)
+	  $SUDO yum install -y git
+	  which reclass || $SUDO yum install -y reclass
+        ;;
+    esac
+    echo -e "\nInstalling salt master ...\n"
+    # TODO: replace with saltstack bootstrap script
+    if [ "$SALT_VERSION" == "latest" ]; then
+      pip install salt
+    else
+      pip install salt==$SALT_VERSION
+    fi
+    curl -Lo /etc/init.d/salt-master && chmod 755 /etc/init.d/salt-master
+    ln -s /usr/local/bin/salt-master /usr/bin/salt-master
+    which reclass-salt || {
+      test -e /usr/share/reclass/reclass-salt && {
+        ln -fs /usr/share/reclass/reclass-salt /usr/bin
+      }
+    }
+    configure_salt_master
+    echo -e "\nRestarting services ...\n"
+    [ -f /etc/salt/pki/minion/ ] && rm -f /etc/salt/pki/minion/
+    $SVCTOOL salt-master restart
+    configure_pkg_repo
+    echo -e "\nInstalling salt minion ...\n"
+    case $PLATFORM_FAMILY in
+      debian)
+          curl -L | $SUDO sh -s -- ${BOOTSTRAP_SALTSTACK_OPTS} &>/dev/null || true
+      ;;
+      rhel)
+          curl -L | $SUDO sh -s -- ${BOOTSTRAP_SALTSTACK_OPTS} &>/dev/null || true
+      ;;
+    esac
+    configure_salt_minion
+    $SVCTOOL salt-minion restart
+    echo -e "\nInstalling salt minion ...\n"
+    curl -Lo /etc/init.d/salt-minion && chmod 755 /etc/init.d/salt-minion
+    ln -s /usr/local/bin/salt-minion /usr/bin/salt-minion
+    configure_salt_minion
+    $SVCTOOL salt-minion restart
+    configure_pkg_repo
+    case $PLATFORM_FAMILY in
+      debian)
+          echo "Configuring necessary formulas ..."
+          [ ! -d /srv/salt/reclass/classes/service ] && mkdir -p /srv/salt/reclass/classes/service
+          # Set essentials if FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER is not defined at all
+          [ -z ${FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER+x} ] && declare -a FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER=("linux" "reclass" "salt" "memcached")
+          for formula_service in "${FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER[@]}"; do
+              echo -e "\nConfiguring salt formula ${formula_service} ...\n"
+              [ ! -d "${FORMULAS_PATH}/env/${formula_service}" ] && \
+                  if ! $SUDO apt-get install -y salt-formula-${formula_service}; then
+                    echo -e "\nInstall salt-formula-${formula_service} failed.\n"
+                    exit 1
+                  fi
+              [ ! -L "/srv/salt/reclass/classes/service/${formula_service}" ] && \
+                  ln -sf ${FORMULAS_PATH}/reclass/service/${formula_service} /srv/salt/reclass/classes/service/${formula_service}
+          done
+        ;;
+      rhel)
+        # TODO
+      ;;
+    esac
+    [ ! -d /srv/salt/env ] && mkdir -p /srv/salt/env || echo ""
+    [ ! -L /srv/salt/env/prd ] && ln -s ${FORMULAS_PATH}/env /srv/salt/env/prd || echo ""
+    echo "Configuring necessary formulas ..."
+    [ ! -d /srv/salt/reclass/classes/service ] && mkdir -p /srv/salt/reclass/classes/service
+    # Set essentials if FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER is not defined at all
+    [ -z ${FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER+x} ] && declare -a FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER=("linux" "reclass" "salt" "memcached")
+    for formula_service in "${FORMULAS_SALT_MASTER[@]}"; do
+        echo -e "\nConfiguring salt formula ${formula_service} ...\n"
+        [ ! -d "${FORMULAS_PATH}/env/_formulas/${formula_service}" ] && {
+            if ! git ls-remote --exit-code --heads ${FORMULAS_BASE}/salt-formula-${formula_service}.git ${_BRANCH}; then
+              # Fallback to the master branch if the branch doesn't exist for this repository
+              _BRANCH=master
+            fi
+            if ! git clone ${FORMULAS_BASE}/salt-formula-${formula_service}.git ${FORMULAS_PATH}/env/_formulas/${formula_service} -b ${_BRANCH}; then
+              echo -e "\nCloning of ${FORMULAS_BASE}/salt-formula-${formula_service}.git failed.\n"
+              exit 1
+            fi
+          } || {
+            cd ${FORMULAS_PATH}/env/_formulas/${formula_service};
+            git fetch origin/${_BRANCH} || git fetch --all
+            git checkout ${_BRANCH} && git pull || git pull;
+            cd -
+        }
+        [ ! -L "/usr/share/salt-formulas/env/${formula_service}" ] && \
+            ln -sf ${FORMULAS_PATH}/env/_formulas/${formula_service}/${formula_service} /usr/share/salt-formulas/env/${formula_service}
+        [ ! -L "/srv/salt/reclass/classes/service/${formula_service}" ] && \
+            ln -sf ${FORMULAS_PATH}/env/_formulas/${formula_service}/metadata/service /srv/salt/reclass/classes/service/${formula_service}
+    done
+    [ ! -d /srv/salt/env ] && mkdir -p /srv/salt/env || echo ""
+    [ ! -L /srv/salt/env/dev ] && ln -s /usr/share/salt-formulas/env /srv/salt/env/dev || echo ""
+[[ "$0" != "$BASH_SOURCE" ]] || {
+# unless file is being sourced
+  #set -x
+  #test -e $(dirname $0)/env/salt.env && source $(dirname $0)/env/salt.env
+  #set
+  # CLI
+  while [ x"$1" != x"" ]; do
+    which curl &>/dev/null || $PKGTOOL -y install curl &>/dev/null
+    case $1 in
+        master )
+          install_salt_master_$SALT_SOURCE
+          install_salt_minion_$SALT_SOURCE
+          install_salt_formula_$FORMULAS_SOURCE
+          ;;
+        minion )
+          install_salt_minion_$SALT_SOURCE
+          ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+  done
+  echo DONE
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7e83ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# source:
+# Aggregate succeeded/failed/changes per node on a dry run.
+salt \* state.apply --out=json --static test=true -b15 |  jq -r 'to_entries | map({ key:.key, value: { total: [.value[]]|length ,
+  succeed: [.value[]|select(.result == true)]|length,
+  failed:  [.value[]|select(.result == false)]|length,
+  changes: [select(.value[].changes|length > 0)]|length  }  }) | from_entries ' |\
+  tee trend_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%s").json
+# to review
+ls trend*.json| sort |tail -n2 |xargs -n2 diff -y | colordiff
diff --git a/teams/README.rst b/teams/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98a6a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/teams/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Generate a team accounts from CSV input file
+Modify in order to properly parse your input file.
+Example usage to generate individuals yaml configs:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  ./ team.csv
+  mv \*.yml [MODEL TEAM DIRECTORY]/
+To create ``init.yml`` loading all accounts, use:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  echo 'classes:' > init.yml
+  ls| xargs -I{} basename {} .yml | sed 's/^/- /' >> init.yml
diff --git a/teams/team.csv b/teams/team.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de582a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/teams/team.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Bob Bar;;18234243156;ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQ....nkIT5ZgtlML bbar@bar-man.local
+Alice Foo;;79172352570;ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAA....XOHwoCRaV81XTHbR865+/sP afoo@fool-princess.local
+Bob Bar2;;18234243156;ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQ....nkIT5ZgtlML bbar@bar-man.local
+Alice Foo2;;79172352570;ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAA....XOHwoCRaV81XTHbR865+/sP afoo@fool-princess.local
diff --git a/teams/ b/teams/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b55e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/teams/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Prints commands to create user .yml with linux/openssh pillar
+# $1 - csv file with full name; email; id; ssh pub key
+awk -F';' '\
+  { fname=$1;gsub(/\s+/,_,$1); sname=tolower(substr($1,1,1)substr($1,index(fname," "))); split($4, key ," "); }
+  { print "FNAME=\\\""fname"\\\"", "SNAME=\\\""sname"\\\"", "KEY=\\\""key[1]" "key[2]"\\\"","EMAIL="$2" envsubst < team.template > "tolower($1)".yml" }'\
+  < $1 | xargs -n11 echo
diff --git a/teams/team.template b/teams/team.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..496c817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/teams/team.template
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+  linux:
+    system:
+      user:
+        ${SNAME}:
+          enabled: true
+          name: ${SNAME}
+          sudo: true
+          full_name: ${FNAME}
+          home: /home/${SNAME}
+          email: ${EMAIL}
+  openssh:
+    server:
+      enabled: true
+      user:
+        ${SNAME}:
+          enabled: true
+          public_keys:
+          - key: ${KEY}
+          user: ${linux:system:user:${SNAME}}