Add possibility to use MySQL backend

Just for the information:
The base code for row_present state was mainly taken from sqlite3
SaltStack state.

MySQL database schema was taken from:

Related-PROD: PROD-21596 (PROD:21596)

Change-Id: If58216b058c352c692ea4997019193dba287038a
diff --git a/_states/ b/_states/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2023ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_states/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+PowerDNS MySQL interections
+:depends:   - MySQLdb Python module
+:configuration: See :py:mod:`salt.modules.mysql` for setup instructions.
+The mysql_query module is used to execute queries on MySQL databases.
+Its output may be stored in a file or in a grain.
+Sometimes you would need to store information about PowerDNS supermasters
+in tables to work with.
+Here is an example of making sure rows with specific data exist:
+  .. code-block:: yaml
+    use_supermaster_127.0.0.1:
+      powerdns_mysql.row_present:
+        - table: supermasters
+        - where_sql: ip=""
+        - database: powerdns
+        - data:
+            ip:
+            nameserver: ns.localhost.local
+            account: master
+Comprehensive example could be found in file:
+import sys
+import salt.utils
+import salt.ext.six as six
+def __virtual__():
+    '''
+    Only load if the mysql module is available in __salt__
+    '''
+    return 'mysql.query' in __salt__
+def _get_mysql_error():
+    '''
+    Look in module context for a MySQL error. Eventually we should make a less
+    ugly way of doing this.
+    '''
+    return sys.modules[
+        __salt__[''].__module__
+    ].__context__.pop('mysql.error', None)
+def row_present(name,
+        database,
+        table,
+        data,
+        where_sql,
+        update=False,
+        **connection_args):
+    '''
+    Checks to make sure the given row exists. If row exists and update is True
+    then row will be updated with data. Otherwise it will leave existing
+    row unmodified and check it against data. If the existing data
+    doesn't match data check the state will fail.  If the row doesn't
+    exist then it will insert data into the table. If more than one
+    row matches, then the state will fail.
+    name
+        Used only as an ID
+    database
+        The name of the database to execute the query on
+    table
+        The table name to check the data
+    data
+        The dictionary of key/value pairs to check against if
+        row exists, insert into the table if it doesn't
+    where_sql
+        The SQL to select the row to check
+    update
+        True will replace the existing row with data
+        When False and the row exists and data does not equal
+        the row data then the state will fail
+    connection_args
+        MySQL connection arguments to connect to MySQL server with
+    '''
+    ret = {'name': name,
+           'changes': {},
+           'result': True,
+           'comment': 'Database {0} is already present'.format(database)}
+    # check if database exists
+    if not __salt__['mysql.db_exists'](database, **connection_args):
+        err = _get_mysql_error()
+        if err is not None:
+            ret['comment'] = err
+            ret['result'] = False
+            return ret
+        ret['result'] = None
+        ret['comment'] = ('Database {0} is not present'
+                ).format(name)
+        return ret
+    try:
+        query = "SELECT * FROM `" + table + "` WHERE " + where_sql
+        select_result = __salt__['mysql.query'](database, query, **connection_args)
+        if select_result['rows returned'] > 1:
+            ret['result'] = False
+            ret['comment'] = 'More than one row matched the specified query'
+        elif select_result['rows returned'] == 1:
+            # create ordered dict of values returned by mysql.query function
+            old_data = salt.utils.odict.OrderedDict()
+            for num in xrange(0, len(select_result['columns'])):
+                old_data[select_result['columns'][num]] = select_result['results'][0][num]
+            for key, value in six.iteritems(data):
+                if key in old_data and old_data[key] != value:
+                    if update:
+                        if __opts__['test']:
+                            ret['result'] = True
+                            ret['comment'] = "Row will be update in " + table
+                        else:
+                            columns = []
+                            for key, value in six.iteritems(data):
+                                columns.append('`' + key + '`="' + value + '"')
+                            query = "UPDATE `" + table + "` SET "
+                            query += ",".join(columns)
+                            query += " WHERE "
+                            query += where_sql
+                            update_result = __salt__['mysql.query'](database, query, **connection_args)
+                            if update_result['rows affected'] == 1:
+                                ret['result'] = True
+                                ret['comment'] = "Row updated"
+                                ret['changes']['old'] = old_data
+                                ret['changes']['new'] = data
+                            else:
+                                ret['result'] = None
+                                ret['comment'] = "Row update failed"
+                    else:
+                        ret['result'] = False
+                        ret['comment'] = "Existing data does" + \
+                                             "not match desired state"
+                        break
+            if ret['result'] is None:
+                ret['result'] = True
+                ret['comment'] = "Row exists"
+        else:
+            if __opts__['test']:
+                ret['result'] = True
+                ret['changes']['new'] = data
+                ret['comment'] = "Row will be inserted into " + table
+            else:
+                columns = []
+                values = []
+                for key, value in six.iteritems(data):
+                    values.append('"' + value + '"')
+                    columns.append("`" + key + "`")
+                query = "INSERT INTO `" + table + "` ("
+                query += ",".join(columns)
+                query += ") VALUES ("
+                query += ",".join(values)
+                query += ")"
+                insert_result = __salt__['mysql.query'](database, query, **connection_args)
+                if insert_result['rows affected'] == 1:
+                    ret['result'] = True
+                    ret['changes']['new'] = data
+                    ret['comment'] = 'Inserted row'
+                else:
+                    ret['result'] = False
+                    ret['comment'] = "Unable to insert data"
+    except Exception as e:
+        ret['result'] = False
+        ret['comment'] = str(e)
+    return ret