Merge "Added bond Dashboard"
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index ed21934..fea2e1a 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1478,6 +1478,60 @@
             enabled: true
             type: dpdk_ovs_bridge
+**DPDK OVS LACP Bond with vlan tag**
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    linux:
+      network:
+        bridge: openvswitch
+        dpdk:
+          enabled: true
+          driver: uio
+        openvswitch:
+          pmd_cpu_mask: "0x6"
+          dpdk_socket_mem: "1024,1024"
+          dpdk_lcore_mask: "0x400"
+          memory_channels: "2"
+        interface:
+          eth3:
+            enabled: true
+            type: eth
+            proto: manual
+            name: ${_param:tenant_first_nic}
+          eth4:
+            enabled: true
+            type: eth
+            proto: manual
+            name: ${_param:tenant_second_nic}
+          dpdk0:
+            name: ${_param:tenant_first_nic}
+            pci: "0000:81:00.0"
+            driver: igb_uio
+            bond: bond1
+            enabled: true
+            type: dpdk_ovs_port
+            n_rxq: 2
+          dpdk1:
+            name: ${_param:tenant_second_nic}
+            pci: "0000:81:00.1"
+            driver: igb_uio
+            bond: bond1
+            enabled: true
+            type: dpdk_ovs_port
+            n_rxq: 2
+          bond1:
+            enabled: true
+            bridge: br-prv
+            type: dpdk_ovs_bond
+            mode: balance-slb
+          br-prv:
+            enabled: true
+            type: dpdk_ovs_bridge
+            tag: ${_param:tenant_vlan}
+            address: ${_param:tenant_address}
+            netmask: ${_param:tenant_network_netmask}
 **DPDK OVS bridge for VXLAN**
 If VXLAN is used as tenant segmentation then ip address must be set on br-prv
@@ -1496,6 +1550,25 @@
             tag: 101
             mtu: 9000
+**DPDK OVS bridge with Linux network interface**
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    linux:
+      network:
+        ...
+        interface:
+          eth0:
+            type: eth
+            ovs_bridge: br-prv
+            ...
+          br-prv:
+            enabled: true
+            type: dpdk_ovs_bridge
+            ...
 Linux storage
diff --git a/linux/meta/prometheus.yml b/linux/meta/prometheus.yml
index 153705c..5d75f74 100644
--- a/linux/meta/prometheus.yml
+++ b/linux/meta/prometheus.yml
@@ -153,6 +153,16 @@
         summary: 'Bond status interface {{ $ }} is DOWN on {{ $ }}'
         description: 'The bond interface ({{ $ }) has all ifaces in a down state on {{ $ }}.'
       {% endraw %}
+    BondSlaveInterfacesMinimum:
+      if: '(sum(bond_slave_status) BY (bond,host)) / (count(bond_slave_status) BY (bond,host)) <= 0.5'
+      {% raw %}
+      labels:
+        severity: critical
+        service: system
+      annotations:
+        summary: 'At least half of Bond slave interfaces {{ $ }} are DOWN on {{ $ }}'
+        description: 'The bond interface ({{ $ }) has at least half of slave ifaces in a down state on {{ $ }}.'
+      {% endraw %}
       if: 'bond_slave_status < 1'
       {% raw %}
diff --git a/linux/network/dpdk.sls b/linux/network/dpdk.sls
index 4b73f7f..fb2da30 100644
--- a/linux/network/dpdk.sls
+++ b/linux/network/dpdk.sls
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 linux_network_dpdk_bond_mode_{{ interface_name }}:
-    - name: "ovs-vsctl set port {{ interface_name }} bond_mode={{ interface.mode }}"
+    - name: "ovs-vsctl set port {{ interface_name }} bond_mode={{ interface.mode }}{%- if interface.mode == 'balance-slb' %} lacp=active{%- endif %}"
     - unless: "ovs-appctl bond/show {{ interface_name }} | grep {{ interface.mode }}"
     - require:
         - cmd: linux_network_dpdk_bond_interface_{{ interface_name }}
diff --git a/linux/network/interface.sls b/linux/network/interface.sls
index 3e79847..fa37e5e 100644
--- a/linux/network/interface.sls
+++ b/linux/network/interface.sls
@@ -62,6 +62,25 @@
 {%- set interface_name = interface.get('name', interface_name) %}
+{# add linux network interface into OVS dpdk bridge #}
+{%- if interface.type == 'dpdk_ovs_bridge' %}
+{%- for int_name, int in network.interface.items() %}
+{%- set int_name = int.get('name', int_name) %}
+{%- if int.ovs_bridge is defined and interface_name == int.ovs_bridge %}
+add_int_{{ int_name }}_to_ovs_dpdk_bridge_{{ interface_name }}:
+    - unless: ovs-vsctl show | grep -w {{ int_name }}
+    - name: ovs-vsctl add-port {{ interface_name }} {{ int_name }}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
 {# it is not used for any interface with type preffix dpdk,eg. dpdk_ovs_port #}
 {%- if interface.get('managed', True) and not 'dpdk' in interface.type %}
diff --git a/tests/pillar/network_openvswitch_dpdk.sls b/tests/pillar/network_openvswitch_dpdk.sls
index d4e6785..be8ed98 100644
--- a/tests/pillar/network_openvswitch_dpdk.sls
+++ b/tests/pillar/network_openvswitch_dpdk.sls
@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@
         name: "openvswitch-vhost"
         path: "/run/openvswitch-vhost"
+      eth0:
+        enabled: true
+        type: eth
+        proto: manual
+        ovs_bridge: br-prv
         name: enp5s0f1
         pci: "0000:05:00.1"
@@ -34,14 +39,39 @@
         bond: dpdkbond0
         enabled: true
         type: dpdk_ovs_port
+      dpdk2:
+        name: enp6s0f1
+        pci: "0000:06:00.1"
+        driver: igb_uio
+        bond: dpdkbond1
+        enabled: true
+        type: dpdk_ovs_port
+      dpdk3:
+        name: enp6s0f2
+        pci: "0000:06:00.2"
+        driver: igb_uio
+        bond: dpdkbond1
+        enabled: true
+        type: dpdk_ovs_port
         enabled: true
         bridge: br-prv
         type: dpdk_ovs_bond
         mode: active-backup
+      dpdkbond1:
+        enabled: true
+        bridge: br-mesh
+        type: dpdk_ovs_bond
+        mode: balance-slb
         enabled: true
         type: dpdk_ovs_bridge
+      br-mesh:
+        tag: 1302
+        enabled: true
+        type: dpdk_ovs_bridge
+        address:
+        netmask:
         enabled: true
         name: dummy0