Copy Lua tests from fuel-plugin-lma-collector
diff --git a/tests/lua/test_patterns.lua b/tests/lua/test_patterns.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86d9507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lua/test_patterns.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+-- Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+package.path = package.path .. ";../heka/files/lua/common/?.lua;lua/mocks/?.lua"
+local patt = require('patterns')
+local l = require('lpeg')
+TestPatterns = {}
+    function TestPatterns:test_Uuid()
+        assertEquals(patt.Uuid:match('be6876f2-c1e6-42ea-ad95-792a5500f0fa'),
+                                     'be6876f2-c1e6-42ea-ad95-792a5500f0fa')
+        assertEquals(patt.Uuid:match('be6876f2c1e642eaad95792a5500f0fa'),
+                                     'be6876f2-c1e6-42ea-ad95-792a5500f0fa')
+        assertEquals(patt.Uuid:match('ze6876f2c1e642eaad95792a5500f0fa'),
+                                     nil)
+        assertEquals(patt.Uuid:match('be6876f2-c1e642eaad95792a5500f0fa'),
+                                     nil)
+    end
+    function TestPatterns:test_Timestamp()
+        -- note that Timestamp:match() returns the number of nanosecs since the
+        -- Epoch in the local timezone
+        local_epoch = os.time("!*t",0)) * 1e9
+        assertEquals(patt.Timestamp:match('1970-01-01 00:00:01+00:00'),
+                                          local_epoch + 1e9)
+        assertEquals(patt.Timestamp:match('1970-01-01 00:00:02'),
+                                          local_epoch + 2e9)
+        assertEquals(patt.Timestamp:match('1970-01-01 00:00:03'),
+                                          local_epoch + 3e9)
+        assertEquals(patt.Timestamp:match('1970-01-01T00:00:04-00:00'),
+                                          local_epoch + 4e9)
+        assertEquals(patt.Timestamp:match('1970-01-01 01:00:05+01:00'),
+                                          local_epoch + 5e9)
+        assertEquals(patt.Timestamp:match('1970-01-01 00:00:00.123456+00:00'),
+                                          local_epoch + 0.123456 * 1e9)
+        assertEquals(patt.Timestamp:match('1970-01-01 00:01'),
+                                          nil)
+    end
+    function TestPatterns:test_programname()
+        assertEquals(l.C(patt.programname):match('nova-api'), 'nova-api')
+        assertEquals(l.C(patt.programname):match('nova-api foo'), 'nova-api')
+    end
+    function TestPatterns:test_anywhere()
+        assertEquals(patt.anywhere(l.C(patt.dash)):match(' - '), '-')
+        assertEquals(patt.anywhere(patt.dash):match(' . '), nil)
+    end
+    function TestPatterns:test_openstack()
+        local_epoch = os.time("!*t",0)) * 1e9
+        assertEquals(patt.openstack:match(
+            '1970-01-01 00:00:02 3434 INFO oslo_service.periodic_task [-] Blabla...'),
+            {Timestamp = local_epoch + 2e9, Pid = '3434', SeverityLabel = 'INFO',
+             PythonModule = 'oslo_service.periodic_task', Message = '[-] Blabla...'})
+    end
+    function TestPatterns:test_openstack_request_context()
+        assertEquals(patt.openstack_request_context:match('[-]'), nil)
+        assertEquals(patt.openstack_request_context:match(
+            "[req-4db318af-54c9-466d-b365-fe17fe4adeed - - - - -]"),
+            {RequestId = '4db318af-54c9-466d-b365-fe17fe4adeed'})
+        assertEquals(patt.openstack_request_context:match(
+            "[req-4db318af-54c9-466d-b365-fe17fe4adeed 8206d40abcc3452d8a9c1ea629b4a8d0 112245730b1f4858ab62e3673e1ee9e2 - - -]"),
+            {RequestId = '4db318af-54c9-466d-b365-fe17fe4adeed',
+             UserId = '8206d40a-bcc3-452d-8a9c-1ea629b4a8d0',
+             TenantId = '11224573-0b1f-4858-ab62-e3673e1ee9e2'})
+    end
+    function TestPatterns:test_openstack_http()
+        assertEquals(patt.openstack_http:match(
+            '"OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 497 time: 0.0006731'),
+            {http_method = 'OPTIONS', http_url = '/', http_version = '1.0',
+             http_status = '200', http_response_size = 497,
+             http_response_time = 0.0006731})
+        assertEquals(patt.openstack_http:match(
+            'foo "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 497 time: 0.0006731 bar'),
+            {http_method = 'OPTIONS', http_url = '/', http_version = '1.0',
+             http_status = '200', http_response_size = 497,
+             http_response_time = 0.0006731})
+    end
+    function TestPatterns:test_openstack_http_with_extra_space()
+        assertEquals(patt.openstack_http:match(
+            '"OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200  len: 497 time: 0.0006731'),
+            {http_method = 'OPTIONS', http_url = '/', http_version = '1.0',
+             http_status = '200', http_response_size = 497,
+             http_response_time = 0.0006731})
+        assertEquals(patt.openstack_http:match(
+            'foo "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200  len: 497 time: 0.0006731 bar'),
+            {http_method = 'OPTIONS', http_url = '/', http_version = '1.0',
+             http_status = '200', http_response_size = 497,
+             http_response_time = 0.0006731})
+    end
+    function TestPatterns:test_ip_address()
+        assertEquals(patt.ip_address:match(''),
+            {ip_address = ''})
+        assertEquals(patt.ip_address:match('foo bar'),
+            {ip_address = ''})
+        assertEquals(patt.ip_address:match('192.1688.1.2'), nil)
+    end
+lu = LuaUnit
+lu:setVerbosity( 1 )
+os.exit( lu:run() )