Merge "Add 'datasource: influxdb' to Grafana meta"
diff --git a/_modules/ b/_modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0de0a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Module extending the salt.modules.glance modules.
+This module adds functionality for managing Glance V2 tasks by exposing the
+following functions:
+ - task_create
+ - task_show
+ - task_list
+:optdepends: - glanceclient Python adapter
+:configuration: This module is not usable until the following are specified
+ either in a pillar or in the minion's config file::
+ keystone.user: admin
+ keystone.password: verybadpass
+ keystone.tenant: admin
+ keystone.insecure: False #(optional)
+ keystone.auth_url: ''
+ If configuration for multiple openstack accounts is required, they can be
+ set up as different configuration profiles:
+ For example::
+ openstack1:
+ keystone.user: admin
+ keystone.password: verybadpass
+ keystone.tenant: admin
+ keystone.auth_url: ''
+ openstack2:
+ keystone.user: admin
+ keystone.password: verybadpass
+ keystone.tenant: admin
+ keystone.auth_url: ''
+ With this configuration in place, any of the glance functions can
+ make use of a configuration profile by declaring it explicitly.
+ For example::
+ salt '*' glance.image_list profile=openstack1
+# Import Python libs
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import pprint
+import re
+# Import salt libs
+from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError
+from salt.version import (
+ __version__,
+ SaltStackVersion
+ )
+# is there not SaltStackVersion.current() to get
+# the version of the salt running this code??
+_version_ary = __version__.split('.')
+CUR_VER = SaltStackVersion(_version_ary[0], _version_ary[1])
+BORON = SaltStackVersion.from_name('Boron')
+# pylint: disable=import-error
+ from glanceclient import client
+ from glanceclient import exc
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+# Workaround, as the Glance API v2 requires you to
+# already have a keystone session token
+ from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client as kstone
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def __virtual__():
+ '''
+ Only load this module if glance
+ is installed on this minion.
+ '''
+ if not HAS_GLANCE:
+ return False, ("The glance execution module cannot be loaded: "
+ "the glanceclient python library is not available.")
+ if not HAS_KEYSTONE:
+ return False, ("The keystone execution module cannot be loaded: "
+ "the keystoneclient python library is not available.")
+ return True
+__opts__ = {}
+def _auth(profile=None, api_version=2, **connection_args):
+ '''
+ Set up glance credentials, returns
+ `glanceclient.client.Client`. Optional parameter
+ "api_version" defaults to 2.
+ Only intended to be used within glance-enabled modules
+ '''
+ if profile:
+ prefix = profile + ":keystone."
+ else:
+ prefix = "keystone."
+ def get(key, default=None):
+ '''
+ Checks connection_args, then salt-minion config,
+ falls back to specified default value.
+ '''
+ return connection_args.get('connection_' + key,
+ __salt__['config.get'](prefix + key, default))
+ user = get('user', 'admin')
+ password = get('password', None)
+ tenant = get('tenant', 'admin')
+ tenant_id = get('tenant_id')
+ auth_url = get('auth_url', '')
+ insecure = get('insecure', False)
+ admin_token = get('token')
+ region = get('region')
+ ks_endpoint = get('endpoint', '')
+ g_endpoint_url = __salt__['keystone.endpoint_get']('glance', profile)
+ # The trailing 'v2' causes URLs like thise one:
+ #
+ g_endpoint_url = re.sub('/v2', '', g_endpoint_url['internalurl'])
+ if admin_token and api_version != 1 and not password:
+ # If we had a password we could just
+ # ignore the admin-token and move on...
+ raise SaltInvocationError('Only can use keystone admin token '
+ 'with Glance API v1')
+ elif password:
+ # Can't use the admin-token anyway
+ kwargs = {'username': user,
+ 'password': password,
+ 'tenant_id': tenant_id,
+ 'auth_url': auth_url,
+ 'endpoint_url': g_endpoint_url,
+ 'region_name': region,
+ 'tenant_name': tenant}
+ # 'insecure' keyword not supported by all v2.0 keystone clients
+ # this ensures it's only passed in when defined
+ if insecure:
+ kwargs['insecure'] = True
+ elif api_version == 1 and admin_token:
+ kwargs = {'token': admin_token,
+ 'auth_url': auth_url,
+ 'endpoint_url': g_endpoint_url}
+ else:
+ raise SaltInvocationError('No credentials to authenticate with.')
+ log.debug('Calling keystoneclient.v2_0.client.Client(' +
+ '{0}, **{1})'.format(ks_endpoint, kwargs))
+ keystone = kstone.Client(**kwargs)
+ kwargs['token'] = keystone.get_token(keystone.session)
+ # This doesn't realy prevent the password to show up
+ # in the minion log as keystoneclient.session is
+ # logging it anyway when in debug-mode
+ kwargs.pop('password')
+ log.debug('Calling glanceclient.client.Client(' +
+ '{0}, {1}, **{2})'.format(api_version,
+ g_endpoint_url, kwargs))
+ # may raise exc.HTTPUnauthorized, exc.HTTPNotFound
+ # but we deal with those elsewhere
+ return client.Client(api_version, g_endpoint_url, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Can't retrieve a auth_token without keystone")
+def _validate_image_params(visibility=None, container_format='bare',
+ disk_format='raw', tags=None, **kwargs):
+ # valid options for "visibility":
+ v_list = ['public', 'private', 'shared', 'community']
+ # valid options for "container_format":
+ cf_list = ['ami', 'ari', 'aki', 'bare', 'ovf']
+ # valid options for "disk_format":
+ df_list = ['ami', 'ari', 'aki', 'vhd', 'vmdk',
+ 'raw', 'qcow2', 'vdi', 'iso']
+ if visibility is not None:
+ if visibility not in v_list:
+ raise SaltInvocationError('"visibility" needs to be one ' +
+ 'of the following: {0}'.format(
+ ', '.join(v_list)))
+ if container_format not in cf_list:
+ raise SaltInvocationError('"container_format" needs to be ' +
+ 'one of the following: {0}'.format(
+ ', '.join(cf_list)))
+ if disk_format not in df_list:
+ raise SaltInvocationError('"disk_format" needs to be one ' +
+ 'of the following: {0}'.format(
+ ', '.join(df_list)))
+ if tags:
+ if not isinstance(tags, list):
+ raise SaltInvocationError('Incorrect input type for the {0} '
+ 'parameter: expected: {1}, '
+ 'got {2}'.format("tags", list,
+ type(tags)))
+def _validate_task_params(task_type, input_params):
+ # Only import tasks are currently supported
+ # TODO(eezhova): Add support for "export" and "clone" task types
+ valid_task_types = ["import", ]
+ import_required_params = {"import_from", "import_from_format",
+ "image_properties"}
+ if task_type not in valid_task_types:
+ raise SaltInvocationError("'task_type' must be one of the following: "
+ "{0}".format(', '.join(valid_task_types)))
+ if task_type == "import":
+ valid_import_from_formats = ['ami', 'ari', 'aki', 'vhd', 'vmdk',
+ 'raw', 'qcow2', 'vdi', 'iso']
+ missing_params = import_required_params - set(input_params.keys())
+ if missing_params:
+ raise SaltInvocationError(
+ "Missing the following task parameters for the 'import' task: "
+ "{0}".format(', '.join(missing_params)))
+ import_from = input_params['import_from']
+ import_from_format = input_params['import_from_format']
+ image_properties = input_params['image_properties']
+ if not import_from.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
+ raise SaltInvocationError("Only non-local sources of image data "
+ "are supported.")
+ if import_from_format not in valid_import_from_formats:
+ raise SaltInvocationError(
+ "'import_from_format' needs to be one of the following: "
+ "{0}".format(', '.join(valid_import_from_formats)))
+ _validate_image_params(**image_properties)
+def task_create(task_type, profile=None, input_params=None):
+ """
+ Create a Glance V2 task of a given type
+ :param task_type: Task type
+ :param profile: Authentication profile
+ :param input_params: Dictionary with input parameters for a task
+ :return: Dictionary with created task's parameters
+ """
+ g_client = _auth(profile, api_version=2)
+ log.debug(
+ 'Task type: {}\nInput params: {}'.format(task_type, input_params)
+ )
+ task = g_client.tasks.create(type=task_type, input=input_params)
+ log.debug("Created task: {}".format(dict(task)))
+ created_task = task_show(, profile=profile)
+ return created_task
+def task_show(task_id, profile=None):
+ """
+ Show a Glance V2 task
+ :param task_id: ID of a task to show
+ :param profile: Authentication profile
+ :return: Dictionary with created task's parameters
+ """
+ g_client = _auth(profile)
+ ret = {}
+ try:
+ task = g_client.tasks.get(task_id)
+ except exc.HTTPNotFound:
+ return {
+ 'result': False,
+ 'comment': 'No task with ID {0}'.format(task_id)
+ }
+ pformat = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pformat
+ log.debug('Properties of task {0}:\n{1}'.format(
+ task_id, pformat(task)))
+ schema = image_schema(schema_type='task', profile=profile)
+ if len(schema.keys()) == 1:
+ schema = schema['task']
+ for key in schema.keys():
+ if key in task:
+ ret[key] = task[key]
+ return ret
+def task_list(profile=None):
+ """
+ List Glance V2 tasks
+ :param profile: Authentication profile
+ :return: Dictionary with existing tasks
+ """
+ g_client = _auth(profile)
+ ret = {}
+ tasks = g_client.tasks.list()
+ schema = image_schema(schema_type='task', profile=profile)
+ if len(schema.keys()) == 1:
+ schema = schema['task']
+ for task in tasks:
+ task_dict = {}
+ for key in schema.keys():
+ if key in task:
+ task_dict[key] = task[key]
+ ret[task['id']] = task_dict
+ return ret
+def get_image_owner_id(name, profile=None):
+ """
+ Mine function to get image owner
+ :param name: Name of the image
+ :param profile: Authentication profile
+ :return: Image owner ID or [] if image is not found
+ """
+ g_client = _auth(profile)
+ image_id = None
+ for image in g_client.images.list():
+ if == name:
+ image_id =
+ continue
+ if not image_id:
+ return []
+ try:
+ image = g_client.images.get(image_id)
+ except exc.HTTPNotFound:
+ return []
+ return image['owner']
+def image_schema(schema_type='image', profile=None):
+ '''
+ Returns names and descriptions of the schema "image"'s
+ properties for this profile's instance of glance
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' glance.image_schema
+ '''
+ return schema_get(schema_type, profile)
+def schema_get(name, profile=None):
+ '''
+ Known valid names of schemas are:
+ - image
+ - images
+ - member
+ - members
+ CLI Example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ salt '*' glance.schema_get name=f16-jeos
+ '''
+ g_client = _auth(profile)
+ pformat = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pformat
+ schema_props = {}
+ for prop in g_client.schemas.get(name).properties:
+ schema_props[] = prop.description
+ log.debug('Properties of schema {0}:\n{1}'.format(
+ name, pformat(schema_props)))
+ return {name: schema_props}
diff --git a/_states/ b/_states/
index fb41fb1..e245866 100644
--- a/_states/
+++ b/_states/
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
import logging
import time
-# Import salt libs
# Import OpenStack libs
from keystoneclient.exceptions import \
@@ -246,4 +244,161 @@
ret['comment'] += 'Checksum won\'t be verified as image ' +\
'hasn\'t reached\n\t "status=active" yet.\n'
log.debug('glance.image_present will return: {0}'.format(ret))
- return ret
\ No newline at end of file
+ return ret
+def image_import(name, profile=None, visibility='public', protected=False,
+ location=None, import_from_format='raw', disk_format='raw',
+ container_format='bare', tags=None,
+ checksum=None, timeout=30):
+ """
+ Creates a task to import an image
+ This state checks if an image is present and, if not, creates a task
+ with import_type that would download an image from a remote location and
+ upload it to Glance.
+ After the task is created, its status is monitored. On success the state
+ would check that an image is present and return its ID.
+ *Important*: This state is supposed to work only with Glance V2 API as
+ opposed to the image_present state that is compatible only
+ with Glance V1.
+ :param name: Name of an image
+ :param profile: Authentication profile
+ :param visibility: Scope of image accessibility.
+ Valid values: public, private, community, shared
+ :param protected: If true, image will not be deletable.
+ :param location: a URL where Glance can get the image data
+ :param import_from_format: Format to import the image from
+ :param disk_format: Format of the disk
+ :param container_format: Format of the container
+ :param tags: List of strings related to the image
+ :param checksum: Checksum of the image to import, it would be used to
+ validate the checksum of a newly created image
+ :param timeout: Time to wait for an import task to succeed
+ """
+ ret = {'name': name,
+ 'changes': {},
+ 'result': True,
+ 'comment': 'Image "{0}" already exists'.format(name)}
+ tags = tags or []
+ image, msg = _find_image(name, profile)
+ log.debug(msg)
+ if image:
+ return ret
+ elif image is False:
+ if __opts__['test']:
+ ret['result'] = None
+ else:
+ ret['result'] = False
+ ret['comment'] = msg
+ return ret
+ else:
+ if __opts__['test']:
+ ret['result'] = None
+ ret['comment'] = ("glanceng.image_import would create an image "
+ "from {0}".format(location))
+ return ret
+ image_properties = {"container_format": container_format,
+ "disk_format": disk_format,
+ "name": name,
+ "protected": protected,
+ "tags": tags,
+ "visibility": visibility
+ }
+ task_params = {"import_from": location,
+ "import_from_format": import_from_format,
+ "image_properties": image_properties
+ }
+ task = __salt__['glanceng.task_create'](
+ task_type='import', profile=profile,
+ input_params=task_params)
+ task_id = task['id']
+ log.debug('Created new task:\n{0}'.format(task))
+ ret['changes'] = {
+ name:
+ {
+ 'new':
+ {
+ 'task_id': task_id
+ },
+ 'old': None
+ }
+ }
+ # Wait for the task to complete
+ timer = timeout
+ while timer > 0:
+ if 'status' in task and task['status'] == 'success':
+ log.debug('Task {0} has successfully completed'.format(
+ task_id))
+ break
+ elif 'status' in task and task['status'] == 'failure':
+ msg = "Task {0} has failed".format(task_id)
+ ret['result'] = False
+ ret['comment'] = msg
+ return ret
+ else:
+ timer -= 5
+ time.sleep(5)
+ existing_tasks = __salt__['glanceng.task_list'](profile)
+ if task_id not in existing_tasks:
+ ret['result'] = False
+ ret['comment'] += 'Created task {0} '.format(
+ task_id) + ' vanished:\n' + msg
+ return ret
+ else:
+ task = existing_tasks[task_id]
+ if timer <= 0 and task['status'] != 'success':
+ ret['result'] = False
+ ret['comment'] = ('Task {0} did not reach state success before '
+ 'the timeout:\nLast status was '
+ '"{1}".\n'.format(task_id, task['status']))
+ return ret
+ # The import task has successfully completed. Now, let's check that it
+ # created the image.
+ image, msg = _find_image(name, profile)
+ if not image:
+ ret['result'] = False
+ ret['comment'] = msg
+ else:
+ ret['changes'][name]['new']['image_id'] = image['id']
+ ret['changes'][name]['new']['image_status'] = image['status']
+ ret['comment'] = ("Image {0} was successfully created by task "
+ "{1}".format(image['id'], task_id))
+ if checksum:
+ if image['status'] == 'active':
+ if 'checksum' not in image:
+ # Refresh our info about the image
+ image = __salt__['glance.image_show'](image['id'])
+ if 'checksum' not in image:
+ if not __opts__['test']:
+ ret['result'] = False
+ else:
+ ret['result'] = None
+ ret['comment'] += (
+ "No checksum available for this image:\n"
+ "Image has status '{0}'.".format(image['status']))
+ elif image['checksum'] != checksum:
+ if not __opts__['test']:
+ ret['result'] = False
+ else:
+ ret['result'] = None
+ ret['comment'] += ("'checksum' is {0}, should be "
+ "{1}.\n".format(image['checksum'],
+ checksum))
+ else:
+ ret['comment'] += (
+ "'checksum' is correct ({0}).\n".format(checksum))
+ elif image['status'] in ['saving', 'queued']:
+ ret['comment'] += (
+ "Checksum will not be verified as image has not "
+ "reached 'status=active' yet.\n")
+ log.debug('glance.image_present will return: {0}'.format(ret))
+ return ret
diff --git a/glance/client.sls b/glance/client.sls
index c3f9213..3f45edb 100644
--- a/glance/client.sls
+++ b/glance/client.sls
@@ -10,9 +10,12 @@
{%- for image_name, image in identity.image.iteritems() %}
glance_openstack_image_{{ image_name }}:
- glanceng.image_present:
- - name: {{ image_name }}
+ glanceng.image_import:
+ - name: {{ image.get('name', image_name) }}
- profile: {{ identity_name }}
+ {%- if image.import_from_format is defined %}
+ - import_from_format: {{ image.import_from_format }}
+ {%- endif %}
{%- if image.visibility is defined %}
- visibility: {{ image.visibility }}
{%- endif %}
@@ -22,6 +25,21 @@
{%- if image.location is defined %}
- location: {{ image.location }}
{%- endif %}
+ {%- if image.tags is defined %}
+ - tags: {{ image.tags }}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if image.disk_format is defined %}
+ - disk_format: {{ image.disk_format }}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if image.container_format is defined %}
+ - container_format: {{ image.container_format }}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if image.wait_timeout is defined %}
+ - timeout: {{ image.wait_timeout }}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if image.checksum is defined %}
+ - checksum: {{ image.checksum }}
+ {%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}