backup fixes
Change-Id: I784fee254e6d8664836ef2cf7f7af0cceb4fc8f4
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 773d3f3..8a29afa 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
rdiff: true
+ enabled: true
key: ssh-key
diff --git a/backupninja/client.sls b/backupninja/client.sls
index 696ea08..7824658 100644
--- a/backupninja/client.sls
+++ b/backupninja/client.sls
@@ -118,6 +118,34 @@
{%- endif %}
+{%- if in ["rsync",] %}
+ file.managed:
+ - name: /usr/share/backupninja/rsync
+ - source: salt://backupninja/files/
+ - mode: 755
+ - user: root
+ - group: root
+ - onlyif:
+ - dpkg -l | grep backupninja | grep 1.0.1-2
+ - require:
+ - pkg: backupninja_packages
+ file.managed:
+ - name: /usr/share/backupninja/rsync
+ - source: salt://backupninja/files/
+ - mode: 755
+ - user: root
+ - group: root
+ - onlyif:
+ - dpkg -l | grep backupninja | grep 1.0.1-1
+ - require:
+ - pkg: backupninja_packages
+{%- endif %}
- name: /etc/backup.d/200.{{ }}
diff --git a/backupninja/files/handler/mysql.conf b/backupninja/files/handler/mysql.conf
index 18a4fff..67ca78a 100644
--- a/backupninja/files/handler/mysql.conf
+++ b/backupninja/files/handler/mysql.conf
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
{%- if pillar.get("galera", {}).master is defined %}
- {%- from "galera/map.jinja" import master with context -%}
+ {%- from "galera/map.jinja" import master as server with context -%}
{%- elif pillar.get("galera", {}).slave is defined %}
- {%- from "galera/map.jinja" import slave with context -%}
+ {%- from "galera/map.jinja" import slave as server with context -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- from "mysql/map.jinja" import server with context -%}
{%- endif -%}
### backupninja mysql config file ###
-databases = {% for db in pillar.mysql.server.get('databases', []) %} {{ }}{% endfor %} {% for db_name, db in pillar.mysql.server.get('database', {}).iteritems() %} {{ db_name }}{% endfor %}
+databases = {% for db_name, db in pillar.get('mysql', {}).server.get('database', {}).iteritems() %} {{ db_name }}{% endfor %}
backupdir = /var/backups/mysql
hotcopy = no
sqldump = yes
diff --git a/backupninja/files/ b/backupninja/files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..354e451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backupninja/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,1154 @@
+# -*- mode: sh; sh-basic-offset: 3; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
+# vim: set filetype=sh sw=3 sts=3 expandtab autoindent:
+# backupninja handler for incremental backups using rsync and hardlinks
+# feedback: rhatto at
+# rsync handler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
+# rsync handler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+# more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+# Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+# Inspiration
+# -----------
+# -
+# - rsnap handler by paulv at
+# - maildir handler from backupninja
+# Config file options
+# -------------------
+# [general]
+# log = rsync log file
+# partition = partition where the backup lives
+# fscheck = set to 1 if fsck should run on $partition after the backup is made
+# read_only = set to 1 if $partition is mounted read-only
+# mountpoint = backup partition mountpoint or backup main folder (either local or remote)
+# backupdir = folder relative do $mountpoint where the backup should be stored (local or remote)
+# format = specify backup storage format: short, long or mirror (i.e, no rotations)
+# days = for short storage format, specify the number of backup increments (min = 2, set to 1 or less to disable)
+# keepdaily = for long storage format, specify the number of daily backup increments
+# keepweekly = for long storage format, specify the number of weekly backup increments
+# keepmonthly = for long storage format, specify the number of monthly backup increments
+# nicelevel = rsync command nice level
+# enable_mv_timestamp_bug = set to "yes" if your system isnt handling timestamps correctly
+# tmp = temp folder
+# multiconnection = set to "yes" if you want to use multiconnection ssh support
+# [source]
+# from = local or remote
+# host = source hostname or ip, if remote backup
+# port = remote port number (remote source only)
+# user = remote user name (remote source only)
+# testconnect = when "yes", test the connection for a remote source before backup
+# include = include folder on backup
+# exclude = exclude folder on backup
+# ssh = ssh command line (remote source only)
+# protocol = ssh or rsync (remote source only)
+# rsync = rsync program
+# rsync_options = rsync command options
+# exclude_vserver = vserver-name (valid only if vservers = yes on backupninja.conf)
+# numericids = when set to 1, use numeric ids instead of user/group mappings on rsync
+# compress = if set to 1, compress data on rsync (remote source only)
+# bandwidthlimit = set a bandwidth limit in KB/s (remote source only)
+# remote_rsync = remote rsync program (remote source only)
+# id_file = ssh key file (remote source only)
+# batch = set to "yes" to rsync use a batch file as source
+# batchbase = folder where the batch file is located
+# filelist = set yes if you want rsync to use a file list source
+# filelistbase = folder where the file list is placed
+# [dest]
+# dest = backup destination type (local or remote)
+# testconnect = when "yes", test the connection for a remote source before backup
+# ssh = ssh command line (remote dest only)
+# protocol = ssh or rsync (remote dest only)
+# numericids = when set to 1, use numeric ids instead of user/group mappings on rsync
+# compress = if set to 1, compress data on rsync (remote source only)
+# host = destination host name (remote destination only)
+# port = remote port number (remote destination only)
+# user = remote user name (remote destination only)
+# id_file = ssh key file (remote destination only)
+# bandwidthlimit = set a bandwidth limit in KB/s (remote destination only)
+# remote_rsync = remote rsync program (remote dest only)
+# batch = set to "yes" to rsync write a batch file from the changes
+# batchbase = folder where the batch file should be written
+# fakesuper = set to yes so rsync use the --fake-super flag (remote destination only)
+# [services]
+# initscripts = absolute path where scripts are located
+# service = script name to be stoped at the begining of the backup and started at its end
+# You can also specify some system comands if you don't want the default system values:
+# [system]
+# rm = rm command
+# cp = cp command
+# touch = touch command
+# mv = mv command
+# fsck = fsck command
+# You dont need to manually specify vservers using "include = /vservers".
+# They are automatically backuped if vserver is set to "yes" on you backupninja.conf.
+# function definitions
+function eval_config {
+ # system section
+ setsection system
+ getconf rm rm
+ getconf cp cp
+ getconf touch touch
+ getconf mv mv
+ getconf fsck fsck
+ # general section
+ setsection general
+ getconf log /var/log/backup/rsync.log
+ getconf partition
+ getconf fscheck
+ getconf read_only
+ getconf mountpoint
+ getconf backupdir
+ getconf format short
+ getconf days 7
+ getconf keepdaily 5
+ getconf keepweekly 3
+ getconf keepmonthly 1
+ getconf nicelevel 0
+ getconf enable_mv_timestamp_bug no
+ getconf tmp /tmp
+ getconf multiconnection no
+ # source section
+ setsection source
+ getconf from local
+ getconf rsync $RSYNC
+ getconf rsync_options "-av --delete --recursive"
+ if [ "$from" == "remote" ]; then
+ getconf testconnect no
+ getconf protocol ssh
+ getconf ssh ssh
+ getconf host
+ if [ "$protocol" == "ssh" ]; then
+ # sshd default listen port
+ getconf port 22
+ else
+ # rsyncd default listen port
+ getconf port 873
+ fi
+ getconf user
+ getconf bandwidthlimit
+ getconf remote_rsync rsync
+ getconf id_file /root/.ssh/id_dsa
+ fi
+ getconf batch no
+ if [ "$batch" == "yes" ]; then
+ getconf batchbase
+ if [ ! -z "$batchbase" ]; then
+ batch="read"
+ fi
+ fi
+ getconf filelist no
+ getconf filelistbase
+ getconf include
+ getconf exclude
+ getconf exclude_vserver
+ getconf numericids 0
+ getconf compress 0
+ # dest section
+ setsection dest
+ getconf dest local
+ getconf fakesuper no
+ if [ "$dest" == "remote" ]; then
+ getconf testconnect no
+ getconf protocol ssh
+ getconf ssh ssh
+ getconf host
+ if [ "$protocol" == "ssh" ]; then
+ # sshd default listen port
+ getconf port 22
+ else
+ # rsyncd default listen port
+ getconf port 873
+ fi
+ getconf user
+ getconf bandwidthlimit
+ getconf remote_rsync rsync
+ getconf id_file /root/.ssh/id_dsa
+ fi
+ getconf batch no
+ if [ "$batch" != "yes" ]; then
+ getconf batch no
+ if [ "$batch" == "yes" ]; then
+ getconf batchbase
+ if [ ! -z "$batchbase" ]; then
+ batch="write"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ getconf numericids 0
+ getconf compress 0
+ # services section
+ setsection services
+ getconf initscripts /etc/init.d
+ getconf service
+ # config check
+ if [ "$dest" != "local" ] && [ "$from" == "remote" ]; then
+ fatal "When source is remote, destination should be local."
+ fi
+ if [ "$from" != "local" ] && [ "$from" != "remote" ]; then
+ fatal "Invalid source $from"
+ fi
+ backupdir="$mountpoint/$backupdir"
+ if [ "$dest" == "local" ] && [ ! -d "$backupdir" ]; then
+ fatal "Backupdir $backupdir does not exist"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "$log" ]; then
+ mkdir -p `dirname $log`
+ fi
+ if [ "$format" == "short" ]; then
+ if [ -z "$days" ]; then
+ keep="4"
+ else
+ keep=$[$days - 1]
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "$nicelevel" ]; then
+ nice="nice -n $nicelevel"
+ else
+ nice=""
+ fi
+ ssh_cmd_base="ssh -T -o PasswordAuthentication=no -p $port -i $id_file"
+ ssh_cmd="$ssh_cmd_base $user@$host"
+ if [ "$from" == "remote" ] || [ "$dest" == "remote" ]; then
+ if [ "$testconnect" == "yes" ] && [ "$protocol" == "ssh" ]; then
+ test_connect $host $port $user $id_file
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$multiconnection" == "yes" ]; then
+ ssh_cmd="$ssh_cmd -S $tmp/%r@%h:%p"
+ fi
+ if [ $enable_mv_timestamp_bug == "yes" ]; then
+ mv=move_files
+ fi
+ set -o noglob
+ IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
+ for i in $exclude; do
+ str="${i//__star__/*}"
+ excludes="${excludes} --exclude='$str'"
+ done
+ set +o noglob
+function rotate_short {
+ local dest
+ local folder="$1"
+ local keep="$2"
+ local metadata="`dirname $folder`/metadata"
+ # No rotations
+ if [[ "$keep" -lt 1 ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ -d $folder.$keep ]; then
+ $nice $mv /$folder.$keep /$folder.tmp
+ fi
+ for ((n=$[$keep - 1]; n >= 0; n--)); do
+ if [ -d $folder.$n ]; then
+ dest=$[$n + 1]
+ $nice $mv /$folder.$n /$folder.$dest
+ $touch /$folder.$dest
+ mkdir -p $metadata/`basename $folder`.$dest
+ date +%c%n%s > $metadata/`basename $folder`.$dest/rotated
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -d $folder.tmp ]; then
+ $nice $mv /$folder.tmp /$folder.0
+ fi
+ if [ -d $folder.1 ]; then
+ $nice $cp -alf /$folder.1/. /$folder.0
+ fi
+ # Cleanup orphaned metadata
+ for file in `ls $metadata`; do
+ if [ ! -d "`dirname $folder`/$file" ]; then
+ debug "removing orphaned metadata $file"
+ rm -rf $metadata/$file
+ fi
+ done
+function rotate_short_remote {
+ local folder="$1"
+ local metadata="`dirname $folder`/metadata"
+ local keep="$2"
+ # No rotations
+ if [[ "$keep" -lt 1 ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ $ssh_cmd <<EOF
+ if [ -d $folder.$keep ]; then
+ $nice mv /$folder.$keep /$folder.tmp
+ fi
+ for ((n=$(($keep - 1)); n >= 0; n--)); do
+ if [ -d $folder.\$n ]; then
+ dest=\$((\$n + 1))
+ $nice mv /$folder.\$n /$folder.\$dest
+ touch /$folder.\$dest
+ mkdir -p $metadata/`basename $folder`.\$dest
+ date +%c%n%s > $metadata/`basename $folder`.\$dest/rotated
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -d $folder.tmp ]; then
+ $nice mv /$folder.tmp /$folder.0
+ fi
+ if [ -d $folder.1 ]; then
+ $nice $cp -alf /$folder.1/. /$folder.0
+ fi
+ # Cleanup orphaned metadata
+ for file in \`ls $metadata\`; do
+ if [ ! -d "`dirname $folder`/\$file" ]; then
+ echo "Debug: removing orphaned metadata \$file"
+ rm -rf $metadata/\$file
+ fi
+ done
+ ##### END REMOTE SCRIPT #######
+) | (while read a; do passthru $a; done)
+function rotate_long {
+ backuproot="$1"
+ seconds_daily=86400
+ seconds_weekly=604800
+ seconds_monthly=2628000
+ keepdaily=$keepdaily
+ keepweekly=$keepweekly
+ keepmonthly=$keepmonthly
+ now=`date +%s`
+ local metadata
+ if [ ! -d "$backuproot" ]; then
+ warning "Skipping rotate of $backuproot as it doesn't exist."
+ return
+ fi
+ for rottype in daily weekly monthly; do
+ seconds=$((seconds_${rottype}))
+ dir="$backuproot/$rottype"
+ metadata="$backuproot/metadata/$rottype"
+ mkdir -p $metadata.1
+ if [ ! -d $dir.1 ]; then
+ echo "Debug: $dir.1 does not exist, skipping."
+ continue 1
+ elif [ ! -f $metadata.1/created ] && [ ! -f $metadata.1/rotated ]; then
+ warning "Warning: metadata does not exist for $dir.1. This backup may be only partially completed. Skipping rotation."
+ continue 1
+ fi
+ # Rotate the current list of backups, if we can.
+ oldest=`find $backuproot -maxdepth 1 -type d -name $rottype'.*' | /bin/sed -e 's/^.*\.//' | sort -n | tail -1`
+ [ "$oldest" == "" ] && oldest=0
+ for (( i=$oldest; i > 0; i-- )); do
+ if [ -d $dir.$i ]; then
+ if [ -f $metadata.$i/created ]; then
+ created=`tail -1 $metadata.$i/created`
+ elif [ -f $metadata.$i/rotated ]; then
+ created=`tail -1 $metadata.$i/rotated`
+ else
+ created=0
+ fi
+ # Validate created date
+ if [ -z "$created" ] || echo $created | grep -v -q -e '^[0-9]*$'; then
+ warning "Invalid metadata $created. Skipping rotation."
+ break
+ fi
+ cutoff_time=$(( now - (seconds*(i-1)) ))
+ if [ ! $created -gt $cutoff_time ]; then
+ next=$(( i + 1 ))
+ if [ ! -d $dir.$next ]; then
+ debug "$rottype.$i --> $rottype.$next"
+ $nice mv $dir.$i $dir.$next
+ mkdir -p $metadata.$next
+ date +%c%n%s > $metadata.$next/rotated
+ if [ -f $metadata.$i/created ]; then
+ $nice mv $metadata.$i/created $metadata.$next
+ fi
+ else
+ debug "skipping rotation of $dir.$i because $dir.$next already exists."
+ fi
+ else
+ debug "skipping rotation of $dir.$i because it was created" $(( (now-created)/86400)) "days ago ("$(( (now-cutoff_time)/86400))" needed)."
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ max=$((keepdaily+1))
+ if [ $keepweekly -gt 0 -a -d $backuproot/daily.$max -a ! -d $backuproot/weekly.1 ]; then
+ debug "daily.$max --> weekly.1"
+ $nice mv $backuproot/daily.$max $backuproot/weekly.1
+ mkdir -p $backuproot/metadata/weekly.1
+ date +%c%n%s > $backuproot/metadata/weekly.1/rotated
+ #if [ -f $backuproot/metadata/daily.$max/created ]; then
+ # $nice mv $backuproot/metadata/daily.$max/created $backuproot/metadata/weekly.1/
+ #fi
+ fi
+ max=$((keepweekly+1))
+ if [ $keepmonthly -gt 0 -a -d $backuproot/weekly.$max -a ! -d $backuproot/monthly.1 ]; then
+ debug "weekly.$max --> monthly.1"
+ $nice mv $backuproot/weekly.$max $backuproot/monthly.1
+ mkdir -p $backuproot/metadata/monthly.1
+ date +%c%n%s > $backuproot/metadata/monthly.1/rotated
+ #if [ -f $backuproot/metadata/weekly.$max/created ]; then
+ # $nice mv $backuproot/metadata/weekly.$max/created $backuproot/metadata/weekly.1/
+ #fi
+ fi
+ for rottype in daily weekly monthly; do
+ max=$((keep${rottype}+1))
+ dir="$backuproot/$rottype"
+ oldest=`find $backuproot -maxdepth 1 -type d -name $rottype'.*' | /bin/sed -e 's/^.*\.//' | sort -n | tail -1`
+ [ "$oldest" == "" ] && oldest=0
+ # if we've rotated the last backup off the stack, remove it.
+ for (( i=$oldest; i >= $max; i-- )); do
+ if [ -d $dir.$i ]; then
+ if [ -d $backuproot/rotate.tmp ]; then
+ debug "removing rotate.tmp"
+ $nice rm -rf $backuproot/rotate.tmp
+ fi
+ debug "moving $rottype.$i to rotate.tmp"
+ $nice mv $dir.$i $backuproot/rotate.tmp
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ # Cleanup orphaned metadata
+ for file in `ls $backuproot/metadata`; do
+ if [ ! -d "$backuproot/$file" ]; then
+ debug "removing orphaned metadata $file"
+ rm -rf $backuproot/metadata/$file
+ fi
+ done
+function rotate_long_remote {
+ local backuproot="$1"
+ $ssh_cmd <<EOF
+ seconds_daily=86400
+ seconds_weekly=604800
+ seconds_monthly=2628000
+ keepdaily=$keepdaily
+ keepweekly=$keepweekly
+ keepmonthly=$keepmonthly
+ now=\`date +%s\`
+ if [ ! -d "$backuproot" ]; then
+ echo "Fatal: skipping rotate of $backuproot as it doesn't exist."
+ exit
+ fi
+ for rottype in daily weekly monthly; do
+ seconds=\$((seconds_\${rottype}))
+ dir="$backuproot/\$rottype"
+ metadata="$backuproot/metadata/\$rottype"
+ mkdir -p \$metadata.1
+ if [ ! -d \$dir.1 ]; then
+ echo "Debug: \$dir.1 does not exist, skipping."
+ continue 1
+ elif [ ! -f \$metadata.1/created ] && [ ! -f \$metadata.1/rotated ]; then
+ echo "Warning: metadata does not exist for \$dir.1. This backup may be only partially completed. Skipping rotation."
+ continue 1
+ fi
+ # Rotate the current list of backups, if we can.
+ oldest=\`find $backuproot -maxdepth 1 -type d -name \$rottype'.*' | /bin/sed -e 's/^.*\.//' | sort -n | tail -1\`
+ [ "\$oldest" == "" ] && oldest=0
+ for (( i=\$oldest; i > 0; i-- )); do
+ if [ -d \$dir.\$i ]; then
+ if [ -f \$metadata.\$i/created ]; then
+ created=\`tail -1 \$metadata.\$i/created\`
+ elif [ -f \$metadata.\$i/rotated ]; then
+ created=\`tail -1 \$metadata.\$i/rotated\`
+ else
+ created=0
+ fi
+ # Validate created date
+ if [ -z "\$created" ] || echo \$created | grep -v -q -e '^[0-9]*$'; then
+ echo "Warning: Invalid metadata \$created. Skipping rotation."
+ break
+ fi
+ cutoff_time=\$(( now - (seconds*(i-1)) ))
+ if [ ! \$created -gt \$cutoff_time ]; then
+ next=\$(( i + 1 ))
+ if [ ! -d \$dir.\$next ]; then
+ echo "Debug: \$rottype.\$i --> \$rottype.\$next"
+ $nice mv \$dir.\$i \$dir.\$next
+ mkdir -p \$metadata.\$next
+ date +%c%n%s > \$metadata.\$next/rotated
+ if [ -f \$metadata.\$i/created ]; then
+ $nice mv \$metadata.\$i/created \$metadata.\$next
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Debug: skipping rotation of \$dir.\$i because \$dir.\$next already exists."
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Debug: skipping rotation of \$dir.\$i because it was created" \$(( (now-created)/86400)) "days ago ("\$(( (now-cutoff_time)/86400))" needed)."
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ max=\$((keepdaily+1))
+ if [ \$keepweekly -gt 0 -a -d $backuproot/daily.\$max -a ! -d $backuproot/weekly.1 ]; then
+ echo "Debug: daily.\$max --> weekly.1"
+ $nice mv $backuproot/daily.\$max $backuproot/weekly.1
+ mkdir -p $backuproot/metadata/weekly.1
+ date +%c%n%s > $backuproot/metadata/weekly.1/rotated
+ #if [ -f $backuproot/metadata/daily.\$max/created ]; then
+ # $nice mv $backuproot/metadata/daily.\$max/created $backuproot/metadata/weekly.1/
+ #fi
+ fi
+ max=\$((keepweekly+1))
+ if [ \$keepmonthly -gt 0 -a -d $backuproot/weekly.\$max -a ! -d $backuproot/monthly.1 ]; then
+ echo "Debug: weekly.\$max --> monthly.1"
+ $nice mv $backuproot/weekly.\$max $backuproot/monthly.1
+ mkdir -p $backuproot/metadata/monthly.1
+ date +%c%n%s > $backuproot/metadata/monthly.1/rotated
+ #if [ -f $backuproot/metadata/weekly.\$max/created ]; then
+ # $nice mv $backuproot/metadata/weekly.\$max/created $backuproot/metadata/weekly.1/
+ #fi
+ fi
+ for rottype in daily weekly monthly; do
+ max=\$((keep\${rottype}+1))
+ dir="$backuproot/\$rottype"
+ oldest=\`find $backuproot -maxdepth 1 -type d -name \$rottype'.*' | /bin/sed -e 's/^.*\.//' | sort -n | tail -1\`
+ [ "\$oldest" == "" ] && oldest=0
+ # if we've rotated the last backup off the stack, remove it.
+ for (( i=\$oldest; i >= \$max; i-- )); do
+ if [ -d \$dir.\$i ]; then
+ if [ -d $backuproot/rotate.tmp ]; then
+ echo "Debug: removing rotate.tmp"
+ $nice rm -rf $backuproot/rotate.tmp
+ fi
+ echo "Debug: moving \$rottype.\$i to rotate.tmp"
+ $nice mv \$dir.\$i $backuproot/rotate.tmp
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ # Cleanup orphaned metadata
+ for file in \`ls $backuproot/metadata\`; do
+ if [ ! -d "$backuproot/\$file" ]; then
+ echo "Debug: removing orphaned metadata \$file"
+ rm -rf $backuproot/metadata/\$file
+ fi
+ done
+ ##### END REMOTE SCRIPT #######
+) | (while read a; do passthru $a; done)
+function setup_long_dirs {
+ local destdir=$1
+ local backuptype=$2
+ local dir="$destdir/$backuptype"
+ local tmpdir="$destdir/rotate.tmp"
+ local metadata="$destdir/metadata/$backuptype.1"
+ if [ ! -d $destdir ]; then
+ echo "Creating destination directory $destdir..."
+ mkdir -p $destdir
+ fi
+ if [ -d $dir.1 ]; then
+ if [ -f $metadata/created ]; then
+ echo "Warning: $dir.1 already exists. Overwriting contents."
+ else
+ echo "Warning: we seem to be resuming a partially written $dir.1"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ -d $tmpdir ]; then
+ mv $tmpdir $dir.1
+ if [ $? == 1 ]; then
+ fatal "Could not move $tmpdir to $dir.1 on host $host"
+ fi
+ else
+ mkdir --parents $dir.1
+ if [ $? == 1 ]; then
+ fatal "Could not create directory $dir.1 on host $host"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -d $dir.2 ]; then
+ echo "Debug: update links $backuptype.2 --> $backuptype.1"
+ cp -alf $dir.2/. $dir.1
+ #if [ $? == 1 ]; then
+ # fatal "Could not create hard links to $dir.1 on host $host"
+ #fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ [ -f $metadata/created ] && rm $metadata/created
+ [ -f $metadata/rotated ] && rm $metadata/rotated
+function setup_long_dirs_remote {
+ local destdir=$1
+ local backuptype=$2
+ local dir="$destdir/$backuptype"
+ local tmpdir="$destdir/rotate.tmp"
+ local metadata="$destdir/metadata/$backuptype.1"
+ $ssh_cmd <<EOF
+ if [ ! -d $destdir ]; then
+ echo "Creating destination directory $destdir on $host..."
+ mkdir -p $destdir
+ fi
+ if [ -d $dir.1 ]; then
+ if [ -f $metadata/created ]; then
+ echo "Warning: $dir.1 already exists. Overwriting contents."
+ else
+ echo "Warning: we seem to be resuming a partially written $dir.1"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ -d $tmpdir ]; then
+ mv $tmpdir $dir.1
+ if [ \$? == 1 ]; then
+ echo "Fatal: could mv $destdir/rotate.tmp $dir.1 on host $host"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ mkdir --parents $dir.1
+ if [ \$? == 1 ]; then
+ echo "Fatal: could not create directory $dir.1 on host $host"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -d $dir.2 ]; then
+ echo "Debug: update links $backuptype.2 --> $backuptype.1"
+ cp -alf $dir.2/. $dir.1
+ #if [ \$? == 1 ]; then
+ # echo "Fatal: could not create hard links to $dir.1 on host $host"
+ # exit 1
+ #fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ [ -f $metadata/created ] && rm $metadata/created
+ [ -f $metadata/rotated ] && rm $metadata/rotated
+ ##### END REMOTE SCRIPT #######
+) | (while read a; do passthru $a; done)
+function move_files {
+ ref=$tmp/makesnapshot-mymv-$$;
+ $touch -r $1 $ref;
+ $mv $1 $2;
+ $touch -r $ref $2;
+ $rm $ref;
+function prepare_storage {
+ section="`basename $SECTION`"
+ if [ "$format" == "short" ]; then
+ suffix="$section.0"
+ info "Rotating $backupdir/$SECTION..."
+ echo "Rotating $backupdir/$SECTION..." >> $log
+ if [ "$dest" == "remote" ]; then
+ rotate_short_remote $backupdir/$SECTION/$section $keep
+ else
+ rotate_short $backupdir/$SECTION/$section $keep
+ if [ ! -d "$backupdir/$SECTION/$section.0" ]; then
+ mkdir -p $backupdir/$SECTION/$section.0
+ fi
+ fi
+ elif [ "$format" == "long" ]; then
+ if [ $keepdaily -gt 0 ]; then
+ btype=daily
+ elif [ $keepweekly -gt 0 ]; then
+ btype=weekly
+ elif [ $keepmonthly -gt 0 ]; then
+ btype=monthly
+ else
+ fatal "keeping no backups";
+ fi
+ suffix="$btype.1"
+ info "Rotating $backupdir/$SECTION/..."
+ echo "Rotating $backupdir/$SECTION/..." >> $log
+ if [ "$dest" == "remote" ]; then
+ rotate_long_remote $backupdir/$SECTION
+ setup_long_dirs_remote $backupdir/$SECTION $btype
+ else
+ rotate_long $backupdir/$SECTION
+ setup_long_dirs $backupdir/$SECTION $btype
+ fi
+ elif [ "$format" == "mirror" ]; then
+ suffix=""
+ else
+ fatal "Invalid backup format $format"
+ fi
+function set_orig {
+ if [ "$from" == "local" ]; then
+ orig="/$SECTION/"
+ elif [ "$from" == "remote" ]; then
+ if [ "$protocol" == "rsync" ]; then
+ orig="rsync://$user@$host:$port/$SECTION/"
+ else
+ orig="$user@$host:/$SECTION/"
+ fi
+ fi
+function set_dest {
+ if [ "$dest" == "local" ]; then
+ dest_path="$backupdir/$SECTION/$suffix/"
+ else
+ if [ "$protocol" == "rsync" ]; then
+ dest_path="rsync://$user@$host:$port/$backupdir/$SECTION/$suffix/"
+ else
+ dest_path="$user@$host:$backupdir/$SECTION/$suffix/"
+ fi
+ fi
+function set_batch_mode {
+ local batch_file="$batchbase/$SECTION/$suffix"
+ if [ "$batch" == "read" ]; then
+ if [ -e "$batch_file" ]; then
+ orig=""
+ excludes=""
+ batch_option="--read-batch=$batch_file"
+ else
+ fatal "Batch file not found: $batch_file"
+ fi
+ elif [ "$batch" == "write" ]; then
+ mkdir -p `dirname $batch_file`
+ batch_option="--write-batch=$batch_file"
+ fi
+function update_metadata {
+ local metadata
+ local folder
+ if [ "$dest" == "local" ]; then
+ metadata="`dirname $dest_path`/metadata/`basename $dest_path`"
+ mkdir -p $metadata
+ # Use the backup start time and not the time the backup was
+ # finished, otherwise daily rotations might not take place.
+ # If we used backup end time, in the next handler run
+ # we might not have $now - $created >= 24:00
+ echo "$starttime" > $metadata/created
+ $touch $backupdir/$SECTION/$suffix
+ else
+ folder="`echo $dest_path | cut -d : -f 2`"
+ metadata="`dirname $folder`/metadata/`basename $folder`"
+ $ssh_cmd <<EOF
+ mkdir -p $metadata
+ # Use the backup start time and not the time the backup was
+ # finished, otherwise daily rotations might not take place.
+ # If we used backup end time, in the next handler run
+ # we might not have $now - $created >= 24:00
+ echo "$starttime" > $metadata/created
+ ##### END REMOTE SCRIPT #######
+) | (while read a; do passthru $a; done)
+ fi
+function test_connect {
+ local host="$1"
+ local port="$2"
+ local user="$3"
+ local id_file="$4"
+ if [ -z "$host" ] || [ -z "$user" ]; then
+ fatal "Remote host or user not set"
+ fi
+ debug "$ssh_cmd 'echo -n 1'"
+ result=`$ssh_cmd 'echo -n 1'`
+ if [ "$result" != "1" ]; then
+ fatal "Can't connect to $host as $user."
+ else
+ debug "Connected to $host successfully"
+ fi
+function set_filelist {
+ filelist_flag=""
+ if [ "$filelist" == "yes" ]; then
+ if [ ! -z "$filelistbase" ]; then
+ if [ -e "$filelistbase/$SECTION/$suffix" ]; then
+ filelist_flag="--files-from=$filelistbase/$SECTION/$suffix"
+ else
+ warning "File list $filelistbase/$SECTION/$suffix not found."
+ fi
+ else
+ warning "No filelistbase set."
+ fi
+ fi
+function set_rsync_options {
+ if [ "$numericids" != "0" ]; then
+ rsync_options="$rsync_options --numeric-ids"
+ fi
+ if [ "$from" == "local" ] || [ "$dest" == "local" ]; then
+ # rsync options for local sources or destinations
+ true
+ fi
+ if [ "$from" == "remote" ] || [ "$dest" == "remote" ]; then
+ # rsync options for remote sources or destinations
+ if [ "$compress" == "1" ]; then
+ rsync_options="$rsync_options --compress"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "$bandwidthlimit" ]; then
+ rsync_options="$rsync_options --bwlimit=$bandwidthlimit"
+ fi
+ if [ "$fakesuper" == "yes" ]; then
+ remote_rsync="$remote_rsync --fake-super"
+ fi
+ if [ "$protocol" == "ssh" ]; then
+ if [ ! -e "$id_file" ]; then
+ fatal "SSH Identity file $id_file not found"
+ else
+ debug RSYNC_RSH=\"$ssh_cmd_base\"
+ echo RSYNC_RSH=\"$ssh_cmd_base\" >> $log
+ export RSYNC_RSH="$ssh_cmd_base"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Mangle rsync_options so we can use quotes after all other
+ # options were evaluated.
+ if [ "$from" == "local" ] && [ "$dest" == "local" ]; then
+ rsync_options=($rsync_options)
+ else
+ rsync_options=($rsync_options --rsync-path="$remote_rsync")
+ fi
+ include_vservers
+function stop_services {
+ if [ ! -z "$service" ]; then
+ for daemon in $service; do
+ info "Stopping service $daemon..."
+ $initscripts/$daemon stop
+ done
+ fi
+function start_services {
+ # restart services
+ if [ ! -z "$service" ]; then
+ for daemon in $service; do
+ info "Starting service $daemon..."
+ $initscripts/$daemon start
+ done
+ fi
+function mount_rw {
+ # mount backup destination folder as read-write
+ if [ "$dest" == "local" ]; then
+ if [ "$read_only" == "1" ] || [ "$read_only" == "yes" ]; then
+ if [ -d "$mountpoint" ]; then
+ mount -o remount,rw $mountpoint
+ if (($?)); then
+ fatal "Could not mount $mountpoint"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+function mount_ro {
+ # remount backup destination as read-only
+ if [ "$dest" == "local" ]; then
+ if [ "$read_only" == "1" ] || [ "$read_only" == "yes" ]; then
+ mount -o remount,ro $mountpoint
+ fi
+ fi
+function run_fsck {
+ # check partition for errors
+ if [ "$dest" == "local" ]; then
+ if [ "$fscheck" == "1" ] || [ "$fscheck" == "yes" ]; then
+ umount $mountpoint
+ if (($?)); then
+ warning "Could not umount $mountpoint to run fsck"
+ else
+ $nice $fsck -v -y $partition >> $log
+ mount $mountpoint
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+function include_vservers {
+ # add vservers to included folders
+ if [ "$vservers_are_available" == "yes" ]; then
+ # sane permission on backup
+ mkdir -p $backupdir/$VROOTDIR
+ chmod 000 $backupdir/$VROOTDIR
+ for candidate in $found_vservers; do
+ candidate="`basename $candidate`"
+ found_excluded_vserver="0"
+ for excluded_vserver in $exclude_vserver; do
+ if [ "$excluded_vserver" == "$candidate" ]; then
+ found_excluded_vserver="1"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$found_excluded_vserver" == "0" ]; then
+ include="$include $VROOTDIR/$candidate"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+function start_mux {
+ if [ "$multiconnection" == "yes" ]; then
+ debug "Starting master ssh connection"
+ $ssh_cmd -M sleep 1d &
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+function end_mux {
+ if [ "$multiconnection" == "yes" ]; then
+ debug "Stopping master ssh connection"
+ $ssh_cmd pkill sleep
+ fi
+function set_pipefail {
+ # Save initial pipefail status for later restoration
+ if echo "$SHELLOPTS" | grep -q ":pipefail"; then
+ pipefail="-o"
+ else
+ pipefail="+o"
+ fi
+ # Ensure that a non-zero rsync exit status is caught by our handler
+ set -o pipefail
+function restore_pipefail {
+ if [ ! -z "$pipefail" ]; then
+ set $pipefail pipefail
+ fi
+function check_rsync_exit_status {
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ case $1 in
+ 0)
+ return
+ ;;
+ 1|2|3|4|5|6|10|11|12|13|14|21)
+ fatal "Rsync error $1 when trying to transfer $SECTION"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ warning "Rsync error $1 when trying to transfer $SECTION"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# the backup procedure
+starttime="`date +%c%n%s`"
+echo "Starting backup at `echo "$starttime" | head -n 1`" >> $log
+for SECTION in $include; do
+ prepare_storage
+ set_orig
+ set_batch_mode
+ set_filelist
+ set_dest
+ info "Syncing $SECTION on $dest_path..."
+ debug $nice $rsync ${rsync_options[*]} $filelist_flag $excludes $batch_option $orig $dest_path
+ set_pipefail
+ $nice su -c "$rsync ${rsync_options[*]} --delete-excluded $filelist_flag $excludes $batch_option $orig $dest_path" | tee -a $log
+ check_rsync_exit_status $?
+ restore_pipefail
+ update_metadata
+echo "Finnishing backup at `date`" >> $log