Add sandesh_send_rate_limit parameter

Related-Bug: PROD-29404 (PROD:29404)

Generators of big environments with high traffic and modification requests
can generate huge amount of sandesh messages. It can cause oveloading
and high resource consumption of analytics services.
Amount of sandesh messages can be decreased using

Change-Id: Idf6055c57e5ca5d2b608ee59ad2c104daadc5c0a
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 202569d..bf4fe01 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1443,6 +1443,96 @@
 ``contrail-schema``, ``contrail-device-manager`` and ``contrail-svc-monitor`` config services already
 have additional ``backup`` state by default.
+Setup Sandesh rate limit
+Sandesh send rate limit can be used to throttle system logs transmitted per second. System logs are
+dropped if the sending rate is exceeded.
+It is possible to use only global limit for all services of contrail component.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+  opencontrail:
+    control:
+      ....
+      sandesh_send_rate_limits:
+        global: 10
+      ....
+Global limit and limit for specific service can be defined together where specific service limit
+has higher priority.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+  opencontrail:
+    config:
+      ....
+      sandesh_send_rate_limits:
+        global: 10
+        config_api: 3
+        schema: 5
+      ....
+Only specific service limit can be defined. In this case other services of Contrail component
+keep default value (0) of `sandesh_send_rate_limit`
+.. code-block:: yaml
+  opencontrail:
+    collector:
+      ....
+      sandesh_send_rate_limits:
+        collector: 100
+        analytics-api: 50
+      ....
+Full list:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+  opencontrail:
+    control:
+      ....
+      sandesh_send_rate_limits:
+        global: 100
+        control: 10
+        dns: 10
+        nodemgr: 10
+      ....
+    config:
+      ....
+      sandesh_send_rate_limits:
+        global: 100
+        config_api: 10
+        schema: 10
+        svc_monitor: 10
+        device_manager: 10
+        nodemgr: 10
+      ....
+    collector:
+      ....
+      sandesh_send_rate_limits:
+        global: 100
+        collector: 10
+        analytics_api: 10
+        query_engine: 10
+        alarm_gen: 10
+        snmp_collector: 10
+        topology: 10
+        nodemgr: 10
+      ....
+    compute:
+      ....
+      sandesh_send_rate_limits:
+        global: 100
+        agent: 10
+        nodemgr: 10
+      ....