Added enforcement of Jenkins global env parameters
Change-Id: I936b2cfb1f06fa118eaff61c5227f550ab7c8d24
diff --git a/_states/ b/_states/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f00a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_states/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+add_prop_groovy = """\
+instance = Jenkins.getInstance()
+globalNodeProperties = instance.getGlobalNodeProperties()
+envVarsNodePropertyList = globalNodeProperties.getAll(hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty.class)
+newEnvVarsNodeProperty = null
+envVars = null
+if ( envVarsNodePropertyList == null || envVarsNodePropertyList.size() == 0 ) {
+ newEnvVarsNodeProperty = new hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty();
+ globalNodeProperties.add(newEnvVarsNodeProperty)
+ envVars = newEnvVarsNodeProperty.getEnvVars()
+} else {
+ envVars = envVarsNodePropertyList.get(0).getEnvVars()
+if(!envVars.containsKey("${key}") || !envVars.get("${key}").equals("${value}")){
+ envVars.put("${key}", "${value}")
+ print("ADDED/CHANGED")
+ print("EXISTS")
+""" # noqa
+remove_prop_groovy = """\
+instance = Jenkins.getInstance()
+globalNodeProperties = instance.getGlobalNodeProperties()
+envVarsNodePropertyList = globalNodeProperties.getAll(hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty.class)
+newEnvVarsNodeProperty = null
+envVars = null
+if ( envVarsNodePropertyList == null || envVarsNodePropertyList.size() == 0 ) {
+ print("NOT PRESENT")
+} else {
+ envVars = envVarsNodePropertyList.get(0).getEnvVars()
+ if(envVars.containsKey("${key}"){
+ envVars.remove("${key}")
+ print("REMOVED")
+ }else{
+ print("NOT PRESENT")
+ }
+""" # noqa
+def __virtual__():
+ '''
+ Only load if jenkins_common module exist.
+ '''
+ if 'jenkins_common.call_groovy_script' not in __salt__:
+ return (
+ False,
+ 'The jenkins_globalenvprop state module cannot be loaded: '
+ 'jenkins_common not found')
+ return True
+def present(name, value, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Jenkins global env property present state method
+ :param name: global env property name
+ :param value: env property velue
+ :returns: salt-specified state dict
+ """
+ return _plugin_call(name, value, add_prop_groovy, [
+ "ADDED/CHANGED", "EXISTS"], **kwargs)
+def absent(name, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Jenkins global env property absent state method
+ :param name: global env property name
+ :returns: salt-specified state dict
+ """
+ return _plugin_call(name, None, remove_prop_groovy, [
+ "REMOVED", "NOT PRESENT"], **kwargs)
+def _plugin_call(name, value, template, success_msgs, **kwargs):
+ test = __opts__['test'] # noqa
+ ret = {
+ 'name': name,
+ 'changes': {},
+ 'result': False,
+ 'comment': '',
+ }
+ result = False
+ if test:
+ status = success_msgs[0]
+ ret['changes'][name] = status
+ ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins global enviroment property %s %s' % (name, status.lower())
+ else:
+ call_result = __salt__['jenkins_common.call_groovy_script'](
+ template, {"key": name, "value": value})
+ if call_result["code"] == 200 and call_result["msg"] in success_msgs:
+ status = call_result["msg"]
+ if status == success_msgs[0]:
+ ret['changes'][name] = status
+ ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins global enviroment property %s %s' % (name, status.lower())
+ result = True
+ else:
+ status = 'FAILED'
+ logger.error(
+ "Jenkins global enviroment property API call failure: %s", call_result["msg"])
+ ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins global enviroment property API call failure: %s' % (call_result[
+ "msg"])
+ ret['result'] = None if test else result
+ return ret
diff --git a/jenkins/client/globalenvprop.sls b/jenkins/client/globalenvprop.sls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab7ef35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/client/globalenvprop.sls
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{% from "jenkins/map.jinja" import client with context %}
+{% for name, prop in client.get('globalenvprop',{}).iteritems() %}
+{% if prop.get('enabled', True) %}
+prop_{{ name }}:
+ jenkins_globalenvprop.present:
+ - name: {{ prop.get('name', name) }}
+ - value: {{ prop.value }}
+{% else %}
+prop_{{ name }}_absent:
+ jenkins_globalenvprop.absent:
+ - name: {{ prop.get('name', name) }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jenkins/client/init.sls b/jenkins/client/init.sls
index d93963f..081e35b 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/init.sls
+++ b/jenkins/client/init.sls
@@ -11,12 +11,6 @@
{%- if client.source is defined %}
- jenkins.client.source
{%- endif %}
-{%- if client.job is defined %}
- - jenkins.client.job
-{%- endif %}
-{%- if client.job_template is defined %}
- - jenkins.client.job_template
-{%- endif %}
{%- if client.credential is defined %}
- jenkins.client.credential
{%- endif %}
@@ -47,6 +41,17 @@
{%- if client.artifactory is defined %}
- jenkins.client.artifactory
{%- endif %}
+{%- if client.globalenvprop is defined %}
+ - jenkins.client.globalenvprop
+{%- endif %}
+# execute job enforcements as last
+{%- if client.job is defined %}
+ - jenkins.client.job
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if client.job_template is defined %}
+ - jenkins.client.job_template
+{%- endif %}