Add alarms and alarm clusters

Change-Id: I5239286ac85c7ee5c2b96b564b45ceb9436b1822
diff --git a/heat/meta/heka.yml b/heat/meta/heka.yml
index d861a58..e5c2c8a 100644
--- a/heat/meta/heka.yml
+++ b/heat/meta/heka.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{%- if pillar.heat is defined and pillar.heat.server is defined %}
@@ -18,3 +19,159 @@
       priority: ["^Seq"]
       decoder: "heat_decoder"
       splitter: "heat_splitter"
+  trigger:
+    heat_logs_error:
+      description: 'Too many errors have been detected in Heat logs'
+      severity: warning
+      no_data_policy: okay
+      rules:
+      - metric: log_messages
+        field:
+          service: heat
+          level: error
+        relational_operator: '>'
+        threshold: 0.1
+        window: 70
+        periods: 0
+        function: max
+    heat_api_local_endpoint:
+      description: 'Heat API is locally down'
+      severity: down
+      rules:
+      - metric: openstack_check_local_api
+        field:
+          service: heat-api
+        relational_operator: '=='
+        threshold: 0
+        window: 60
+        periods: 0
+        function: last
+    heat_cfn_api_local_endpoint:
+      description: 'Heat CFN API is locally down'
+      severity: down
+      rules:
+      - metric: openstack_check_local_api
+        field:
+          service: heat-cfn-api
+        relational_operator: '=='
+        threshold: 0
+        window: 60
+        periods: 0
+        function: last
+  alarm:
+    heat_logs:
+      alerting: enabled
+      triggers:
+      - heat_logs_error
+      dimension:
+        service: heat-logs
+    heat_api_endpoint:
+      alerting: enabled
+      triggers:
+      - heat_api_local_endpoint
+      dimension:
+        service: heat-api-endpoint
+    heat_cfn_api_endpoint:
+      alerting: enabled
+      triggers:
+      - heat_cfn_api_local_endpoint
+      dimension:
+        service: heat-cfn-api-endpoint
+  trigger:
+    heat_api_check_failed:
+      description: 'Endpoint check for heat-api is failed'
+      severity: down
+      rules:
+      - metric: openstack_check_api
+        field:
+          service: heat-api
+        relational_operator: '=='
+        threshold: 0
+        window: 60
+        periods: 0
+        function: last
+    heat_cfn_api_check_failed:
+      description: 'Endpoint check for heat-cfn-api is failed'
+      severity: down
+      rules:
+      - metric: openstack_check_api
+        field:
+          service: heat-cfn-api
+        relational_operator: '=='
+        threshold: 0
+        window: 60
+        periods: 0
+        function: last
+  alarm:
+    heat_api_check:
+      alerting: true
+      triggers:
+      - heat_api_check_failed
+      dimension:
+        service: heat-api-check
+    heat_cfn_api_check:
+      alerting: true
+      triggers:
+      - heat_cfn_api_check_failed
+      dimension:
+        service: heat-cfn-api-check
+  alarm_cluster:
+    heat_logs:
+      policy: highest_severity
+      group_by: hostname
+      match:
+        service: heat-logs
+      members:
+      - heat_logs
+      dimension:
+        service: heat
+    heat_api_endpoint:
+      policy: availability_of_members
+      group_by: hostname
+      match:
+        service: heat-api-endpoint
+      members:
+      - heat_api_endpoint
+      dimension:
+        service: heat
+    heat_cfn_api_endpoint:
+      policy: availability_of_members
+      group_by: hostname
+      match:
+        service: heat-cfn-api-endpoint
+      members:
+      - heat_cfn_api_endpoint
+      dimension:
+        service: heat
+    heat_api_check:
+      policy: highest_severity
+      match:
+        service: heat-api-check
+      members:
+      - heat_api_check
+      dimension:
+        service: heat
+    heat_cfn_api_check:
+      policy: highest_severity
+      match:
+        service: heat-cfn-api-check
+      members:
+      - heat_cfn_api_check
+      dimension:
+        service: heat
+    heat:
+      policy: highest_severity
+      match:
+        service: heat
+      members:
+      - heat_logs
+      - heat_api_endpoint
+      - heat_cfn_api_endpoint
+      - heat_api_check
+      - heat_cfn_api_check
+      dimension:
+        cluster_name: heat
+{%- endif %}