Added openstack_barbican missing label

Since we have input.forwarders enabled which seeks for
openstack_barbican label, we need to add its configuration
to make fluentd workable.

Change-Id: I68b66f0bb841141f249d726fe9365cb8046e5c4a
Closes-Bug: PROD-26327
diff --git a/barbican/meta/fluentd.yml b/barbican/meta/fluentd.yml
index 2613779..36983de 100644
--- a/barbican/meta/fluentd.yml
+++ b/barbican/meta/fluentd.yml
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
             tag: openstack.barbican.**
             type: relabel
             label: openstack_barbican
+  {%- if apache_wsgi %}
@@ -68,4 +69,68 @@
             tag: 'metric.**'
             type: relabel
             label: default_metric
+  {%- endif %}
+      openstack_barbican:
+        filter:
+          set_programname:
+            tag: openstack.barbican.*
+            type: record_transformer
+            enable_ruby: true
+            record:
+              - name: programname
+                value: barbican-${ tag_parts[2] }
+          set_log_record_fields:
+            tag: openstack.barbican
+            type: record_transformer
+            enable_ruby: true
+            record:
+              - name: Severity
+                value: ${ {'TRACE'=>7,'DEBUG'=>7,'INFO'=>6,'AUDIT'=>6,'WARNING'=>4,'ERROR'=>3,'CRITICAL'=>2}[record['level']].to_i }
+              - name: severity_label
+                value: ${ record['level'] }
+              - name: Payload
+                value: ${ record['message'] }
+              - name: python_module
+                value: ${ record['name'] }
+              - name: programname
+                value: '${ record["programname"] ? record["programname"] : "barbican" }'
+          parse_http_stats:
+            tag: openstack.barbican
+            type: parser
+            key_name: Payload
+            reserve_data: true
+            emit_invalid_record_to_error: false
+            parser:
+              type: regexp
+              # Parse openstack http stats:
+              format: '\"(?<http_method>GET|POST|OPTIONS|DELETE|PUT|HEAD|TRACE|CONNECT|PATCH)\s(?<http_url>\S+)\s(?<http_version>[.\/\dHTFSP]+)\"\sstatus:\s(?<http_status>\d{3})\slen:\s(?<http_response_size>\d+)\stime:\s(?<http_response_time>\d+\.\d+)'
+              types: http_response_time:float
+        match:
+          unify_tag:
+            tag: openstack.barbican.*
+            type: rewrite_tag_filter
+            rule:
+              - name: level
+                regexp: '.*'
+                result: openstack.barbican
+          send_to_default:
+            tag: openstack.barbican
+            type: copy
+            store:
+              - type: relabel
+                label: default_output
+              - type: rewrite_tag_filter
+                rule:
+                  - name: severity_label
+                    regexp: '.'
+                    result: metric.barbican_log_messages
+              - type: rewrite_tag_filter
+                rule:
+                  - name: http_status
+                    regexp: '.'
+                    result: metric.barbican_openstack_http_response
+          push_to_metric:
+            tag: 'metric.**'
+            type: relabel
+            label: default_metric
 {% endif %}