Disable kitchen tests; Update tests;

  * Identation update
  * Kitchen tests are broken till: PROD-26099
   - Turn off kitchen tests until they are ready
   - There were never any kitchen test in the future, but testing pipeline
   changed condition for triggering kitchen tests from .travis.yml file to .kitchen.yml
   file which caused to trigger non-functional tests in glusterfs formula
   - Unit tests will stay as it was before

Change-Id: Ia628666c0eaf40d04c22ab5ede3ec5e40ab464ec
diff --git a/.kitchen.yml_disabled b/.kitchen.yml_disabled
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c35f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.kitchen.yml_disabled
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+  name: docker
+  hostname: glusterfs.ci.local
+  use_sudo: false
+  name: salt_solo
+  salt_install: bootstrap
+  salt_bootstrap_url: https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
+  salt_version: latest
+  require_chef: false
+  log_level: error
+  formula: glusterfs
+  grains:
+    noservices: True
+  state_top:
+    base:
+      "*":
+        - glusterfs
+  pillars:
+    top.sls:
+      base:
+        "*":
+          - glusterfs
+  name: inspec
+  sudo: true
+  - name: <%=ENV['PLATFORM'] ||  'saltstack-ubuntu-xenial-salt-stable' %>
+    driver_config:
+      image: <%=ENV['PLATFORM'] || 'docker-dev-local.docker.mirantis.net/epcim/salt/saltstack-ubuntu-xenial-salt-stable/salt:2018_11_19'%>
+      platform: ubuntu
+  - name: glusterfs_client
+    provisioner:
+      pillars-from-files:
+        glusterfs.sls: tests/pillar/glusterfs_client.sls
+  - name: glusterfs_server
+    provisioner:
+      pillars-from-files:
+        glusterfs.sls: tests/pillar/glusterfs_server.sls
+# vim: ft=yaml sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 tw=125