Implemented Jenkins global libs configuration by salt.

Change-Id: Iff800389488171789205605526d0baec38ba947a
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index e86ae05..fe3421d 100755
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -573,9 +573,22 @@
           token: slack-token
           room: slack-room
-          token_credential_id: cred_id 
+          token_credential_id: cred_id
           send_as: Some slack user
+Pipeline global libraries setup
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    jenkins:
+      client:
+        lib:
+          my-pipeline-library:
+            enabled: true
+            url: https://path-to-my-library
+            credential_id: github
+            branch: master # optional, default master
+            implicit: true # optional default true
diff --git a/_states/ b/_states/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f00f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_states/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+config_global_libs_groovy = """\
+import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.SCMSourceRetriever;
+import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryConfiguration;
+import jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMSource;
+def globalLibsDesc = Jenkins.getInstance().getDescriptor("org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.GlobalLibraries")
+def existingLib = globalLibsDesc.get().getLibraries().find{{
+  (!"org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.SCMSourceRetriever") || 
+   it.retriever.scm.remote.equals("{url}") &&
+   it.retriever.scm.credentialsId.equals("{credential_id}")) &&
+"{lib_name}") &&
+   it.defaultVersion.equals("{branch}") &&
+   it.implicit == true
+    print("EXISTS")
+    SCMSourceRetriever retriever = new SCMSourceRetriever(new GitSCMSource(
+        "{lib_name}",
+        "{url}",
+        "{credential_id}",
+        "*",
+        "",
+        false))
+    LibraryConfiguration library = new LibraryConfiguration("{lib_name}", retriever)
+    library.setDefaultVersion("{branch}")
+    library.setImplicit({implicit})
+    globalLibsDesc.get().getLibraries().add(library)
+    print("SUCCESS")
+""" # noqa
+remove_global_libs_groovy = """\
+def globalLibsDesc = Jenkins.getInstance().getDescriptor("org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.GlobalLibraries")
+def existingLib = globalLibsDesc.get().getLibraries().removeIf{{"{lib_name}")}}
+    print("DELETED")
+    print("NOT PRESENT")
+def present(name, url, branch="master", credential_id="", implicit=True, **kwargs):
+    """
+    Jenkins Global pipeline library present state method
+    :param name: pipeline library name
+    :param url: url to remote repo
+    :param branch: remote branch
+    :param credential_id: credential id for repo
+    :param implicit: implicit load boolean switch
+    :returns: salt-specified state dict
+    """
+    test = __opts__['test']  # noqa
+    ret = {
+        'name': name,
+        'changes': {},
+        'result': False,
+        'comment': '',
+    }
+    result = False
+    if test:
+        status = "SUCCESS"
+        ret['changes'][name] = status
+        ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins pipeline lib config %s %s' % (name, status.lower())
+    else:
+        call_result = __salt__['jenkins_common.call_groovy_script'](
+            config_global_libs_groovy, {"lib_name":name,
+                                  "url": url,
+                                  "branch": branch,
+                                  "credential_id": credential_id if credential_id else "",
+                                  "implicit": "true" if implicit else "false"
+                                  })
+        if call_result["code"] == 200 and call_result["msg"] in ["SUCCESS", "EXISTS"]:
+            status = call_result["msg"]
+            if status == "SUCCESS":
+                ret['changes'][name] = status
+            ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins pipeline lib config %s %s' % (name, status.lower())
+            result = True
+        else:
+            status = 'FAILED'
+            logger.error(
+                "Jenkins pipeline lib API call failure: %s", call_result["msg"])
+            ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins pipeline lib API call failure: %s' % (call_result[
+                                                                           "msg"])
+    ret['result'] = None if test else result
+    return ret
+def absent(name, **kwargs):
+    """
+    Jenkins Global pipeline library absent state method
+    :param name: pipeline library name
+    :returns: salt-specified state dict
+    """
+    test = __opts__['test']  # noqa
+    ret = {
+        'name': name,
+        'changes': {},
+        'result': False,
+        'comment': '',
+    }
+    result = False
+    if test:
+        status = "SUCCESS"
+        ret['changes'][name] = status
+        ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins pipeline lib config %s %s' % (name, status.lower())
+    else:
+        call_result = __salt__['jenkins_common.call_groovy_script'](
+            remove_global_libs_groovy, {"lib_name":name})
+        if call_result["code"] == 200 and call_result["msg"] in ["DELETED", "NOT PRESENT"]:
+            status = call_result["msg"]
+            if status == "DELETED":
+                ret['changes'][name] = status
+            ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins pipeline lib config %s %s' % (name, status.lower())
+            result = True
+        else:
+            status = 'FAILED'
+            logger.error(
+                "Jenkins pipeline lib API call failure: %s", call_result["msg"])
+            ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins pipeline lib API call failure: %s' % (call_result[
+                                                                           "msg"])
+    ret['result'] = None if test else result
+    return ret
diff --git a/jenkins/client/init.sls b/jenkins/client/init.sls
index e5e1552..b1f0b80 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/init.sls
+++ b/jenkins/client/init.sls
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@
 {%- if client.slack is defined %}
   - jenkins.client.slack
 {%- endif %}
+{%- if client.lib is defined %}
+  - jenkins.client.lib
+{%- endif %}
diff --git a/jenkins/client/lib.sls b/jenkins/client/lib.sls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..341022f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/client/lib.sls
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+{% from "jenkins/map.jinja" import client with context %}
+{% for name, lib in client.get("lib",{}).iteritems() %}
+{%- if lib.enabled|default(True) %}
+    global_library_{{ name }}:
+      jenkins_lib.present:
+        - name: {{ lib.get('name', name) }}
+        - url: {{ lib.url }}
+        - credential_id: {{ lib.credential_id }},
+        - branch: {{ lib.get("branch", "master") }}
+{%- else %}
+  global_library_{{ name }}_absent:
+    jenkins_lib.absent:
+    - name: {{ lib.get('name', name) }}
+{%- endif %}
+{% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file