Merge "Revert "introduce test-kitchen""
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ecc27a2..1bfce6e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.kitchen.docker.yml b/.kitchen.docker.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16c2576..0000000
--- a/.kitchen.docker.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- name: docker
- #socket: tcp://
- hostname:
- use_sudo: false
- name: salt_solo
- salt_install: bootstrap
- salt_bootstrap_url:
- salt_version: latest
- formula: glance
- log_level: info
- state_top:
- base:
- "*":
- - glance
- pillars:
- top.sls:
- base:
- "*":
- - glance
- grains:
- noservices: True
-# vim: ft=yaml sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 tw=125
diff --git a/.kitchen.openstack.yml b/.kitchen.openstack.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dbf7b2..0000000
--- a/.kitchen.openstack.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# usage: ` kitchen test`
- name: openstack
- openstack_auth_url: <%= ENV['OS_AUTH_URL'] %>/tokens
- openstack_username: <%= ENV['OS_USERNAME'] || 'ci' %>
- openstack_api_key: <%= ENV['OS_PASSWORD'] || 'ci' %>
- openstack_tenant: <%= ENV['OS_TENANT_NAME'] || 'ci_jenkins' %>
- #floating_ip_pool: <%= ENV['OS_FLOATING_IP_POOL'] || 'nova' %>
- key_name: <%= ENV['BOOTSTRAP_SSH_KEY_NAME'] || 'bootstrap_insecure' %>
- private_key_path: <%= ENV['BOOTSTRAP_SSH_KEY_PATH'] || "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/id_rsa_bootstrap_insecure" %>
- - name: ubuntu-14.04
- driver:
- username: <%= ENV['OS_UBUNTU_IMAGE_USER'] || 'root' %>
- image_ref: <%= ENV['OS_UBUNTU_IMAGE_REF'] || 'ubuntu-14-04-x64-1455869035' %>
- flavor_ref: m1.medium
- network_ref:
- <% if ENV['OS_NETWORK_REF'] -%>
- - <% ENV['OS_NETWORK_REF'] %>
- <% else -%>
- - ci-net
- <% end -%>
- # force update apt cache on the image
- run_list:
- - recipe[apt]
- attributes:
- apt:
- compile_time_update: true
- username: <%= ENV['OS_UBUNTU_IMAGE_USER'] || 'root' %>
-# vim: ft=yaml sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 tw=125
diff --git a/.kitchen.yml b/.kitchen.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 603cac8..0000000
--- a/.kitchen.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- name: vagrant
- vm_hostname:
- use_sudo: false
- customize:
- memory: 512
- name: salt_solo
- salt_install: bootstrap
- salt_bootstrap_url:
- salt_version: latest
- formula: glance
- log_level: info
- state_top:
- base:
- "*":
- - glance
- pillars:
- top.sls:
- base:
- "*":
- - glance
- grains:
- noservices: False
- name: inspec
- sudo: true
- #- name: ubuntu-14.04
- - name: ubuntu-16.04
- #- name: centos-7.1
- - name: cluster
- provisioner:
- pillars-from-files:
- glance.sls: tests/pillar/cluster.sls
- - name: single_ceph
- provisioner:
- pillars-from-files:
- glance.sls: tests/pillar/single_ceph.sls
- - name: single
- provisioner:
- pillars-from-files:
- glance.sls: tests/pillar/single.sls
-# vim: ft=yaml sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 tw=125
diff --git a/INTEGRATION.rst b/INTEGRATION.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 6555079..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-Continuous Integration
-We are using Jenkins to spin a kitchen instances in Docker or OpenStack environment.
-If you would like to repeat, then you may use ``.kitchen.<backend>.yml`` configuration yaml in the main directory
-to override ``.kitchen.yml`` at some points.
-Usage: ``<driver>.yml kitchen verify server-ubuntu-1404 -t tests/integration``.
-Example: `` kitchen verify server-ubuntu-1404 -t tests/integration``.
-Be aware of fundamental differences of backends. The formula verification scripts are primarily tested with
-Vagrant driver.
-CI uses a tuned `make kitchen` target defined in `Makefile` to perform following (Kitchen Test) actions:
-1. *create*, provision an test instance (VM, container)
-2. *converge*, run a provisioner (shell script, kitchen-salt)
-3. *verify*, run a verification (inspec, other may be added)
-4. *destroy*
-Test Kitchen
-To install Test Kitchen is as simple as:
-.. code-block:: shell
- # install kitchen
- gem install test-kitchen
- # install required plugins
- gem install kitchen-vagrant kitchen-docker kitchen-salt
- # install additional plugins & tools
- gem install kitchen-openstack kitchen-inspec busser-serverspec
- kitchen list
- kitchen test
-of course you have to have installed Ruby and it's package manager `gem <>`_ first.
-One may be satisfied installing it system-wide right from OS package manager which is preferred installation method.
-For advanced users or the sake of complex environments you may use `rbenv <>`_ for user side ruby installation.
- *
- *
-An example steps then might be:
-.. code-block:: shell
- # get rbenv
- git clone ~/.rbenv
- # configure
- cd ~/.rbenv && src/configure && make -C src # don't worry if it fails
- echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"'>> ~/.bash_profile
- # Ubuntu Desktop note: Modify your ~/.bashrc instead of ~/.bash_profile.
- cd ~/.rbenv; git fetch
- # install ruby-build, which provides the rbenv install command
- git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
- # list all available versions:
- rbenv install -l
- # install a Ruby version
- # maybe you will need additional packages: libssl-dev, libreadline-dev, zlib1g-dev
- rbenv install 2.0.0-p648
- # activate
- rbenv local 2.0.0-p648
- # install test kitchen
- gem install test-kitchen
-An optional ``Gemfile`` in the main directory may contain Ruby dependencies to be required for Test Kitchen workflow.
-To install them you have to install first ``gem install bundler`` and then run ``bundler install``.
-The `Busser <>`_ *Verifier* goes with test-kitchen by default.
-It is used to setup and run tests implemented in `<repo>/test/integration`. It guess and installs the particular driver to tested instance.
-By default `InSpec <>`_ is expected.
-You may avoid to install busser framework if you configure specific verifier in `.kitchen.yml` and install it kitchen plugin locally:
- verifier:
- name: serverspec
-If you would to write another verification scripts than InSpec store them in ``<repo>/tests/integration/<suite>/<busser>/*``.
-``Busser <>`` is a test setup and execution framework under test kitchen.
-Implement integration tests under ``<repo>/tests/integration/<suite>/<busser>/*`` directory with ``_spec.rb`` filename
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index fa15e0f..fc83783 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,28 +1,11 @@
-FORMULANAME=$(shell grep name: metadata.yml|head -1|cut -d : -f 2|grep -Eo '[a-z0-9\-\_]*')
-MAKE_PID := $(shell echo $$PPID)
-JOB_FLAG := $(filter -j%, $(subst -j ,-j,$(shell ps T | grep "^\s*$(MAKE_PID).*$(MAKE)")))
-ifneq ($(subst -j,,$(JOB_FLAG)),)
-JOBS := $(subst -j,,$(JOB_FLAG))
-JOBS := 1
+FORMULANAME=$(shell grep name: metadata.yml|head -1|cut -d : -f 2|grep -Eo '[a-z0-9\-]*')
@echo "make install - Install into DESTDIR"
@echo "make test - Run tests"
- @echo "make kitchen - Run Kitchen CI tests (create, converge, verify)"
@echo "make clean - Cleanup after tests run"
@@ -38,29 +21,6 @@
[ ! -d tests ] || (cd tests; ./
-kitchen: kitchen-create kitchen-converge kitchen-verify kitchen-list
- [ "$(shell echo $(KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML)|grep -Eo docker)" = "docker" ] || sleep 120
- kitchen converge ${KITCHEN_OPTS} ${KITCHEN_OPTS_CONVERGE} &&\
- [ ! -d tests/integration ] || kitchen verify -t tests/integration ${KITCHEN_OPTS} ${KITCHEN_OPTS_VERIFY}
- [ -d tests/integration ] || kitchen verify ${KITCHEN_OPTS} ${KITCHEN_OPTS_VERIFY}
- [ ! -d tests/integration ] || kitchen test -t tests/integration ${KITCHEN_OPTS} ${KITCHEN_OPTS_TEST}
- [ -d tests/integration ] || kitchen test ${KITCHEN_OPTS} ${KITCHEN_OPTS_TEST}
- kitchen list
- [ ! -x "$(shell which kitchen)" ] || kitchen destroy
- [ ! -d .kitchen ] || rm -rf .kitchen
[ ! -d tests/build ] || rm -rf tests/build
[ ! -d build ] || rm -rf build
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index c065e3c..8783516 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -151,56 +151,3 @@
Developers should also join the discussion on the IRC list, at:
-Development and testing
-Development and test workflow with `Test Kitchen <>`_ and
-`kitchen-salt <>`_ provisioner plugin.
-Test Kitchen is a test harness tool to execute your configured code on one or more platforms in isolation.
-There is a ``.kitchen.yml`` in main directory that defines *platforms* to be tested and *suites* to execute on them.
-Kitchen CI can spin instances locally or remote, based on used *driver*.
-For local development ``.kitchen.yml`` defines a `vagrant <>`_ or
-`docker <>`_ driver.
-To use backend drivers or implement your CI follow the section `INTEGRATION.rst#Continuous Integration`__.
-A listing of scenarios to be executed:
-.. code-block:: shell
- $ kitchen list
- Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier Transport Last Action
- cluster-ubuntu-1404 Vagrant SaltSolo Inspec Ssh <Not Created>
- cluster-ubuntu-1604 Vagrant SaltSolo Inspec Ssh <Not Created>
- cluster-centos-71 Vagrant SaltSolo Inspec Ssh <Not Created>
- single-ceph-ubuntu-1404 Vagrant SaltSolo Inspec Ssh <Not Created>
- single-ceph-ubuntu-1604 Vagrant SaltSolo Inspec Ssh <Not Created>
- single-ceph-centos-71 Vagrant SaltSolo Inspec Ssh <Not Created>
- single-ubuntu-1404 Vagrant SaltSolo Inspec Ssh <Not Created>
- single-ubuntu-1604 Vagrant SaltSolo Inspec Ssh <Not Created>
- single-centos-71 Vagrant SaltSolo Inspec Ssh <Not Created>
-The `Busser <>`_ *Verifier* is used to setup and run tests
-implementated in `<repo>/test/integration`. It installs the particular driver to tested instance
-(`Serverspec <>`_,
-`InSpec <>`_, Shell, Bats, ...) prior the verification is executed.
-.. code-block:: shell
- # list instances and status
- kitchen list
- # manually execute integration tests
- kitchen [test || [create|converge|verify|exec|login|destroy|...]] [instance] -t tests/integration
- # use with provided Makefile (ie: within CI pipeline)
- make kitchen
diff --git a/tests/integration/cluster/inspec/default_spec.rb b/tests/integration/cluster/inspec/default_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/tests/integration/cluster/inspec/default_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tests/integration/helpers/spec_helper.rb b/tests/integration/helpers/spec_helper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/tests/integration/helpers/spec_helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tests/integration/single/inspec/default_spec.rb b/tests/integration/single/inspec/default_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/tests/integration/single/inspec/default_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tests/integration/single_ceph/inspec/default_spec.rb b/tests/integration/single_ceph/inspec/default_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/tests/integration/single_ceph/inspec/default_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tests/pillar/single_ceph.sls b/tests/pillar/single_ceph.sls
index 7694ab3..e4e9791 100644
--- a/tests/pillar/single_ceph.sls
+++ b/tests/pillar/single_ceph.sls
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
enabled: true
version: liberty
- workers: 1
engine: mysql
host: localhost
@@ -35,4 +34,4 @@
user: glance
pool: glance-images
chunk_size: 8
- client_glance_key: AQAqcXhWk+3UARAAGmV4USB6I7wLJ/W+dVbUWw==
+ client_glance_key: AQAqcXhWk+3UARAAGmV4USB6I7wLJ/W+dVbUWw==
\ No newline at end of file