Merge "Update cinder policy management"
diff --git a/cinder/meta/prometheus.yml b/cinder/meta/prometheus.yml
index 0748ba3..b9d548c 100644
--- a/cinder/meta/prometheus.yml
+++ b/cinder/meta/prometheus.yml
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 {%- set is_controller = controller.get('enabled', False) %}
 {%- set is_volume = volume.get('enabled', False) %}
+{%- set minor_threshold = monitoring.services_failed_warning_threshold_percent|float %}
+{%- set major_threshold = monitoring.services_failed_critical_threshold_percent|float %}
+{%- set major_endpoint_threshold = monitoring.endpoint_failed_major_threshold|float %}
 {%- if is_controller or is_volume %}
 {%- if is_controller %}
-{%- set minor_threshold = monitoring.services_failed_warning_threshold_percent|float %}
-{%- set major_threshold = monitoring.services_failed_critical_threshold_percent|float %}
-{%- set major_endpoint_threshold = monitoring.endpoint_failed_major_threshold|float %}
 {%- raw %}
       if: >-
@@ -107,6 +107,52 @@
           All {{ $labels.binary }} services are down.
 {%- endraw %}
 {%- endif %}
+{%- if is_volume %}
+    CinderVolumeProcessDown:
+      if: >-
+        procstat_running{process_name="cinder-volume"} == 0
+      {% raw %}
+      labels:
+        severity: minor
+        service: cinder
+      annotations:
+        summary: "Cinder-volume process is down"
+        description: "The cinder-volume process on the {{ $ }} node is down."
+      {% endraw %}
+    CinderVolumeProcessesDownMinor:
+      if: >-
+        count(procstat_running{process_name="cinder-volume"} == 0) >= count(procstat_running{process_name="cinder-volume"}) * {{ minor_threshold }}
+      {% raw %}
+      labels:
+        severity: minor
+        service: cinder
+      annotations:
+        summary: "{%- endraw %}{{minor_threshold*100}}%{%- raw %} of cinder-volume processes are down"
+        description: "{{ $value }} cinder-volume processes (>= {%- endraw %}{{minor_threshold*100}}%{%- raw %}) are down."
+      {% endraw %}
+    CinderVolumeProcessesDownMajor:
+      if: >-
+        count(procstat_running{process_name="cinder-volume"} == 0) >= count(procstat_running{process_name="cinder-volume"}) * {{ major_threshold }}
+      {% raw %}
+      labels:
+        severity: major
+        service: cinder
+      annotations:
+        summary: "{%- endraw %}{{major_threshold*100}}%{%- raw %} of cinder-volume processes are down"
+        description: "{{ $value }} cinder-volume processes (>= {%- endraw %}{{major_threshold*100}}%{%- raw %}) are down."
+      {% endraw %}
+    CinderVolumeServiceOutage:
+      if: >-
+        count(procstat_running{process_name="cinder-volume"} == 0) == count(procstat_running{process_name="cinder-volume"})
+      {% raw %}
+      labels:
+        severity: critical
+        service: cinder
+      annotations:
+        summary: "Cinder-volume service outage"
+        description: "All cinder-volume processes are down."
+      {% endraw %}
+{%- endif %}
       {%- set log_threshold = monitoring.error_log_rate|float %}
       if: >-
diff --git a/cinder/meta/telegraf.yml b/cinder/meta/telegraf.yml
index 0657c94..9a1dac6 100644
--- a/cinder/meta/telegraf.yml
+++ b/cinder/meta/telegraf.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
-{%- from "cinder/map.jinja" import controller with context %}
-{%- if controller.get('enabled', False) and controller.get('osapi') %}
-{%- set protocol = controller.get('identity', {}).get('protocol', 'http') %}
+{%- from "cinder/map.jinja" import controller, volume with context %}
+{%- if (controller.get('enabled', False) and controller.get('osapi')) or volume.get('enabled', False) %}
+  {%- if controller.get('enabled', False) and controller.get('osapi') %}
+  {%- set protocol = controller.get('identity', {}).get('protocol', 'http') %}
         address: "{{ protocol }}://{{|replace('', '') }}:8776/"
         expected_code: {% if controller.version in ('juno', 'kilo', 'liberty') %}200{% else %}300{% endif %}
+  {%- endif %}
+  {%- if volume.get('enabled', False) %}
+    procstat:
+      process:
+        cinder-volume:
+          pattern: cinder-volume
+  {%- endif %}
 {%- endif %}