Add Lua filter to get metrics from auth messages

This filter sends the following multi-value metrics every minute:

- authentications_total, these counters reset to zero when the filter
  is restarted
  - all: the total number of authentications
  - success: the total number of successful authentications
  - failed: the total number of failed authentications
- authentications_rate
  - all: authentications per second in the last minute
  - success: successful authentications per second in the last minute
  - failed: failed authentications per second in the last minute
- authentications_percent
  - success: percentage of successful authentications in the last minute
  - failed: percentage of failed authentications in the last minute

Change-Id: Ia54ff110512e249d70d6568a4633da42748d45f5
diff --git a/heka/files/lua/filters/authentications.lua b/heka/files/lua/filters/authentications.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2eba0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/heka/files/lua/filters/authentications.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+-- Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+require 'os'
+local utils = require 'lma_utils'
+local hostname = read_config('hostname') or error('hostname must be specified')
+-- The filter can receive messages that should be discarded because they are
+-- way too old (Heka cannot guarantee that messages are processed in real-time).
+-- The 'grace_interval' parameter allows to define which messages should be
+-- kept and which should be discarded. For instance, a value of '10' means that
+-- the filter will take into account messages that are at most 10 seconds
+-- older than the current time.
+local grace_interval = (read_config('grace_interval') or 0) + 0
+local metric_logger = read_config('logger')
+local metric_source = read_config('source')
+local msg = {
+    Type = "multivalue_metric", -- will be prefixed by "heka.sandbox."
+    Hostname = hostname,
+    Severity = 6,
+    Logger = read_config('logger') or error('logger must be specified')
+local global_counters = {
+    total=0,
+    failed=0,
+    success=0,
+local ticker_counters = {
+    total=0,
+    failed=0,
+    success=0,
+local last_timer_event = os.time() * 1e9
+function process_message ()
+    if utils.convert_to_sec(read_message('Timestamp')) + grace_interval < utils.convert_to_sec(last_timer_event) then
+        -- skip the the message if it doesn't fall into the current interval
+        return 0
+    end
+    local auth_success
+    if read_message('Type') == 'audit' and read_message('Fields[action]') == 'authenticate' then
+        auth_success = (read_message('Fields[outcome]') == 'success')
+    else
+        return 0
+    end
+ = + 1
+ = + 1
+    if auth_success then
+        global_counters.success = global_counters.success + 1
+        ticker_counters.success = ticker_counters.success + 1
+    else
+        global_counters.failed = global_counters.failed + 1
+        ticker_counters.failed = ticker_counters.failed + 1
+    end
+    return 0
+function timer_event(ns)
+    msg.Timestamp = ns
+    msg.Fields = {
+        name = 'authentications_total',
+        value_fields = {'all', 'success', 'failed'},
+        source = metric_source,
+        type = utils.metric_type['COUNTER'],
+    }
+    utils.inject_tags(msg)
+    -- send the counters
+    msg.Fields.all =
+    msg.Fields.success = global_counters.success
+    msg.Fields.failed = global_counters.failed
+    utils.safe_inject_message(msg)
+    -- send the rates
+ = 'authentications_rate'
+    msg.Fields.type = utils.metric_type['DERIVE']
+    local delta_sec = (ns - last_timer_event) / 1e9
+    msg.Fields.all = / delta_sec
+    msg.Fields.success = ticker_counters.success / delta_sec
+    msg.Fields.failed = ticker_counters.failed / delta_sec
+    utils.safe_inject_message(msg)
+    -- send the percentages
+    if > 0 then
+ = 'authentications_percent'
+        msg.Fields.type = utils.metric_type['GAUGE']
+        msg.Fields.value_fields = {'success', 'failed'}
+        msg.Fields.all = nil
+        msg.Fields.success = 100.0 * ticker_counters.success /
+        msg.Fields.failed = 100.0 * ticker_counters.failed /
+        utils.safe_inject_message(msg)
+    end
+    -- reset the variables
+    ticker_counters = {
+        total=0,
+        failed=0,
+        success=0,
+    }
+    last_timer_event = ns
+    return 0
diff --git a/heka/meta/heka.yml b/heka/meta/heka.yml
index 3cd50d8..ba8fedd 100644
--- a/heka/meta/heka.yml
+++ b/heka/meta/heka.yml
@@ -226,6 +226,17 @@
       module_dir: /usr/share/lma_collector/common;/usr/share/heka/lua_modules
       preserve_data: false
       message_matcher: "Type == 'notification' && Fields[event_type] =~ /create.end$/"
+    authentication:
+      engine: sandbox
+      module_file: /usr/share/lma_collector/filters/authentications.lua
+      module_dir: /usr/share/lma_collector/common;/usr/share/heka/lua_modules
+      message_matcher: "Type == 'audit' &&  Fields[action] == 'authenticate'"
+      ticker_interval: 60
+      config:
+        hostname: '{{ }}'
+        grace_interval: 30
+        logger: authentication_filter
+        source: remote_collector
   {%- endif %}
 {%- endif %}
 {%- if remote_collector.influxdb_host is defined or remote_collector.elasticsearch_host is defined %}