use grains.fqdn and localhost
diff --git a/mongodb/meta/sensu.yml b/mongodb/meta/sensu.yml
index 7a8d337..f5ee06c 100644
--- a/mongodb/meta/sensu.yml
+++ b/mongodb/meta/sensu.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-{%- from "linux/map.jinja" import network with context -%}
-{%- if grains.ipv4[0] == '' %}{%- set address = grains.ipv4[1] %}{% else %}{%- set address = grains.ipv4[0] %}{% endif %}
+{%- from "mongodb/map.jinja" import server with context -%}
+{%- if server.bind.address == '' %}{%- set address = '' %}{% else %}{%- set address = server.bind.address %}{% endif %}
- remote_mongodb_mdb_{{ network.fqdn }}:
+ remote_mongodb_mdb_{{ grains.fqdn }}:
command: "PATH=$PATH:/etc/sensu/plugins -H {{ address }} -A connect -P 27017"
interval: 60
occurrences: 1
- - local-mongodb-server
\ No newline at end of file
+ - local-mongodb-server