neutron client
Change-Id: I4fcf96d822827d8f455a05ff66629b6e1a49c961
diff --git a/neutron/_modules/ b/neutron/_modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba7060d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neutron/_modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging
+from functools import wraps
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Import third party libs
+ from neutronclient.v2_0 import client
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+__opts__ = {}
+def __virtual__():
+ '''
+ Only load this module if neutron
+ is installed on this minion.
+ '''
+ return 'neutronng'
+ return False
+def _autheticate(func_name):
+ '''
+ Authenticate requests with the salt keystone module and format return data
+ '''
+ @wraps(func_name)
+ def decorator_method(*args, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ Authenticate request and format return data
+ '''
+ connection_args = {'profile': kwargs.get('profile', None)}
+ nkwargs = {}
+ for kwarg in kwargs:
+ if 'connection_' in kwarg:
+ connection_args.update({kwarg: kwargs[kwarg]})
+ elif '__' not in kwarg:
+ nkwargs.update({kwarg: kwargs[kwarg]})
+ kstone = __salt__['keystone.auth'](**connection_args)
+ token = kstone.auth_token
+ endpoint = kstone.service_catalog.url_for(
+ service_type='network',
+ endpoint_type='publicURL')
+ neutron_interface = client.Client(
+ endpoint_url=endpoint, token=token)
+ return_data = func_name(neutron_interface, *args, **nkwargs)
+ if isinstance(return_data, list):
+ # format list as a dict for rendering
+ return {data.get('name', None) or data['id']: data
+ for data in return_data}
+ return return_data
+ return decorator_method
+def list_floatingips(neutron_interface, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ list all floatingips
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.list_floatingips
+ '''
+ return neutron_interface.list_floatingips(**kwargs)['floatingips']
+def list_security_groups(neutron_interface, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ list all security_groups
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.list_security_groups
+ '''
+ return neutron_interface.list_security_groups(**kwargs)['security_groups']
+def list_subnets(neutron_interface, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ list all subnets
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.list_subnets
+ '''
+ return neutron_interface.list_subnets(**kwargs)['subnets']
+def list_networks(neutron_interface, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ list all networks
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.list_networks
+ '''
+ return neutron_interface.list_networks(**kwargs)['networks']
+def list_ports(neutron_interface, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ list all ports
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.list_ports
+ '''
+ return neutron_interface.list_ports(**kwargs)['ports']
+def list_routers(neutron_interface, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ list all routers
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.list_routers
+ '''
+ return neutron_interface.list_routers(**kwargs)['routers']
+def update_floatingip(neutron_interface, fip, port_id=None):
+ '''
+ update floating IP. Should be used to associate and disassociate
+ floating IP with instance
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ to associate with an instance's port
+ salt '*' neutron.update_floatingip openstack-floatingip-id port-id
+ to disassociate from an instance's port
+ salt '*' neutron.update_floatingip openstack-floatingip-id
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.update_floatingip(fip, {"floatingip":
+ {"port_id": port_id}})
+def update_subnet(neutron_interface, subnet_id, **subnet_params):
+ '''
+ update given subnet
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.update_subnet openstack-subnet-id name='new_name'
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.update_subnet(subnet_id, {'subnet': subnet_params})
+def update_network(neutron_interface, network_id, **net_params):
+ '''
+ Update give network
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.update_network openstack-net-id admin_state_up=false
+ '''
+ network_params = {}
+ for param in net_params:
+ if 'provider_' in param or 'router_' in param:
+ network_params[param.replace('_', ':', 1)] = net_params[param]
+ else:
+ network_params[param] = net_params[param]
+'ATTRIBUTES ' + str(network_params))
+ neutron_interface.update_network(network_id, {'network': network_params})
+def update_router(neutron_interface, router_id, **router_params):
+ '''
+ update given router
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.update_router openstack-router-id name='new_name'
+ external_gateway='openstack-network-id' administrative_state=true
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.update_router(router_id, {'router': router_params})
+def router_gateway_set(neutron_interface, router_id, external_gateway):
+ '''
+ Set external gateway for a router
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.update_router openstack-router-id openstack-network-id
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.update_router(
+ router_id, {'router': {'external_gateway_info':
+ {'network_id': external_gateway}}})
+def router_gateway_clear(neutron_interface, router_id):
+ '''
+ Clear external gateway for a router
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.update_router openstack-router-id
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.update_router(
+ router_id, {'router': {'external_gateway_info': None}})
+def create_router(neutron_interface, **router_params):
+ '''
+ Create OpenStack Neutron router
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.create_router name=R1
+ '''
+ response = neutron_interface.create_router({'router': router_params})
+ if 'router' in response and 'id' in response['router']:
+ return response['router']['id']
+def router_add_interface(neutron_interface, router_id, subnet_id):
+ '''
+ Attach router to a subnet
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.router_add_interface openstack-router-id subnet-id
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.add_interface_router(router_id, {'subnet_id': subnet_id})
+def router_rem_interface(neutron_interface, router_id, subnet_id):
+ '''
+ Dettach router from a subnet
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.router_rem_interface openstack-router-id subnet-id
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.remove_interface_router(
+ router_id, {'subnet_id': subnet_id})
+def create_security_group(neutron_interface, **sg_params):
+ '''
+ Create a new security group
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.create_security_group name='new_rule'
+ description='test rule'
+ '''
+ response = neutron_interface.create_security_group(
+ {'security_group': sg_params})
+ if 'security_group' in response and 'id' in response['security_group']:
+ return response['security_group']['id']
+def create_security_group_rule(neutron_interface, **rule_params):
+ '''
+ Create a rule entry for a security group
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.create_security_group_rule
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.create_security_group_rule(
+ {'security_group_rule': rule_params})
+def create_floatingip(neutron_interface, **floatingip_params):
+ '''
+ Create a new floating IP
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.create_floatingip floating_network_id=ext-net-id
+ '''
+ response = neutron_interface.create_floatingip(
+ {'floatingip': floatingip_params})
+ if 'floatingip' in response and 'id' in response['floatingip']:
+ return response['floatingip']['id']
+def create_subnet(neutron_interface, **subnet_params):
+ '''
+ Create a new subnet in OpenStack
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.create_subnet name='subnet name'
+ network_id='openstack-network-id' cidr='' \\
+ gateway_ip='' ip_version='4' enable_dhcp=false \\
+ start_ip='' end_ip=''
+ '''
+ if 'start_ip' in subnet_params:
+ subnet_params.update(
+ {'allocation_pools': [{'start': subnet_params.pop('start_ip'),
+ 'end': subnet_params.pop('end_ip', None)}]})
+ response = neutron_interface.create_subnet({'subnet': subnet_params})
+ if 'subnet' in response and 'id' in response['subnet']:
+ return response['subnet']['id']
+def create_network(neutron_interface, **net_params):
+ '''
+ Create a new network segment in OpenStack
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.create_network name=External
+ provider_network_type=flat provider_physical_network=ext
+ '''
+ network_params = {}
+ for param in net_params:
+ if 'provider_' in param or 'router_' in param:
+ network_params[param.replace('_', ':', 1)] = net_params[param]
+ else:
+ network_params[param] = net_params[param]
+ response = neutron_interface.create_network({'network': network_params})
+ if 'network' in response and 'id' in response['network']:
+ return response['network']['id']
+def create_port(neutron_interface, **port_params):
+ '''
+ Create a new port in OpenStack
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.create_port network_id='openstack-network-id'
+ '''
+ response = neutron_interface.create_port({'port': port_params})
+ if 'port' in response and 'id' in response['port']:
+ return response['port']['id']
+def update_port(neutron_interface, port_id, **port_params):
+ '''
+ Create a new port in OpenStack
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.update_port name='new_port_name'
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.update_port(port_id, {'port': port_params})
+def delete_floatingip(neutron_interface, floating_ip_id):
+ '''
+ delete a floating IP
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.delete_floatingip openstack-floating-ip-id
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.delete_floatingip(floating_ip_id)
+def delete_security_group(neutron_interface, sg_id):
+ '''
+ delete a security group
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.delete_security_group openstack-security-group-id
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.delete_security_group(sg_id)
+def delete_security_group_rule(neutron_interface, rule):
+ '''
+ delete a security group rule. pass all rule params that match the rule
+ to be deleted
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.delete_security_group_rule direction='ingress'
+ ethertype='ipv4' security_group_id='openstack-security-group-id'
+ port_range_min=100 port_range_max=4096 protocol='tcp'
+ remote_group_id='default'
+ '''
+ sg_rules = neutron_interface.list_security_group_rules(
+ security_group_id=rule['security_group_id'])
+ for sg_rule in sg_rules['security_group_rules']:
+ sgr_id = sg_rule.pop('id')
+ if sg_rule == rule:
+ neutron_interface.delete_security_group_rule(sgr_id)
+def delete_subnet(neutron_interface, subnet_id):
+ '''
+ delete given subnet
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.delete_subnet openstack-subnet-id
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.delete_subnet(subnet_id)
+def delete_network(neutron_interface, network_id):
+ '''
+ delete given network
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.delete_network openstack-network-id
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.delete_network(network_id)
+def delete_router(neutron_interface, router_id):
+ '''
+ delete given router
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' neutron.delete_router openstack-router-id
+ '''
+ neutron_interface.delete_router(router_id)
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