Merge pull request #1 from salt-formulas/known-fixups

eCleanup + extend tests/pillars
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1bfce6e..aa8e42a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitreview b/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 373e555..0000000
--- a/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index fc83783..1043fbe 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,12 +1,38 @@
-FORMULANAME=$(shell grep name: metadata.yml|head -1|cut -d : -f 2|grep -Eo '[a-z0-9\-]*')
+FORMULANAME=$(shell grep name: metadata.yml|head -1|cut -d : -f 2|grep -Eo '[a-z0-9\-\_]*')
+VERSION=$(shell grep version: metadata.yml|head -1|cut -d : -f 2|grep -Eo '[a-z0-9\.\-\_]*')
+VERSION_MAJOR := $(shell echo $(VERSION)|cut -d . -f 1-2)
+VERSION_MINOR := $(shell echo $(VERSION)|cut -d . -f 3)
+NEW_MAJOR_VERSION ?= $(shell date +%Y.%m|sed 's,\.0,\.,g')
+NEW_MINOR_VERSION ?= $(shell /bin/bash -c 'echo $$[ $(VERSION_MINOR) + 1 ]')
+MAKE_PID := $(shell echo $$PPID)
+JOB_FLAG := $(filter -j%, $(subst -j ,-j,$(shell ps T | grep "^\s*$(MAKE_PID).*$(MAKE)")))
+ifneq ($(subst -j,,$(JOB_FLAG)),)
+JOBS := $(subst -j,,$(JOB_FLAG))
+JOBS := 1
 	@echo "make install - Install into DESTDIR"
 	@echo "make test    - Run tests"
+	@echo "make kitchen - Run Kitchen CI tests (create, converge, verify)"
 	@echo "make clean   - Cleanup after tests run"
+	@echo "make release-major  - Generate new major release"
+	@echo "make release-minor  - Generate new minor release"
+	@echo "make changelog      - Show changes since last release"
 	# Formula
@@ -14,6 +40,7 @@
 	[ ! -d _modules ] || cp -a _modules $(DESTDIR)/$(SALTENVDIR)/
 	[ ! -d _states ] || cp -a _states $(DESTDIR)/$(SALTENVDIR)/ || true
+	[ ! -d _grains ] || cp -a _grains $(DESTDIR)/$(SALTENVDIR)/ || true
 	# Metadata
 	[ -d $(DESTDIR)/$(RECLASSDIR)/service/$(FORMULANAME) ] || mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(RECLASSDIR)/service/$(FORMULANAME)
 	cp -a metadata/service/* $(DESTDIR)/$(RECLASSDIR)/service/$(FORMULANAME)
@@ -21,6 +48,71 @@
 	[ ! -d tests ] || (cd tests; ./
+release-major: check-changes
+	@echo "Current version is $(VERSION), new version is $(NEW_MAJOR_VERSION)"
+	@[ $(VERSION_MAJOR) != $(NEW_MAJOR_VERSION) ] || (echo "Major version $(NEW_MAJOR_VERSION) already released, nothing to do. Do you want release-minor?" && exit 1)
+	sed -i 's,version: .*,version: "$(NEW_MAJOR_VERSION)",g' metadata.yml
+	[ ! -f debian/changelog ] || dch -v $(NEW_MAJOR_VERSION) -m --force-distribution -D `dpkg-parsechangelog -S Distribution` "New version"
+	make genchangelog-$(NEW_MAJOR_VERSION)
+	(git add -u; git commit -m "Version $(NEW_MAJOR_VERSION)")
+release-minor: check-changes
+	@echo "Current version is $(VERSION), new version is $(VERSION_MAJOR).$(NEW_MINOR_VERSION)"
+	sed -i 's,version: .*,version: "$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(NEW_MINOR_VERSION)",g' metadata.yml
+	[ ! -f debian/changelog ] || dch -v $(VERSION_MAJOR).$(NEW_MINOR_VERSION) -m --force-distribution -D `dpkg-parsechangelog -S Distribution` "New version"
+	make genchangelog-$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(NEW_MINOR_VERSION)
+	(git add -u; git commit -m "Version $(VERSION_MAJOR).$(NEW_MINOR_VERSION)")
+	@git log --pretty=oneline --decorate $(VERSION)..HEAD | grep -Eqc '.*' || (echo "No new changes since version $(VERSION)"; exit 1)
+	git log --pretty=short --invert-grep --grep="Merge pull request" --decorate $(VERSION)..HEAD
+genchangelog: genchangelog-$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(NEW_MINOR_VERSION)
+	$(eval NEW_VERSION := $(patsubst genchangelog-%,%,$@))
+	(echo "=========\nChangelog\n=========\n"; \
+	(echo $(NEW_VERSION);git tag) | sort -r | grep -E '^[0-9\.]+' | while read i; do \
+	    cur=$$i; \
+	    test $$i = $(NEW_VERSION) && i=HEAD; \
+	    prev=`(echo $(NEW_VERSION);git tag)|sort|grep -E '^[0-9\.]+'|grep -B1 "$$cur\$$"|head -1`; \
+	    echo "Version $$cur\n=============================\n"; \
+	    git log --pretty=short --invert-grep --grep="Merge pull request" --decorate $$prev..$$i; \
+	    echo; \
+	done) > CHANGELOG.rst
+	@[ -e $(KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML) ] || (echo "Kitchen tests not available, there's no $(KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML)." && exit 1)
+kitchen: kitchen-check kitchen-create kitchen-converge kitchen-verify kitchen-list
+kitchen-create: kitchen-check
+	[ "$(shell echo $(KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML)|grep -Eo docker)" = "docker" ] || sleep 120
+kitchen-converge: kitchen-check
+	kitchen converge ${KITCHEN_OPTS} ${KITCHEN_OPTS_CONVERGE} &&\
+kitchen-verify: kitchen-check
+	[ ! -d tests/integration ] || kitchen verify -t tests/integration ${KITCHEN_OPTS} ${KITCHEN_OPTS_VERIFY}
+	[ -d tests/integration ]   || kitchen verify ${KITCHEN_OPTS} ${KITCHEN_OPTS_VERIFY}
+kitchen-test: kitchen-check
+	[ ! -d tests/integration ] || kitchen test -t tests/integration ${KITCHEN_OPTS} ${KITCHEN_OPTS_TEST}
+	[ -d tests/integration ]   || kitchen test ${KITCHEN_OPTS} ${KITCHEN_OPTS_TEST}
+kitchen-list: kitchen-check
+	kitchen list
+	[ ! -x "$(shell which kitchen)" ] || kitchen destroy
+	[ ! -d .kitchen ] || rm -rf .kitchen
 	[ ! -d tests/build ] || rm -rf tests/build
 	[ ! -d build ] || rm -rf build
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 50af4ff..d372d2b 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1,34 +1,14 @@
-Glance Image Store
+Glance formula
 The Glance project provides services for discovering, registering, and
 retrieving virtual machine images. Glance has a RESTful API that allows
 querying of VM image metadata as well as retrieval of the actual image.
-Import new public image
-.. code-block:: yaml
-    glance image-create --name 'Windows 7 x86_64' --is-public true --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2  < ./win7.qcow2
-Change new image's disk properties
-.. code-block:: yaml
-    glance image-update "Windows 7 x86_64" --property hw_disk_bus=ide
-Change new image's NIC properties
-.. code-block:: yaml
-    glance image-update "Windows 7 x86_64" --property hw_vif_model=rtl8139
-Sample pillar
+Sample pillars
 .. code-block:: yaml
@@ -72,9 +52,49 @@
           public: true
           enabled: false
+        api_limit_max: 100
+        limit_param_default: 50
+The pagination is controlled by the *api_limit_max* and *limit_param_default*
+parameters as shown above:
-Client-side RabbitMQ HA setup
+* *api_limit_max* defines the maximum number of records that the server will
+  return.
+* *limit_param_default* is the default *limit* parameter that
+  applies if the request didn't defined it explicitly.
+Keystone and cinder region
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    glance:
+      server:
+        enabled: true
+        version: kilo
+        ...
+        identity:
+          engine: keystone
+          host:
+          region: RegionTwo
+        ...
+Ceph integration glance
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    glance:
+      server:
+        enabled: true
+        version: juno
+        storage:
+          engine: rbd,http
+          user: glance
+          pool: images
+          chunk_size: 8
+          client_glance_key: AQDOavlU6BsSJhAAnpFR906mvdgdfRqLHwu0Uw==
+RabbitMQ HA setup
 .. code-block:: yaml
@@ -92,8 +112,7 @@
           virtual_host: '/openstack'
-Enable auditing filter, ie: CADF
+Enable auditing filter (CADF):
 .. code-block:: yaml
@@ -107,43 +126,55 @@
-Keystone and cinder region
+Client role
+Glance images
 .. code-block:: yaml
-    glance:
+  glance:
+    client:
+      enabled: true
-        enabled: true
-        version: kilo
-        ...
-        identity:
-          engine: keystone
-          host:
-          region: RegionTwo
-        ...
+        profile_admin:
+          image:
+            cirros-test:
+              visibility: public
+              protected: false
+              location:
-Ceph integration glance
+Import new public image
 .. code-block:: yaml
-    glance:
-      server:
-        enabled: true
-        version: juno
-        storage:
-          engine: rbd,http
-          user: glance
-          pool: images
-          chunk_size: 8
-          client_glance_key: AQDOavlU6BsSJhAAnpFR906mvdgdfRqLHwu0Uw==
+    glance image-create --name 'Windows 7 x86_64' --is-public true --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2  < ./win7.qcow2
+Change new image's disk properties
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    glance image-update "Windows 7 x86_64" --property hw_disk_bus=ide
+Change new image's NIC properties
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    glance image-update "Windows 7 x86_64" --property hw_vif_model=rtl8139
+External links
 Documentation and Bugs
 To learn how to deploy OpenStack Salt, consult the documentation available
 online at:
@@ -167,3 +198,36 @@
 Developers should also join the discussion on the IRC list, at:
+Documentation and Bugs
+To learn how to install and update salt-formulas, consult the documentation
+available online at:
+In the unfortunate event that bugs are discovered, they should be reported to
+the appropriate issue tracker. Use Github issue tracker for specific salt
+For feature requests, bug reports or blueprints affecting entire ecosystem,
+use Launchpad salt-formulas project:
+You can also join salt-formulas-users team and subscribe to mailing list:
+Developers wishing to work on the salt-formulas projects should always base
+their work on master branch and submit pull request against specific formula.
+Any questions or feedback is always welcome so feel free to join our IRC
+    #salt-formulas @
diff --git a/glance/_states/ b/glance/_states/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb41fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glance/_states/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Managing Images in OpenStack Glance
+# Import python libs
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import time
+# Import salt libs
+# Import OpenStack libs
+    from keystoneclient.exceptions import \
+        Unauthorized as kstone_Unauthorized
+    HAS_KEYSTONE = True
+except ImportError:
+    try:
+        from keystoneclient.apiclient.exceptions import \
+            Unauthorized as kstone_Unauthorized
+        HAS_KEYSTONE = True
+    except ImportError:
+        HAS_KEYSTONE = False
+    from glanceclient.exc import \
+        HTTPUnauthorized as glance_Unauthorized
+    HAS_GLANCE = True
+except ImportError:
+    HAS_GLANCE = False
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def __virtual__():
+    '''
+    Only load if dependencies are loaded
+    '''
+def _find_image(name, profile=None):
+    '''
+    Tries to find image with given name, returns
+        - image, 'Found image <name>'
+        - None, 'No such image found'
+        - False, 'Found more than one image with given name'
+    '''
+    try:
+        images = __salt__['glance.image_list'](name=name, profile=profile)
+    except kstone_Unauthorized:
+        return False, 'keystoneclient: Unauthorized'
+    except glance_Unauthorized:
+        return False, 'glanceclient: Unauthorized'
+    log.debug('Got images: {0}'.format(images))
+    if type(images) is dict and len(images) == 1 and 'images' in images:
+        images = images['images']
+    images_list = images.values() if type(images) is dict else images
+    if len(images_list) == 0:
+        return None, 'No image with name "{0}"'.format(name)
+    elif len(images_list) == 1:
+        return images_list[0], 'Found image {0}'.format(name)
+    elif len(images_list) > 1:
+        return False, 'Found more than one image with given name'
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+def image_present(name, profile=None, visibility='public', protected=None,
+        checksum=None, location=None, disk_format='raw', wait_for=None,
+        timeout=30):
+    '''
+    Checks if given image is present with properties
+    set as specified.
+    An image should got through the stages 'queued', 'saving'
+    before becoming 'active'. The attribute 'checksum' can
+    only be checked once the image is active.
+    If you don't specify 'wait_for' but 'checksum' the function
+    will wait for the image to become active before comparing
+    checksums. If you don't specify checksum either the function
+    will return when the image reached 'saving'.
+    The default timeout for both is 30 seconds.
+    Supported properties:
+      - profile (string)
+      - visibility ('public' or 'private')
+      - protected (bool)
+      - checksum (string, md5sum)
+      - location (URL, to copy from)
+      - disk_format ('raw' (default), 'vhd', 'vhdx', 'vmdk', 'vdi', 'iso',
+        'qcow2', 'aki', 'ari' or 'ami')
+    '''
+    ret = {'name': name,
+            'changes': {},
+            'result': True,
+            'comment': '',
+            }
+    acceptable = ['queued', 'saving', 'active']
+    if wait_for is None and checksum is None:
+        wait_for = 'saving'
+    elif wait_for is None and checksum is not None:
+        wait_for = 'active'
+    # Just pop states until we reach the
+    # first acceptable one:
+    while len(acceptable) > 1:
+        if acceptable[0] == wait_for:
+            break
+        else:
+            acceptable.pop(0)
+    image, msg = _find_image(name, profile)
+    if image is False:
+        if __opts__['test']:
+            ret['result'] = None
+        else:
+            ret['result'] = False
+        ret['comment'] = msg
+        return ret
+    log.debug(msg)
+    # No image yet and we know where to get one
+    if image is None and location is not None:
+        if __opts__['test']:
+            ret['result'] = None
+            ret['comment'] = 'glance.image_present would ' \
+                'create an image from {0}'.format(location)
+            return ret
+        image = __salt__['glance.image_create'](name=name, profile=profile,
+            protected=protected, visibility=visibility,
+            location=location, disk_format=disk_format)
+        log.debug('Created new image:\n{0}'.format(image))
+        ret['changes'] = {
+            name:
+                {
+                    'new':
+                        {
+                        'id': image['id']
+                        },
+                    'old': None
+                }
+            }
+        timer = timeout
+        # Kinda busy-loopy but I don't think the Glance
+        # API has events we can listen for
+        while timer > 0:
+            if 'status' in image and \
+                    image['status'] in acceptable:
+                log.debug('Image {0} has reached status {1}'.format(
+                    image['name'], image['status']))
+                break
+            else:
+                timer -= 5
+                time.sleep(5)
+                image, msg = _find_image(name, profile)
+                if not image:
+                    ret['result'] = False
+                    ret['comment'] += 'Created image {0} '.format(
+                        name) + ' vanished:\n' + msg
+                    return ret
+        if timer <= 0 and image['status'] not in acceptable:
+            ret['result'] = False
+            ret['comment'] += 'Image didn\'t reach an acceptable '+\
+                    'state ({0}) before timeout:\n'.format(acceptable)+\
+                    '\tLast status was "{0}".\n'.format(image['status'])
+    # There's no image but where would I get one??
+    elif location is None:
+        if __opts__['test']:
+            ret['result'] = None
+            ret['comment'] = 'No location to copy image from specified,\n' +\
+                         'glance.image_present would not create one'
+        else:
+            ret['result'] = False
+            ret['comment'] = 'No location to copy image from specified,\n' +\
+                         'not creating a new image.'
+        return ret
+    # If we've created a new image also return its last status:
+    if name in ret['changes']:
+        ret['changes'][name]['new']['status'] = image['status']
+    if visibility:
+        if image['visibility'] != visibility:
+            old_value = image['visibility']
+            if not __opts__['test']:
+                image = __salt__['glance.image_update'](
+                    id=image['id'], visibility=visibility)
+            # Check if image_update() worked:
+            if image['visibility'] != visibility:
+                if not __opts__['test']:
+                    ret['result'] = False
+                elif __opts__['test']:
+                    ret['result'] = None
+                ret['comment'] += '"visibility" is {0}, '\
+                    'should be {1}.\n'.format(image['visibility'],
+                        visibility)
+            else:
+                if 'new' in ret['changes']:
+                    ret['changes']['new']['visibility'] = visibility
+                else:
+                    ret['changes']['new'] = {'visibility': visibility}
+                if 'old' in ret['changes']:
+                    ret['changes']['old']['visibility'] = old_value
+                else:
+                    ret['changes']['old'] = {'visibility': old_value}
+        else:
+            ret['comment'] += '"visibility" is correct ({0}).\n'.format(
+                visibility)
+    if protected is not None:
+        if not isinstance(protected, bool) or image['protected'] ^ protected:
+            if not __opts__['test']:
+                ret['result'] = False
+            else:
+                ret['result'] = None
+            ret['comment'] += '"protected" is {0}, should be {1}.\n'.format(
+                image['protected'], protected)
+        else:
+            ret['comment'] += '"protected" is correct ({0}).\n'.format(
+                protected)
+    if 'status' in image and checksum:
+        if image['status'] == 'active':
+            if 'checksum' not in image:
+                # Refresh our info about the image
+                image = __salt__['glance.image_show'](image['id'])
+            if 'checksum' not in image:
+                if not __opts__['test']:
+                    ret['result'] = False
+                else:
+                    ret['result'] = None
+                ret['comment'] += 'No checksum available for this image:\n' +\
+                        '\tImage has status "{0}".'.format(image['status'])
+            elif image['checksum'] != checksum:
+                if not __opts__['test']:
+                    ret['result'] = False
+                else:
+                    ret['result'] = None
+                ret['comment'] += '"checksum" is {0}, should be {1}.\n'.format(
+                    image['checksum'], checksum)
+            else:
+                ret['comment'] += '"checksum" is correct ({0}).\n'.format(
+                    checksum)
+        elif image['status'] in ['saving', 'queued']:
+            ret['comment'] += 'Checksum won\'t be verified as image ' +\
+                'hasn\'t reached\n\t "status=active" yet.\n'
+    log.debug('glance.image_present will return: {0}'.format(ret))
+    return ret
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glance/client.sls b/glance/client.sls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3f9213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glance/client.sls
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{%- from "glance/map.jinja" import client with context %}
+{%- if client.enabled %}
+  pkg.installed:
+  - names: {{ client.pkgs }}
+{%- for identity_name, identity in client.identity.iteritems() %}
+{%- for image_name, image in identity.image.iteritems() %}
+glance_openstack_image_{{ image_name }}:
+  glanceng.image_present:
+    - name: {{ image_name }}
+    - profile: {{ identity_name }}
+    {%- if image.visibility is defined %}
+    - visibility: {{ image.visibility }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if image.protected is defined %}
+    - protected: {{ image.protected }}
+    {%- endif %}
+    {%- if image.location is defined %}
+    - location: {{ image.location }}
+    {%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glance/files/collectd_openstack_glance.conf b/glance/files/collectd_openstack_glance.conf
index ad5179f..3fb160e 100644
--- a/glance/files/collectd_openstack_glance.conf
+++ b/glance/files/collectd_openstack_glance.conf
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
     Username "{{ plugin.username }}"
     Password "{{ plugin.password }}"
     Tenant "{{ plugin.tenant }}"
-    MaxRetries "2"
-    Timeout "20"
+    MaxRetries "{{ plugin.max_retries|default(2) }}"
+    Timeout "{{ plugin.timeout|default(20) }}"
+    PaginationLimit "{{ plugin.pagination_limit|default(25) }}"
+    PollingInterval "{{ plugin.polling_interval|default(60) }}"
diff --git a/glance/files/juno/glance-api.conf.Debian b/glance/files/juno/glance-api.conf.Debian
index 13defbd..7f8b7f7 100644
--- a/glance/files/juno/glance-api.conf.Debian
+++ b/glance/files/juno/glance-api.conf.Debian
@@ -268,41 +268,41 @@
 # Version of the authentication service to use
 # Valid versions are '2' for keystone and '1' for swauth and rackspace
-swift_store_auth_version = 2
+#swift_store_auth_version = 2
 # Address where the Swift authentication service lives
 # Valid schemes are 'http://' and 'https://'
 # If no scheme specified,  default to 'https://'
 # For swauth, use something like ''
-swift_store_auth_address =
+#swift_store_auth_address =
 # User to authenticate against the Swift authentication service
 # If you use Swift authentication service, set it to 'account':'user'
 # where 'account' is a Swift storage account and 'user'
 # is a user in that account
-swift_store_user = jdoe:jdoe
+#swift_store_user = jdoe:jdoe
 # Auth key for the user authenticating against the
 # Swift authentication service
-swift_store_key = a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89
+#swift_store_key = a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89
 # Container within the account that the account should use
 # for storing images in Swift
-swift_store_container = glance
+#swift_store_container = glance
 # Do we create the container if it does not exist?
-swift_store_create_container_on_put = False
+#swift_store_create_container_on_put = False
 # What size, in MB, should Glance start chunking image files
 # and do a large object manifest in Swift? By default, this is
 # the maximum object size in Swift, which is 5GB
-swift_store_large_object_size = 5120
+#swift_store_large_object_size = 5120
 # When doing a large object manifest, what size, in MB, should
 # Glance write chunks to Swift? This amount of data is written
 # to a temporary disk buffer during the process of chunking
 # the image file, and the default is 200MB
-swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200
+#swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200
 # Whether to use ServiceNET to communicate with the Swift storage servers.
 # (If you aren't RACKSPACE, leave this False!)
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
 # To use ServiceNET for authentication, prefix hostname of
 # `swift_store_auth_address` with 'snet-'.
 # Ex. ->
-swift_enable_snet = False
+#swift_enable_snet = False
 # If set to True enables multi-tenant storage mode which causes Glance images
 # to be stored in tenant specific Swift accounts.
diff --git a/glance/files/kilo/glance-api.conf.Debian b/glance/files/kilo/glance-api.conf.Debian
index 54a91b0..74cdb60 100644
--- a/glance/files/kilo/glance-api.conf.Debian
+++ b/glance/files/kilo/glance-api.conf.Debian
@@ -616,35 +616,35 @@
 # Version of the authentication service to use
 # Valid versions are '2' for keystone and '1' for swauth and rackspace
-swift_store_auth_version = 2
+# swift_store_auth_version = 2
 # Address where the Swift authentication service lives
 # Valid schemes are 'http://' and 'https://'
 # If no scheme specified,  default to 'https://'
 # For swauth, use something like ''
-swift_store_auth_address =
+# swift_store_auth_address =
 # User to authenticate against the Swift authentication service
 # If you use Swift authentication service, set it to 'account':'user'
 # where 'account' is a Swift storage account and 'user'
 # is a user in that account
-swift_store_user = jdoe:jdoe
+# swift_store_user = jdoe:jdoe
 # Auth key for the user authenticating against the
 # Swift authentication service
-swift_store_key = a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89
+# swift_store_key = a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89
 # Container within the account that the account should use
 # for storing images in Swift
-swift_store_container = glance
+# swift_store_container = glance
 # Do we create the container if it does not exist?
-swift_store_create_container_on_put = False
+# swift_store_create_container_on_put = False
 # What size, in MB, should Glance start chunking image files
 # and do a large object manifest in Swift? By default, this is
 # the maximum object size in Swift, which is 5GB
-swift_store_large_object_size = 5120
+# swift_store_large_object_size = 5120
 # swift_store_config_file = glance-swift.conf
 # This file contains references for each of the configured
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
 # Glance write chunks to Swift? This amount of data is written
 # to a temporary disk buffer during the process of chunking
 # the image file, and the default is 200MB
-swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200
+# swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200
 # If set, the configured endpoint will be used. If None, the storage URL
 # from the auth response will be used. The location of an object is
@@ -720,14 +720,14 @@
 # Address where the S3 authentication service lives
 # Valid schemes are 'http://' and 'https://'
 # If no scheme specified,  default to 'http://'
-s3_store_host =
+#s3_store_host =
 # User to authenticate against the S3 authentication service
-s3_store_access_key = <20-char AWS access key>
+#s3_store_access_key = <20-char AWS access key>
 # Auth key for the user authenticating against the
 # S3 authentication service
-s3_store_secret_key = <40-char AWS secret key>
+#s3_store_secret_key = <40-char AWS secret key>
 # Container within the account that the account should use
 # for storing images in S3. Note that S3 has a flat namespace,
@@ -735,10 +735,10 @@
 # easy way to do this is append your AWS access key to "glance".
 # S3 buckets in AWS *must* be lowercased, so remember to lowercase
 # your AWS access key if you use it in your bucket name below!
-s3_store_bucket = <lowercased 20-char aws access key>glance
+#s3_store_bucket = <lowercased 20-char aws access key>glance
 # Do we create the bucket if it does not exist?
-s3_store_create_bucket_on_put = False
+#s3_store_create_bucket_on_put = False
 # When sending images to S3, the data will first be written to a
 # temporary buffer on disk. By default the platform's temporary directory
diff --git a/glance/files/liberty/glance-api.conf.Debian b/glance/files/liberty/glance-api.conf.Debian
index 98c2841..82d5470 100644
--- a/glance/files/liberty/glance-api.conf.Debian
+++ b/glance/files/liberty/glance-api.conf.Debian
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
 # package, it is also possible to use: glance.db.registry.api
 # data_api = glance.db.sqlalchemy.api
+limit_param_default = {{ server.limit_default|default('25') }}
+api_limit_max = {{ server.api_limit_max|default('1000') }}
 # The number of child process workers that will be
 # created to service API requests. The default will be
 # equal to the number of CPUs available. (integer value)
@@ -622,30 +625,30 @@
 # Version of the authentication service to use
 # Valid versions are '2' for keystone and '1' for swauth and rackspace
-swift_store_auth_version = 2
+#swift_store_auth_version = 2
 # Address where the Swift authentication service lives
 # Valid schemes are 'http://' and 'https://'
 # If no scheme specified,  default to 'https://'
 # For swauth, use something like ''
-swift_store_auth_address =
+#swift_store_auth_address =
 # User to authenticate against the Swift authentication service
 # If you use Swift authentication service, set it to 'account':'user'
 # where 'account' is a Swift storage account and 'user'
 # is a user in that account
-swift_store_user = jdoe:jdoe
+#swift_store_user = jdoe:jdoe
 # Auth key for the user authenticating against the
 # Swift authentication service
-swift_store_key = a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89
+#swift_store_key = a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89
 # Container within the account that the account should use
 # for storing images in Swift
-swift_store_container = glance
+#swift_store_container = glance
 # Do we create the container if it does not exist?
-swift_store_create_container_on_put = False
+#swift_store_create_container_on_put = False
 # What size, in MB, should Glance start chunking image files
 # and do a large object manifest in Swift? By default, this is
@@ -726,14 +729,14 @@
 # Address where the S3 authentication service lives
 # Valid schemes are 'http://' and 'https://'
 # If no scheme specified,  default to 'http://'
-s3_store_host =
+#s3_store_host =
 # User to authenticate against the S3 authentication service
-s3_store_access_key = <20-char AWS access key>
+#s3_store_access_key = <20-char AWS access key>
 # Auth key for the user authenticating against the
 # S3 authentication service
-s3_store_secret_key = <40-char AWS secret key>
+#s3_store_secret_key = <40-char AWS secret key>
 # Container within the account that the account should use
 # for storing images in S3. Note that S3 has a flat namespace,
@@ -741,7 +744,7 @@
 # easy way to do this is append your AWS access key to "glance".
 # S3 buckets in AWS *must* be lowercased, so remember to lowercase
 # your AWS access key if you use it in your bucket name below!
-s3_store_bucket = <lowercased 20-char aws access key>glance
+#s3_store_bucket = <lowercased 20-char aws access key>glance
 # Do we create the bucket if it does not exist?
 s3_store_create_bucket_on_put = False
@@ -800,9 +803,9 @@
 # ============ Sheepdog Store Options =============================
-sheepdog_store_address = localhost
+#sheepdog_store_address = localhost
-sheepdog_store_port = 7000
+#sheepdog_store_port = 7000
 # Images will be chunked into objects of this size (in megabytes).
 # For best performance, this should be a power of two
diff --git a/glance/files/mitaka/glance-api.conf.Debian b/glance/files/mitaka/glance-api.conf.Debian
index ed410f8..7eaaea2 100644
--- a/glance/files/mitaka/glance-api.conf.Debian
+++ b/glance/files/mitaka/glance-api.conf.Debian
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@
 # Default value for the number of items returned by a request if not
 # specified explicitly in the request (integer value)
-#limit_param_default = 25
+limit_param_default = {{ server.limit_default|default('25') }}
 # Maximum permissible number of items that could be returned by a
 # request (integer value)
-#api_limit_max = 1000
+api_limit_max = {{ server.api_limit_max|default('1000') }}
 # Whether to include the backend image storage location in image
 # properties. Revealing storage location can be a security risk, so
diff --git a/glance/init.sls b/glance/init.sls
index e260848..b325e06 100644
--- a/glance/init.sls
+++ b/glance/init.sls
@@ -3,3 +3,6 @@
 {%- if pillar.glance.server.enabled %}
 - glance.server
 {%- endif %}
+{% if pillar.glance.client is defined %}
+- glance.client
+{% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glance/map.jinja b/glance/map.jinja
index a79bade..6e7133c 100644
--- a/glance/map.jinja
+++ b/glance/map.jinja
@@ -17,3 +17,12 @@
 }, merge=pillar.glance.get('server', {})) %}
+{% set client = salt['grains.filter_by']({
+    'Debian': {
+        'pkgs': ['python-glanceclient']
+    },
+    'RedHat': {
+        'pkgs': ['python-glanceclient']
+    },
+}, merge=pillar.glance.get('client', {})) %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glance/meta/grafana.yml b/glance/meta/grafana.yml
index a4aea19..79a0e93 100644
--- a/glance/meta/grafana.yml
+++ b/glance/meta/grafana.yml
@@ -2,3 +2,18 @@
     format: json
     template: glance/files/grafana_dashboards/glance_influxdb.json
+  main:
+    row:
+      ost-control-plane:
+        title: OpenStack Control Plane
+        panel:
+          glance:
+            title: Glance
+            links:
+            - dashboard: Glance
+              title: Glance
+              type: dashboard
+            target:
+              cluster_status:
+                rawQuery: true
+                query: SELECT last(value) FROM cluster_status WHERE cluster_name = 'glance' AND environment_label = '$environment' AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval) fill(null)