Basic syslog heka inputs and decoders
diff --git a/linux/files/heka.conf b/linux/files/heka.conf
index e742c9b..519bde5 100644
--- a/linux/files/heka.conf
+++ b/linux/files/heka.conf
@@ -1,2 +1,25 @@
-input: {}
-decoder: {}
\ No newline at end of file
+  linux_rsyslog_syslog:
+    engine: logstreamer
+    log_directory: /var/log
+    file_match: syslog\.?(?P<Index>\d+)?(.gz)?
+    priority: ["^Index"]
+    decoder: RsyslogDecoder
+  linux_rsyslog_auth:
+    engine: logstreamer
+    log_directory: /var/log
+    file_match: auth\.log\.?(?P<Index>\d+)?(.gz)?
+    priority: ["^Index"]
+    decoder: RsyslogDecoder
+  linux_rsyslog_kern:
+    engine: logstreamer
+    log_directory: /var/log
+    file_match: kern\.log\.?(?P<Index>\d+)?(.gz)?
+    priority: ["^Index"]
+    decoder: RsyslogDecoder
+  rsyslog:
+    engine: rsyslog
+    template: \%TIMESTAMP\% \%HOSTNAME\% \%syslogtag\%\%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp\%\%msg:::drop-last-lf\%\n
+    hostname_keep: TRUE
+    tz: Europe/Prague
\ No newline at end of file