Implement rate-limiting to the format `listen`

Moving rate_limit logic to the haproxy/files/_rate_limit.cfg

Change-Id: Iefc4860793a47934703eae8efdcc2f41761f5ae5
Related-Prod: PROD-24396
diff --git a/tests/pillar/single_rate_limiting.sls b/tests/pillar/single_rate_limiting.sls
index fe13de9..921bc0d 100644
--- a/tests/pillar/single_rate_limiting.sls
+++ b/tests/pillar/single_rate_limiting.sls
@@ -33,7 +33,34 @@
           params: check inter 10s fastinter 2s downinter 3s rise 3 fall 3
           port: 8775
         type: http
+      nova_novnc:
+        binds:
+        - address:
+          port: 8776
+        format: listen
+        options:
+        - httpchk
+        - httpclose
+        - httplog
+        rate_limit:
+          duration: 5s
+          enabled: true
+          requests: 60
+          track: connection
+        servers:
+        - host:
+          name: ctl01
+          params: check inter 10s fastinter 2s downinter 3s rise 3 fall 3
+          port: 8776
+        - host:
+          name: ctl02
+          params: check inter 10s fastinter 2s downinter 3s rise 3 fall 3
+          port: 8776
+        - host:
+          name: ctl03
+          params: check inter 10s fastinter 2s downinter 3s rise 3 fall 3
+          port: 8776
+        type: http
 # For haproxy/meta/sensu.yml