Merge "Update salt-formulas/nova readme"
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index e0ba486..3cf25d0 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -753,6 +753,46 @@
               enabled: true
+Inject password to VM
+By default nova blocks up any inject to VM because 'inject_partition' param is equal '-2'
+If you want to inject password to VM, you will need to define 'inject_partition' greater or equal to '-1' and define 'inject_password' to 'True'
+For example:
+  nova:
+    compute:
+      inject_partition: '-1'
+      inject_password: True
+# Allow the injection of an admin password for instance only at ``create`` and
+# ``rebuild`` process.
+# There is no agent needed within the image to do this. If *libguestfs* is
+# available on the host, it will be used. Otherwise *nbd* is used. The file
+# system of the image will be mounted and the admin password, which is provided
+# in the REST API call will be injected as password for the root user. If no
+# root user is available, the instance won't be launched and an error is thrown.
+# Be aware that the injection is *not* possible when the instance gets launched
+# from a volume.
+# Possible values:
+# * True: Allows the injection.
+# * False (default): Disallows the injection. Any via the REST API provided
+# admin password will be silently ignored.
+# Related options:
+# * ``inject_partition``: That option will decide about the discovery and usage
+#   of the file system. It also can disable the injection at all.
+#  (boolean value)
+You can read more about injecting the administrator password here:
 Documentation and Bugs