Documentation fixes
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index c57a0a4..9090e65 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -21,6 +21,16 @@
 .. literalinclude:: tests/pillar/storage_local.sls
    :language: yaml
+Reclass storage with archive data source
+.. literalinclude:: tests/pillar/storage_archive.sls
+   :language: yaml
+Reclass storage with archive data source with content hash check
+.. literalinclude:: tests/pillar/storage_archive_public.sls
+   :language: yaml
 Reclass model with single node definition
 .. literalinclude:: tests/pillar/generate_single.sls
diff --git a/tests/pillar/node_classify.sls b/tests/pillar/node_classify.sls
index 86cbb6f..65bd702 100644
--- a/tests/pillar/node_classify.sls
+++ b/tests/pillar/node_classify.sls
@@ -3,50 +3,43 @@
     enabled: true
-        type: all
+        expression: all
-            value_template: node_ip
+            value_template: <<node_ip>>
-            value_template: node_os
-      infra_config_node:
-        type: hostname__startswith
-        expression: cfg
-        node_class:
-        - cluster.<<node_cluster>>.infra.config
-        node_param:
-          reclass_config_master:
-            value_template: node_ip
-      openstack_control:
-        type: hostname__startswith
-        expression: ctl
-        node_class:
-        - cluster.<<cluster>>.openstack.control
-      openstack_control_node_member01:
-        type: hostname__equals
-        expression: ctl01
+            value_template: <<node_os>>
+          salt_master_host:
+            value_template: <<node_master_ip>>
+      infra_config:
+        expression: <<node_hostname>>__startswith__cfg
-          openstack_control_node01_address:
-            value_template: node_ip
-        node_param:
-          openstack_control_vip_address:
-            value_template: node_ip
-          keepalived_vip_priority:
-            value: 103
-          opencontrail_database_id:
-            value: 1
-          rabbitmq_cluster_role:
-            value: master
-      openstack_control_node_member02:
-        type: hostname__equals
-        expression: ctl02
+          infra_config_address:
+            value_template: <<node_ip>>
+          infra_config_deploy_address:
+            value_template: <<node_ip>>
+      infra_proxy:
+        expression: <<node_hostname>>__startswith__prx
+        node_class:
+          value_template:
+            - cluster.<<node_cluster>>.stacklight.proxy
+      kubernetes_control01:
+        expression: <<node_hostname>>__equals__ctl01
-          openstack_control_node01_address:
-            value_template: node_ip
-        node_param:
-          keepalived_vip_priority:
-            value: 102
-          opencontrail_database_id:
-            value: 2
-          rabbitmq_cluster_role:
-            value: slave
+          kubernetes_control_node01_address:
+            value_template: <<node_ip>>
+      kubernetes_control02:
+        expression: <<node_hostname>>__equals__ctl02
+        cluster_param:
+          kubernetes_control_node02_address:
+            value_template: <<node_ip>>
+      kubernetes_control03:
+        expression: <<node_hostname>>__equals__ctl03
+        cluster_param:
+          kubernetes_control_node03_address:
+            value_template: <<node_ip>>
+      kubernetes_compute:
+        expression: <<node_hostname>>__startswith__cmp
+        node_class:
+          value_template:
+            - cluster.<<node_cluster>>.kubernetes.compute