add kitchen init
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 9bf6152..376df02 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -11,3 +11,26 @@
pip install cookiecutter
cookiecutter cookiecutter-salt-formula
+Init Kitchen CI
+Install prerequisite (Render jinja2 templates on the command line with shell environment variables)
+.. code-block:: bash
+ pip install envtpl
+Once you create your `tests/pillar` structure (required if you want to auto populate kitchen test suites)
+.. code-block:: bash
+ pip install envtpl
+ ./
+Instantly for latest version or on existing formulas:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ curl -L "" | bash -s --
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8af12b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# usage:
+# cd <formula repo>; ./
+export DRIVER=${DRIVER:-vagrant} # vagrant, dokken, openstack, ...
+export VERIFIER=${VERIFIER:-inspec} # serverspec, pester
+export KITCHEN_YML=${}
+export FORMULA=${FORMULA:-$(awk -F: '/name/{gsub(/[\ \"]/,"");print $2}' metadata.yml)}
+export SUITES=$(ls tests/pillar|xargs -I{} basename {} .sls)
+test ! -e .kitchen.yml || {
+ kitchen init -D kitchen-docker -P kitchen-salt --no-create-gemfile
+ echo .kitchen >> .gitignore
+ rm -rf test
+ rm -f .kitchen.yml
+ rm -f chefignore
+test -e INTEGRATION.rst || \
+wget '' -O INTEGRATION.rst 2>/dev/null
+test -d tests/integration || {
+ for suite in $SUITES; do
+ mkdir -p tests/integration/$suite/$VERIFIER
+ done
+ mkdir -p tests/integration/helpers/$VERIFIER/
+ touch $_/spec_helper.rb
+cat > .kitchen.yml.jinja <<-EOF
+ ---
+ driver:
+ name: $DRIVER
+ {%- if DRIVER == 'docker' %}
+ hostname: $
+ use_sudo: false
+ {%- elif DRIVER == 'vagrant' %}
+ vm_hostname: $
+ use_sudo: false
+ customize:
+ memory: 512
+ {%- endif %}
+ provisioner:
+ name: salt_solo
+ salt_install: bootstrap
+ salt_bootstrap_url:
+ salt_version: latest
+ formula: $FORMULA
+ log_level: info
+ state_top:
+ base:
+ "*":
+ pillars:
+ top.sls:
+ base:
+ "*":
+ grains:
+ noservices: {{ 'True' if DRIVER=='docker' else 'False' }}
+ verifier:
+ name: $VERIFIER
+ sudo: true
+ platforms:
+ - name: ubuntu-14.04
+ - name: ubuntu-16.04
+ - name: centos-7.1
+ suites:
+ {%- if DRIVER == 'vagrant' %}
+ # Default suite, smoke test, setup prerequisites and executes run ./tests/
+ - name: default
+ includes:
+ - ubuntu-16.04
+ driver:
+ name: local
+ provision_command:
+ - apt-get install -y git build-essential python-pip python-yaml python-dev python-virtualenv
+ provisioner:
+ name: shell
+ script: tests/
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- for suite in SUITES.split() %}
+ - name: {{ suite }}
+ provisioner:
+ pillars-from-files:
+ $FORMULA.sls: tests/pillar/{{suite}}.sls
+ {%- endfor %}
+ # vim: ft=yaml sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 tw=125
+#FIXME, remove comment \{\% for name, value in environment('SUITE_') \%\}
+which envtpl &> /dev/null|| pip3 install envtpl
+envtpl < .kitchen.yml.jinja > .kitchen.yml
+[[ "$DRIVER" != "docker" ]] && {
+ test -e .kitchen.docker.yml || \
+ DRIVER=docker envtpl < <(head -n12 .kitchen.yml.jinja) > .kitchen.docker.yml
+test -e .kitchen.openstack.yml || \
+cat > .kitchen.openstack.yml <<-\EOF
+ # usage: ` kitchen test`
+ #
+ #
+ ---
+ driver:
+ name: openstack
+ openstack_auth_url: <%= ENV['OS_AUTH_URL'] %>/tokens
+ openstack_username: <%= ENV['OS_USERNAME'] || 'ci' %>
+ openstack_api_key: <%= ENV['OS_PASSWORD'] || 'ci' %>
+ openstack_tenant: <%= ENV['OS_TENANT_NAME'] || 'ci_jenkins' %>
+ #floating_ip_pool: <%= ENV['OS_FLOATING_IP_POOL'] || 'nova' %>
+ key_name: <%= ENV['BOOTSTRAP_SSH_KEY_NAME'] || 'bootstrap_insecure' %>
+ private_key_path: <%= ENV['BOOTSTRAP_SSH_KEY_PATH'] || "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/id_rsa_bootstrap_insecure" %>
+ platforms:
+ - name: ubuntu-14.04
+ driver:
+ username: <%= ENV['OS_UBUNTU_IMAGE_USER'] || 'root' %>
+ image_ref: <%= ENV['OS_UBUNTU_IMAGE_REF'] || 'ubuntu-14-04-x64-1455869035' %>
+ flavor_ref: m1.medium
+ network_ref:
+ <% if ENV['OS_NETWORK_REF'] -%>
+ - <% ENV['OS_NETWORK_REF'] %>
+ <% else -%>
+ - ci-net
+ <% end -%>
+ # force update apt cache on the image
+ run_list:
+ - recipe[apt]
+ attributes:
+ apt:
+ compile_time_update: true
+ transport:
+ username: <%= ENV['OS_UBUNTU_IMAGE_USER'] || 'root' %>
+ # vim: ft=yaml sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 tw=125
+rm -f .kitchen.yml.jinja
+git add \
+ .gitignore \
+ .kitchen*yml \
+# skip if already updated
+grep -Eoq 'Development and testing' README.* && exit 0
+KITCHEN_LIST=$(kitchen list|tail -n+2)
+cat >> README.* <<-\EOF
+ Development and testing
+ =======================
+ Development and test workflow with `Test Kitchen <>`_ and
+ `kitchen-salt <>`_ provisioner plugin.
+ Test Kitchen is a test harness tool to execute your configured code on one or more platforms in isolation.
+ There is a ``.kitchen.yml`` in main directory that defines *platforms* to be tested and *suites* to execute on them.
+ Kitchen CI can spin instances locally or remote, based on used *driver*.
+ For local development ``.kitchen.yml`` defines a `vagrant <>`_ or
+ `docker <>`_ driver.
+ To use backend drivers or implement your CI follow the section `INTEGRATION.rst#Continuous Integration`__.
+ A listing of scenarios to be executed:
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ $ kitchen list
+ Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier Transport Last Action
+echo "$KITCHEN_LIST" | sed 's/^/ /' >> README.*
+cat >> README.* <<-\EOF
+ The `Busser <>`_ *Verifier* is used to setup and run tests
+ implementated in `<repo>/test/integration`. It installs the particular driver to tested instance
+ (`Serverspec <>`_,
+ `InSpec <>`_, Shell, Bats, ...) prior the verification is executed.
+ Usage:
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ # manually
+ kitchen [test || [create|converge|verify|exec|login|destroy|...]] -t tests/integration
+ # or with provided Makefile within CI pipeline
+ make kitchen
+git add README.*
+git status
+echo "Note: Dont forget to add kitchen targets to 'Makefile'.
diff --git "a/\173\173cookiecutter.project_name\175\175/INTEGRATION.rst" "b/\173\173cookiecutter.project_name\175\175/INTEGRATION.rst"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\173\173cookiecutter.project_name\175\175/INTEGRATION.rst"