Add user guide
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diff --git a/doc/source/guide.rst b/doc/source/guide.rst
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index 0000000..a5d5de5
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+++ b/doc/source/guide.rst
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+User guide
+.. highlight:: yaml
+Our formula is already being installed from `system level <>`_
+so if you have ``system.salt.master.pkg`` or ``system.salt.master.git`` class
+on your config node, you don't need to do anything.
+Using class from system level
+You can use ``system.salt.master.formula.pkg.helm`` `class <>`_
+to install from packages or include following to some part of config node
+ parameters:
+ salt:
+ master:
+ environment:
+ prd:
+ formula:
+ helm:
+ source: pkg
+ name: salt-formula-helm
+If you want to isntall from Git repo, you can use ``system.salt.master.formula.git.helm`` `class <>`_
+or following snippet::
+ parameters:
+ salt:
+ master:
+ environment:
+ prd:
+ formula:
+ helm:
+ source: git
+ address: '${_param:salt_master_environment_repository}/salt-formula-helm.git'
+ revision: ${_param:salt_master_environment_revision}
+ module:
+ enabled: true
+ state:
+ enabled: true
+Using apt
+You can also just install using ``apt`` from our repo at `<>`_:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ apt install salt-formula-helm
+Basic usage
+The most simple way to use this formula is to include ``service.helm.client``
+class or one derived from it to one of your Kubernetes controllers. Following
+our cookiecutter model structure, if you create file at ``classes/cluster/<cluster name>/kubernetes/helm.yml``
+with following contents (we'll use this file throughout this guide)::
+ classes:
+ - service.helm.client
+and then add it to one of kubernetes controllers by adding to ``reclass:storage:node``
+section of ``classes/cluster/<cluster name>/infra/config.yml`` file::
+ kubernetes_control_node01:
+ - cluster.${_param:cluster_name}.kubernetes.helm
+And then run ``reclass`` state and ``refresh_pillar`` method:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ salt -I 'salt:master' state.sls reclass
+ salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar
+Now you can address this node via ``helm:client`` pillar value:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ salt -I 'helm:client' state.sls helm
+After you run this, the state will install ``helm`` binary on selected node and
+deploy Tiller on Kubernetes cluster.
+Release creation
+To create some release, you should add its description to
+``helm:client:releases`` section of the model::
+ classes:
+ - service.helm.client
+ parameters:
+ helm:
+ client:
+ releases:
+ my-first-sql: # This name is used by default as release name
+ name: the-mysql # But can be overriden here
+ chart: stable/mysql # This chart exists in default helm repo
+After this if you run ``helm`` state
+.. code-block:: bash
+ salt -I 'helm:client' state.sls helm
+``the-mysql`` release will be created in Tiller in ``default`` namespace.
+Using Mirantis chart repository
+To use charts from Mirantis chart repository you must describe it in model and
+use it in ``chart``::
+ helm:
+ client:
+ repos:
+ mirantisworkloads:
+ releases:
+ zoo1:
+ name: my-zookeeper
+ chart: mirantisworkloads/zookeeper # we reference installed repo
+This pillar will install latest version of Zookeeper chart from Mirantis
+Release customizations
+You can change namespace where the release is created, version of chart to use
+and specify any values to pass to the chart::
+ releases:
+ zoo1:
+ chart: mirantisworkloads/zookeeper
+ namespace: different-ns # Namespace will be created if absent
+ version: 1.2.0 # select any available version
+ values:
+ logLevel: INFO # any values used by chart can specified here
+Note that after initial deployment, you can change these values (except
+namespace) if chart supports it.
+.. note::
+ In Kubernetes versions up to 1.6 statefulsets cannot be upgraded, so you
+ cannot change version of chart that creates statefulset, like our Zookeeper
+ chart.
+Release deletion
+To ensure that release is absent, you should set its ``enable`` parameter to
+ releases:
+ zoo1:
+ name: my-zookeeper # Note that releases are identified in Tiller by name
+ # so you must leave custom name if you've specified
+ # one.
+ enabled: false
+After this model is applied, ``my-zookeeper`` release will be deleted.
+Running on remote Kubernetes
+Up to this point we assumed that Helm formula is applied to controller node of
+existing Kubernetes cluster with already installed and configured ``kubectl``.
+If you want to use it with some remote Kubernetes or on any different node
+(e.g. Salt Master node), you'll need to install and configure ``kubectl`` on
+For example, to run it on our cluster, you should add ``cluster.<cluster name>.kubernetes.helm``
+class to config node in ``nodes/<your config node fqdn>.yml``, and then modify
+``classes/cluster/<cluster name>/kubernetes/helm.yml``::
+ helm:
+ client:
+ kubectl:
+ install: true
+ config:
+ user:
+ username: ${_param:kubernetes_admin_user}
+ password: ${_param:kubernetes_admin_password}
+ cluster:
+ server: https://${_param:kubernetes_control_address}
+ certificate_authority: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-salt_master_ca.crt
+Note that we're using parameters that are already specified in ``cluster.<cluster name>.kubernetes``
+class for simplicity. We are also using path to CA certificate specifit to
+config node. If you don't have such file, you'll have to specify base64
+representation of certificate file in ``certificate_authority_data``.
+Now if we apply state ``helm`` to our config node, both ``helm`` and ``kubectl``
+binaries will be installed and ``kubectl`` config will be created in