Added absent states for resources.

For manage resources was added status flag which allows to remove resources by client keystonev3.
status flag was added which allows to remove endpoint by client keystonev2.
Pillar temlates was added for testing.

Change-Id: Ie73c4bda485dbf5bf732ad08a153dc1ff3c7b416
Related-PROD: PROD-25260(PROD:25260)
diff --git a/keystone/client/resources/v3.sls b/keystone/client/resources/v3.sls
index b91ad6d..7803233 100644
--- a/keystone/client/resources/v3.sls
+++ b/keystone/client/resources/v3.sls
@@ -4,27 +4,35 @@
 {%- if resources.get('enabled', False) %}
 {% for role_name,role  in resources.get('roles', {}).iteritems() %}
+  {%- if role.enabled %}
-{%- if role.enabled %}
+    {%- if role.get('status', 'present') == 'present' %}
 keystone_role_{{ role_name }}:
     - cloud_name: {{ role.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
-    {#- The role name is not uniq among domains, use name here to have ability create #}
-    {#- roles with the same name in different domains #}
+      {#- The role name is not uniq among domains, use name here to have ability create #}
+      {#- roles with the same name in different domains #}
     - name: {{ }}
-    {%- if role.domain_id is defined %}
+      {%- if role.domain_id is defined %}
     - domain_id: {{ role.domain_id }}
-    {%- endif %}
-{%- else %}
+      {%- endif %}
+    {%- elif role.get('status', 'present') == 'absent' %}
 keystone_role_{{ role_name }}:
     - cloud_name: {{ role.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
     - name: {{ role_name }}
-{%- endif %}
+    {%- endif %}
+  {%- endif %}
 {%- endfor %}
-{% for service_name,service  in resources.get('services', {}).iteritems() %}
+{%- for service_name,service  in resources.get('services', {}).iteritems() %}
+  {%- if service.get('status', 'present') == 'present' %}
 keystone_service_{{ service_name }}_{{ service.type }}:
     - cloud_name: {{ service.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
@@ -37,23 +45,45 @@
     - enabled: {{ service.enabled }}
     {%- endif %}
-    {% for endpoint_name, endpoint  in service.get('endpoints', {}).iteritems() %}
+  {%- elif service.get('status', 'present') == 'absent' %}
+keystone_service_{{ service_name }}_{{ service.type }}_absent:
+  keystonev3.service_absent:
+    - cloud_name: {{ service.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
+    - name: {{ service_name }}
+  {%- endif %}
+  {%- for endpoint_name, endpoint  in service.get('endpoints', {}).iteritems() %}
+    {%- if endpoint.get('status', 'present') == 'present' %}
 keystone_endpoint_{{ endpoint_name }}_{{ endpoint.interface }}_{{ endpoint.region }}:
-  - name: {{ endpoint_name }}
-  - cloud_name: {{ endpoint.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
-  - url: {{ endpoint.url }}
-  - interface: {{ endpoint.interface }}
-  - service_id: {{ service_name }}
-  - region_id: {{ endpoint.region }}
-  - require:
-    - keystone_service_{{ service_name }}_{{ service.type }}
+    - name: {{ endpoint_name }}
+    - cloud_name: {{ endpoint.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
+    - url: {{ endpoint.url }}
+    - interface: {{ endpoint.interface }}
+    - service_id: {{ service_name }}
+    - region_id: {{ endpoint.region }}
+    - require:
+      - keystone_service_{{ service_name }}_{{ service.type }}
-    {%- endfor %}
-{% endfor %}
+    {%- elif endpoint.get('status', 'present') == 'absent' %}
+keystone_endpoint_{{ endpoint_name }}_{{ endpoint.interface }}_{{ endpoint.region }}_absent:
+  keystonev3.endpoint_absent:
+    - name: {{ endpoint_name }}
+    - cloud_name: {{ endpoint.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
+    - interface: {{ endpoint.interface }}
+    - service_id: {{ service_name }}
+    {%- endif %}
+  {%- endfor %}
+{%- endfor %}
 {% for domain_name, domain  in resources.get('domains', {}).iteritems() %}
+  {%- if domain.get('status', 'present') == 'present' %}
 keystone_domain_{{ domain_name }}:
@@ -69,73 +99,126 @@
     - tags: {{ domain.tags }}
     {%- endif %}
-    {%- for project_name, project in domain.get('projects', {}).iteritems() %}
-keystone_project_{{ project_name }}:
-  keystonev3.project_present:
-  - cloud_name: {{ project.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
-  - name: {{ project_name }}
-  - domain_id: {{ project.get('domain_id', 'default')}}
-  {%- if project.is_domain is defined %}
-  - is_domain: {{ project.is_domain }}
-  {%- endif %}
-  {%- if project.description is defined %}
-  - description: {{ project.description }}
-  {%- endif %}
-  {%- if project.enabled is defined %}
-  - enabled: {{ project.enabled }}
-  {%- endif %}
-  {%- if project.parent_id is defined %}
-  - parent_id: {{ project.parent_id }}
-  {%- endif %}
-  {%- if project.tags is defined %}
-  - tags: {{ project.tags }}
+  {%- elif domain.get('status', 'present') == 'absent' %}
+keystone_domain_{{ domain_name }}_absent:
+  keystonev3.domain_absent:
+    - name: {{ domain_name }}
+    - cloud_name: {{ domain.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
+    {%- if domain.force_delete is defined %}
+    - force_delete: {{ domain.force_delete }}
+    {%- endif %}
   {%- endif %}
-    {%- endfor %}
+  {%- for project_name, project in domain.get('projects', {}).iteritems() %}
+    {%- if project.get('status', 'present') == 'present' %}
+keystone_project_{{ project_name }}:
+  keystonev3.project_present:
+    - cloud_name: {{ project.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
+    - name: {{ project_name }}
+    - domain_id: {{ project.get('domain_id', 'default')}}
+      {%- if project.is_domain is defined %}
+    - is_domain: {{ project.is_domain }}
+      {%- endif %}
+      {%- if project.description is defined %}
+    - description: {{ project.description }}
+      {%- endif %}
+      {%- if project.enabled is defined %}
+    - enabled: {{ project.enabled }}
+      {%- endif %}
+      {%- if project.parent_id is defined %}
+    - parent_id: {{ project.parent_id }}
+      {%- endif %}
+      {%- if project.tags is defined %}
+    - tags: {{ project.tags }}
+      {%- endif %}
+    {%- elif project.get('status', 'present') == 'absent' %}
+keystone_project_{{ project_name }}_absent:
+  keystonev3.project_absent:
+    - cloud_name: {{ project.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
+    - name: {{ project_name }}
+    {%- endif %}
+  {%- endfor %}
 {%- endfor %}
 {%- for user_name, user in resources.get('users', {}).iteritems() %}
+  {%- if user.get('status', 'present') == 'present' %}
 keystone_user_{{ user_name }}:
-  - cloud_name: {{ user.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
-  - name: {{ user_name }}
-  {%- if user.default_project_id is defined %}
-  - default_project_id: {{ user.default_project_id }}
-  {%- endif %}
-  {%- if user.domain_id is defined %}
-  - domain_id: {{ user.domain_id }}
-  {%- endif %}
-  {%- if user.enabled is defined %}
-  - enabled: {{ user.enabled }}
-  {%- endif %}
-  {%- if user.password is defined %}
-  - password: {{ user.password }}
-  {%- endif %}
-  {%- if is defined %}
-  - email: {{ }}
-  {%- endif %}
-  {%- if user.password_reset is defined %}
-  - password_reset: {{ user.password_reset }}
+    - cloud_name: {{ user.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
+    - name: {{ user_name }}
+    {%- if user.default_project_id is defined %}
+    - default_project_id: {{ user.default_project_id }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if user.domain_id is defined %}
+    - domain_id: {{ user.domain_id }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if user.enabled is defined %}
+    - enabled: {{ user.enabled }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if user.password is defined %}
+    - password: {{ user.password }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if is defined %}
+    - email: {{ }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if user.password_reset is defined %}
+    - password_reset: {{ user.password_reset }}
+    {%- endif %}
+  {%- elif user.get('status', 'present') == 'absent' %}
+keystone_user_{{ user_name }}_absent:
+  keystonev3.user_absent:
+    - cloud_name: {{ user.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
+    - name: {{ user_name }}
   {%- endif %}
-    {%- for role_name,role in user.get('roles', {}).iteritems() %}
+  {%- for role_name,role in user.get('roles', {}).iteritems() %}
+    {%- if role.get('status', 'assigned') == 'assigned' %}
 keystone_user_{{ user_name }}_role_{{ }}_assigned:
     - name: {{ user_name }}
     - role_id: {{ }}
     - cloud_name: {{ user.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
-    {%- if role.domain_id is defined %}
+      {%- if role.domain_id is defined %}
     - domain_id: {{ role.domain_id }}
-    {%- endif %}
-    {%- if role.project_id is defined %}
+      {%- endif %}
+      {%- if role.project_id is defined %}
     - project_id: {{ role.project_id }}
-    {%- endif %}
-    {%- if role.role_domain_id is defined %}
+      {%- endif %}
+      {%- if role.role_domain_id is defined %}
     - role_domain_id: {{ role.role_domain_id }}
+      {%- endif %}
+    {%- elif role.get('status', 'assigned') == 'unassigned' %}
+keystone_user_{{ user_name }}_role_{{ }}_unassign:
+  keystonev3.user_role_unassign:
+    - name: {{ user_name }}
+    - role_id: {{ }}
+    - cloud_name: {{ user.get('cloud_name', resources.cloud_name) }}
+      {%- if role.domain_id is defined %}
+    - domain_id: {{ role.domain_id }}
+      {%- endif %}
+      {%- if role.project_id is defined %}
+    - project_id: {{ role.project_id }}
+      {%- endif %}
+      {%- if role.role_domain_id is defined %}
+    - role_domain_id: {{ role.role_domain_id }}
+      {%- endif %}
     {%- endif %}
-    {%- endfor %}
+  {%- endfor %}
 {%- endfor %}
diff --git a/keystone/client/server.sls b/keystone/client/server.sls
index ef78a5f..e470585 100644
--- a/keystone/client/server.sls
+++ b/keystone/client/server.sls
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
   {%- endif %}
 {%- for endpoint in service.get('endpoints', ()) %}
+  {%- if endpoint.get('status', 'present') == 'present' %}
 keystone_{{ server_name }}_service_{{ service_name }}_endpoint_{{ endpoint.region }}:
@@ -72,14 +73,23 @@
   - region: {{ endpoint.region }}
   - require:
     - keystoneng: keystone_{{ server_name }}_service_{{ service_name }}
-  {%- if server.admin.token is defined %}
+    {%- if server.admin.token is defined %}
   - connection_token: {{ connection_args.token }}
   - connection_endpoint: {{ connection_args.endpoint }}
-  {%- else %}
+    {%- else %}
   - connection_user: {{ connection_args.user }}
   - connection_password: {{ connection_args.password }}
   - connection_tenant: {{ connection_args.tenant }}
   - connection_auth_url: {{ connection_args.auth_url }}
+    {%- endif %}
+  {%- elif endpoint.get('status', 'present') == 'absent' %}
+keystone_{{ server_name }}_service_{{ service_name }}_endpoint_{{ endpoint.region }}_absent:
+  keystoneng.endpoint_absent:
+    - name: {{ service_name }}
+    - region: {{ endpoint.region }}
   {%- endif %}
 {%- endfor %}
diff --git a/tests/pillar/client_resources_v3.sls b/tests/pillar/client_resources_v3.sls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68ef70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pillar/client_resources_v3.sls
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+  - single
+  client:
+    resources:
+      v3:
+        enabled: true
+        cloud_name: 'admin_identity'
+        domains:
+          'Default':
+            enabled: True
+            status: present
+            projects:
+              service:
+                status: present
+                description: "OpenStack Service tenant"
+              admin:
+                status: absent
+                description: "OpenStack Admin tenant"
+          'User_domain':
+            enabled: True
+            status: absent
+            projects:
+              user_domain_service:
+                status: present
+                description: "OpenStack Service tenant"
+              user_domain_admin:
+                status: absent
+                description: "OpenStack Admin tenant"
+          'User_domain_0':
+            enabled: True
+            status: absent
+            force_delete: True
+            projects:
+              user_domain_0_service:
+                status: present
+                description: "OpenStack Service tenant"
+              user_domain_0_admin:
+                status: absent
+                description: "OpenStack Admin tenant"
+          'User_domain_1':
+            enabled: False
+            status: absent
+            projects:
+              user_domain_1_service:
+                status: present
+                description: "OpenStack Service tenant"
+              user_domain_1_admin:
+                status: absent
+                description: "OpenStack Admin tenant"
+        roles:
+          service_admin:
+            name: admin
+            enabled: true
+            status: present
+          global_Member:
+            name: Member
+            enabled: true
+            status: absent
+          global_Member_0:
+            name: Member
+            enabled: False
+            status: absent
+        users:
+          admin:
+            enabled: true
+            status: present
+            password: passw0rd
+            email: root@localhost
+            roles:
+              service_admin:
+                status: assigned
+                name: admin
+                project_id: admin
+          user:
+            enabled: true
+            status: absent
+            password: passw0rd
+            email: root@localhost
+            roles:
+              global_Member:
+                status: unassigned
+                name: user
+                project_id: user
+          user0:
+            enabled: False
+            status: absent
+            password: passw0rd
+            email: root@localhost
+            roles:
+              global_Member:
+                status: unassigned
+                name: user
+                project_id: user
+        services:
+          keystone:
+            enabled: True
+            status: present
+            type: 'identity'
+            description: "OpenStack Identity Service"
+            endpoints:
+              keystone_public:
+                status: present
+                interface: 'public'
+                url:
+                region: RegionOne
+              keystone_internal:
+                status: absent
+                interface: 'internal'
+                url:
+                region: RegionOne
+          keystone_0:
+            enabled: True
+            status: absent
+            type: 'identity'
+            description: "OpenStack Identity Service"
+            endpoints:
+              keystone_0_public:
+                status: present
+                interface: 'public'
+                url:
+                region: RegionOne
+              keystone_0_internal:
+                status: absent
+                interface: 'internal'
+                url:
+                region: RegionOne
+          keystone_1:
+            enabled: False
+            status: absent
+            type: 'identity'
+            description: "OpenStack Identity Service"
+            endpoints:
+              keystone_1_public:
+                status: present
+                interface: 'public'
+                url:
+                region: RegionOne
+              keystone_1_internal:
+                status: absent
+                interface: 'internal'
+                url:
+                region: RegionOne