Add parameters to setup the gateway
diff --git a/elasticsearch/files/elasticsearch.yml b/elasticsearch/files/elasticsearch.yml
index 5031bb1..90e9165 100644
--- a/elasticsearch/files/elasticsearch.yml
+++ b/elasticsearch/files/elasticsearch.yml
@@ -274,17 +274,26 @@
# Allow recovery process after N nodes in a cluster are up:
# gateway.recover_after_nodes: 1
+{%- if server.get('gateway', {}).recover_after_nodes is defined %}
+gateway.recover_after_nodes: {{ server.gateway.recover_after_nodes }}
+{%- endif %}
# Set the timeout to initiate the recovery process, once the N nodes
# from previous setting are up (accepts time value):
# gateway.recover_after_time: 5m
+{%- if server.get('gateway', {}).recover_after_time is defined %}
+gateway.recover_after_time: {{ server.gateway.recover_after_time }}
+{%- endif %}
# Set how many nodes are expected in this cluster. Once these N nodes
# are up (and recover_after_nodes is met), begin recovery process immediately
# (without waiting for recover_after_time to expire):
# gateway.expected_nodes: 2
+{%- if server.get('gateway', {}).expected_nodes is defined %}
+gateway.expected_nodes: {{ server.gateway.expected_nodes }}
+{%- endif %}
############################# Recovery Throttling #############################