LDAP packages are missing
When trying to add ldap configurations we get the following error first:
2017-08-15 15:29:20.130 9467 ERROR keystone.common.wsgi import ldap.filter
2017-08-15 15:29:20.130 9467 ERROR keystone.common.wsgi ImportError: No module named ldap.filter
Fixed by installing python-ldap, then we get the following error:
2017-08-15 15:38:01.892 12591 ERROR keystone.common.wsgi from keystone.identity.backends.ldap import common as common_ldap
2017-08-15 15:38:01.892 12591 ERROR keystone.common.wsgi File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone/identity/backends/ldap/common.py", line 25, in <module>
2017-08-15 15:38:01.892 12591 ERROR keystone.common.wsgi import ldappool
2017-08-15 15:38:01.892 12591 ERROR keystone.common.wsgi ImportError: No module named ldappool
fixed by adding python-ldappool
also found error in documentation syntax that was causing this:
Data failed to compile:
Rendering SLS 'base:keystone.server' failed: Jinja variable 'dict object' has no attribute 'description'
Change-Id: Iae36e803589ab2f9810d2cfaaf6b15e5a5bd0ee1
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 1e0e822..14403eb 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -202,16 +202,17 @@
- description: "Testing domain"
- backend: ldap
- assignment:
- backend: sql
- ldap:
- url: "ldaps://idm.domain.com"
- suffix: "dc=cloud,dc=domain,dc=com"
- # Will bind as uid=keystone,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cloud,dc=domain,dc=com
- uid: keystone
- password: password
+ external:
+ description: "Testing domain"
+ backend: ldap
+ assignment:
+ backend: sql
+ ldap:
+ url: "ldaps://idm.domain.com"
+ suffix: "dc=cloud,dc=domain,dc=com"
+ # Will bind as uid=keystone,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cloud,dc=domain,dc=com
+ uid: keystone
+ password: password
Using LDAP backend for default domain
diff --git a/keystone/server.sls b/keystone/server.sls
index 0bee8a6..f8caa63 100644
--- a/keystone/server.sls
+++ b/keystone/server.sls
@@ -5,6 +5,14 @@
- names: {{ server.pkgs }}
+{%- if server.get('backend') == 'ldap' or server.get('domain',{}).itervalues() | selectattr('ldap') | list %}
+ pkg.installed:
+ - names:
+ - python-ldap
+ - python-ldappool
+{% endif %}
{%- if server.service_name in ['apache2', 'httpd'] %}
{%- set keystone_service = 'apache_service' %}