Initial rest client implementation.
diff --git a/_modules/ b/_modules/
index c4048cf..64d62ad 100644
--- a/_modules/
+++ b/_modules/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Module for handling gerrit calls.
-:optdepends:    - gerritlib Python adapter
+:optdepends:    - gerritlib/pygerrit Python adapter
 :configuration: This module is not usable until the following are specified
     either in a pillar or in the minion's config file::
@@ -16,12 +16,28 @@
             -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
+- gerrit_account:
+    username: Jenkins
+    fullname: Jenkins continuous integration tool
+    email:
+    groups:
+        - Non-Interactive Users
+        - Testers
+    gerrit_url:
+    gerrit_admin_username: dicky
+    gerrit_admin_password: b0sst0nes
 from __future__ import absolute_import
+import json
 import logging
 import os
+import urllib
+import requests.auth
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -52,22 +68,386 @@
     Only intended to be used within gerrit-enabled modules
     prefix = "gerrit"
     # look in connection_args first, then default to config file
     def get(key, default=None):
         return connection_args.get('connection_' + key,
-            __salt__['config.get'](prefix, {})).get(key, default)
+                                   __salt__['config.get'](prefix, {})).get(key, default)
     host = get('host', 'localhost')
     user = get('user', 'admin')
-    keyfile = get('keyfile', '/var/cache/salt/minion/gerrit_rsa')   
+    keyfile = get('keyfile', '/var/cache/salt/minion/gerrit_rsa')
     gerrit_client = gerrit.Gerrit(host, user, keyfile=keyfile)
     return gerrit_client
+def value_from_param(field, spec, param_value):
+    if 'choices' in spec:
+        if param_value not in spec['choices']:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "'%s' is not valid for field %s" % (param_value, field))
+        value = param_value.upper()
+    else:
+        value = param_value
+    return value
+def value_from_config_info(field, spec, info_value):
+    if isinstance(info_value, dict):
+        # This is a ConfigParameterInfo field. We need to figure out if the
+        # value is TRUE, FALSE or INHERIT.
+        if 'configured_value' in info_value:
+            value = info_value['configured_value']
+        else:
+            value = 'INHERIT'
+    else:
+        value = info_value
+    return value
+def get_boolean(gerrit, path):
+    response = gerrit.get(path)
+    if response == 'ok':
+        value = True
+    elif response == '':
+        value = False
+    else:
+        raise AnsibleGerritError(
+            "Unexpected response for %s: %s" % (path, response))
+    return value
+def get_list(gerrit, path):
+    values = gerrit.get(path)
+    return values
+def get_string(gerrit, path):
+    try:
+        value = gerrit.get(path)
+    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
+        if e.response.status_code == 404:
+            logging.debug("Ignoring exception %s", e)
+            logging.debug("Got %s", e.response.__dict__)
+            value = None
+        else:
+            raise
+    return value
+def set_boolean(gerrit, path, value):
+    if value:
+        gerrit.put(path)
+    else:
+        gerrit.delete(path)
+def set_string(gerrit, path, value, field_name=None):
+    field_name = field_name or os.path.basename(path)
+    # Setting to '' is equivalent to deleting, so we have no need for the
+    # DELETE method.
+    headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
+    data = json.dumps({field_name: value})
+    gerrit.put(path, data=data, headers=headers)
+def maybe_update_field(gerrit, path, field, gerrit_value, ansible_value,
+                       type='str', gerrit_api_path=None):
+    gerrit_api_path = gerrit_api_path or field
+    fullpath = path + '/' + gerrit_api_path
+    if gerrit_value == ansible_value:
+"Not updating %s: same value specified: %s", fullpath,
+                     gerrit_value)
+        value = gerrit_value
+        changed = False
+    elif ansible_value is None:
+"Not updating %s: no value specified, value stays as %s",
+                     fullpath, gerrit_value)
+        value = gerrit_value
+        changed = False
+    else:
+"Changing %s from %s to %s", fullpath, gerrit_value,
+                     ansible_value)
+        if type == 'str':
+            set_string(gerrit, fullpath, ansible_value, field_name=field)
+        elif type == 'bool':
+            set_boolean(gerrit, fullpath, ansible_value)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError("Unknown Ansible parameter type '%s'" % type)
+        value = ansible_value
+        changed = True
+    return value, changed
+def gerrit_connection(**connection_args):
+    prefix = "gerrit"
+    # look in connection_args first, then default to config file
+    def get(key, default=None):
+        return connection_args.get(
+            'connection_' + key,
+            __salt__['config.get'](prefix, {})).get(key, default)
+    host = get('host', 'localhost')
+    username = get('user', 'admin')
+    password = get('password', 'admin')
+    auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(
+        username, password)
+    gerrit =
+        url=host, auth=auth)
+    return gerrit
+def create_account(gerrit, username=None):
+    # Although we could pass an AccountInput entry here to set details in one
+    # go, it's left up to the update_account() function, to avoid having a
+    # totally separate code path for create vs. update.
+    account_info = gerrit.put('/accounts/%s' % quote(username))
+    return account_info
+def create_account_email(gerrit, account_id, email, preferred=False,
+                         no_confirmation=False):
+'Creating email %s for account %s', email, account_id)
+    email_input = {
+        # Setting 'email' is optional (it's already in the URL) but it's good
+        # to double check that the email is encoded in the URL properly.
+        'email': email,
+        'preferred': preferred,
+        'no_confirmation': no_confirmation,
+    }
+    logging.debug(email_input)
+    path = 'accounts/%s/emails/%s' % (account_id, quote(email))
+    headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
+, data=json.dumps(email_input), headers=headers)
+def create_account_ssh_key(gerrit, account_id, ssh_public_key):
+'Creating SSH key %s for account %s', ssh_public_key,
+                 account_id)
+    path = 'accounts/%s/sshkeys' % (account_id)
+, data=ssh_public_key)
+def create_group_membership(gerrit, account_id, group_id):
+'Creating membership of %s in group %s', account_id, group_id)
+    path = 'groups/%s/members/%s' % (quote(group_id), account_id)
+    gerrit.put(path)
+def ensure_only_member_of_these_groups(gerrit, account_id, ansible_groups):
+    path = 'accounts/%s' % account_id
+    group_info_list = get_list(gerrit, path + '/groups')
+    changed = False
+    gerrit_groups = []
+    for group_info in group_info_list:
+        if group_info['name'] in ansible_groups:
+  "Preserving %s membership of group %s", path,
+                         group_info)
+            gerrit_groups.append(group_info['name'])
+        else:
+  "Removing %s from group %s", path, group_info)
+            membership_path = 'groups/%s/members/%s' % (
+                quote(group_info['id']), account_id)
+            try:
+                gerrit.delete(membership_path)
+                changed = True
+            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
+                if e.response.status_code == 404:
+                    # This is a kludge, it'd be better to work out in advance
+                    # which groups the user is a member of only via membership
+                    # in a different. That's not trivial though with the
+                    # current API Gerrit provides.
+                        "Ignored %s; assuming membership of this group is due "
+                        "to membership of a group that includes it.", e)
+                else:
+                    raise
+    # If the user gave group IDs instead of group names, this will
+    # needlessly recreate the membership. The only actual issue will be that
+    # Ansible reports 'changed' when nothing really did change, I think.
+    #
+    # We might receive [""] when the user tries to pass in an empty list, so
+    # handle that.
+    for new_group in set(ansible_groups).difference(gerrit_groups):
+        if len(new_group) > 0:
+            create_group_membership(gerrit, account_id, new_group)
+            gerrit_groups.append(new_group)
+            changed = True
+    return gerrit_groups, changed
+def ensure_only_one_account_email(gerrit, account_id, email):
+    path = 'accounts/%s' % account_id
+    email_info_list = get_list(gerrit, path + '/emails')
+    changed = False
+    found_email = False
+    for email_info in email_info_list:
+        existing_email = email_info['email']
+        if existing_email == email:
+            # Since we're deleting all emails except this one, there's no need
+            # to care whether it's the 'preferred' one. It soon will be!
+  "Keeping %s email %s", path, email)
+            found_email = True
+        else:
+  "Removing %s email %s", path, existing_email)
+            gerrit.delete(path + '/emails/%s' % quote(existing_email))
+            changed = True
+    if len(email) > 0 and not found_email:
+        create_account_email(gerrit, account_id, email,
+                             preferred=True, no_confirmation=True)
+        changed = True
+    return email, changed
+def ensure_only_one_account_ssh_key(gerrit, account_id, ssh_public_key):
+    path = 'accounts/%s' % account_id
+    ssh_key_info_list = get_list(gerrit, path + '/sshkeys')
+    changed = False
+    found_ssh_key = False
+    for ssh_key_info in ssh_key_info_list:
+        if ssh_key_info['ssh_public_key'] == ssh_public_key:
+  "Keeping %s SSH key %s", path, ssh_key_info)
+            found_ssh_key = True
+        else:
+  "Removing %s SSH key %s", path, ssh_key_info)
+            gerrit.delete(path + '/sshkeys/%i' % ssh_key_info['seq'])
+            changed = True
+    if len(ssh_public_key) > 0 and not found_ssh_key:
+        create_account_ssh_key(gerrit, account_id, ssh_public_key)
+        changed = True
+    return ssh_public_key, changed
+def update_account(gerrit, username=None, **params):
+    change = False
+    try:
+        account_info = gerrit.get('/accounts/%s' % quote(username))
+    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
+        if e.response.status_code == 404:
+  "Account %s not found, creating it.", username)
+            account_info = create_account(gerrit, username)
+            change = True
+        else:
+            raise
+    logging.debug(
+        'Existing account info for account %s: %s', username,
+        json.dumps(account_info, indent=4))
+    account_id = account_info['_account_id']
+    path = 'accounts/%s' % account_id
+    output = {}
+    output['id'] = account_id
+    fullname, fullname_changed = maybe_update_field(
+        gerrit, path, 'name', account_info.get('name'), params.get('fullname'))
+    output['fullname'] = fullname
+    change |= fullname_changed
+    # Ansible sets the value of params that the user did not provide to None.
+    if params.get('active') is not None:
+        active = get_boolean(gerrit, path + '/active')
+        active, active_changed = maybe_update_field(
+            gerrit, path, 'active', active, params['active'], type='bool')
+        output['active'] = active
+        change |= active_changed
+    if params.get('email') is not None:
+        email, emails_changed = ensure_only_one_account_email(
+            gerrit, account_id, params['email'])
+        output['email'] = email
+        change |= emails_changed
+    if params.get('groups') is not None:
+        groups, groups_changed = ensure_only_member_of_these_groups(
+            gerrit, account_id, params['groups'])
+        output['groups'] = groups
+        change |= groups_changed
+    if params.get('http_password') is not None:
+        http_password = get_string(gerrit, path + '/password.http')
+        http_password, http_password_changed = maybe_update_field(
+            gerrit, path, 'http_password', http_password,
+            params.get('http_password'),
+            gerrit_api_path='password.http')
+        output['http_password'] = http_password
+        change |= http_password_changed
+    if params.get('ssh_key') is not None:
+        ssh_key, ssh_keys_changed = ensure_only_one_account_ssh_key(
+            gerrit, account_id,  params['ssh_key'])
+        output['ssh_key'] = ssh_key
+        change |= ssh_keys_changed
+    return output, change
+def user_create(username, fullname,
+                email, groups=[], **kwargs):
+    '''
+    Create a gerrit project
+    :param username: username
+    :param fullname: fullname
+    :param email: email
+    :param groups: array of strings
+        groups:
+            - Non-Interactive Users
+            - Testers
+    CLI Examples:
+    .. code-block:: bash
+        salt '*' gerrit.user_create namespace/nova description='nova project'
+    '''
+    gerrit_client = gerrit_connection(**kwargs)
+    output, changed = update_account(
+        gerrit_client, **{
+            'username': username,
+            'fullname': fullname,
+            'email': email,
+            'groups': groups,
+        })
+    return output
 def project_create(name, **kwargs):
     Create a gerrit project
@@ -79,7 +459,7 @@
     .. code-block:: bash
         salt '*' gerrit.project_create namespace/nova description='nova project'
     ret = {}
     gerrit_client = auth(**kwargs)
@@ -93,6 +473,7 @@
     new = gerrit_client.createProject(name)
     return project_get(name, **kwargs)
 def project_get(name, **kwargs):
     Return a specific project
@@ -146,7 +527,7 @@
     .. code-block:: bash
         salt '*' gerrit.query 'status:open project:tools/gerrit limit:2'
     ret = {}
     gerrit_client = auth(**kwargs)