gerrit_account and gerrit_group states and formula integration
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 19e0df9..620ac0d 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -68,6 +68,36 @@
           user: gerrit
           password: ${_param:postgresql_gerrit_password}
+Gerrit client enforcing groups
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    gerrit:
+      client:
+        group:
+          Admin001:
+            description: admin 01
+          Admin002:
+            description: admin 02
+Gerrit client enforcing users
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    gerrit:
+      client:
+        user:
+          jdoe:
+            fullname: John Doe
+            email: ""
+            ssh_key: ssh-rsa
+            http_password: password
+            groups:
+            - Admin001
 Gerrit client enforcing projects
 .. code-block:: yaml
diff --git a/_modules/ b/_modules/
index c067cfd..2f520b9 100644
--- a/_modules/
+++ b/_modules/
@@ -224,12 +224,20 @@
     return gerrit
-def _name2id(gerrit, username=None):
+def _account_name2id(gerrit, name=None):
     # Although we could pass an AccountInput entry here to set details in one
     # go, it's left up to the _update_group() function, to avoid having a
     # totally separate code path for create vs. update.
-    account_info = gerrit.put('/accounts/%s' % quote(username))
-    return account_info['_account_id']
+    info = gerrit.get('/accounts/%s' % quote(name))
+    return info['_account_id']
+def _group_name2id(gerrit, name=None):
+    # Although we could pass an AccountInput entry here to set details in one
+    # go, it's left up to the _update_group() function, to avoid having a
+    # totally separate code path for create vs. update.
+    info = gerrit.get('/groups/%s' % quote(name))
+    return info['id']
 def _create_group(gerrit, name=None):
@@ -276,6 +284,8 @@
 def create_group_membership(gerrit, account_id, group_id):'Creating membership of %s in group %s', account_id, group_id)
+#    group_id = _group_name2id(gerrit, group_id)
+    print group_id
     path = 'groups/%s/members/%s' % (quote(group_id), account_id)
@@ -417,11 +427,11 @@
         output['email'] = email
         change |= emails_changed
-#    if params.get('groups') is not None:
-#        groups, groups_changed = ensure_only_member_of_these_groups(
-#            gerrit, account_id, params['groups'])
-#        output['groups'] = groups
-#        change |= groups_changed
+    if params.get('groups') is not None:
+        groups, groups_changed = ensure_only_member_of_these_groups(
+            gerrit, account_info.get('name'), params['groups'])
+        output['groups'] = groups
+        change |= groups_changed
     if params.get('http_password') is not None:
         http_password = get_string(gerrit, path + '/password.http')
@@ -550,7 +560,7 @@
     return ret
-def account_get(username, **kwargs):
+def account_get(name, **kwargs):
     Get gerrit account
@@ -558,12 +568,15 @@
     .. code-block:: bash
-        salt '*' gerrit.account_get username
+        salt '*' gerrit.account_get name
     gerrit_client = _gerrit_http_connection(**kwargs)
-    item, change = _update_account(gerrit_client, username, **{})
-    ret = item
+    accounts = account_list(**kwargs)
+    if(name in accounts):
+        ret = accounts.pop(name)
+    else:
+        ret = {'Error': 'Error in retrieving account'}
     return ret
@@ -602,7 +615,7 @@
     return ret
-def group_create(name, **kwargs):
+def group_create(name, description=None, **kwargs):
     Create a gerrit group
@@ -612,12 +625,12 @@
     .. code-block:: bash
-        salt '*' gerrit.group_create group-name
+        salt '*' gerrit.group_create group-name fsdfgwegfe
     gerrit_client = _gerrit_http_connection(**kwargs)
     ret, changed = _update_group(
-        gerrit_client, **{'name': name})
+        gerrit_client, **{'name': name, 'description': description})
     return ret
diff --git a/_states/ b/_states/
index d46a092..c869d6e 100644
--- a/_states/
+++ b/_states/
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
     return 'gerrit' if 'gerrit.account_create' in __salt__ else False
-def account_present(username, fullname=None, email=None, active=None, groups=[], ssh_key=None, http_password=None, **kwargs):
+def account_present(name, fullname, email=None, active=None, groups=[], ssh_key=None, http_password=None, **kwargs):
     Ensures that the gerrit account exists
-    :param username: username
+    :param name: username
     :param fullname: fullname
     :param email: email
     :param active: active
@@ -38,26 +38,26 @@
     :param http_password: http password
-    ret = {'name': username,
+    ret = {'name': name,
            'changes': {},
            'result': True,
-           'comment': 'Account "{0}" already exists'.format(username)}
+           'comment': 'Account "{0}" already exists'.format(name)}
     # Check if account is already present
-    group = __salt__['gerrit.account_get'](username, **kwargs)
+    account = __salt__['gerrit.account_get'](name, **kwargs)
-    if 'Error' not in group:
-        #update group
+    if 'Error' not in account:
+        #update account
-        # Create group
-        __salt__['gerrit.project_create'](username, **kwargs)
-        ret['comment'] = 'Account "{0}" has been added'.format(username)
+        # Create account
+        __salt__['gerrit.account_create'](name, fullname, email, active, groups, ssh_key, http_password, **kwargs)
+        ret['comment'] = 'Account "{0}" has been added'.format(name)
         ret['changes']['Account'] = 'Created'
     return ret
-def group_present(name, **kwargs):
+def group_present(name, description=None, **kwargs):
     Ensures that the gerrit group exists
@@ -69,14 +69,14 @@
            'comment': 'Group "{0}" already exists'.format(name)}
     # Check if group is already present
-    group = __salt__['gerrit.group_get'](name=name, **kwargs)
+    group = __salt__['gerrit.group_get'](name, **kwargs)
     if 'Error' not in group:
         #update group
         # Create group
-        __salt__['gerrit.project_create'](name, **kwargs)
+        __salt__['gerrit.group_create'](name, description, **kwargs)
         ret['comment'] = 'Group "{0}" has been added'.format(name)
         ret['changes']['Group'] = 'Created'
     return ret
diff --git a/gerrit/client/user.sls b/gerrit/client/user.sls
index 1c0ce5c..3b704c6 100644
--- a/gerrit/client/user.sls
+++ b/gerrit/client/user.sls
@@ -1,26 +1,33 @@
 {% from "gerrit/map.jinja" import client with context %}
 {%- if client.enabled %}
-{%- for group_name in client.get('groups', []) %}
+{%- for group_name, group in %}
 gerrit_client_group_{{ group_name }}:
   - name: {{ group_name }}
+  {%- if group.description is defined %}
+  - description: {{ group.description }}
+  {%- endif %}
 {%- endfor %}
-{%- for account_name, account in client.get('user', {}).iteritems() %}
+{%- for account_name, account in client.user.iteritems() %}
 gerrit_client_account_{{ account_name }}:
   - name: {{ account_name }}
   - fullname: {{ account.fullname }}
-  {%- if is defined %}
-  - active: {{ }}
+  - active: {{ account.get('active', True) }}
+  {%- if is defined %}
+  - email: {{ }}
   {%- endif %}
   {%- if account.http_password is defined %}
   - http_password: {{ account.http_password }}
   {%- endif %}
+  {%- if account.ssh_key is defined %}
+  - ssh_key: {{ account.ssh_key }}
+  {%- endif %}
   {%- if account.groups is defined %}
   - groups:
     {%- for group in account.groups %}
@@ -30,4 +37,4 @@
 {%- endfor %}
-{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
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