Fix plugin management with Jenkins restart

  - change plugin managent logic from per-plugin management to plugin set
  - for plugin set management add two parameters:
     * jenkins.client.plugin_remove_unwanted - to remove plugins not listed
       in jenkins.client.plugin
     * jenkins.client.plugin_force_remove - to forcible remove plugins
       including dependants but taking into account dependencies of installed
  - update state waiting for jenkins availability
  - change error catching in API crumb getting to not fail on 50x errors,
    to be able to handle exception in state(s)

Change-Id: Ia62af392b30f92c7fdff87ea17fce2cf284d6818
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 69a295d..df9f3d9 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -451,12 +451,16 @@
+        plugin_remove_unwanted: false
+        plugin_force_remove: false
-          swarm:
-            restart: false
-          hipchat:
+          plugin1: 1.2.3
+          plugin2:
+          plugin3: {}
+          plugin4:
+            version: 3.2.1
             enabled: false
-            restart: true
+          plugin5: absent
 Adding plugin params to job
@@ -476,11 +480,7 @@
                   - my_throuttle_category
-          swarm:
-            restart: false
-          hipchat:
-            enabled: false
-            restart: true
+          throttle-concurrents:
 LDAP configuration (depends on LDAP plugin)
diff --git a/_modules/ b/_modules/
index 377a71f..225042f 100644
--- a/_modules/
+++ b/_modules/
@@ -111,10 +111,14 @@
     tokenReq = requests.get("%s/crumbIssuer/api/json" % jenkins_url,
                             auth=(jenkins_user, jenkins_password) if jenkins_user else None)
     if tokenReq.status_code == 200:
+        logger.debug("Got Jenkins API crumb: %s", tokenReq.json())
         return tokenReq.json()
-    elif tokenReq.status_code in [404, 401]:
+    elif tokenReq.status_code in [404, 401, 502, 503]:
         # 404 means CSRF security is disabled, so api crumb is not necessary,
         # 401 means unauthorized
+        # 50x means jenkins is unavailabe - fail in call_groovy_script, but
+        #     not here, to handle exception in state
+        logger.debug("Got error %s: %s", str(tokenReq.status_code), tokenReq.reason)
         return None
         raise Exception("Cannot obtain Jenkins API crumb. Status code: %s. Text: %s" %
diff --git a/_states/ b/_states/
index 0f80d51..a96afed 100644
--- a/_states/
+++ b/_states/
@@ -1,81 +1,9 @@
+import json
 import logging
+import time
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-install_plugin_groovy = """\
-import jenkins.model.*
-import java.util.logging.Logger
-def logger = Logger.getLogger("")
-def installed = false
-def exists = false
-def pluginName="${plugin}"
-def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()
-def pm = instance.getPluginManager()
-def uc = instance.getUpdateCenter()
-def needUpdateSites(maxOldInSec = 1800){
-  long oldestTs = 0
-  for (UpdateSite s : Jenkins.instance.updateCenter.siteList) {
-    if(oldestTs == 0 || s.getDataTimestamp()<oldestTs){
-       oldestTs = s.getDataTimestamp()
-    }
-  }
-   return (System.currentTimeMillis()-oldestTs)/1000 > maxOldInSec
-if (!pm.getPlugin(pluginName)) {
-  if(needUpdateSites()) {
-     uc.updateAllSites()
-  }
-  def plugin = uc.getPlugin(pluginName)
-  if (plugin) {
-    plugin.deploy()
-    installed = true
-  }
-    exists = true
-    print("EXISTS")
-if (installed) {
-  if(${restart}){
-      instance.doSafeRestart()
-   }
-  print("INSTALLED")
-}else if(!exists){
-  print("FAILED")
-"""  # noqa
-remove_plugin_groovy = """
-import jenkins.model.*
-import java.util.logging.Logger
-def logger = Logger.getLogger("")
-def installed = false
-def initialized = false
-def pluginName="${plugin}"
-def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()
-def pm = instance.getPluginManager()
-def actPlugin = pm.getPlugin(pluginName)
-if (!actPlugin) {
-   def pluginToInstall = Jenkins.instance.updateCenter.getPlugin(pluginName)
-   if(!pluginToInstall){
-      print("FAILED")
-   }else{
-      print("NOT PRESENT")
-   }
-} else {
-   actPlugin.disable()
-   actPlugin.archive.delete()
-   if({restart}){
-      instance.doSafeRestart()
-   }
-   print("REMOVED")
-"""  # noqa
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 def __virtual__():
@@ -85,63 +13,46 @@
     if 'jenkins_common.call_groovy_script' not in __salt__:
         return (
-            'The jenkins_plugin state module cannot be loaded: '
+            'The jenkins_node state module cannot be loaded: '
             'jenkins_common not found')
     return True
-def present(name, restart=False):
+def managed(name, plugins, remove_unwanted=False, force_remove=False):
-    Jenkins plugin present state method, for installing plugins
+    Manage jenkins plugins
-    :param name: plugin name
-    :param restart: do you want to restart jenkins after plugin install?
+    :param name: salt resource name (usually 'jenkins_plugin_manage')
+    :param plugins: map containing plugin names and parameters
+    :param remove_unwanted: whether to remove not listed plugins
+    :param force_remove: force removing plugins recursively with all dependent plugins
     :returns: salt-specified state dict
-    return _plugin_call(name, restart, install_plugin_groovy, [
-                        "INSTALLED", "EXISTS"])
+'Managing jenkins plugins')
+    template = __salt__['jenkins_common.load_template'](
+        'salt://jenkins/files/groovy/plugin.template',
+        __env__)
+    result = __salt__['jenkins_common.api_call'](name, template,
+                        [ 'UPDATED', 'NO CHANGES' ],
+                        {
+                            'plugin_list': json.dumps(plugins),
+                            'clean_unwanted': remove_unwanted,
+                            'force_remove': force_remove
+                        },
+                        'Manage Jenkins plugins')
+    log.debug('Got result: ' + json.dumps(result))
+'Checking if restart is required...')
+    # While next code is successful, we should wait for jenkins shutdown
+    # either:
+    #   - false returned by isQuietingDown()
+    #   - any error meaning that jenkins is unavailable (restarting)
+    wait = { 'result': True }
+    while (wait['result']):
+        wait = __salt__['jenkins_common.api_call']('jenkins_restart_wait',
+                'println Jenkins.instance.isQuietingDown()', [ 'true' ], {},
+                'Wait for jenkins restart')
+        if (wait['result']):
+            log.debug('Jenkins restart is required. Waiting...')
+        time.sleep(5)
-def absent(name, restart=False):
-    """
-    Jenkins plugin absent state method, for removing plugins
-    :param name: plugin name
-    :param restart: do you want to restart jenkins after plugin remove?
-    :returns: salt-specified state dict
-    """
-    return _plugin_call(name, restart, remove_plugin_groovy, [
-                        "REMOVED", "NOT PRESENT"])
-def _plugin_call(name, restart, template, success_msgs):
-    test = __opts__['test']  # noqa
-    ret = {
-        'name': name,
-        'changes': {},
-        'result': False,
-        'comment': '',
-    }
-    result = False
-    if test:
-        status = success_msgs[0]
-        ret['changes'][name] = status
-        ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins plugin %s %s' % (name, status.lower())
-    else:
-        call_result = __salt__['jenkins_common.call_groovy_script'](
-            template, {"plugin": name, "restart": "true" if restart else "false"})
-        if call_result["code"] == 200 and call_result["msg"] in success_msgs:
-            status = call_result["msg"]
-            if status == success_msgs[0]:
-                ret['changes'][name] = status
-            ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins plugin %s %s%s' % (name, status.lower(
-            ), ", jenkins restarted" if status == success_msgs[0] and restart else "")
-            result = True
-        else:
-            status = 'FAILED'
-            logger.error(
-                "Jenkins plugin API call failure: %s", call_result["msg"])
-            ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins plugin API call failure: %s' % (call_result[
-                "msg"])
-    ret['result'] = None if test else result
-    return ret
+    return result
diff --git a/jenkins/client/plugin.sls b/jenkins/client/plugin.sls
index f511ec0..bb888d2 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/plugin.sls
+++ b/jenkins/client/plugin.sls
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
 {% from "jenkins/map.jinja" import client with context %}
-{% for name, plug in client.get('plugin',{}).iteritems() %}
-{% if plug.get('enabled', True) %}
-plugin_{{ name }}:
-  jenkins_plugin.present:
-  - name: {{ plug.get('name', name) }}
-  - restart: {{ plug.get('restart', False) }}
-{% else %}
-plugin_{{ name }}_disable:
-   jenkins_plugin.absent:
-   - name: {{ plug.get('name', name) }}
-   - restart: {{ plug.get('restart', False) }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
+{%- if client.plugin is defined %}
+  jenkins_plugin.managed:
+  - plugins: {{ client.plugin }}
+  - remove_unwanted: {{ client.get('plugin_remove_unwanted', False) }}
+  - force_remove: {{ client.get('plugin_force_remove', False) }}
+  cmd.script:
+  - source: salt://jenkins/files/
+  - shell: /bin/bash
+  - env:
+    - JENKINS_URL: "{{ client.master.get('proto', 'http') }}://{{ client.master.get('host', 'localhost') }}:{{ client.master.get('port', '8080') }}/login"
+    - WAIT_TIME: "300"
+    - INTERVAL: "5"
+  - require:
+    - jenkins_plugins
+{%- endif %}
diff --git a/jenkins/files/groovy/plugin.template b/jenkins/files/groovy/plugin.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24591c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/files/groovy/plugin.template
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
+// List of plugins to manage
+String pluginListJson = '''${plugin_list}'''
+LinkedHashMap pluginList = new JsonSlurper().parseText(pluginListJson)
+// Whether to remove plugins not listed in pluginList
+boolean cleanUnwanted = "${clean_unwanted}".toBoolean()
+// Whether to recursively remove plugins with all dependent plugins
+boolean forceRemove = "${force_remove}".toBoolean()
+// Removing and enabling/disabling plugins doesn't set isRestartRequiredForCompletion()
+boolean needRestart = false
+def pm = Jenkins.instance.pluginManager
+def uc = Jenkins.instance.updateCenter
+ArrayList pluginsToInstall = []
+ArrayList pluginsToRemove = []
+LinkedHashMap allPluginDeps = [:]
+// Compare version strings and return
+//   -1 if first parameter is less than second one
+//    0 if both parameters are equal
+//    1 if first parameter is greather than second one
+int versionCmp(String versionOne, String versionTwo){
+    List verA = versionOne.tokenize('.')
+    List verB = versionTwo.tokenize('.')
+    int commonIndices = Math.min(verA.size(), verB.size())
+    for (int i = 0; i < commonIndices; ++i){
+      int numA = verA[i].toInteger()
+      int numB = verB[i].toInteger()
+      if (numA != numB) {
+        return numA <=> numB
+      }
+    }
+    // If we got this far then all the common indices are identical, so whichever version is longer must be more recent
+    return verA.size() <=> verB.size()
+// Return all dependency plugins for the specified one (recursiverly)
+LinkedHashMap getPluginDeps(String pluginName, String pluginVersion = null){
+  LinkedHashMap pluginDeps = [:]
+  def pluginToProbe = Jenkins.instance.updateCenter.getPlugin(pluginName)
+  pluginToProbe.dependencies.each { p, v ->
+    pluginDeps << getPluginDeps(p, v)
+  }
+  // FIXME: need to get minimal version because Jenkins senses specified version as 'at least'
+  pluginDeps[pluginName] = pluginVersion
+  return pluginDeps
+// Remove plugin with all dependent plugins (!!! DANGEROUS !!!)
+ArrayList<String> removePluginRecursive(String pluginName, boolean force = false){
+  ArrayList removedPlugins = []
+  def pluginToRemove = Jenkins.instance.pluginManager.getPlugin(pluginName)
+  if (pluginToRemove) {
+    // Get plugin dependants
+    Set pluginsDependent = pluginToRemove.getDependants()
+    // ... and remove it all
+    if (pluginsDependent && force){
+      pluginsDependent.each { removedPlugins += removePluginRecursive(it) }
+    }
+    // Remove requested plugin if it is still not deleted
+    // and if requested plugin does not have dependants
+    if (! pluginToRemove.isDeleted() && ! pluginToRemove.getDependants()) {
+      pluginToRemove.doDoUninstall()
+      removedPlugins << pluginName
+    }
+  }
+  return removedPlugins
+String pluginName
+def pluginInfo
+def pluginAvailable
+def pluginInstalled
+for (plugin in pluginList) {
+  pluginName = plugin.key
+  pluginInfo = plugin.value ?: new LinkedHashMap()
+  // Guess contents of pluginInfo if it is string
+  if (pluginInfo.getClass() == String){
+    if (pluginInfo == 'absent') {
+    // remove plugin
+      pluginsToRemove << pluginName
+      continue
+    } else if (pluginInfo ==~ /^[0-9.]+$/){
+    // pluginInfo is version
+        pluginInfo = new LinkedHashMap([ version: pluginInfo ])
+    } else {
+    // clean incorrect pluginInfo
+        pluginInfo = new LinkedHashMap()
+    }
+  }
+  pluginAvailable = uc.getPlugin(pluginName)
+  pluginInstalled = pluginAvailable.getInstalled()
+  // If plugin installed
+  if (pluginInstalled){
+    // ... and pluginInfo contains version
+    if (pluginInfo.get('version')){
+      // ... and installed plugin version is lower than version from pluginInfo
+      if (versionCmp(pluginInstalled.getVersion(), pluginInfo.get('version')) < 0){
+        // upgrade plugin
+        pluginsToInstall << pluginAvailable
+      }
+    }
+    // ... plugin is active and pluginInfo has enable=false
+    if (pluginInstalled.isActive() && ! pluginInfo.get('enabled', true).toBoolean()){
+      // disable plugin
+      pluginInstalled.disable()
+      needRestart = true
+    }
+    // ... plugin is not active and pluginInfo has enabled=true
+    if (! pluginInstalled.isActive() && pluginInfo.get('enabled', true).toBoolean()){
+      // enable plugin
+      pluginInstalled.enable()
+      needRestart = true
+    }
+  } else {
+    // install plugin
+    pluginsToInstall << pluginAvailable
+  }
+  // Collect all plugin dependencies to decide about unwanted installed plugins
+  allPluginDeps << getPluginDeps(pluginName, pluginInfo ? pluginInfo.get('version') : null)
+// Deploy plugins by list if any
+pluginsToInstall.each {
+  it.deploy(false).get()
+// Remove unwanted plugins
+if (cleanUnwanted){
+  pluginsToRemove += pm.getPlugins()*.getShortName()
+// Remove plugins by list if any keeping required by some others
+(pluginsToRemove - allPluginDeps.keySet()).each {
+  if (removePluginRecursive(it, forceRemove)) {
+    needRestart = true
+  }
+// Restart Jenkins if needed
+if (uc.isRestartRequiredForCompletion() || needRestart){
+  Jenkins.instance.doSafeRestart()
+  println 'UPDATED'
+} else {
+  // No changes
+  println 'NO CHANGES'
diff --git a/jenkins/files/ b/jenkins/files/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f8eae77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+: "${JENKINS_URL:=http://localhost:8080}"
+: "${WAIT_TIME:=300}"
+: "${INTERVAL:=5}"
+while [ $((WAIT_TIME -= INTERVAL)) -ge 0 ]; do
+    if curl -fs -o /dev/null "$JENKINS_URL"; then
+        STATUS=0
+        break
+    fi
+    sleep $INTERVAL
+exit ${STATUS:-124}