Merge remote-tracking branch 'target/master'
diff --git a/opencontrail/files/collectd_zookeeper.conf b/opencontrail/files/collectd_zookeeper.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c1aac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opencontrail/files/collectd_zookeeper.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Import "collectd_zookeeper"
+<Module "collectd_zookeeper">
+ Hosts "localhost"
+ Port 2181
diff --git a/opencontrail/files/collectd_zookeeper_jmx.conf b/opencontrail/files/collectd_zookeeper_jmx.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ce0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opencontrail/files/collectd_zookeeper_jmx.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+{%- from "collectd/map.jinja" import client with context %}
+{%- from "linux/map.jinja" import system with context %}
+<LoadPlugin java>
+ Globals false
+ Interval 50
+<Plugin "java">
+ JVMArg "-Djava.class.path=/usr/share/collectd/java/collectd-api.jar:/usr/share/collectd/java/generic-jmx.jar"
+ LoadPlugin ""
+ <Plugin "GenericJMX">
+ <MBean "zookeeper/psoldgen">
+ ObjectName "java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Old Gen"
+ <Value>
+ Attribute "Usage.used"
+ Type "gauge"
+ Table false
+ InstancePrefix "PSOldGen"
+ </Value>
+ </MBean>
+ <MBean "zookeeper/pspermgen">
+ ObjectName "java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=PS Perm Gen"
+ <Value>
+ Attribute "Usage.used"
+ Type "gauge"
+ Table false
+ InstancePrefix "PSPermGen"
+ </Value>
+ </MBean>
+ <MBean "zookeeper/headmemoryusage">
+ ObjectName "java.lang:type=Memory"
+ <Value>
+ Type "memory"
+ Table false
+ Attribute "HeapMemoryUsage.committed"
+ InstancePrefix "heap_usage_committed"
+ </Value>
+ <Value>
+ Type "memory"
+ Table false
+ Attribute "HeapMemoryUsage.used"
+ InstancePrefix "heap_usage_used"
+ </Value>
+ <Value>
+ Type "memory"
+ Table false
+ Attribute "HeapMemoryUsage.max"
+ InstancePrefix "heap_usage_max"
+ </Value>
+ <Value>
+ Type "memory"
+ Table false
+ Attribute "NonHeapMemoryUsage.committed"
+ InstancePrefix "nonheap_usage_committed"
+ </Value>
+ <Value>
+ Type "memory"
+ Table false
+ Attribute "NonHeapMemoryUsage.used"
+ InstancePrefix "nonheap_usage_used"
+ </Value>
+ <Value>
+ Type "memory"
+ Table false
+ Attribute "NonHeapMemoryUsage.max"
+ InstancePrefix "nonheap_usage_max"
+ </Value>
+ </MBean>
+ <Connection>
+ InstancePrefix "zookeeper"
+ ServiceURL "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://"
+ Collect "zookeeper/psoldgen"
+ Collect "zookeeper/pspermgen"
+ Collect "zookeeper/headmemoryusage"
+ </Connection>
+ </Plugin>
diff --git a/opencontrail/files/grafana_dashboards/zookeeper_influxdb.json b/opencontrail/files/grafana_dashboards/zookeeper_influxdb.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b9b7f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opencontrail/files/grafana_dashboards/zookeeper_influxdb.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1836 @@
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+ {
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+ ],
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+ }
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+ {
+ "params": [
+ "$interval"
+ ],
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+ },
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diff --git a/opencontrail/meta/collectd.yml b/opencontrail/meta/collectd.yml
index e64c64b..8c4ca5f 100644
--- a/opencontrail/meta/collectd.yml
+++ b/opencontrail/meta/collectd.yml
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@
plugin: java
template: opencontrail/files/collectd_cassandra_jmx.conf
+ collectd_zookeeper_jmx:
+ plugin: java
+ template: opencontrail/files/collectd_zookeeper_jmx.conf
+ collectd_zookeeper:
+ plugin: python
+ template: opencontrail/files/collectd_zookeeper.conf
{%- endif %}
{%- if control.get('enabled', False) or compute.get('enabled', False) %}
diff --git a/opencontrail/meta/grafana.yml b/opencontrail/meta/grafana.yml
index 8bf2592..44fd60f 100644
--- a/opencontrail/meta/grafana.yml
+++ b/opencontrail/meta/grafana.yml
@@ -5,3 +5,6 @@
format: json
template: opencontrail/files/grafana_dashboards/contrail_influxdb.json
+ zookeeper:
+ format: json
+ template: opencontrail/files/grafana_dashboards/zookeeper_influxdb.json