Activate Contrail telegraf input
Change-Id: I0f2ae345b912d18c7b40b852ecf2b0e823fd6eb2
diff --git a/opencontrail/meta/telegraf.yml b/opencontrail/meta/telegraf.yml
index a8fceee..dbdd8a6 100644
--- a/opencontrail/meta/telegraf.yml
+++ b/opencontrail/meta/telegraf.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,101 @@
-{%- from "opencontrail/map.jinja" import database with context %}
-{%- if database is defined and database.get('enabled', False) %}
+{%- if pillar.opencontrail is defined %}
+ {%- from "opencontrail/map.jinja" import control, collector, compute, config, database, web with context %}
+ {%- if database is defined and database.get('enabled', False) %}
address: "{{|replace('', '') }}"
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if control.get('enabled', False) or compute.get('enabled', False) %}
+ contrail:
+ {%- if control.get('enabled', False) %}
+ ifmap_count: "true"
+ {%- endif %}
+ checks:
+ {%- if control.get('enabled', False) %}
+ {%- set bind_addr=control.bind.address|replace('', '') %}
+ bgp_session_count:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8083/Snh_ShowNeighborStatisticsReq?bgp_or_xmpp=bgp"
+ xml_element: "ShowNeighborStatisticsResp"
+ result_type: "count"
+ bgp_session_up_count:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8083/Snh_ShowNeighborStatisticsReq?bgp_or_xmpp=bgp&up_or_down=up"
+ xml_element: "ShowNeighborStatisticsResp"
+ result_type: "count"
+ bgp_session_down_count:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8083/Snh_ShowNeighborStatisticsReq?bgp_or_xmpp=bgp&up_or_down=down"
+ xml_element: "ShowNeighborStatisticsResp"
+ result_type: "count"
+ xmpp_session_count:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8083/Snh_ShowNeighborStatisticsReq?bgp_or_xmpp=xmpp"
+ xml_element: "ShowNeighborStatisticsResp"
+ result_type: "count"
+ xmpp_session_up_count:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8083/Snh_ShowNeighborStatisticsReq?bgp_or_xmpp=xmpp&up_or_down=up"
+ xml_element: "ShowNeighborStatisticsResp"
+ result_type: "count"
+ xmpp_session_down_count:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8083/Snh_ShowNeighborStatisticsReq?bgp_or_xmpp=xmpp&up_or_down=down"
+ xml_element: "ShowNeighborStatisticsResp"
+ result_type: "count"
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if compute.get('enabled', False) %}
+ {%- set bind_addr=compute.interface.address|replace('', '') %}
+ vrouter_flows_active:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_AgentStatsReq"
+ xml_element: "FlowStatsResp"
+ result_type: "flow_active"
+ vrouter_flows_aged:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_AgentStatsReq"
+ xml_element: "FlowStatsResp"
+ result_type: "flow_aged"
+ vrouter_flows_created:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_AgentStatsReq"
+ xml_element: "FlowStatsResp"
+ result_type: "flow_created"
+ vrouter_flows_composite_invalid_interface:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_KDropStatsReq"
+ xml_element: "KDropStatsResp"
+ result_type: "ds_invalid_if"
+ vrouter_flows_discard:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_KDropStatsReq"
+ xml_element: "KDropStatsResp"
+ result_type: "ds_discard"
+ vrouter_flows_flow_action_drop:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_KDropStatsReq"
+ xml_element: "KDropStatsResp"
+ result_type: "ds_flow_action_drop"
+ vrouter_flows_flow_queue_limit_exceeded:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_KDropStatsReq"
+ xml_element: "KDropStatsResp"
+ result_type: "ds_flow_queue_limit_exceeded"
+ vrouter_flows_flow_table_full:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_KDropStatsReq"
+ xml_element: "KDropStatsResp"
+ result_type: "ds_flow_table_full"
+ vrouter_flows_frag_err:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_KDropStatsReq"
+ xml_element: "KDropStatsResp"
+ result_type: "ds_frag_err"
+ vrouter_flows_invalid_label:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_KDropStatsReq"
+ xml_element: "KDropStatsResp"
+ result_type: "ds_invalid_label"
+ vrouter_flows_invalid_nh:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_KDropStatsReq"
+ xml_element: "KDropStatsResp"
+ result_type: "ds_invalid_nh"
+ vrouter_dns_xmpp:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_AgentDnsXmppConnectionStatusReq"
+ xml_element: "AgentXmppDnsData"
+ state: "Established"
+ vrouter_lls:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_LinkLocalServiceInfo"
+ xml_element: "LinkLocalServiceData"
+ vrouter_xmpp:
+ url: "http://{{ bind_addr }}:8085/Snh_AgentXmppConnectionStatusReq"
+ xml_element: "AgentXmppData"
+ state: "Established"
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- endif %}
{%- endif %}