Adding delay if apache restart
The patch fixes the following race condition issue which reproduces
in Pike and is following - barbican creates initial nss_db when is
executed at the very first time but apache doesn't know whether
barbican finished creating of the db and allows connections to it
but actually barbican still can't accept the connections therefore
if someone tries to perform any operation in that period of time
will bump into errors so to fix the issue init_delay time has been
implemented in servis.running state.
The issue doesn't reproduce since Queens because nss_db is created
by separate state with command barbican-manage db sync_secret_stores.
Change-Id: Ie470a95a95794989fb7280e8c3dea57af9d80611
Related-PROD: PROD-26988 (PROD:26988)
(cherry picked from commit c7b0b53fab2ba6e160fa22ba2dad271f1ec6aa77)
1 file changed