Basic barbican configuration

Usual suspects:
- database
- keystone
- messaging

- apache web site for api's
- worker
- keystone-listener

- Crypto plugins configuration fragments
- Support multiple stores

Add some information to README

Change-Id: Ie58a0daf318c99ea0e41c3c9dd5fcc450f356276
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index af029bc..4d28f57 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-barbican formula
+Barbican formula
 Barbican is a REST API designed for the secure storage, provisioning and
 management of secrets such as passwords, encryption keys and X.509 Certificates.
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 Sample pillars
-Single barbican service
+Barbican cluster service
 .. code-block:: yaml
@@ -19,6 +19,234 @@
         enabled: true
         version: ocata
+        host_href: ''
+        is_proxied: true
+        plugin:
+          simple_crypto:
+            kek: "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXoxMjM0NTY="
+        store:
+          software:
+            crypto_plugin: simple_crypto
+            store_plugin: store_crypto
+            global_default: True
+        database:
+          engine: "mysql+pymysql"
+          host:
+          port: 3306
+          name: barbican
+          user: barbican
+          password: password
+        bind:
+          address:
+          port: 9311
+          admin_port: 9312
+        identity:
+          engine: keystone
+          host:
+          port: 35357
+          domain: default
+          tenant: service
+          user: barbican
+          password: password
+        message_queue:
+          engine: rabbitmq
+          user: openstack
+          password: password
+          virtual_host: '/openstack'
+          members:
+          - host:
+            port: 5672
+          - host:
+            port: 5672
+          - host:
+            port: 5672
+        cache:
+          members:
+          - host:
+            port: 11211
+          - host:
+            port: 11211
+          - host:
+            port: 11211
+Running behind loadbalancer
+If you are running behind loadbalancer, set the `host_href` to load balancer's
+address. You can set `host_href` empty and the api attempts autodetect correct
+address from http requests.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    barbican:
+      server:
+        enabled: true
+        version: ocata
+        host_href: ''
+Running behind proxy
+If you are running behind proxy, set the `is_proxied` parameter to `true`. This
+will allow `host_href` autodetection with help of proxy headers such as
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    barbican:
+      server:
+        enabled: true
+        version: ocata
+        host_href: ''
+        is_proxied: true
+Queuing asynchronous messaging
+By default is `async_queues_enable` set `false` to invoke worker tasks
+synchronously (i.e. no-queue standalone mode). To enable queuing asynchronous
+messaging you need to set it true.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    barbican:
+      server:
+        enabled: true
+        version: ocata
+        async_queues_enable: true
+Keystone notification listener
+To enable keystone notification listener, set the `ks_notification_enable`
+to true.
+`ks_notifications_allow_requeue` enables requeue feature in case of
+notification processing error. Enable this only when underlying transport
+supports this feature.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    barbican:
+      server:
+        enabled: true
+        version: ocata
+        ks_notifications_enable: true
+        ks_notifications_allow_requeue: true
+Configuring plugins
+Dogtag KRA
+.. code block:: yaml
+    barbican:
+      server:
+        plugin:
+          dogtag:
+            pem_path: '/etc/barbican/kra_admin_cert.pem'
+            dogtag_host: localhost
+            dogtag_port: 8433
+            nss_db_path: '/etc/barbican/alias'
+            nss_db_path_ca: '/etc/barbican/alias-ca'
+            nss_password: 'password123'
+            simple_cmc_profile: 'caOtherCert'
+            ca_expiration_time: 1
+            plugin_working_dir: '/etc/barbican/dogtag'
+.. code block:: yaml
+    barbican:
+      server:
+        plugin:
+          kmip:
+            username: 'admin'
+            password: 'password'
+            host: localhost
+            port: 5696
+            keyfile: '/path/to/certs/cert.key'
+            certfile: '/path/to/certs/cert.crt'
+            ca_certs: '/path/to/certs/LocalCA.crt'
+.. code block:: yaml
+    barbican:
+      server:
+        plugin:
+          p11_crypto:
+            library_path: '/usr/lib/'
+            login: 'mypassword'
+            mkek_label: 'an_mkek'
+            mkek_length: 32
+            hmac_label: 'my_hmac_label'
+Software Only Crypto
+`kek` is key encryption key created from 32 bytes encoded as Base64. You should
+not use this in production.
+.. code block:: yaml
+    barbican:
+      server:
+        plugin:
+          simple_crypto:
+            kek: 'YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXoxMjM0NTY='
+Secret stores
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    barbican:
+      server:
+        plugin:
+          simple_crypto:
+            kek: "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXoxMjM0NTY="
+          p11_crypto:
+            library_path: '/usr/lib/'
+            login: 'mypassword'
+            mkek_label: 'an_mkek'
+            mkek_length: 32
+            hmac_label: 'my_hmac_label'
+          kmip:
+            username: 'admin'
+            password: 'password'
+            host: localhost
+            port: 5696
+            keyfile: '/path/to/certs/cert.key'
+            certfile: '/path/to/certs/cert.crt'
+            ca_certs: '/path/to/certs/LocalCA.crt'
+          dogtag:
+            pem_path: '/etc/barbican/kra_admin_cert.pem'
+            dogtag_host: localhost
+            dogtag_port: 8433
+            nss_db_path: '/etc/barbican/alias'
+            nss_db_path_ca: '/etc/barbican/alias-ca'
+            nss_password: 'password123'
+            simple_cmc_profile: 'caOtherCert'
+            ca_expiration_time: 1
+            plugin_working_dir: '/etc/barbican/dogtag'
+        store:
+          software:
+            crypto_plugin: simple_crypto
+            store_plugin: store_crypto
+            global_default: True
+          kmip:
+            store_plugin: kmip_plugin
+          dogtag:
+            store_plugin: dogtag_plugin
+          pkcs11:
+            store_plugin: store_crypto
+            crypto_plugin: p11_crypto
 Documentation and Bugs