Adding possibility to switch off hardcoded compute_node_address
parameter or override it.

If customer uses tenant network for compute nodes communication to
controlplane in OC 3.2, compute_node_address may break configuration
of a vrouter and prevent vrouter from start when switching vrouter
from discovery method to static.

Prod-Related: PROD-35730
Change-Id: I1d611b0b014e3fc671477f8131fd7e2990dbb432
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 150fdd1..02c4da6 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1579,6 +1579,27 @@
         nodemgr: 10
+[vRouter conf] compute_node_address
+Specify an ip address to override compute_node_address value in vrouter config
+or set to false to unset it.
+Valid only for OpenContrail vRouter 3.2
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    opencontrail:
+      compute:
+        node_address:
+          value:
+   .. code-block:: yaml
+    opencontrail:
+      compute:
+        node_address:
+          enabled: false
 Disable database writes of collector