Refactor security state
Change-Id: I7c90e1411f41067721dd3d97c73f646edfb18ac2
diff --git a/_states/ b/_states/
index 98e8a70..e8389ba 100644
--- a/_states/
+++ b/_states/
@@ -2,49 +2,6 @@
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-set_ldap_groovy = """\
-import jenkins.model.*
-import org.jenkinsci.plugins.*
-def server = '${server}'
-def rootDN = '${rootDN}'
-def userSearchBase = '${userSearchBase}'
-def userSearch = '${userSearch}'
-def groupSearchBase = '${groupSearchBase}'
-def managerDN = '${managerDN}'
-def managerPassword = '${managerPassword}'
-boolean inhibitInferRootDN = {inhibitInferRootDN}
-ldapRealm = Class.forName("").getConstructor(String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.TYPE)
-.newInstance(server, rootDN, userSearchBase, userSearch, groupSearchBase, managerDN, managerPassword, inhibitInferRootDN)
-}catch(ClassNotFoundException e){
- print("Cannot instantiate LDAPSecurityRealm, maybe ldap plugin not installed")
-""" # noqa
-set_matrix_groovy = """\
-import jenkins.model.*
-import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.*
-def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()
-def strategy = Class.forName("${matrix_class}").newInstance()
-}catch(ClassNotFoundException e){
- print("Cannot instantiate ${matrix_class}, maybe auth-matrix plugin not installed")
-""" # noqa
def __virtual__():
Only load if jenkins_common module exist.
@@ -73,44 +30,26 @@
:param inhibit_infer_root_dn: optional, default false
:returns: salt-specified state dict
- test = __opts__['test'] # noqa
- ret = {
- 'name': name,
- 'changes': {},
- 'result': False,
- 'comment': '',
- }
- result = False
if not server.startswith("ldap:") and not server.startswith("ldaps:"):
server = "ldap://{server}".format(server=server)
- if test:
- status = 'CREATED'
- ret['changes'][name] = status
- ret['comment'] = 'LDAP setup %s %s' % (name, status.lower())
- else:
- call_result = __salt__['jenkins_common.call_groovy_script'](
- set_ldap_groovy, {"name": name, "server": server, "rootDN": root_dn,
- "userSearchBase": user_search_base if user_search_base else "",
- "managerDN": manager_dn if manager_dn else "",
- "managerPassword": manager_password if manager_password else "",
- "userSearch": user_search if user_search else "",
- "groupSearchBase": group_search_base if group_search_base else "",
- "inhibitInferRootDN": "true" if inhibit_infer_root_dn else "false"})
- if call_result["code"] == 200 and call_result["msg"] == "SUCCESS":
- status = call_result["msg"]
- ret['changes'][name] = status
- ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins LDAP setting %s %s' % (
- name, status.lower())
- result = True
- else:
- status = 'FAILED'
- logger.error(
- "Jenkins security API call failure: %s", call_result["msg"])
- ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins security API call failure: %s' % (call_result[
- "msg"])
- ret['result'] = None if test else result
- return ret
+ template = __salt__['jenkins_common.load_template'](
+ 'salt://jenkins/files/groovy/security.ldap.template',
+ __env__)
+ return __salt__['jenkins_common.api_call'](name, template,
+ {
+ "name": name,
+ "server": server,
+ "rootDN": root_dn,
+ "userSearchBase": user_search_base if user_search_base else "",
+ "managerDN": manager_dn if manager_dn else "",
+ "managerPassword": manager_password if manager_password else "",
+ "userSearch": user_search if user_search else "",
+ "groupSearchBase": group_search_base if group_search_base else "",
+ "inhibitInferRootDN": "true" if inhibit_infer_root_dn else "false"
+ },
+ "Jenkins LDAP Settings")
def matrix(name, strategies, project_based=False):
@@ -123,37 +62,15 @@
GlobalMatrix security or ProjectMatrix security
:returns: salt-specified state dict
- test = __opts__['test'] # noqa
- ret = {
- 'name': name,
- 'changes': {},
- 'result': False,
- 'comment': '',
- }
- result = False
- if test:
- status = 'CREATED'
- ret['changes'][name] = status
- ret['comment'] = 'LDAP setup %s %s' % (name, status.lower())
- else:
- call_result = __salt__['jenkins_common.call_groovy_script'](
- set_matrix_groovy, {"strategies": _build_strategies(strategies),
- "matrix_class": "ProjectMatrixAuthorizationStrategy" if project_based else "GlobalMatrixAuthorizationStrategy"})
- if call_result["code"] == 200 and call_result["msg"] == "SUCCESS":
- status = call_result["msg"]
- ret['changes'][name] = status
- ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins Matrix security setting %s %s' % (
- name, status.lower())
- result = True
- else:
- status = 'FAILED'
- logger.error(
- "Jenkins security API call failure: %s", call_result["msg"])
- ret['comment'] = 'Jenkins security API call failure: %s' % (call_result[
- "msg"])
- ret['result'] = None if test else result
- return ret
+ template = __salt__['jenkins_common.load_template'](
+ 'salt://jenkins/files/groovy/security.matrix.template',
+ __env__)
+ return __salt__['jenkins_common.api_call'](name, template,
+ {
+ "strategies": _build_strategies(strategies),
+ "matrix_class": "ProjectMatrixAuthorizationStrategy" if project_based else "GlobalMatrixAuthorizationStrategy"},
+ "Jenkins Matrix security setting")
def _build_strategies(permissions):
strategies_str = ""
diff --git a/jenkins/files/groovy/security.ldap.template b/jenkins/files/groovy/security.ldap.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..878352e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/files/groovy/security.ldap.template
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import jenkins.model.*
+import org.jenkinsci.plugins.*
+String server = '${server}'
+String rootDN = '${rootDN}'
+String userSearchBase = '${userSearchBase}'
+String userSearch = '${userSearch}'
+String groupSearchBase = '${groupSearchBase}'
+String managerDN = '${managerDN}'
+String managerPassword = '${managerPassword}'
+boolean inhibitInferRootDN = '${inhibitInferRootDN}'.toBoolean()
+try {
+ ldapRealm = Class.forName("")
+ .getConstructor(String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class,
+ String.class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.TYPE)
+ .newInstance(server, rootDN, userSearchBase, userSearch,
+ groupSearchBase, managerDN, managerPassword, inhibitInferRootDN)
+ Jenkins.instance.setSecurityRealm(ldapRealm)
+ print("CHANGED")
+} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ print("Cannot instantiate LDAPSecurityRealm, maybe ldap plugin not installed")
diff --git a/jenkins/files/groovy/security.matrix.template b/jenkins/files/groovy/security.matrix.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c023c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/files/groovy/security.matrix.template
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import jenkins.model.*
+import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.*
+def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()
+try {
+ def strategy = Class.forName("${matrix_class}")
+ .newInstance()
+ ${strategies}
+ instance.setAuthorizationStrategy(strategy)
+ print("CHANGED")
+} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ print("Cannot instantiate ${matrix_class}, maybe auth-matrix plugin not installed")