workaround for enabling prometheus plugin in nautulus deployments

Related-Prod: PROD-34796
Change-Id: Icce1b92cfeb15e32ffc368134c55b1c7cc0149a3
diff --git a/ceph/mgr.sls b/ceph/mgr.sls
index 85e5fc4..44299fe 100644
--- a/ceph/mgr.sls
+++ b/ceph/mgr.sls
@@ -101,9 +101,10 @@
 {%- if pillar.get('prometheus', {}).get('collector',{}).get("enabled", False) %}
+# PROD-34796: formula needs to wait a moment for mgr to start completely after fresh deployment before trying to enable prometheus plugin
-  - name: "ceph -c /etc/ceph/{{ common.get('cluster_name', 'ceph') }}.conf mgr module enable prometheus"
+  - name: "sleep 60; ceph -c /etc/ceph/{{ common.get('cluster_name', 'ceph') }}.conf mgr module enable prometheus"
   - unless: "ceph -c /etc/ceph/{{ common.get('cluster_name', 'ceph') }}.conf mgr module ls | python -c 'import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)[\"enabled_modules\"] | grep prometheus"
   - require:
     - file: common_config