Add consecutive_build_service_disable_threshold option

It was introduced in pike.

Change-Id: I260a81f6cc83b6c349c9c72ad5b4ab1c8ce68775
diff --git a/nova/files/pike/nova-compute.conf.Debian b/nova/files/pike/nova-compute.conf.Debian
index 0e2e958..bc912de 100644
--- a/nova/files/pike/nova-compute.conf.Debian
+++ b/nova/files/pike/nova-compute.conf.Debian
@@ -4252,6 +4252,37 @@
+# From nova.conf
+# Number of consecutive failed builds that result in disabling a compute
+# service.
+# This option will cause nova-compute to set itself to a disabled state
+# if a certain number of consecutive build failures occur. This will
+# prevent the scheduler from continuing to send builds to a compute node that is
+# consistently failing. Note that all failures qualify and count towards this
+# score, including reschedules that may have been due to racy scheduler
+# behavior.
+# Since the failures must be consecutive, it is unlikely that occasional
+# expected
+# reschedules will actually disable a compute node.
+# Possible values:
+# * Any positive integer representing a build failure count.
+# * Zero to never auto-disable.
+#  (integer value)
+#consecutive_build_service_disable_threshold = 10
+{%- if compute.get('compute', {}).consecutive_build_service_disable_threshold is defined %}
+consecutive_build_service_disable_threshold = {{ compute.compute.consecutive_build_service_disable_threshold }}
+{%- endif %}
 # Options under this group are used to define Conductor's communication,