Determine region-specific endpoints correctly.

Previous behavior was hardcoded to pick the first endpoint
    `endpoint = item['endpoints'][0]`
and then check if the region matched the configured region.

This fails for regions other than the first listed.

I've modified it to instead search through provided endpoints for a
matching region.  If no region is configured, it falls back to original
behavior of picking first available endpoint.

For reference:
{'access': {'metadata': {'is_admin': 0, 'roles': []},
            'serviceCatalog': [{'endpoints': [{'adminURL': 'someurl',
                                               'id': 'someuuid',
                                               'internalURL': 'someurl',
                                               'publicURL': 'someurl',
                                               'region': 'RegionOne'},
                                              {'adminURL': 'someotherurl',
                                               'id': 'someotheruuid',
                                               'internalURL': 'someotherurl',
                                               'publicURL': 'someotherurl',
                                               'region': 'RegionTwo'}],
                                'endpoints_links': [],
                                'name': 'cinderv2',
                                'type': 'volumev2'},

Change-Id: I13eb1dff9fc3bfdefcdcdc50387b68189b0bba8a
diff --git a/collectd/files/plugin/ b/collectd/files/plugin/
index e118332..f4745dd 100644
--- a/collectd/files/plugin/
+++ b/collectd/files/plugin/
@@ -108,9 +108,18 @@
             data['access']['token']['expires']) - self.EXPIRATION_TOKEN_DELTA
         self.service_catalog = []
         for item in data['access']['serviceCatalog']:
-            endpoint = item['endpoints'][0]
-            if self.region and self.region != endpoint['region']:
-                continue
+            endpoint = False
+            if self.region:
+                for e in item['endpoints']:
+                    if self.region == e['region']:
+                        endpoint = e
+                if not endpoint:
+                    continue
+            else:
+                # If no region is defined, I guess we'll just keep the old
+                # behavior of picking the first one.
+                endpoint = item['endpoints'][0]
             if 'internalURL' not in endpoint and 'publicURL' not in endpoint:
                     "Skipping service '{}' with no valid URL".format(