Merge "Optimize kitchen tests for Travis CI"
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 1bf7c33..6037bdd 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -4,20 +4,108 @@
 This formula installs Helm client, installs Tiller on Kubernetes cluster and
-creates releases in it.
+manages releases in it.
+Available States
+The default state applied by this formula (e.g. if just applying `helm`) will
+apply the `helm.releases_managed` state.
+.. note:: For backward compatibility till release 2.0 was kept the state client.sls,
+          which just re-call the helm.release_managed
+Optionally installs the kubectl binary per the configured pillar values,
+such as the version of `kubectl` to install and the path where the binary should
+be installed.
+Manages a kubectl configuration file and gce_token json file per the configured
+pillar values. Note that the available configuration values allow the path of
+the kube config file to be placed at a different location than the default 
+installation path; this is recommended to avoid confusion if the kubectl 
+binary on the minion might be manually used with multiple contexts.
+* `kubectl_installed`
+Installs the helm client binary per the configured pillar values, such as where 
+helm home should be, which version of the helm binary to install and that path
+for the helm binary.
+* `kubectl_installed
+Optionally installs a Tiller deployment to the Kubernetes cluster per the
+`helm:client:tiller:install` pillar value. If the pillar value is set to 
+install tiller to the cluster, the version of the tiller installation will
+match the version of the Helm client installed per the `helm:client:version`
+configuration parameter
+* `client_installed`
+* `kubectl_configured`
+Ensures the repositories configured per the pillar (and only those repositories) 
+are registered at the configured helm home, and synchronizes the local cache 
+with the remote repository with each state execution.
+* `client_installed`
+Ensures the releases configured with the pillar are in the expected state with
+the Kubernetes cluster. This state includes change detection to determine 
+whether the pillar configurations match the release's state in the cluster.
+Note that changes to an existing release's namespace will trigger a deletion and 
+re-installation of the release to the cluster.
+* `client_installed`
+* `tiller_installed`
+* `kubectl_configured`
+* `repos_managed`
+Availale Modules
+To view documentation on the available modules, run: 
+`salt '{{ tgt }}' sys.doc helm`
 Sample pillars
-Enable formula, install helm client on node and tiller on Kubernetes (assuming
-already configured kubectl config or local cluster endpoint):
+See the [default reclass pillar configuration](metadata/service/client.yml) for 
+a documented example pillar file.
-.. code-block:: yaml
+Example Configurations
-    helm:
-      client:
-        enabled: true
+_The following examples demonstrate configuring the formula for different
+use cases._
+The default pillar configuration will install the helm client on the target 
+node, and Tiller to the Kubernetes cluster (assuming kubectl config or local 
+cluster endpoint have already been configured.
 Change version of helm being downloaded and installed:
@@ -25,7 +113,7 @@
-        version: 2.6.0  # defaults to 2.4.2 currently
+        version: 2.6.0  # defaults to 2.6.2 currently
         download_hash: sha256=youneedtocalculatehashandputithere
 Don't install tiller and use existing one exposed on some well-known address:
@@ -84,12 +172,16 @@
           install: true  # installs kubectl 1.6.7 by default
-            cluster:  # directly translated to cluster definition in kubeconfig
+            # directly translated to cluster definition in kubeconfig
+            cluster: 
               certificate-authority-data: base64_of_ca_certificate
-            user:  # same for user
+            cluster_name: kubernetes.example
+            # directly translated to user definition in kubeconfig
+            user:
               username: admin
               password: uberadminpass
+            user_name: admin 
 Change kubectl download URL and use it with GKE-based cluster:
@@ -102,14 +194,41 @@
           download_hash: sha256=calculate_hash_here
-            cluster:  # directly translated to cluster definition in kubeconfig
+            # directly translated to cluster definition in kubeconfig
+            cluster:
               certificate-authority-data: base64_of_ca_certificate
+            # directly translated to user definition in kubeconfig
                 name: gcp
+            user_name: gce_user
             gce_service_token: base64_of_json_token_downloaded_from_cloud_console
+Known Issues
+1. Unable to remove all user supplied values
+If a release previously has had user supplied value overrides (via the 
+release's `values` key in the pillar), subsequently removing all `values`
+overrides (so that there is no more `values` key for the release in the 
+pillar) will not actually update the Helm deployment. To get around this,
+specify a fake key/value pair in the release's pillar; Tiller will override
+all previously user-supplied values with the new fake key and value. For 
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    helm:
+      client:
+        releases:
+          zoo1:
+            enabled: true
+            ...
+            values:
+              fake_key: fake_value
 More Information
diff --git a/_modules/ b/_modules/
index 6493aa5..c51bfd3 100644
--- a/_modules/
+++ b/_modules/
@@ -1,106 +1,381 @@
 import logging
+import re
 from salt.serializers import yaml
+from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
-HELM_HOME = '/srv/helm/home'
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def ok_or_output(cmd, prefix=None):
-    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](**cmd)
-    if ret['retcode'] == 0:
-        return None
-    msg = "Stdout:\n{0[stdout]}\nStderr:\n{0[stderr]}".format(ret)
-    if prefix:
-        msg = prefix + ':\n' + msg
-    return msg
+class HelmExecutionError(CommandExecutionError):
+  def __init__(self, cmd, error):
+    self.cmd = cmd
+    self.error = error
-def _helm_cmd(*args, **tiller_kwargs):
-    if tiller_kwargs['tiller_host']:
-        tiller_args = ('--host', tiller_kwargs['tiller_host'])
+def _helm_cmd(*args, **kwargs):
+    if kwargs.get('tiller_host'):
+        addtl_args = ('--host', kwargs['tiller_host'])
+    elif kwargs.get('tiller_namespace'):
+        addtl_args = ('--tiller-namespace', kwargs['tiller_namespace'])
-        tiller_args = ('--tiller-namespace', tiller_kwargs['tiller_namespace'])
-    env = {'HELM_HOME': HELM_HOME}
-    if tiller_kwargs['kube_config']:
-        env['KUBECONFIG'] = tiller_kwargs['kube_config']
-    if tiller_kwargs['gce_service_token']:
+        addtl_args = ()
+    if kwargs.get('helm_home'):
+      addtl_args = addtl_args + ('--home', kwargs['helm_home'])
+    env = {}
+    if kwargs.get('kube_config'):
+        env['KUBECONFIG'] = kwargs['kube_config']
+    if kwargs.get('gce_service_token'):
-            tiller_kwargs['gce_service_token']
+            kwargs['gce_service_token']
     return {
-        'cmd': ('helm',) + tiller_args + args,
+        'cmd': ('helm',) + args + addtl_args,
         'env': env,
+def _cmd_and_result(*args, **kwargs):
+  cmd = _helm_cmd(*args, **kwargs)
+  env_string = "".join(['%s="%s" ' % (k, v) for (k, v) in cmd.get('env', {}).items()])
+  cmd_string = env_string + " ".join(cmd['cmd'])
+  result = None
+  try:
+    result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](**cmd)
+    if result['retcode'] != 0:
+      raise CommandExecutionError(result['stderr'])
+    return {
+      'cmd': cmd_string,
+      'stdout': result['stdout'],
+      'stderr': result['stderr']
+    }
+  except CommandExecutionError as e:
+    raise HelmExecutionError(cmd_string, e)
-def release_exists(name, namespace='default',
-                   tiller_namespace='kube-system', tiller_host=None,
-                   kube_config=None, gce_service_token=None):
-    cmd = _helm_cmd('list', '--short', '--all', '--namespace', namespace, name,
-                    tiller_namespace=tiller_namespace, tiller_host=tiller_host,
-                    kube_config=kube_config,
-                    gce_service_token=gce_service_token)
-    return __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](**cmd) == name
+def _parse_release(output):
+  result = {}
+  chart_match ='CHART\: ([^0-9]+)-([^\s]+)', output)
+  if chart_match:
+    result['chart'] =
+    result['version'] =
+  user_values_match ="(?<=USER-SUPPLIED VALUES\:\n)(\n*.+)+?(?=\n*COMPUTED VALUES\:)", output, re.MULTILINE)
+  if user_values_match:
+    result['values'] = yaml.deserialize(
+  computed_values_match ="(?<=COMPUTED VALUES\:\n)(\n*.+)+?(?=\n*HOOKS\:)", output, re.MULTILINE)
+  if computed_values_match:
+    result['computed_values'] = yaml.deserialize(
+  manifest_match ="(?<=MANIFEST\:\n)(\n*(?!Release \".+\" has been upgraded).*)+", output, re.MULTILINE)
+  if manifest_match:
+    result['manifest'] =
+  namespace_match ="(?<=NAMESPACE\: )(.*)", output)
+  if namespace_match:
+    result['namespace'] =
+  return result
+def _parse_repo(repo_string = None):
+  split_string = repo_string.split('\t')
+  return {
+    "name": split_string[0].strip(),
+    "url": split_string[1].strip()
+  }
+def _get_release_namespace(name, tiller_namespace="kube-system", **kwargs):
+  cmd = _helm_cmd("list", name, **kwargs)
+  result = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](**cmd)
+  if not result or len(result.split("\n")) < 2:
+    return None
+  return result.split("\n")[1].split("\t")[5]
+def list_repos(**kwargs):
+  '''
+  Get the result of running `helm repo list` on the target minion, formatted
+  as a list of dicts with two keys:
+    * name: the name with which the repository is registered
+    * url: the url registered for the repository
+  '''
+  cmd = _helm_cmd('repo', 'list', **kwargs)
+  result = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](**cmd)
+  if result is None:
+    return result
+  result = result.split("\n")
+  result.pop(0)
+  return { 
+    repo['name']: repo['url'] for repo in [_parse_repo(line) for line in result]
+  }
+def add_repo(name, url, **kwargs):
+  '''
+  Register the repository located at the supplied url with the supplied name. 
+  Note that re-using an existing name will overwrite the repository url for
+  that registered repository to point to the supplied url.
+  name
+      The name with which to register the repository with the Helm client.
+  url
+      The url for the chart repository.
+  '''
+  return _cmd_and_result('repo', 'add', name, url, **kwargs)
+def remove_repo(name, **kwargs):
+  '''
+  Remove the repository from the Helm client registered with the supplied
+  name.
+  name
+      The name (as registered with the Helm client) for the repository to remove
+  '''
+  return _cmd_and_result('repo', 'remove', name, **kwargs)
+def manage_repos(present={}, absent=[], exclusive=False, **kwargs):
+  '''
+  Manage the repositories registered with the Helm client's local cache. 
+  *ensuring repositories are present*
+  Repositories that should be present in the helm client can be supplied via 
+  the `present` dict parameter; each key in the dict is a release name, and the
+  value is the repository url that should be registered.
+  *ensuring repositories are absent*
+  Repository names supplied via the `absent` parameter must be a string. If the
+  `exclusive` flag is set to True, the `absent` parameter will be ignored, even
+  if it has been supplied.
+  This function returns a dict with the following keys:
+    * already_present: a listing of supplied repository definitions to add that 
+      are already registered with the Helm client
+    * added: a list of repositories that are newly registered with the Helm 
+      client. Each item in the list is a dict with the following keys:
+        * name: the repo name
+        * url: the repo url
+        * stdout: the output from the `helm repo add` command call for the repo
+    * already_absent: any repository name supplied via the `absent` parameter 
+      that was already not registered with the Helm client
+    * removed: the result of attempting to remove any repositories
+    * failed: a list of repositores that were unable to be added. Each item in
+      the list is a dict with the following keys:
+        * type: the text "removal" or "addition", as appropriate
+        * name: the repo name
+        * url: the repo url (if appropriate)
+        * error: the output from add or remove command attempted for the 
+          repository
+  present
+      The dict of repositories that should be registered with the Helm client. 
+      Each dict key is the name with which the repository url (the corresponding
+      value) should be registered with the Helm client.
+  absent
+      The list of repositories to ensure are not registered with the Helm client.
+      Each entry in the list must be the (string) name of the repository.
+  exclusive
+      A flag indicating whether only the supplied repos should be available in 
+      the target minion's Helm client. If configured to true, the `absent` 
+      parameter will be ignored and only the repositories configured via the 
+      `present` parameter will be registered with the Helm client. Defaults to 
+      False.
+  '''
+  existing_repos = list_repos(**kwargs)
+  result = {
+    "already_present": [],
+    "added": [],
+    "already_absent": [],
+    "removed": [],
+    "failed": []
+  }
+  for name, url in present.iteritems():
+    if not name or not url:
+      raise CommandExecutionError(('Supplied repo to add must have a name (%s) '
+                                   'and url (%s)' % (name, url)))
+    if name in existing_repos and existing_repos[name] == url:
+      result['already_present'].append({ "name": name, "url": url })
+      continue
+    try:
+      result['added'].append({ 
+        'name': name, 
+        'url': url, 
+        'stdout': add_repo(name, url, **kwargs)['stdout']
+      })
+      existing_repos = {
+        n: u for (n, u) in existing_repos.iteritems() if name != n
+      }
+    except CommandExecutionError as e:
+      result['failed'].append({ 
+        "type": "addition", 
+        "name": name, 
+        'url': url, 
+        'error': '%s' % e
+      })  
+  #
+  # Handle removal of repositories configured to be absent (or not configured
+  # to be present if the `exclusive` flag is set)
+  #
+  existing_names = [name for (name, url) in existing_repos.iteritems()]
+  if exclusive:
+    present['stable'] = "exclude"
+    absent = [name for name in existing_names if not name in present]
+  for name in absent:
+    if not name or not isinstance(name, str):
+      raise CommandExecutionError(('Supplied repo name to be absent must be a '
+                                   'string: %s' % name))
+    if name not in existing_names:
+      result['already_absent'].append(name)
+      continue
+    try:
+      result['removed'].append({ 
+        'name': name, 
+        'stdout': remove_repo(name, **kwargs) ['stdout']
+      })
+    except CommandExecutionError as e:
+      result['failed'].append({ 
+        "type": "removal", "name": name, "error": '%s' % e 
+      })
+  return result
+def update_repos(**kwargs):
+  '''
+  Ensures the local helm repository cache for each repository is up to date. 
+  Proxies the `helm repo update` command.
+  '''
+  return _cmd_and_result('repo', 'update', **kwargs)
+def get_release(name, tiller_namespace="kube-system", **kwargs):
+  '''
+  Get the parsed release metadata from calling `helm get {{ release }}` for the 
+  supplied release name, or None if no release is found. The following keys may 
+  or may not be in the returned dict:
+    * chart
+    * version
+    * values
+    * computed_values
+    * manifest
+    * namespace
+  '''
+  kwargs['tiller_namespace'] = tiller_namespace
+  cmd = _helm_cmd('get', name, **kwargs)
+  result = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](**cmd)
+  if not result:
+    return None
+  release = _parse_release(result)
+  #
+  # `helm get {{ release }}` doesn't currently (2.6.2) return the namespace, so 
+  # separately retrieve it if it's not available
+  #
+  if not 'namespace' in release:
+    release['namespace'] = _get_release_namespace(name, **kwargs)
+  return release
+def release_exists(name, tiller_namespace="kube-system", **kwargs):
+  '''
+  Determine whether a release exists in the cluster with the supplied name
+  '''
+  kwargs['tiller_namespace'] = tiller_namespace
+  return get_release(name, **kwargs) is not None
 def release_create(name, chart_name, namespace='default',
-                   version=None, values=None,
-                   tiller_namespace='kube-system', tiller_host=None,
-                   kube_config=None, gce_service_token=None):
-    tiller_args = {
-        'tiller_namespace': tiller_namespace,
-        'tiller_host': tiller_host,
-        'kube_config': kube_config,
-        'gce_service_token': gce_service_token,
-    }
+                   version=None, values_file=None,
+                   tiller_namespace='kube-system', **kwargs):
+    '''
+    Install a release. There must not be a release with the supplied name 
+    already installed to the Kubernetes cluster.
+    Note that if a release already exists with the specified name, you'll need
+    to use the release_upgrade function instead; unless the release is in a
+    different namespace, in which case you'll need to delete and purge the 
+    existing release (using release_delete) and *then* use this function to
+    install a new release to the desired namespace.
+    '''
     args = []
     if version is not None:
         args += ['--version', version]
-    if values is not None:
-        args += ['--values', '/dev/stdin']
-    cmd = _helm_cmd('install', '--namespace', namespace,
-                    '--name', name, chart_name, *args, **tiller_args)
-    if values is not None:
-        cmd['stdin'] = yaml.serialize(values, default_flow_style=False)
-    LOG.debug('Creating release with args: %s', cmd)
-    return ok_or_output(cmd, 'Failed to create release "{}"'.format(name))
+    if values_file is not None:
+        args += ['--values', values_file]
+    return _cmd_and_result(
+      'install', chart_name,
+      '--namespace', namespace, 
+      '--name', name,  
+      *args, **kwargs
+    )
-def release_delete(name, tiller_namespace='kube-system', tiller_host=None,
-                   kube_config=None, gce_service_token=None):
-    cmd = _helm_cmd('delete', '--purge', name,
-                    tiller_namespace=tiller_namespace, tiller_host=tiller_host,
-                    kube_config=kube_config,
-                    gce_service_token=gce_service_token)
-    return ok_or_output(cmd, 'Failed to delete release "{}"'.format(name))
+def release_delete(name, tiller_namespace='kube-system', **kwargs):
+    '''
+    Delete and purge any release found with the supplied name.
+    '''
+    kwargs['tiller_namespace'] = tiller_namespace
+    return _cmd_and_result('delete', '--purge', name, **kwargs)
 def release_upgrade(name, chart_name, namespace='default',
-                    version=None, values=None,
-                    tiller_namespace='kube-system', tiller_host=None,
-                    kube_config=None, gce_service_token=None):
-    tiller_args = {
-        'tiller_namespace': tiller_namespace,
-        'tiller_host': tiller_host,
-        'kube_config': kube_config,
-        'gce_service_token': gce_service_token,
-    }
+                    version=None, values_file=None,
+                    tiller_namespace='kube-system', **kwargs):
+    '''
+    Upgrade an existing release. There must be a release with the supplied name
+    already installed to the Kubernetes cluster.
+    If attempting to change the namespace for the release, this function will
+    fail; you will need to first delete and purge the release and then use the
+    release_create function to create a new release in the desired namespace.
+    '''
+    kwargs['tiller_namespace'] = tiller_namespace
     args = []
     if version is not None:
-        args += ['--version', version]
-    if values is not None:
-        args += ['--values', '/dev/stdin']
-    cmd = _helm_cmd('upgrade', '--namespace', namespace,
-                    name, chart_name, *args, **tiller_args)
-    if values is not None:
-        cmd['stdin'] = yaml.serialize(values, default_flow_style=False)
-    LOG.debug('Upgrading release with args: %s', cmd)
-    return ok_or_output(cmd, 'Failed to upgrade release "{}"'.format(name))
+      args += ['--version', version]
+    if values_file is not None:
+      args += ['--values', values_file]
+    return _cmd_and_result(
+      'upgrade', name, chart_name,
+      '--namespace', namespace,  
+      *args, **kwargs
+    )
+def install_chart_dependencies(chart_path, **kwargs):
+  '''
+  Install the chart dependencies for the chart definition located at the 
+  specified chart_path.
-def get_values(name, tiller_namespace='kube-system', tiller_host=None,
-               kube_config=None, gce_service_token=None):
-    cmd = _helm_cmd('get', 'values', '--all', name,
-                    tiller_namespace=tiller_namespace, tiller_host=tiller_host,
-                    kube_config=kube_config,
-                    gce_service_token=gce_service_token)
-    return yaml.deserialize(__salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](**cmd))
+  chart_path
+      The path to the chart for which to install dependencies
+  '''
+  return _cmd_and_result('dependency', 'build', chart_path, **kwargs)
+def package(path, destination = None, **kwargs):
+  '''
+  Package a chart definition, optionally to a specific destination. Proxies the
+  `helm package` command on the target minion
+  path
+      The path to the chart definition to package.
+  destination : None
+      An optional alternative destination folder.
+  '''
+  args = []
+  if destination:
+    args += ["-d", destination]
+  return _cmd_and_result('package', path, *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/_states/ b/_states/
index d4a1b69..dae657a 100644
--- a/_states/
+++ b/_states/
@@ -1,88 +1,186 @@
 import difflib
+import os 
+import logging
+from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
 from salt.serializers import yaml
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def failure(name, message):
+def _get_values_from_file(values_file=None):
+    if values_file:
+      try:
+        with open(values_file) as values_stream:
+          values = yaml.deserialize(values_stream)
+        return values
+      except e:
+        raise CommandExecutionError("encountered error reading from values "
+                                    "file (%s): %s" % (values_file, e))
+    return None
+def _get_yaml_diff(new_yaml=None, old_yaml=None):
+  if not new_yaml and not old_yaml:
+    return None
+  old_str = yaml.serialize(old_yaml, default_flow_style=False)
+  new_str = yaml.serialize(new_yaml, default_flow_style=False)
+  return difflib.unified_diff(old_str.split('\n'), new_str.split('\n'))
+def _failure(name, message, changes={}):
     return {
         'name': name,
-        'changes': {},
+        'changes': changes,
         'result': False,
         'comment': message,
+def present(name, chart_name, namespace, version=None, values_file=None,
+            tiller_namespace='kube-system', **kwargs):
+    '''
+    Ensure that a release with the supplied name is in the desired state in the 
+    Tiller installation. This state will handle change detection to determine 
+    whether an installation or update needs to be made. 
-def present(name, chart_name, namespace, version=None, values=None,
-            tiller_namespace='kube-system', tiller_host=None,
-            kube_config=None, gce_service_token=None):
-    tiller_args = {
-        'tiller_namespace': tiller_namespace,
-        'tiller_host': tiller_host,
-        'kube_config': kube_config,
-        'gce_service_token': gce_service_token,
-    }
-    exists = __salt__['helm.release_exists'](name, namespace, **tiller_args)
-    if not exists:
-        err = __salt__['helm.release_create'](
-            name, chart_name, namespace, version, values, **tiller_args)
-        if err:
-            return failure(name, err)
+    In the event the namespace to which a release is installed changes, the
+    state will first delete and purge the release and the re-install it into
+    the new namespace, since Helm does not support updating a release into a 
+    new namespace.
+    name
+        The name of the release to ensure is present
+    chart_name
+        The name of the chart to install, including the repository name as 
+        applicable (such as `stable/mysql`)
+    namespace
+        The namespace to which the release should be (re-)installed
+    version
+        The version of the chart to install. Defaults to the latest version
+    values_file
+        The path to the a values file containing all the chart values that 
+        should be applied to the release. Note that this should not be passed
+        if there are not chart value overrides required.
+    '''
+    kwargs['tiller_namespace'] = tiller_namespace
+    old_release = __salt__['helm.get_release'](name, **kwargs)
+    if not old_release:
+      try:
+        result = __salt__['helm.release_create'](
+            name, chart_name, namespace, version, values_file, **kwargs
+        )
         return {
+          'name': name,
+          'changes': {
             'name': name,
-            'changes': {name: 'CREATED'},
-            'result': True,
-            'comment': 'Release "{}" was created'.format(name),
+            'chart_name': chart_name,
+            'namespace': namespace,
+            'version': version,
+            'values': _get_values_from_file(values_file),
+            'stdout': result.get('stdout')
+          },
+          'result': True,
+          'comment': ('Release "%s" was created' % name + 
+                      '\nExecuted command: %s' % result['cmd'])
+      except CommandExecutionError as e:
+        msg = (("Failed to create new release: %s" % e.error) +
+               "\nExecuted command: %s" % e.cmd)
+        return _failure(name, msg)
-    old_values = __salt__['helm.get_values'](name, **tiller_args)
-    err = __salt__['helm.release_upgrade'](
-        name, chart_name, namespace, version, values, **tiller_args)
-    if err:
-        return failure(name, err)
+    changes = {}
+    warnings = []
+    if old_release.get('chart') != chart_name.split("/")[1]:
+      changes['chart'] = { 'old': old_release['chart'], 'new': chart_name }
-    new_values = __salt__['helm.get_values'](name, **tiller_args)
-    if new_values == old_values:
-        return {
-            'name': name,
-            'changes': {},
-            'result': True,
-            'comment': 'Release "{}" already exists'.format(name),
-        }
+    if old_release.get('version') != version:
+      changes['version'] = { 'old': old_release['version'], 'new': version }
-    old_str = yaml.serialize(old_values, default_flow_style=False)
-    new_str = yaml.serialize(new_values, default_flow_style=False)
-    diff = difflib.unified_diff(
-        old_str.split('\n'), new_str.split('\n'), lineterm='')
-    return {
+    if old_release.get('namespace') != namespace:
+        changes['namespace'] = { 'old': old_release['namespace'], 'new': namespace }
+    if (not values_file and old_release.get("values") or
+        not old_release.get("values") and values_file):
+      changes['values'] = { 'old': old_release['values'], 'new': values_file }
+    values = _get_values_from_file(values_file)
+    diff = _get_yaml_diff(values, old_release.get('values'))
+    if diff:
+      diff_string = '\n'.join(diff)
+      if diff_string:
+        changes['values'] = diff_string
+    if not changes:
+      return {
         'name': name,
-        'changes': {'values': '\n'.join(diff)},
         'result': True,
-        'comment': 'Release "{}" was updated'.format(name),
-    }
+        'changes': {},
+        'comment': 'Release "{}" is already in the desired state'.format(name)
+      }
+    module_fn = 'helm.release_upgrade'
+    if changes.get("namespace"):
+      LOG.debug("purging old release (%s) due to namespace change" % name)
+      try:
+        result = __salt__['helm.release_delete'](name, **kwargs)
+      except CommandExecutionError as e:
+        msg = ("Failed to delete release for namespace change: %s" % e.error +
+               "\nExecuted command: %s" % e.cmd)
+        return _failure(name, msg, changes)
+      module_fn = 'helm.release_create'
+      warnings.append('Release (%s) was replaced due to namespace change' % name)
+    try:
+      result = __salt__[module_fn](
+        name, chart_name, namespace, version, values_file, **kwargs
+      )
+      changes.update({ 'stdout': result.get('stdout') })
+      ret = {
+        'name': name,
+        'changes': changes,
+        'result': True,
+        'comment': 'Release "%s" was updated\nExecuted command: %s' % (name, result['cmd'])
+      }
+      if warnings:
+        ret['warnings'] = warnings
+      return ret
+    except CommandExecutionError as e:
+      msg = ("Failed to delete release for namespace change: %s" % e.error +
+             "\nExecuted command: %s" % e.cmd)
+      return _failure(name, msg, changes)
-def absent(name, namespace, tiller_namespace='kube-system', tiller_host=None,
-           kube_config=None, gce_service_token=None):
-    tiller_args = {
-        'tiller_namespace': tiller_namespace,
-        'tiller_host': tiller_host,
-        'kube_config': kube_config,
-        'gce_service_token': gce_service_token,
-    }
-    exists = __salt__['helm.release_exists'](name, namespace, **tiller_args)
+def absent(name, tiller_namespace='kube-system', **kwargs):
+    '''
+    Ensure that any release with the supplied release name is absent from the
+    tiller installation.
+    name
+        The name of the release to ensure is absent
+    '''
+    kwargs['tiller_namespace'] = tiller_namespace
+    exists = __salt__['helm.release_exists'](name, **kwargs)
     if not exists:
         return {
             'name': name,
             'changes': {},
             'result': True,
-            'comment': 'Release "{}" doesn\'t exist'.format(name),
+            'comment': 'Release "%s" doesn\'t exist' % name
-    err = __salt__['helm.release_delete'](name, **tiller_args)
-    if err:
-        return failure(name, err)
-    return {
+    try:
+      result = __salt__['helm.release_delete'](name, **kwargs)
+      return {
         'name': name,
-        'changes': {name: 'DELETED'},
+        'changes': { name: 'DELETED', 'stdout': result['stdout'] },
         'result': True,
-        'comment': 'Release "{}" was deleted'.format(name),
-    }
+        'comment': 'Release "%s" was deleted\nExecuted command: %s' % (name, result['cmd'])
+      }
+    except CommandExecutionError as e:
+      return _failure(e.cmd, e.error)
diff --git a/_states/ b/_states/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c41c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_states/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import re
+from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
+def managed(name, present={}, absent=[], exclusive=False, helm_home=None):
+  '''
+  Ensure the supplied repositories are available to the helm client. If the
+  `exclusive` flag is set to a truthy value, any extra repositories in the 
+  helm client will be removed.
+  name
+      The name of the state
+  present
+      A dict of repository names to urls to ensure are registered with the 
+      Helm client
+  absent
+      A list of repository names to ensure are unregistered from the Helm client
+  exclusive
+      A boolean flag indicating whether the state should ensure only the 
+      supplied repositories are availabe to the target minion.
+  helm_home
+      An optional path to the Helm home directory 
+  '''
+  ret = {'name': name,
+         'changes': {},
+         'result': True,
+         'comment': ''}
+  try:
+    result = __salt__['helm.manage_repos'](
+      present=present, 
+      absent=absent, 
+      exclusive=exclusive,
+      helm_home=helm_home
+    )
+    if result['failed']:
+      ret['comment'] = 'Failed to add or remove some repositories'
+      ret['changes'] = result
+      ret['result'] = False
+      return ret
+    if result['added'] or result['removed']:
+      ret['comment'] = 'Repositories were added or removed'
+      ret['changes'] = result
+      return ret
+    ret['comment'] = ("Repositories were in the desired state: "
+                     "%s" % [name for (name, url) in present.iteritems()])
+    return ret
+  except CommandExecutionError as e:
+    ret['result'] = False
+    ret['comment'] = "Failed to add some repositories: %s" % e
+    return ret
+def updated(name, helm_home=None):
+  '''
+  Ensure the local Helm repository cache is up to date with each of the 
+  helm client's configured remote chart repositories. Because the `helm repo 
+  update` command doesn't indicate whether any changes were made to the local 
+  cache, this will only indicate change if the Helm client failed to retrieve
+  an update from one or more of the repositories, regardless of whether an 
+  update was made to the local Helm chart repository cache.
+  name
+      The name of the state
+  helm_home
+      An optional path to the Helm home directory 
+  '''
+  ret = {'name': name,
+         'changes': {},
+         'result': True,
+         'comment': 'Successfully synced repositories: ' }
+  try:
+    result = __salt__['helm.update_repos'](helm_home=helm_home)
+    cmd_str = "\nExecuted command: %s" % result['cmd']
+    success_repos = re.findall(
+      r'Successfully got an update from the \"([^\"]+)\"', result['stdout'])
+    failed_repos = re.findall(
+      r'Unable to get an update from the \"([^\"]+)\"', result['stdout'])
+    if failed_repos and len(failed_repos) > 0:
+      ret['result'] = False
+      ret['changes']['succeeded'] = success_repos
+      ret['changes']['failed'] = failed_repos
+      ret['comment'] = 'Failed to sync against some repositories' + cmd_str
+    else:
+      ret['comment'] += "%s" % success_repos + cmd_str
+  except CommandExecutionError as e:
+    ret['name'] = e.cmd
+    ret['result'] = False
+    ret['comment'] = ("Failed to update repos: %s" % e.error + 
+                      "\nExecuted command: %s" % e.cmd)
+    return ret
+  return ret
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/helm/client.sls b/helm/client.sls
index e37151f..e33031f 100644
--- a/helm/client.sls
+++ b/helm/client.sls
@@ -1,232 +1,6 @@
-{%- from "helm/map.jinja" import client with context %}
-{%- if client.enabled %}
-{%- set helm_tmp = "/tmp/helm-" + client.version %}
-{%- set helm_bin = "/usr/bin/helm-" + client.version %}
-{%- set kubectl_bin = "/usr/bin/kubectl" %}
-{%- set kube_config = "/srv/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" %}
+# NOTE: For backward compatibility till 2.0 release client.sls
+#       This state file will be removed.
+  - .release_managed
-{%- if client.kubectl.config.gce_service_token %}
-{%- set gce_service_token = "/srv/helm/gce_token.json" %}
-{%- set gce_env_var = "- GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: \"{}\"".format(gce_service_token) %}
-{%- set gce_state_arg = "- gce_service_token: \"{}\"".format(gce_service_token) %}
-{%- set gce_require = "- file: \"{}\"".format(gce_service_token) %}
-{%- else %}
-{%- set gce_env_var = "" %}
-{%- set gce_state_arg = "" %}
-{%- set gce_require = "" %}
-{%- endif %}
-{%- set helm_home = "/srv/helm/home" %}
-{%- if %}
-{%- set helm_run = "helm --host '{}'".format( %}
-{%- set tiller_arg = "- tiller_host: \"{}\"".format( %}
-{%- else %}
-{%- set helm_run = "helm --tiller-namespace '{}'".format(client.tiller.namespace) %}
-{%- set tiller_arg = "- tiller_namespace: \"{}\"".format(client.tiller.namespace) %}
-{%- endif %}
-{{ helm_tmp }}:
-    - user: root
-    - group: root
-  archive.extracted:
-    - source: {{ client.download_url }}
-    - source_hash: {{ client.download_hash }}
-    - archive_format: tar
-    {%- if grains['saltversioninfo'] < [2016, 11] %}
-    - tar_options: v
-    {%- else %}
-    - options: v
-    {%- endif %}
-    - if_missing: {{ helm_tmp }}/linux-amd64/helm
-    - require:
-      - file: {{ helm_tmp }}
-{{ helm_bin }}:
-  file.managed:
-    - source: {{ helm_tmp }}/linux-amd64/helm
-    - mode: 555
-    - user: root
-    - group: root
-    - require:
-      - archive: {{ helm_tmp }}
-  file.symlink:
-    - target: helm-{{ client.version }}
-    - require:
-      - file: {{ helm_bin }}
-    - name: {{ helm_run }} init --client-only
-    - env:
-      - HELM_HOME: {{ helm_home }}
-    - unless: test -d {{ helm_home }}
-    - require:
-      - file: /usr/bin/helm
-{{ kube_config }}:
-  file.managed:
-    - source: salt://helm/files/kubeconfig.yaml.j2
-    - mode: 400
-    - user: root
-    - group: root
-    - template: jinja
-{%- if client.kubectl.config.gce_service_token %}
-{{ gce_service_token }}:
-  file.managed:
-    - source: salt://helm/files/gce_token.json.j2
-    - mode: 400
-    - user: root
-    - group: root
-    - template: jinja
-    - context:
-        content: {{ client.kubectl.config.gce_service_token }}
-{%- endif %}
-   environ.setenv:
-   - name: HELM_HOME
-   - value: {{ helm_home }}
-   - update_minion: True
-   environ.setenv:
-   - name: KUBECONFIG
-   - value: {{ kube_config }}
-   - update_minion: True
-   - require:
-     - environ: helm_env_home_param
-{%- if client.tiller.install %}
-    - name: {{ helm_run }} init --upgrade
-    - env:
-      - HELM_HOME: {{ helm_home }}
-      - KUBECONFIG: {{ kube_config }}
-      {{ gce_env_var }}
-    - unless: "{{ helm_run }} version --server --short | grep -E 'Server: v{{ client.version }}(\\+|$)'"
-    - require:
-      - cmd: prepare_client
-      - file: {{ kube_config }}
-      - environ: helm_env_kubeconfig_param
-      {{ gce_require }}
-    - name: while ! {{ helm_run }} list; do sleep 3; done
-    - timeout: 30
-    - env:
-      - HELM_HOME: {{ helm_home }}
-      - KUBECONFIG: {{ kube_config }}
-      {{ gce_env_var }}
-    - require:
-      - file: {{ kube_config }}
-      {{ gce_require }}
-    - onchanges:
-      - cmd: install_tiller
-{%- endif %}
-{%- for repo_name, repo_url in client.repos.items() %}
-ensure_{{ repo_name }}_repo:
-    - name: {{ helm_run }} repo add {{ repo_name }} {{ repo_url }}
-    - env:
-      - HELM_HOME: {{ helm_home }}
-    - unless: {{ helm_run }} repo list | grep '^{{ repo_name }}[[:space:]]{{ repo_url|replace(".", "\.") }}'
-    - require:
-      - cmd: prepare_client
-{%- endfor %}
-{%- set namespaces = [] %}
-{%- for release_id, release in client.releases.items() %}
-{%- set release_name = release.get('name', release_id) %}
-{%- set namespace = release.get('namespace', 'default') %}
-{%- if release.get('enabled', True) %}
-ensure_{{ release_id }}_release:
-  helm_release.present:
-    - name: {{ release_name }}
-    - chart_name: {{ release['chart'] }}
-    - namespace: {{ namespace }}
-    - kube_config: {{ kube_config }}
-    {{ tiller_arg }}
-    {{ gce_state_arg }}
-    {%- if release.get('version') %}
-    - version: {{ release['version'] }}
-    {%- endif %}
-    {%- if release.get('values') %}
-    - values:
-        {{ release['values']|yaml(False)|indent(8) }}
-    {%- endif %}
-    - require:
-{%- if client.tiller.install %}
-      - cmd: wait_for_tiller
-{%- endif %}
-      - cmd: ensure_{{ namespace }}_namespace
-      {{ gce_require }}
-    {%- do namespaces.append((namespace, None)) %}
-{%- else %}{# not release.enabled #}
-absent_{{ release_id }}_release:
-  helm_release.absent:
-    - name: {{ release_name }}
-    - namespace: {{ namespace }}
-    - kube_config: {{ kube_config }}
-    {{ tiller_arg }}
-    {{ gce_state_arg }}
-    - require:
-{%- if client.tiller.install %}
-      - cmd: wait_for_tiller
-{%- endif %}
-      {{ gce_require }}
-      - cmd: prepare_client
-{%- endif %}{# release.enabled #}
-{%- endfor %}{# release_id, release in client.releases #}
-{%- if client.kubectl.install %}
-  archive.extracted:
-    - name: {{ helm_tmp }}
-    - source: {{ client.kubectl.download_url }}
-    - source_hash: {{ client.kubectl.download_hash }}
-    - archive_format: tar
-    {%- if grains['saltversioninfo'] < [2016, 11] %}
-    - tar_options: v
-    {%- else %}
-    - options: v
-    {%- endif %}
-    - if_missing: {{ helm_tmp }}/{{ client.kubectl.tarball_path }}
-    - require:
-      - file: {{ helm_tmp }}
-{{ kubectl_bin }}:
-  file.managed:
-    - source: {{ helm_tmp }}/{{ client.kubectl.tarball_path }}
-    - mode: 555
-    - user: root
-    - group: root
-    - require:
-      - archive: extract_kubectl
-{%- endif %}{# client.kubectl.install #}
-{%- for namespace in dict(namespaces) %}
-ensure_{{ namespace }}_namespace:
-    - name: kubectl create namespace {{ namespace }}
-    - unless: kubectl get namespace {{ namespace }}
-    - env:
-      - KUBECONFIG: {{ kube_config }}
-      {{ gce_env_var }}
-    - require:
-      - file: {{ kube_config }}
-      - environ: helm_env_kubeconfig_param
-      {{ gce_require }}
-    {%- if client.kubectl.install %}
-      - file: {{ kubectl_bin }}
-    {%- endif %}
-{%- endfor %}
-{%- endif %}
diff --git a/helm/client_installed.sls b/helm/client_installed.sls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9f7710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helm/client_installed.sls
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+{%- from slspath + "/map.jinja" import config, constants with context %}
+  - .kubectl_installed
+{%- set binary_source = "" + 
+                        config.version + "-" + config.flavor + ".tar.gz" %}
+{%- set binary_source = config.get(
+      "download_url", 
+      "" +
+      "/helm-v" + config.version + "-" + config.flavor + ".tar.gz"
+    ) %}
+{{ constants.helm.tmp }}:
+    - user: root
+    - group: root
+  archive.extracted:
+    - source: {{ binary_source }}
+    - source_hash: {{ config.download_hash }}
+    - archive_format: tar
+    {%- if grains['saltversioninfo'] < [2016, 11] %}
+    - tar_options: v
+    {%- else %}
+    - options: v
+    {%- endif %}
+    - onlyif:
+        - test "{{ config.version }}" -eq "canary" || test ! -e {{ constants.helm.tmp }}/{{ config.flavor }}/helm
+    - require:
+      - file: {{ constants.helm.tmp }}
+{{ config.bin }}:
+  file.copy:
+    - source: {{ constants.helm.tmp }}/{{ config.flavor }}/helm
+    - mode: 555
+    - user: root
+    - group: root
+    - force: true
+    - require:
+      - archive: {{ constants.helm.tmp }}
+    - unless: cmp -s {{ config.bin }} {{ constants.helm.tmp }}/{{ config.flavor }}/helm
+    - name: {{ constants.helm.cmd }} init --client-only --home {{ config.helm_home }}
+    - unless: test -d {{ config.helm_home }}
+    - require:
+      - file: {{ config.bin }}
diff --git a/helm/files/kubeconfig.yaml.j2 b/helm/files/kubeconfig.yaml.j2
index 753362b..1e330ad 100644
--- a/helm/files/kubeconfig.yaml.j2
+++ b/helm/files/kubeconfig.yaml.j2
@@ -1,19 +1,40 @@
 {%- from "helm/map.jinja" import client with context %}
 {%- set config = client.kubectl.config %}
+{%- set cluster = config.get("cluster", None) %}
+{%- set cluster_name = config.get("cluster_name", "thecluster") %}
+{%- set user_name = config.get("user_name", "theuser") %}
+{%- set context_name = config.get('context_name', "\"\"") %}
+{%- set context = config.get("context", None) %}
+{%- set user = config.get("user", None) %}
 apiVersion: v1
-- cluster:
-    {{ config.cluster|yaml|indent(4) }}
-  name: thecluster
-- context:
-    cluster: thecluster
-    user: theuser
-  name: thecontext
-current-context: thecontext
+{%- if cluster is not none %}
+  - name: {{ cluster_name }}
+    cluster: 
+      {{ cluster | yaml(False) |indent(6) }}
+{%- else %}
+clusters: []
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if context is not none %}
+  - name: {{ context_name }}
+    context: 
+      cluster: {{ cluster_name }}
+      user: {{ user_name }}
+{%- else %}
+contexts: []
+{%- endif %}
+current-context: {{ context_name }}
 kind: Config
 preferences: {}
-- name: theuser
-  user:
-    {{ config.user|yaml|indent(4) }}
+{%- if user is not none %}
+  - name: {{ user_name }}
+    {{ config.get("user", "") | yaml(false) | indent(4) }}
+{%- else %}
+users: []
+{%- endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/helm/init.sls b/helm/init.sls
index 28c9200..8bf21e6 100644
--- a/helm/init.sls
+++ b/helm/init.sls
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 {%- if pillar.helm is defined %}
-{%- if pillar.helm.client is defined %}
-- helm.client
-{%- endif %}
+  - .releases_managed
 {%- endif %}
diff --git a/helm/kubectl_configured.sls b/helm/kubectl_configured.sls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7b9fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helm/kubectl_configured.sls
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+{%- from slspath + "/map.jinja" import config, constants with context %}
+  - .kubectl_installed
+{{ config.kubectl.config_file }}:
+  file.managed:
+    - source: salt://helm/files/kubeconfig.yaml.j2
+    - mode: 400
+    - user: root
+    - group: root
+    - makedirs: true
+    - template: jinja
+    {%- if config.kubectl.install %}
+    - require:
+        - sls: {{ slspath }}.kubectl_installed
+    {%- endif %}
+{%- if config.kubectl.config.gce_service_token %}
+{{ constants.kubectl.gce_service_token_path }}:
+  file.managed:
+    - source: salt://helm/files/gce_token.json.j2
+    - mode: 400
+    - user: root
+    - group: root
+    - makedirs: true
+    - template: jinja
+    - context:
+        content: {{ config.kubectl.config.gce_service_token }}
+    {%- if config.kubectl.install %}
+    - require:
+        - sls: {{ slspath }}.kubectl_installed
+    {%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}{# gce_service_token #}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/helm/kubectl_installed.sls b/helm/kubectl_installed.sls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64fe8e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helm/kubectl_installed.sls
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{%- from slspath + "/map.jinja" import config, constants with context %}
+{%- set extraction_path = constants.helm.tmp + 
+                          "/kubectl/v" + config.kubectl.version %}
+{%- set extracted_binary_path = extraction_path +
+                                "/kubernetes/client/bin/kubectl" %}
+{%- set binary_source = config.kubectl.get(
+      "download_url", 
+      "" + config.kubectl.version + 
+      "/kubernetes-client-" + config.flavor + ".tar.gz"
+    ) %}
+{%- if config.kubectl.install %}
+  archive.extracted:
+    - name: {{ extraction_path }}
+    - source: {{ binary_source }}
+    - source_hash: {{ config.kubectl.download_hash }}
+    - archive_format: tar
+    {%- if grains['saltversioninfo'] < [2016, 11] %}
+    - tar_options: v
+    {%- else %}
+    - options: v
+    {%- endif %}
+    - onlyif:
+          - test ! -e {{ extracted_binary_path }}
+{{ config.kubectl.bin }}:
+  file.managed:
+    - source: {{ extracted_binary_path }}
+    - mode: 555
+    - user: root
+    - group: root
+    - require:
+      - archive: extract_kubectl
+    - unless: cmp -s {{ config.kubectl.bin }} {{ extracted_binary_path }}
+{%- endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/helm/map.jinja b/helm/map.jinja
index 5aa27e2..82087aa 100644
--- a/helm/map.jinja
+++ b/helm/map.jinja
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 {%- set source_engine = salt['pillar.get']('helm:client:source:engine') %}
 {%- load_yaml as base_defaults %}
@@ -26,4 +25,66 @@
 {%- endif %}
 {%- endload %}
-{%- set client = salt['grains.filter_by'](base_defaults, merge=salt['pillar.get']('helm:client')) %}
\ No newline at end of file
+{%- load_yaml as base_config %}
+  client:
+    version: 2.6.2
+    flavor: linux-amd64
+    download_hash: sha256=ba807d6017b612a0c63c093a954c7d63918d3e324bdba335d67b7948439dbca8
+    bin: /usr/bin/helm
+    helm_home: /srv/helm/home
+    values_dir: /srv/helm/values
+    tiller:
+      install: true
+      namespace: kube-system
+    kubectl:
+      install: false
+      version: 1.6.7
+      download_hash: sha256=54947ef84181e89f9dbacedd54717cbed5cc7f9c36cb37bc8afc9097648e2c91
+      bin: /usr/bin/kubectl
+      config_file: /srv/helm/kubeconfig.yaml
+      config:
+        gce_service_token:
+{%- endload %}
+{%- set config = salt['pillar.get']('helm:client', base_config.helm.client, merge=true) %}
+{%- set client = salt['grains.filter_by'](base_defaults, merge=config) %}
+{%- set constants = {
+    "helm": {
+      "tmp": "/tmp/helm-v" + config.version,
+      "cmd": config.bin + " --home '{}' --tiller-namespace '{}'".format(
+          config.helm_home,
+          config.tiller.namespace
+      ),
+      "tiller_arg": "- tiller_namespace: \"{}\"".format(config.tiller.namespace),
+      "gce_state_arg": "",
+    },
+    "tiller": {
+      "gce_env_var": "",
+    },
+    "kubectl": {
+      "gce_service_token_path": "/srv/helm/gce_token.json",
+    }
+  } 
+{%- if "host" in config.tiller %}
+  {%- do constants.helm.update({
+       "cmd": config.bin + " --host '{}'".format(,
+       "tiller_arg": "- tiller_host: \"{}\"".format(
+     })
+  %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if config.kubectl.config.gce_service_token %}
+  {%- do constants.helm.update({
+         "gce_state_arg": "- gce_service_token: \"{}\"".format(constants.kubectl.gce_service_token_path),
+      })
+  %}
+  {%- do constants.tiller.update({
+         "gce_env_var": "- GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: \"{}\"".format(constants.kubectl.gce_service_token_path)
+      })
+  %}
+{%- endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/helm/releases_managed.sls b/helm/releases_managed.sls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0a84a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helm/releases_managed.sls
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+{%- from slspath + "/map.jinja" import config, constants with context %}
+  - .client_installed
+  - .tiller_installed
+  - .kubectl_configured
+  - .repos_managed
+{%- if "releases" in config %}
+{%- for release_id, release in config.releases.items() %}
+{%- set release_name = release.get('name', release_id) %}
+{%- set namespace = release.get('namespace', 'default') %}
+{%- set values_file = config.values_dir + "/" + release_name + ".yaml" %}
+{%- if release.get('enabled', True) %}
+{%- if release.get("values") %}
+{{ values_file }}:
+  file.managed:
+    - makedirs: True
+    - contents: |
+        {{ release['values'] | yaml(false) | indent(8) }}
+{%- else %}
+{{ values_file }}:
+  file.absent
+{%- endif %}
+ensure_{{ release_id }}_release:
+  helm_release.present:
+    - name: {{ release_name }}
+    - chart_name: {{ release['chart'] }}
+    - namespace: {{ namespace }}
+    - kube_config: {{ config.kubectl.config_file }}
+    - helm_home: {{ config.helm_home }}
+    {{ constants.helm.tiller_arg }}
+    {{ constants.helm.gce_state_arg }}
+    {%- if release.get('version') %}
+    - version: {{ release['version'] }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if release.get("values") %}
+    - values_file: {{ values_file }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    - require:
+      {%- if config.tiller.install %}
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.tiller_installed
+      {%- endif %}
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.client_installed
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.kubectl_configured
+      # 
+      # note: intentionally don't fail if one or more repos fail to synchronize,
+      # since there should be a local repo cache anyways.
+      # 
+{%- else %}{# not release.enabled #}
+{%- if release.get("values") %}
+{{ values_file }}:
+  file.absent
+{%- endif %}
+absent_{{ release_id }}_release:
+  helm_release.absent:
+    - name: {{ release_name }}
+    - namespace: {{ namespace }}
+    - kube_config: {{ config.kubectl.config_file }}
+    - helm_home: {{ config.helm_home }}
+    {{ constants.helm.tiller_arg }}
+    {{ constants.helm.gce_state_arg }}
+    - require:
+      {%- if config.tiller.install %}
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.tiller_installed
+      {%- endif %}
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.client_installed
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.kubectl_configured
+      # 
+      # note: intentionally don't fail if one or more repos fail to synchronize,
+      # since there should be a local repo cache anyways.
+      # 
+{%- endif %}{# release.enabled #}
+{%- endfor %}{# release_id, release in client.releases #}
+{%- endif %}{# "releases" in client #}
diff --git a/helm/repos_managed.sls b/helm/repos_managed.sls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cee1d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helm/repos_managed.sls
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+{%- from slspath + "/map.jinja" import config, constants with context %}
+  - .client_installed
+{%- if "repos" in config %}
+  helm_repos.managed:
+    - present: 
+        {{ config.repos | yaml(false) | indent(8) }}
+    - exclusive: true
+    - helm_home: {{ config.helm_home }}
+    - require:
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.client_installed
+{%- endif %}
+  helm_repos.updated:
+    - helm_home: {{ config.helm_home }}
+    - require:
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.client_installed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/helm/tiller_installed.sls b/helm/tiller_installed.sls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9c7f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helm/tiller_installed.sls
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+{%- from slspath + "/map.jinja" import config, constants with context %}
+  - .client_installed
+  - .kubectl_configured
+{%- if config.tiller.install %}
+    - name: {{ constants.helm.cmd }} init --upgrade
+    - env:
+      - KUBECONFIG: {{ config.kubectl.config_file }}
+      {{ constants.tiller.gce_env_var }}
+    - unless: "{{ constants.helm.cmd }} version --server --short | grep -E 'Server: v{{ config.version }}(\\+|$)'"
+    - require:
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.client_installed
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.kubectl_configured
+    - name: while ! {{ constants.helm.cmd }} list; do sleep 3; done
+    - timeout: 30
+    - env:
+      - KUBECONFIG: {{ config.kubectl.config_file }}
+      {{ constants.tiller.gce_env_var }}
+    - require:
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.client_installed
+      - sls: {{ slspath }}.kubectl_configured
+    - onchanges:
+      - cmd: install_tiller
+{%- endif %}
diff --git a/metadata/service/client.yml b/metadata/service/client.yml
index ccd42f7..b807be4 100644
--- a/metadata/service/client.yml
+++ b/metadata/service/client.yml
@@ -5,22 +5,204 @@
-      enabled: true
+      #
+      # The version of the Helm client to install
+      #
       version: 2.4.2
-      download_url:${helm:client:version}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
+      #
+      # The hash for the helm client binary. You must calculate the hash for the
+      # version and flavor of the binary you install (per the helm:client:flavor 
+      # configuration value)
+      # Defaults to the SHA 256 hash for the helm-v2.6.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz binary
+      # 
+      # The binary is downloaded from:
+      # 
+      #[[ client.version ]]-[[ client.flavor ]].tar.gz
+      # 
+      # Here is an example command you can use to calculate the sha256 hash for 
+      # the binary:
+      # 
+      # ```
+      # shasum -a 256 /path/to/helm-v[[ client.version ]]-linux.amd64.tar.gz
+      # ```
+      # 
       download_hash: sha256=96f74ff04ec7eb38e5f53aba73132bfe4d6b81168f20574dad25a9bcaceec81b
+      #
+      # Optional alternative download URL from which to retrieve the tarred
+      # Helm binary. If specified, this URL will be used instead of the url
+      # computed from the configured helm:client:flavor and helm:client:version
+      # keys.
+      #
+      # download_url:
+      #
+      # The flavor of the helm or kubectl binary to install, as informed by the
+      # target minion's OS. For available flavor names, peruse the listing of
+      # Helm binaries exposed at:
+      # 
+      #
+      #   
+      # Defaults to linux-amd64
+      #
+      # flavor: linux-amd64
+      #
+      # The path to which the Helm binary should be installed. Defaults to 
+      # /usr/bin/helm
+      #
+      # bin: /usr/bin/helm
+      #
+      # The path this formula should use as helm home. Defaults to /srv/helm/home;
+      # it is recommended to set this to /root/.helm if users will be calling 
+      # helm from the command line directly on the target minion
+      #
+      # helm_home: /srv/helm/home
+      #
+      # The path where this formula places configuration values files on the
+      # target minion. Defaults to /srv/helm/values
+      #
+      # values_dir: /srv/helm/values
+      #
+      # Configurations to manage the cluster's Tiller installation
+      #
+        #
+        # Whether Tiller should be deployed to the kubernetes cluster as part of
+        # this formaul. Defaults to true.
+        #
         install: true
-        namespace: kube-system
-        host:
+        #
+        # The namespace to which Tiller should be installed (only used if 
+        # `helm:client:tiller:install` is set to true).
+        # Defaults to `kube-system`
+        #
+        naamespace: kube-system
+        #
+        # The host IP or name and port for an existing tiller installation that
+        # should be used by the Helm client. Defaults to Helm's default if
+        # unspecified.
+        #
+        # host:
+      #
+      # Configurations defined to manage the target minion's kubectl installation
+      #
+        #
+        # Whether kubectl should be installed as part of this formula. 
+        # Defaults to false
+        #
         install: false
-        download_url:
+        #
+        # The hash for the kubectl binary version to install. You must calculate 
+        # the hash for the version and flavor of the binary you install (per the
+        # helm:client:flavor configuration value)
+        # 
+        # 
+        # The binary is downloaded from:
+        # 
+        #[[ client.kubectl.version ]]/kubernetes-client-[[ client.flavor ]].tar.gz
+        # 
+        # 
+        # Defaults to the SHA 256 hash for the Linux distribution of version 1.6.7
+        # 
+        # Here is an example command you can use to calculate the sha256 hash for 
+        # the binary:
+        # 
+        # ```
+        # shasum -a 256 /path/to/kubernetes-client-[[ client.flavor ]].tar.gz
+        # ```
+        # 
         download_hash: sha256=54947ef84181e89f9dbacedd54717cbed5cc7f9c36cb37bc8afc9097648e2c91
-        tarball_path: kubernetes/client/bin/kubectl
+        #
+        # The version of the kubectl binary to install.
+        # Defaults to 1.6.7
+        #
+        # version: 1.6.7
+        #
+        # Optional alternative download URL from which to retrieve the tarred
+        # kubectl binary. If specified, this URL will be used instead of the url
+        # computed from the configured helm:client:flavor and 
+        # helm:client:kubectl:version keys.
+        #
+        # download_url:
+        #
+        # The path to which the kubectl binary should be installed. Defaults to 
+        # /usr/bin/kubectl
+        #
+        # bin: /usr/bin/kubectl
+        #
+        # Configuration parameters that should be applied to the kubectl 
+        # installation's kubeconfig. Not that this will only be applied to the 
+        # kubectl installation managed by this formula.
+        # 
+        # While the kubectl tool can be configured to connect to multiple 
+        # clusters and allow switching between cluster contexts, this kubectl
+        # configuration managed by this formula will only be configured with
+        # the cluster context details used by this formula.
+        #
-          cluster: {}
+          cluster:
+            cluster_name: kube-cluster
+            user_name: kube-user
           user: {}
+      #
+      # The mapping of repository names to urls that should be registered and
+      # kept up-to-date with the helm client
+      #
       repos: {}
+        # mirantisworkloads:
+        # incubator:
+      #
+      # The listing of releases that should be managed by the formula. Note that
+      # if configured, the releases listed under this `helm:client:releases` key
+      # will be used as an authoritative, exclusive listing of the releases that
+      # should be configured and deployed to the Tiller installation; any 
+      # release existing in the tiller cluster that is not configured here 
+      # **will be deleted**
+      #
       releases: {}
+        # zoo1:
+          #
+          # The name of the release
+          #
+          # name: my-zookeeper
+          #
+          # The repository name and chart name combination for the chart to
+          # release
+          #
+          # chart: mirantisworkloads/zookeeper
+          #
+          # The version of the helm chart to install
+          #
+          # version: 1.2.0 
+          #
+          # The namespace to which the release should be deployed
+          #
+          # namespace: helm-example-namespace
+          # 
+          # Configuration values that should be supplied to the chart.
+          #
+          # values:
+          #   logLevel: INFO
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/pillar/single.sls b/tests/pillar/single.sls
index e8f824c..d2ae52c 100644
--- a/tests/pillar/single.sls
+++ b/tests/pillar/single.sls
@@ -2,18 +2,11 @@
     enabled: true
     version: 2.6.0
-    download_url:
     download_hash: sha256=506e477a9eb61730a2fb1af035357d35f9581a4ffbc093b59e2c2af7ea3beb41
-    bind:
-      address:
       install: false
-      install: true  # installs kubectl 1.6.7 by default
-      download_url:
-      download_hash: sha256=54947ef84181e89f9dbacedd54717cbed5cc7f9c36cb37bc8afc9097648e2c91
-      tarball_path: kubernetes/client/bin/kubectl
         cluster:  # directly translated to cluster definition in kubeconfig