Enable logrotate configuration also for Ceph OSD

Related: PROD-29848

Change-Id: I2148a5d35b312313fc2ac4f8890eddcfd8006848
diff --git a/ceph/meta/logrotate.yml b/ceph/meta/logrotate.yml
index 2049001..8f2730c 100644
--- a/ceph/meta/logrotate.yml
+++ b/ceph/meta/logrotate.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## Default: Daily rotation with 28 rotations kept
-{%- from "ceph/map.jinja" import common, mgr, mon, radosgw with context %}
+{%- from "ceph/map.jinja" import common, mgr, mon, osd, radosgw with context %}
-{%- if mgr.get('enabled', False) or mon.get('enabled', False) or radosgw.get('enabled', False) %}
+{%- if mgr.get('enabled', False) or mon.get('enabled', False) or osd.get('enabled', False) or radosgw.get('enabled', False) %}
     - files: